Quality Air

Poseidon Compressor has developed a fully automatic measuring unit called Aircheck which is easy to handle, works precisely, and examines breathing air contents of CO, CO2, water vapor, and oil, using test air either from the cylinders or the compressor directly, It is housed in a solid, standard-size briefcase and can be used independently from any source of energy.

Circle no. 2 on Reader Service Card


Ferno-Washington Inc., introduces the Universal Head Immobilizer, model 445. The Immobilizer incorporates the use of high density foam head pads with a threepanel, vinyl-coated nylon base plate. It is comfortable, supportive and doesn’t interfere with x-rays.

Circle no. 6 on Reader Service Card

Temporary Dike

The Dam Kit which provides construction of a temporary dike to contain or divert liquid chemical spills is available from Lab Safety Supply Company. The kit consists of four solidification pillows, divided into three segments to allow bending and easy dike construction.

Circle no. 4 on Reader Service Card

Industrial Fire Truck

Scat Manufacturing Inc., has introduced the Scat 60, a medium duty, industrial fire truck. The Scat 60 has a six cylinder automotive engine and three-speed automatic transmission. The front-mounted pump is gear driven off the engine crank shaft. The twin booster hose reels each carry 100 feet of 3/4 inch hose and feature electric rewind. The unit has a 1 1/2 inch discharge connection on the front and another on the rear, as well as a 2 1/2 inch suction connection. The body is formed of 12 gauge steel and has recessed equipment compartments on both sides.

Circle no. 7 on Reader Service Card

Life Saving Buoy

A 150 pound test nylon line capable of hauling a person afloat or pulling a stronger line in more difficult rescue attempts, is now available from Technical Equipment Associates. The especially designed Buoy Launcher is an effective and lightweight life saving unit.

Circle no. 3 on Reader Service Card

FIRST RESPONDER AND IDENTIFICATION, A Two-Part Audio-Visual Training Program, The Hazmat Resource Inc., 2100 Raybrook, S.E., Suite 109, Grand Rapids, MI 49506.

The two segments come complete with essential element exams and instructor guides that allow training personnel to measure the impact of the program.

A Hazardous Materials Incident … The First Responder, consists, of a 19-minute video tape (or film) and study guide that provides the latest safe responses to a haz-mat emergency.

Identification Procedures for Hazardous Materials, information on how to locate and use the vital shipping papers, placards, ID numbers, hazard class and NFPA identification.

Circle no. 30 on Reader Service Card

LAFD SUV in the ocean

Los Angeles Firefighter Swept Into Ocean as Mudslides Hit CA

A Los Angeles Fire Department vehicle was pushed into the ocean as heavy rains sent debris across several roadways.

Grandville (MI) Fire Truck Hit While Responding to I-196 Rollover

Michigan State Police are reminding drivers to pull over for emergency vehicles after a fire truck was struck Wednesday night.