Fire Equipment Digest

Fire Equipment Digest

Rescue Tool

Ziamatic Corp. has developed the Zico Quic-Axe super tool, that can be used as a hydrant wrench, hammer, cutting edge, pry point, nail puller, gas shut-off wrench, and prying edge in addition to the chopping function of the ax. The tool is available with either a pentagon or square hydrant wrench.

The tool, which is 15-inches long and weighs 3 1/4-pounds can be carried in its own heavy-duty sheath on a firefighter’s belt and is nickel-chrome plated. The red PVC covered handle, ribbed to make it easy to grip, is insulated against electrical shock up to 15,000 volts.

Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card

Siren Loudspeakers

Atlas Sound has introduced the model HPH-70G compact siren loudspeaker, a weatherproof, double reentrant directional unit with a compression drive that handles 58 watts when used with an electronic siren.

The unit measures 4¾ x 11¾ x 4¾-inches and has a rated spl of 124 db, four feet on axis or 126 db, one meter on axis. The installed weight is 9-pounds.

Features include a welded steel projector assembly, sealed with baked epoxy for corrosion-protection, and a removable compression driver for repairs.

Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card

Injury Kit

Edron, Inc. has developed the XL-20 Edron Simulated Injury Kit, to be used as a training aid for both medical and non-medical personnel involved in the treatment of trauma victims.

The kit can produce a minimum of 30 casualties using 20 assorted stick-on lifelike foam appliance and make-up materials. An applicator pack and instruction booklet are included.

Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card


Mack Trucks, Inc. now offers two types of approved, custom-built commercial fire chassis, the R and MC series, in addition to its established line of fire apparatus.

The Mack R model is of the conventional design with a three-man cab, standard wheelbase of 179-inches and Mack diesel engines ranging from 210 to 315 horsepower.

The Mack MC is a cab-over-engine design that can seat from two to seven persons. The standard wheelbase is 150-inches, Mack diesel engines available in the 210 to 285 horsepower range.

Both chassis feature rear-mounted 50 gallon fuel tanks, fire department air brakes, exhaust system and electrical systems. They accommodate a full range of fire bodies, including pumpers, tankers, rescue vehicles, aerial ladders and water towers.

Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card

Breathing Unit

Zee Medical Products Co., Inc. has developed the Zee Demand Valve, constructed of non-corrosive, high impact plastic and is designed to prevent clogging. All moving parts are stainless steel and all remaining parts are either chrome or nickel plated.

The flowmeter is non-position sensitive and atmospheric pressure compensated. The oxygen powered aspirator removes emesis, mucus and other bodily secretions from a patient’s airway. Disposable mask includes a six-foot oxygen supply tube with flowmeter connector.

The unit features a back yoke carrier with permanently affixed regulator, demand valve holder extension arm and balanced carrying handle.

Aluminum forging and molybdenum heat treated steel are combined and chromed to give this portable unit a weight of less than 17 pounds with a steel D cylinder and less than 21 pounds with a steel E cylinder. A release hose clamp maintains compactness. Six feet of oxygen hose, face mask and oxygen cylinder hand wheel complete this unit. Choice of Zee demand button valve or trigger arm demand valve are available.

Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card

Water-Powered Pump

Higgins Equipment Co. has developed the Higgins Turhopump, which can pump any combustible liquid and dewater basements without using electricity.

The water-turbine drive can also be used for the conveyance of sensitive media for the emptying of tank cars. It will pump out liquid down to an approximate level of 1/2-inch. It is fed with a 2 1/2-intake and two 1/2-inch discharges.

Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Card

Light Flasher

A solid-state version of Unitrol’s Hi-Beam Wig-Wag Flasher is now available from Dunbar-Nunn Corp. This device, Model 131, converts emergency vehicle headlights into warning lights.

The flasher isolates left and right hi-beams, then flashes them side-to-side. At night, low-beams furnish illumination;high-beams furnish warning. The normal dimmer switch overrides flashing when full use of high-beam is wanted.

The unit mounts in the engine compartment and connects into existing headlight wires without rewiring. All normal headlight functions are retained whether used on two or four-light vehicles.

Circle No. 4 on Reader Service Card

EMT Jackets

Zee Medical Products Co., Inc. has developed an EMT/Paramedic garment that has built-in microspheres to reflect the lights of oncoming vehicles and earn of wear’s roadside presence to help avoid nighttime traffic accidents.

Orange or blue jackets, vests and overvest organizers are designed for high visibility.

Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card

Paging Terminal

General Electric’s GE-Marc 500 paging terminal can function as a manual or automatic paging encoder, a mobile dispatch terminal, and a remote or local radio transmitter controller.

Used as a paging encoder, it will accommodate up to two optional telephone trunk inputs and has a call capacity of 250 or, optionally, 500 addresses. Higher pager capacity can be achieved by connecting additional terminals in parallel.

Two-tone, two-tone-plus-voice interval, or decimal digital tone signalling formats may be intermixed. Pagers may be called individually or by group call.

Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card

Compressed Air Test

American Bristol Ind., Inc. has introduced its Test Cube, designed to test compressed breathing air.

Using a specific tube, hazardous gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oil vapors can be detected.

High pressure (up to 5000 psi) and low pressure (up to 200 psi) models are available and both are powered by 100 vac with an optional 12-vdc model.

Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card

Hose Reels

Clifford B. Hannay & Son, Inc. has developed the Super Booster Reel, a 1-inch reel constructed almost entirely of aluminum. The reels are lighter than steel and do not require secondary painting.

The reels are available in different sizes for various hose lengths and for ¾ to 1-inch ID or 1⅛ to 1/16-inch OD hose. Features include full-flow swivel joints with 1-inch female IPT 90-degrees as standard, 1000 psi, pinion shaft brakes, and horizontal rewind mechanisms.

Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card

First Aid Kits

Mine Safety Appliances Co. has introduced standard and fire department first aid kits with redesigned unit contents, cabinets and cases. They have a heavy-gage steel case with a baked enamel finish inside and out to resist corrosion and a gasket to seal out dust and moisture. Two catches hold the case firmly shut and permit quick opening in emergencies.

The contents include measured dressings or treatments to eliminate on-the spot cutting and measuring for single injuries. Cellophane-wrapped chipboard packages provide orderliness, maintain shape and protect contents. The packages are also labeled and color-coded to ensure accurate replacement and quick identification. The kits come in 10, 16, 24 and 36-unit sizes.

Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card

Display System

General Electric’s GE-CAD 2201 computerized status display system offers costeffectiveness in radio dispatching, according to the manufacturer.

The unit is a microprocessor controlled system which can instantly and continuously display status of up to 640 field personnel/ radio units.

The system is user programmable, enabling the operator to tailor the system’s operation to his needs.

Features include text messages between DRT operators, selective call and interrogation of field units, automatic acknowledgement of field unit transmissions, expansion capabilities, and hard copy logging of unit status and messages.

The system accommodates one to four CRT terminals, up to radio channels and up to two line printers.

Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Card

Emergency Lights

Unity Mfg. Co. has developed a high-power revolving beacon with halogen lamps that emit almost double the candlepower of standard sealed beams. The new lamps require 37 1/2 watts, compared to 35 watts for standard lamps.

Unity’s line of revolving emergency beacons include the RV15, RV25 and RV45, with one, two and four 5-inch sealed-beam lamps, respectively. The halogen lamps meet SAE J845 standards and increase the brilliance output of the beacons from 33,000 candlepower to 60,000 candlepower. They also have a white light, which has greater visibility.

Features include duty-enclosed motors, positive-action wormgear drive with a protective slip clutch, and triple-chrome plating with weatherproof construction. Amber, blue, clear and red lenses are available.

Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card

CA Fire Department Pilot-Testing Drone Response to ‘Unknown Type’ Fire Calls

The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District has launched a pilot program making drones the first responders for "unknown type fire" calls.
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