Fire Equipment Digest
Radiation Detector
Radiation Alert from Solar Electronics is a radiation detector that combines the features of a Geiger counter and a radiation alarm. It detects alpha, beta, gamma and X rays.
Calibrated to a National Bureau of Standards cesium-137 source, this device can be used as a monitor for field situations, such as plant ventings, highway spills, and other accidents involving radiation. Flashing lights and audible tones warn the user of any rise in radiation level. Like a standard Geiger counter, a meter reads directly in milliroentgens per hour.
Radiation Alert plugs into a 12-volt cigarette lighter socket, and is for stationary, portable or mobile use. Options include portable battery pack and AC power supply. The unit measures 4 x 2 1/2 x 4 1/2-inches and weighs 14-ounces.
Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card
Brush Fire Trailer
Collins Industries, Inc. now markets the Brush Pup, a portable brush unit on its own trailer that will hook to a 6000-pound capacity pickup ball hitch.
The unit has a 300-gallon booster tank and a booster reel with 120 feet of 1-inch hose. A 12-volt electrical system provides power for starting the standard 11-hp or optional 18-hp pump with a maximum pressure of 270 psi.
The Brush Pup measures 142 x 77 x 66inches. The weight of the loaded unit is 4150 pounds.
Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card
Dynamote Corp. has introduced to its inverter line the A40-120, designed for fire apparatus use. It provides 3600 watts of 120 VAC and 120 amps of 12 VDC simultaneously, or a total output of 5000 watts.
A mid-range transformer ratio produces the power necessary to operate smoke ejectors, pneumatic rescue tools, and floodlights with the A40-120, at a lower rpm than previous models. Other features are crystal-controlled frequency output and disconnect harness. The harness is compatible with Models A/L25 and A60, permitting easy replacement by the new A40.
Also available from Dynamote is the 4-108 weatherproof panel-mount remote control for the A40 and A60. The 4-108 can be mounted on the outside pump panel.
Circle No. 16 on Reader Service Card
Smoke Detectors
Electro Signal Lab, Inc. has introduced its 500 series, a 4-wire system, photoelectric, smoke detector. Each unit has one set of form A contacts for connection to the alarm initiating circuit, and a set of extra form C contacts for other alarm functions.
The detector uses a pulsed infrared LED as its light source, and a high speed photodiode as the sensing element. The 500 series features a plug-in head and is available in 6, 12 and 24-vdc and 120-vac models. The 135° F heat sensor is optional.
Circle No. 17 on Reader Service Card
Portable Radio
Aerotron, Inc. recently announced PAC II, its new line of walkie-talkies.
Featuring temperature compensated channel elements and switch selectable RF outputs of 1 or 2.5 watts, this walkie-talkie is currently available for the 132-174 MHz band. Capable of up to six-channel operation, this radio comes with an earpiece jack, external speaker/microphone connector, and helical spring antenna.
A full line of accessory items are available.
Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card
Basement Escape Unit
Guardian Angel Corp. has introduced an escape system designed for basement evacuation. The unit includes a double-pane sealed window in an aluminum frame, plus an all steel mechanism below the window that opens into a set of stairs when actuated. Steel bars on the window become handholds during use.
The window also serves as a means of ventilation.
Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card
Radio Accessory
Setcom’s face mask communication accessory enables two-way radio communications while wearing breathing apparatus.
The complete accessory consists of the Setcom model GM-312 face mask kit and a portable radio cable assembly. The kit features a bone conduction microphone which senses voice-caused vibration of the skull and provides clear voice signals for transmission. Since no modifications to the facial portion of the mask are required to accommodate a microphone, the safety features of the mask are maintained. A lightweight earpiece is supported by an over-the-ear nylon loop.
A cable assembly connects the kit to a walkie-talkie and is available with a thumb operated switch or with a body switch.
Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card
Warning Device
Scott Aviation has introduced “Vibralert,” which combines an audible alarm and a simultaneous vibration of the facepiece to signal the user that his air supply is approaching depletion. It is designed for use on Scott Air-Pak 4.5 and 2.2’s, and is NIOSH approved.
Scott is offering to replace the existing whistle-type warning device with Vibralert free-of-charge in all Air-Pak 4.5 and 2.2’s, providing the customer requests this modification by March 31, 1981. Vibralert has been incorporated in all Scott Air-Pak 4.5 and 2.2’s manufactured after October 1, 1980.
Circle No. 4 on Reader Service Card
Holster Series
First Responder Pouches has developed the FR 101F holster series. The FR 101F holds a stet hoscope and four other emergency items, while protecting them from the environment. The pouch is made of leather, sewn and riveted in a belt or clip model for the EMT or paramedic.
Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card
Rope Rescue Set
Smith Safety Products has developed a rope rescue set which includes: lifeline and lifeline rigging accessories; descending tools and harnesses for four men; pulley system components to develop up to a 12:1 advantage; edge roller rope protectors; rigging and lashing equipment for all litters and all required hardware.
The complete set weighs less than 34-pounds.
Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card