TOMAR Electronics Inc.’s RECT-37SS dual strobe shoots out dual-color alternating bursts of bright light angled 15° toward the intersection, giving advanced warning to approaching motorists. They can be installed individually or as part of a complete TOMAR system. Half strobe, half halogen intersection lights are also available.
Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card
Detector Systems, Inc.’s GATE I System provides emergency vehicles with priority access/identification for safe and quick passage through controlled areas. The system consists of a detector/receiver and a transmitter. The vehicle transmits a signal that is recognized at the emergency scene, and immediate access is given.
Circle No. 6 an Reader Service Card
Ken Mar’s dry hydrant/water shuttle systems carry large volume water supply to rural areas. Systems can be permanently installed in lakes and ponds.
Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Cord
The Antenna Specialists Co.’s Lifeguard IV. Model R-400 has been certified to meet the requirements of NFPA 1982 Standard on Personal Alert Safety Systems for Firefighters, 1988 Edition. Tests show the product meets or exceeds requirements for environmental integrity as well as resistance to physical damage such as impact or flames.
Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card
General Equipment Company’s EP8 portable air ventilation blower provides a continuous source of fresh air or removes dangerous gases from confined work spaces. Made of cast aluminum for greater durability, the blower has a ⅛ HP capacitor start electric motor, a replaceable fuse, and a multivaned fan of steel construction.
Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card
Gamber-Johnson’s adjustable locking mount for laptop computers is made of heavy gauge steel. Its head can adjust to any laptop, with two key locks to hold it securely in place. Steele Inc.’s Split Shoulder SteeleVests are nonmechanical body cooling semisolid gel systems that help prevent heat stress. Users detatch the hook and loop fastener tapes and the vests slide off easily. Vests are one-sizefits-all.
Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card
Circle No. II on Reader Service Card
Gilbert Emergency Lighting introduces the first emergency exit sign UL-listed as “Suitable for Low Level/Remote Installation.” The 3/4-inch Gilbert® Satellite™ offers 10 plus candlepower brightness and low-voltage disconnect and is completely rechargeable in 12 hours.
Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card
Survivair has introduced a shoulder gauge configuration for Mark II self-contained breathing apparatus.
Grde No. 13 on Reader Service Cord
HHG Inc.’s OSHA-compliant, automatic levelers attach to ladders to allow safe, stable climbing, even if there is a 15-inch difference between each leg. It adjusts itself to within VK, of an inch.
Circle No. 14 on Render Service Cord
Firesoft® has released Coast Guard Hazmat and EPA Hazmat databases, reference sources for use in the event of spills, fires, or other haz-mat incidents. The databases were created by the EPS and Coast Guard.
Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card
Carlton Industries “Drug Aware” products include decals, magnetic signs, and banners to help reinforce an anti-drug program. Employee booklets about substance abuse are also available.
Circle No. 16 on Reader Service Card
Superior Signal Company’s Colt #4 produces high volumes of nontoxic white smoke for firefighting simulations. It is lightweight and has off-power capability.
Circle No. 17 on Reader Service Card
Lectrics Lites Co.’s XMR Scout mini light bar is available in two models: The XMR R has two rotating halogen beacons with 50,000 c.p. quartz bulbs and the XMR S has two 360° strobe lights with alternating flash and builtin power supply. Both have solid-state circuits and polished reflective mirrors.
Grde No. 18 on Reader Service Card
Gaty Chemical Corporation’s thermoplastic elastomers are designed for window glazing and sealing. Forprene is an elastomeric alloy with very low compression set. Evoprene is styrene-based. GARAprene is the most costeffective.
Circle No. 29 on Reader Service Card
ACE Communications’ 100-channel, handheld receiver has continuous frequency coverage from 25 to 550 MHz and 800 to 1300 MHz. It is compact and weighs 13 ounces. An energy-saving “Sleep” mode allows the computer to power down all operating circuits and periodically power up to check for active transmissions.
Crete No. 30 on Reader Service Card
The Agilis System from Agilis Corporation is a family of hand-held, modular workstations and wireless local area networks or mobile network computing. This system packs processing power into a small, portable unit.
Grde No. 19 on Reader Service Card
Pyrotok Manufacturing Ltd.’s Infra Red voice communication system uses a light wave medium to connect the transmitter inside the face mask to the receiver outside. It has automatic volume control.
Circle No. 20 on Reader Service Card
Zodiac’s three-person Delta Console can be used in rigid-hulled inflatabies larger than 19 feet. The delta formation allows sturdier seating and room to move around the boat. The console has storage space for radio and equipment, extra padding for comfort, and special hand bars.
Grde No. 21 on Reader Service Card
Halprin Supply Company has added the P200G-17 750-cfm and the P240G 20,5000cfm models to its FORCE 10 line of gasolinepowered fans. Both feature Honda powerplants.
Grde No. 22 on Reader Service Card
Lifesaving Resources, Inc.’s Speed-Clip Backboard has a pinned head section and fully pinned hand/strap holes so clip-on straps can immobilize the entire body. Weighted foam bags prevent lateral movement of the head and cervical spine.
Cirde No. 23 on Reader Service Card
New PIG Corporation’s Barrel Top PIG® Mat is designed to contain and absorb fluids that collect on top of 55-gallon drums. They absorb drips from drum spouts and pumps before they can comtaminate workers and work areas. The mat absorbs 37 ounces of fluid and has a 3-inch diameter opening to accommodate a drum pump.
Circle No. 27 on Reader Service Card
Hale Fire Pump Company’s thermal relief valve automatically assists the pump operator in controlling potential overheating of the pump under certain operating conditions. The Model TRV120 monitors and maintains water temperature in the pump. When the temperature exceeds the setting, the valve discharges a controlling flow of water.
Circle No. 28 on Reader Service Card
ISI’s new respirator products meet NIOSH/ EPA recommendations for complete, fullface respiratory protection: Typhoon PAPR (powered air purifying respirator) provides protection with a continuous flow of cool, filtered air through a mask-mounted filler. SAFEE (Supplied Airline with Filter Emergency Egress) is a pressure-demand type-C airline respirator with escape filter.
Circle No. 32 on Reader Service Card
DMP Tool Inc.’s multipurpose tool, made of stainless steel, can be used to open fire hydrants, Storz connections, standpipes, and gas shutoffs. It can be mounted on a vehicle door, panels, or building walls with holding fixtures.
Circle No. 33 on Reader Service Cord
Aero Tec Laboratories’ Urgent Tanks are collapsible liquid storage containers that are impervious to a wide variety of chemicals, fuels, and solvents, making them ideal for cleaning up toxic spills or collecting hazardous materials from leaking equipment. Available in 50or 100-gallon capacities, they fold up into small, lightweight packages.
Grde No. 34 on Reader Service Card
Akron Brass Company’s FireCalc™ Hydraulics Pocket Computer is hand-held and designed to answer the most common water hydraulics questions. Programs calculate engine pressure, friction loss, application rate, reaction force, and more.
Grde No. 39 on Reader Service Card
Detector Electronics Corporation’s Pyrotector explosionproof smoke detector is designed to operate with both smoldering and fast-burning fires. It can be used in hazardous areas as well. Applications include combustible storage facilities, munitions manufacturing, volatile chemical storage, petroleum refineries, and turbine enclosures.
Grde No. 40 on Reader Service Card
Earmark’s Tour and Training System consists of a noise-reducing, two-way FM radio headset for a tour guide or trainer and receiveonly FM radio headsets for tour or training participants. Headsets eliminate 26 dB of external noise while allowing clear voice communications. Each group can be equipped with a hand-held transmitter for asking questions.
Circle No. 41 on Reader Service Card
Iowa American’s Hydra-Force II weighs only 16 pounds and has a two-speed pump for maximum stroke speed. High-pressure cut-in is automatic at 500 psi. Maximum extension of the jaws is 4 inches and it takes less than five strokes under no load to open to its maximum. Hydraulic fluid is nonflammable, nontoxic, and nonirritant.
Grde No. 42 on Reader Service Card
Master Bond Inc.’s U845 modified polyimide resin is an ultra-high temperature adhesive that is designed to withstand temperatures above 600°F. It is resistant to water, most chemicals and solvents, and radiation.
Cirde No. 43 on Reader Service Card
National Draeger, Inc.’s High Flow Air Filter System performs air filtration, distribution, and pressure regulation for respiratory protection equipment. The three-stage filtering system removes solid particles, liquids, hydrocarbon vapors, and odors from an air source. It also can regulate and distribute breathing air for up to eight supplied air respirators operating from 35 to 125 psig.
Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Cord
Ram Centrifugal Products RAMFAN’” 2000 is a 40-pound water-driven fan that is run from a ship’s fire main or portable firefighting pump. It is driven by a 4-horsepower motor and can clear smoke from an area of 9,000 cubic feet in five minutes.
Circle No. 25 on Reoder Service Cord
MSA’s Breathing Air Test Kit simultaneously tests for the presence of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, water vapor, and oil vapor, eliminating the time-consuming task of testing with individual detector tubes. It can test both low-pressure and high-pressure cylinders and helps comply with NFPA 1500.
Grde No. 26 on Reader Service Card
Hedland’s Lube View is a lube oil monitoring system that offers plant personnel a way to monitor and control several flow lines at a single glance. It features an aluminum manifold containing six in-line visual flow meters. Available in flow ranges front 8 ppm to 15 gpm, it monitors pressure up to 220 psi at operating temperatures of up to 220°F.
Circle No. 35 on Reader Service Card
Midland LMR’s 100-watt, wide-band SynTech II mobile radio, Model 70-0520 CWB, covers the entire 37-48 MHz range at fullrated specifications without retuning. It can be programmed for up to 320 channels. It can be used as a front-mount or remotemount mobile and the user can choose the display.
Grde No. 36 on Reader Service Card
JaBro Batteries replacement batteries are available for Motorola Radius portables. The JB9027 is a 500 mAh, 11.25 volt high power battery’ for the Motorola P50 Plus Radius.
Grde No. 37 on Reader Service Card