Filterless Infection-and Contamination-Control System

activTek Environmental’s ActivePure® Technology is a new-generation form of infection control.
Introduced to the EMS community in 2009, ActivePure® is now gaining interest in the Fire community as well. The technology provides filterless, continual air decontamination that is actively distributed throughout the environment, dramatically reducing odors as well as surface and airborne contaminants where they originate. Rigorous clinical tests have proven that ActivePure® reduces 99.8% of bacteria and viruses, including MRSA, Staph and Strep infections, E. Coli, Listeria and Pseudomonas. It has been peer reviewed and published in the Journal of Environmental Science and Technology.

activTek’s proprietary technology, using Radiant Catalytic Ionization (RCI), incorporates an exclusive honeycomb design along with a unique blend of metals in the catalyst, making it much more effective against contaminants.

Beth Krah, owner of activTek Health Solutions, states that ActivePure® makes available to the EMS and Fire communities technology that “encompasses a ‘purifying plasma’ that is continually proactive, not passive.” Whereas some systems rely on contaminated air to be carried through filters to be treated, Krah explains, “ActivePure® Technology produces a nondetectable plasma and relies on the air current to carry this technology out into the environment, reaching those small crevasses that often escape disinfecting wipes. UV lights may deactivate bacteria,” says Krah, “but ActivePure® will neutralize it on contact, dramatically reducing odors and contaminants where they start. The technology also penetrates through fabrics and interior surfaces continuing to work long after cleaners and disinfectants have evaporated.” It helps to deodorize turnout gear and boots from the toxic smoke and fire debris that linger long after the fire has been extinguished and helps to contain the spread of contaminants in sleeping and living quarters. 

Before and after results of ActivePure® Technology against bacteria and other contaminants.


In addition to upgrading in-service ambulances and rescue vehicles, the technology has applications for tactical operations, remote field operations, disaster relief/response, portable shelters, emergency operation centers, field hospitals, and military operations.

Among the variety of units available, three are mostly frequently used in EMS/Fire:

1. The Induct Line. Coverage ranges from 500 square feet (sq. ft.) to 10,000 sq. ft. and up. The Induct units are specifically designed to fit the HVAC unit. The technology then relies on the handler’s air current to disperse it out into the environment. The line is used for ambulance and rescue vehicles, fire stations, and shelters and other HVAC applications.

2. The AP5 BOE. This self-contained, fully automatic unit, which covers up to 1,500 sq. ft., is used for retrofitting ambulances and vehicles without ducted systems. This plug-in unit includes its own fan, runs on standard 12 V-AC and can be easily installed on site within minutes.

3. AP 3000. Covering up to 3,000 sq. ft., this stand-alone unit with built-in fan is a perfect fit for fire stations and shelters. It can be moved to specific areas for temporary high-level treatment, if needed. It is also useful for air treatment while the vehicle is at the station. This unit has filters to protect the machine from the environment; the filters need only to be rinsed out periodically and be put back in place.

Using the Induct 500, SJC Industries Corp. and activTek Health Solutions conducted field trials of ActivePure® technology in one of SJC’s Premiere ambulances. Independent lab results showed complete neutralization of bacteria, mold, viruses, and other contaminants. The unit continues to remain in service today. 

At less than three pounds, the Induct 500 (10.38”L x 2.25”W x 1.25”H) lends itself perfectly to the confined areas of an ambulance. (Photo courtesy of ©activTek Environmental.)

ActivePure®is also being used by fire stations (among other commercial buildings) applying for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification. 

Developers have the potential to earn innovation in design credit in addressing surface and airborne microbiological contaminants and other safety issues. 

LEED certification provides independent, third-party verification that a building project is environmentally responsible, profitable, and a healthy place to live and work. activTek products help address air-quality concerns without sacrificing energy efficiency. 



Originally showcased at the Fire Department Instructor’s Conference (FDIC) in 2010, this technology is motivating first responders to take a proactive approach to infection control.

SJC Industries, Inc. (McCoy Miller, Marque Ambulances, and Premiere) was the first in the industry to offer ActivePure® in all of its ambulances. Vice President of Operations Ron Curran states, “SJC stands completely behind this technology as the next step to ensuring the health and well-being of the EMS community.” Located in Elkhart, Indiana, SJC is the second largest ambulance manufacturer in the United States. Other EMS vehicle manufactures offering ActivePure®include Road Rescue and Excellance, Inc. Additional manufacturers are considering adding this option to their vehicles.

Atlanta-based activTek Health Solutions is the sole distributor of activTek Environmental products to the EMS community. Krah is a member of the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT) and is looking forward to the EMS World Expo in Los Vegas this fall. Interestingly enough, Krah’s great uncle, Dr. Newt Enloe, devised the first makeshift ambulance out of a log for the logging community in Chico, California, around 1904. In 1937, Dr. Enloe founded the Enloe Hospital, now known as the Enloe Medical Center, the region’s most comprehensive medical center. 

For more information on ActivePure® Technology, contact Beth Krah at 770/354-8948, or visit
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