Gas Tech, Inc.’s OX-90 Personal Portable Oxygen Detector offers continuous oxygen content monitoring. Compact, lightweight, audible, and visual alarm signals are featured. Illuminated LCD displays oxygen conccntration in average or peak values, battery voltage, or elapsed time since the detector has been turned on. Output jacks allow connection of a recorder, earphone, or external alarm for high noise environments.
Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card
Jaffrey Fire Protection Company, Inc.’s Jafline 800 is a double jacket ultra light attack hose. The 800 features a Hypalon® coated jacket, an inner jacket of high-strength tightly woven synthetic fiber, and a thermoplastic liner Available in four diameters from 1 ½” to 3″.
Circle No. II on Reader Service Card
The new Band-It Tool features easy clamping and extended tool life. Used to apply Band-It bands and buckles, strapping, and fire-end clamps, the tool has a tensioning capability of over 2.400 lbs. and includes a built-in cutter. Improvements include a spring loaded gripper lever and a friction cut-off lever.
Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card
Genelco, Division of Bindicator, offers the Levelite 12-561 remote sensing probe. Detects the presence or absence of liquid without coming in contact with the material by using a light source and an optic receiver. Made of polypropylene and has no mechanical parts.
Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card
Justrite Mfg.’s OverpacTM Salvage Drum includes a cushioning, high absorbency phenolic foam to prevent excess movement of the damaged drum and absorb any free liquid. The foam is compatible with a broad range of chemicals and is nontoxic, inert, nonflammable, and lightweight.
Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card
Rockford Medical & Safety Co.’s Survival Kit contains emergency medical products ranging from a CPR mask, sphygmomanometer, and a stethoscope to trauma packs, burn sheets, and a rescue blanket. Comes complete in a blue cordura nylon EM Soft Case.
Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card
David Clark Co., Inc.’s Model H7240 voiceactivated (VOX) headset features a noisecanceling electret microphone. Also has manual push-to-talk mode (button on earcup). Connects to any portable two-way radio. Adjustable VOX sensitivity, self-contained battery. Available with throat microphone on adjustable velcro strap. Can be worn with head gear and operated in noise levels up to 125 dB.
Circle No. 16 on Reader Service Card
Frost Engineering Development Corp.’s Rope RiderTM Descender is used to control the speed of a user’s descent with a patented V-Slot mechanism. By releasing the control a sure stopped position is maintained. The ‘ Rope Rider™ is made of a high-strength handle, aluminum alloy and has been fieldtested.
Circle No. 17 on Reader Service Card
Pyrotector’s Model 30-2054 and 30-2054A are infrared detectors that spot quarter-inch glowing embers in eight milliseconds. They can be mounted to any flat surface and are equipped with a frill face neoprene gasket to prevent air leakage or external light infiltration.
Circle No. 18 on Reader Service Card
HazMat Control Systems, Inc. software system HAZWASTE version 5.0 is designed to assist users in managing hazardous waste data and routine paperwork and fulfilling reporting tasks required by government agencies. It operates on IBM-compatible computers with 512 RAM and a 20 MB hard drive.
Circle No. 19 on Reader Service Card
Quest Electronics’ Questemp0 I Personal Temperature Monitor warns the w’earer of elevating body temperatures. It consists of a lightweight temperature sensor housed in a comfortable foam earplug and a pocket-size control module. A miniature speaker on a small earloop and an LED indicator on the module alarm the user to rising body temperatures.
Circle No. 20 on Reader Service Card
Iowa-Amcrican Firefighting Equipment Co., Inc.’s “Lollypop” (Model DC-1) is a simple to use, positive in operation door chock. Adjustable to handle almost any door hinge in use today from simple pin hinges to the heavy duty self-closing hinges.
Circle No. 21 on Reader Service Card
Heads Up!™ is a carbon monoxide detector that can be clipped to a shirt or mounted on most surfaces with its adhesive backing. When exposed to CO, the circle turns gray or black, depending on concentration levels. When the air freshens, the circle turns its original color.
Circle No. 22 on Reader Service Cord
Clarion Corporation of America’s Rear View Monitor System allows the driver of a large vehicle to see blind spots. A sturdy, compact, weather-resistant camera with a wide angle lens and a 4.5″ TV monitor give the driver a mirror image view from the rear of the vehicle. A metal camera lense cover closes when not in operation.
Circle No. 23 on Reader Service Card
HD Electric Co.’s Model R Versa-Lite has a 250,000 candle-power quartz halogen beam that can be seen brightly from over one mile away. It is weather-resistant, is made of high-impact safety-yellow polypropylene, and operates on a rechargeable battery. Batteries, power cord, and recharger are included.
Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Card
The Falcon DirectTM VIP monitor pager is available in the VHF low and high band frequency ranges. Tone alert and voice message compatibility with Motorola, G.E., Reach, and Plectron alerting systems. Selective alert and continuous monitor modes. Carrying case, group call, and vibrator available.
Crete No. 25 on Reader Service Card
Star Sprinkler Corp. guarantees fast delivers’ of its dry pendent sprinklers. All Star dry pendents feature ½” adjustment and competitive prices.
Circle No. 26 on Reader Service Card
Acetrain Organisation’s Ultra-Mist Variflow is a system for rapid, high-volume generation of smoke. It features variable output, ducting. and remote control facility.
Circle No. 27 on Reader Service Card
Intermark World Products Ltd.’s Nile Tracker Spotlight is a 500,000 candlepower, cordless, hand held, rechargeable searchlight that can cut through smoke, rain, snow, and fog. Patented l.amp GuardTM, compact, pistolgrip design. Two color filters and 120-volt AC and 12-volt DC charger adapters included.
Circle No. 28 on Reader Service Cord
Containment Corp.’s Contain IT® Space SaverTM is a two-drum secondary containment unit that exceeds the Uniform Fire Code 1988, Div. 80, requirements for containment. The 34″ wide and 67″ long steel structure can be moved by forklift with the drums in place. The 20-lb. polyethylene tray slides out for easy cleaning and/or pumping. Rain cover provided.
Circle No. 29 on Reader Service Card
Mine Safety Appliances Co.’s First TeamTM HazMat Suit is a lightweight total-encapsulating suit intended for use in Level A situations. Constructed of a synthetic composite that is laminated on both sides with inert thermoplastic films, completely seals, has a wide-vision viewing window, and has batwing sleeves for access to respirator controls from within.
Circle No. 30 on Reader Service Card
Chem-Tex Corp.’s Model #952 Suit-Alert ™ is a haz-mat suit gas detector that detects over 100 toxic/combustible vapors and gases. A high audible pulsing buzzer and a red light alert the user to take corrective action. It is constructed of high-impact plastic and powered by a 9V battery.
Circle No. 31 on Reader Service Card
PEMNA, Portable Elevated Monitor Nozzle Attachment, is a compact, lightweight, corrosionproof monitor measuring 9″ wide, 18″ high, and 17″ long. PEMNA can flow up to 1000 gpm and has a low friction loss factor. The clamp has rubber-coated inner surfaces and opens to 2 3/4″. Can be left completely unmanned once positioned and locked. Accessories available.
Circle No. 32 on Reader Service Card
Sensidyne, Inc.’s combustible gas monitoring detectors evaluate ambient air for combustible gases. Housed in explosionproof conducts, each consists of a linear 4-20 mA transmitter and a catalytic bead combustible gas sensor available in several versions. Interfaces with either your computer or a Sensidyne controller.
Circle No. 33 on Reader Service Card
Transducer Research, Inc.’s Series 4000 Portable CO2 Analyzer is a hand-held unit designed for remote or local sampling of CO2 levels in real time. Continuous digital readout of CO2 levels in the 0-4000 ppm range with a sensitivitv of 50 ppm. Lightweight, battenpowered, recharger included. Options available.
Circle No. 34 on Reader Service Card
Master Bond. Inc.’s Master Bond EP30D-7, a two-component, low viscosity room temperature curing, sealing, and encapsulation compound, has insulation properties and is resistant to thermal cycling and chemicals including water, oil, and most organic solvents. Adhesive to metals, glass, ceramics, wood, vulcanized rubbers, and many plastics.
Circle No. 35 on Reader Service Card