Fire Equipment Digest

Fire Equipment Digest


Radio-Controlled Pumper

Fire Research Corp. has developed a system that gives the nozzleman radio control over both nozzle pressure and flow rate.

The system is activated by engaging the pump. At this time, the engine speed increases until a pre-set pump pressure is attained. If tank water is used, the pump will operate at any preselected pressure (70 to 300 psi) within 10 seconds. The system then checks the pumping condition and is ready to receive radio signals from the nozzleman to operate the valves.

Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Card

Breathing Apparatus

Robertshaw Controls announces its RAM-30 self-contained breathing apparatus, which is Robertshaw’s entry into the 30-minute breathing-unit market. The RAM30 has a low profile back-pack.

The full facepiece has a mask-mounted pressure-demand regulator. A backup regulation system ensures safety in case of primary failure, and an alarm advises when air pressure is low.

The RAM-30 weighs 20 pounds.

Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card

Chain Saw

Echo, Inc. has introduced the CS-500 VL, a lightweight 50cc chain saw that features a vibration-reducing rubber mount, an automatic oiling system, all-weather ignition system, chain brake, throttle safety lock and front hand guard.

The Kioritz engine includes the die-cast magnesium alloy crankcase and shroud, a heat-resistant aluminum alloy cylinder with porous hard chrome plated bore walls and a counter-balanced crankshaft, piston and connecting rod.

The unit without a bar and chain, weighs 12 pounds and can be outfitted with either a 16,17 or 20-inch bar.

Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card


Power-Lite Industries, Inc. has developed a rechargeable handlight that projects 100,000 candlepower beam and features a shock-mounted, dual-filament sealed beam lamp. The lightweight sealed battery, circuit breaker protected, will operate the light for at least 5 hours between charges.

Three solid-state chargers are available. All chargers are automatic and short-circuit proof. The 12-volt mobile charger features automatic shutoff.

Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card

UHF Antenna

A UHF communications antenna designed for concealment, has been announced by the Antenna Specialists Co.

Model ASP-1000 reinforced aluminum antenna fits into the auto trunk space provided for mounting a 6X9-inch rear deck speaker. The antenna produces a vertically polarized radiation pattern. It includes a silver-plated matching network that is enclosed in a protective cover. Two screwdriver tuning adjustments allow for tuning of the antenna to the required opeating frequency.

Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Card

Monitoring System

A monitoring and control system called Unimode, has been introduced by ADT. Using solid-state circuitry, the Unimode system has a common control unit which functions as its nerve center, receives signals from a wide range of sensing devices and initiates a number of output signals. The system is capable of shutting down air handling equipment, dampers and fire doors to retard the spread of smoke and sparks, to capture elevators for use by fire fighters, to actuate extinguishing systems and to relay signals to remote stations within the building. Alarm conditions are annunciated at the Unimode control cabinet through pulsing/ steady LED displays.

Operating on 24-vdc, the system is supported by a secondary power supply of sealed, rechargeable battery packs.

Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card

firefighters rescue woman

Fire at Rio De Janeiro’s Carnival Costume Factory Leaves 10 Hospitalized

A fire Wednesday at a Rio de Janeiro factory that produces costumes for the city's iconic Carnival left 10 people hospitalized.

After Three Fire Deaths, FDNY Asks People to Quit Blocking Hydrants

This week, two deadly fires—one in Brooklyn and another in the Bronx—have highlighted a persistent problem in New York City: blocked fire hydrants.