Fire Equipment Digest
Battery Tester
Ratelco, Inc. has recently developed the BT-1 battery tester with interchangeable adapters. The batteries are tested by a controlled and timed discharge.
Improper operating conditions are also detected. The tester can accommodate rechargeable batteries from 1.25 to 24-volts and 2-amp-hours of capacity.
The testing sequence requires 1½-hours for a good battery. The unit requires 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 12 watts power input and has a built-in load value.
Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card
Bright Star Industries is now marketing a high-intensity lantern for emergency situations. Bright Star’s Model 727 is equipped with a dual-filament sealed-beam bulb controlled by a three-way switch to provide a strong spotlight or a wider angle floodlight. The sealed-beam bulb is seated in a rubber gasket to cushion it against shock or vibration. The lantern mounts on a 7 ½-volt battery.
Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card
List Industries, Inc. has recently designed Superior lockers with ventilated sides and bottoms for quick drying of clothing.
The lockers, measuring 72 x 15 x 16-inches, are welded in units of three or four. The units are treated with corrosion-resistant phosphate and are available in 12 standard colors.
Circle No. 22 on Reader Service Card
Chain Saw
Tilton Equipment Co. has developed the Olympyk 234, a chain saw available with bar lengths of 12, 14 and 16 inches.
Features include a chrome-impregnated cylinder, electronic ignition and a trigger safety stop to prevent accidental acceleration.
Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card
Air Homs
Frequency International Group has developed a line of air horns designed for emergency vehicles which do not have compressed air. Chassis and roof-mounted trumpets are available and one, two or four trumpet models are offered.
Signal options include hi-lo, tremolo hi-lo, steady-stutter and steady blast.
Circle No. 21 on Reader Service Card
Suction Strainer
Ziamatic Corp. has developed a suction strainer, the Zico Quik-Draft, which pumps water down to 1½ inches in depth. The screens which keep debris from entering the unit can be cleaned without removing the hose.
The coupling section can be locked through a 90 degree arc so that the suction hose need not be bent, risking sudden stoppages. The suction strainer is unaffected by surface turbulence.
Circle No. 18 on Reader Service Card
Fire Ladder Monitor
Aluminum Ladder Co. has added a temperature monitor label as a safety feature to its Alco-Lite fire ladders. The labels have a heat sensitive dot which turns black when the temperature rises above 250 degrees, warning that the components may be weakened.
Circle No. 17 on Reader Service Card
Gas Leak Detector
Harco Corp. announces the Gastrac, a gas leak detector capable of detecting as little as 100 ppm methane in air by audible alarm. It is capable of detecting the presence of most types of combustible gases and gasoline or lighter fluid fumes.
Circle No. 16 on Reader Service Card
Simulated Training
American Animation, Inc. has introduced a simulated tactical exercise program designed to train the instructor to use the simulator effectively.
This program includes: basic instruction for simulation, student worksheets, construction details and tactical exercises.
Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card
Fire Glove
Halprin Supply Co. is now offering the Sierra Fire Glove, in all leather or with Kelvar back and leather palm. Certified to exceed CAL-OSHA standards, the Kelvar wristlet is reinforced with a leather pull tab, is waterresistant and available in women’s sizes.
Circle No. 19 on Reader Service Card
Purification System
Bauer Breathing Air Inc. has developed an electronically-operated air purification system. Securus gives five to seven hours warning of a cartridge becoming ineffective and will automatically shut down the unit if the warning is ignored. The compressor cannot be restarted until the cartridge has been changed.
Circle No. 20 on Reader Service Card
Dictaphone Corporation has introduced a voice communications system controlled by a microprocessor that records up to 40 telephone or radio messages simultaneously.
Veritrac is tailored to organizations such as the fire service which requires multichannel recording of messages to preserve, locate and replay the time and content of an alarm. A time/date encoding system automatically records the time and date of the response. Several formats of display are available, including 12-hour or 24-hour military time.
Two magnetic tape decks, each with a maximum of 25 hours of recording capacity, provide 50 hours of unattended service. All channel Safe-Scan detects any recording failure. Auto-Transfer permits the automatic switching of recording in the event of malfunction. Visual and audible alarms inform the operator of recording interruptions.
Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card
Mini Light Bar
Southern Vehicle Products Inc. has introduced the Dyna-Lite, Jr., a mini light bar. It features two revolving lights, incandescent or halogen, with parabolic reflectors, rotated by two heavy duty right angle drive motors with delrin gears. Front and rear stationary reflectors are positioned between the rotating lights, and the dome is injection molded of heavy Lexan and is available in red, blue, amber or green. This mini lightbar is standard with four 60-pound donut magents and 10-feet heavy-duty cord with cigar lighter plug, or as a permanent mount.
Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card
Mobile Intercom
Designed for safe communications between operator and worker, the Ratelco insulated mobile intercom with EHV speaker provides two-way communications near high voltage lines.
The 12-volt system includes a speakerhorn mounted at the tip of the ladder or boom, speaker-driver unit connected by hose to horn and by wire to master unit and a master unit mounted in the cab or turntable.
A flexible ID non-conductive hose is required to complete the mobile intercom unit.
Advantages of the two-way communication system include a compact talk/listen speaker horn mounted close to the worker to reduce background noise, and a transistorized, lowdrain unit that can be left on constantly.
Circle No. 23 on Reader Service Card
Diamond Shamrock has developed a sample packet of Hazorb Universal Sorbent, a non-selective sorbent for on-land spills of hazardous materials.
The packet includes a standard V2*cubic foot pillow containing 15-percent of the Hazorb (an inorganic foam particulate) which will sorb and hold up to 2.7 gallons of liquid. A fact sheet, technical bulletin and instructions for performing on-site tests are also included.
Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card
Wheelock Signals, Inc. has introduced the 800 series of strobe/speakers that combine a visual strobe light, tone signaling and voice evacuation.
The audio output has three field selectable power levels that can be driven by 25 RRMS or 70.7 VRMS at .4W, 2W and 6W. A series capacitator is included for line supervision.
The sound output is rated over the frequency range for 400 and 4000 Hz when connected to a compatible amplifier.
The visual signal is available in 24 VDC or 115 VAC versions and utilizes a xenon flashtube.
Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card
Disposable Blanket
Ziamatic Corp. has introduced a high-visiblity yellow disposable emergency blanket, which retains body heat and repels water and weighs only 10 ounces.
The 60 x 90-inch blanket consists of a foam undercoating that acts as an insulator and a laminated side that is water repellent. When placed over an injured person with the foam side down, it retains body heat while the laminated side repels. The blanket is also resistant to mildew and infestation.
Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card
Portable Scanner
Fox Marketing, Inc. is now offering the the BMP 10/60 base, mobile and portable scanner. It is a combination base, mobile and portable system in a compact and lightweight unit.
The BMP 10/60 also offers 60 pre-programmed active frequencies scanning. And in addition to its skip, pause and action feature, the BMP 10/60 has a semi-automatic “seek” feature that seeks out unknown frequencies.
Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Card
Airway Maintenance Kit
Emergency Specialty Products has recently introduced the complete Airway Maintenance Kit, constructed of aluminum with foam inserts.
The kit contains EMT equipment such’as: various ET tubes, bag valve mask and face masks, oral airways, laryngoscope handle and various blades, and McGill forceps.
Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card
Hydraulic Rescue Tool
Special Service & Supply, Inc. has developed the “Boss,” a rescue tool able to develop a force of 12,000 pounds at the tips. It operates either by compressed air hydraulic or hand hydraulic pump and the tips have a 12-inch travel.
Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card
Door Closing Device
Reading-Dorma Closer Corp. now offers electro-magnetic and electro-pneumatic door closing devices so doors can act as smoke barriers.
Doors will close if the electric current in electro-mechanical units is interrupted or when pneumatic units activate a signal, according to the manufacturer.
Circle No. 4 on Reader Service Card
Construction Aids Technology, Inc. has introduced Plug Rug, a fabric-reinforced pad designed to control hazardous spills when placed over floor drains, sewer inlets and across doorways.
The pad, which is reported to be effective with fuels and most chemicals, seals off materials even if the surface is dirty.
Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card
Genave, Inc. has introduced the Ecom 401J, a UHF-FM portable transceiver, that features four-channel capability.
The unit, housed in a Lexan case, operates in the 450-512 MHz frequency range and provides one watt minimum output power.
A single, two-sided circuit board permits ready access. The Ecom 40U is a compatible add-on for existing systems and the base price includes any one frequency.
Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Card