Fire Equipment Digest
First Aid Kits
Direct Safety Company now offers 31 first aid kits and stations. Most supplies, treatments and medications, both in kits and in bulk, are pakcaged in individual applications and dosages for fast dispensing in order to keep inventory efforts at a minimum.
A catalog is available listing first aid kits, supplies, medications, and emergency treatment materials.
Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card
Tower Lighting Fixture
Phoenix has introduced the Phoenix Sturdlite Model 1000-TL, a 1000-watt floodlight that weighs 15 pounds and measures 9 x 15 inches. Designed for general outdoor aerial lighting, the all-aluminum fixture offers low wind resistance.
The light uses a clear high pressure sodium lamp for low energy consumption, and it can be mounted in any position. It operates on 120/208/240/277 or 480 volts and throws a wide beam pattern of 400 degrees x 100 degrees.
The light also carries a UL 57 listing and is suitable for wet locations.
Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card
Signal Rack
A 30000 series Unirack for mounting warning lights and sound systems on emergency and work vehicles has been introduced by Unity Manufacturing Co. An adjustable pillow block setup provides the rack with improved stability. Constructed primarily of stainless steel, the trough is strengthened by heavy-gage galvanized steel wiring. The end clamps can be used on vehicles with or without gutters.
The 20000 Unirack is also available for emergency warning lights and sound systems.
Circle No. 4 on Reader Service Card
Rescue Gear
Fyrepel has introduced aluminized Kevlar in crash-fire rescue gear. The suit combines the heat-reflectivity of aluminum and the protection offered by the new aramid fiber, Kevlar.
The aluminized outer covering is 90 percent heat-reflective. The Kevlar backing is flame-retardant, and it’s resistance to stretch makes it highly resistant to cuts, punctures and abrasions.
Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card
Portable Pump
W.S. Darley & Co. has introduced the 1 1/4 AGE 11B portable pump that delivers up to 90 gpm at up to 250 psi. It is powered by a 11-hp 4-cycle engine with either a recoil or electric start.
The pump casing, gear case and engine adapter are made of aluminum alloy. A bronze alloy impeller is fitted to a splined, stainless steel pump shaft. The pump weighs 111 pounds, and has swivel-lock handles. It measures 22 1/2 x 22 x 19 1/2 inches.
This pump has been chosen as the official fire truck of the Winter Olympics at Lake Placid, N.Y. in Feb. 1980.
Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card
Echo Communications has introduced a single-channel cassette telephone recorder, Echo 1, with a four-motor shielded DC design, low tape and end of tape sensors with audio and visual alarm LED displays, and built-in telephone company record-start circuits for telephone lines.
Options include time code generator/ reader and battery back-up power.
Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card
Hand Light
Brinkman has introduced a multi-purpose Security Special light, a high intensity sealed beam lamp with 200,000 candlepower.
Designed for use as a hand light drawing power from any vehicle’s 12-volt DC electrical system, the light can be used continuously with no battery drain.
Several models are offered including magnetic base and hand-held styles, available with a momentary switch, a flasher, and a glare-free bulb for use through smoke or fog.
Rechargeable power packs in two sizes convert the light to a portable lighting system.
Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card
High Powered Flashlight
Weil Services Products announces the Fluro-Flash Light, a combination flashlight and fluorescent lantern. Featuring transistorized circuitry and a 6000-hour rated 9inch, 6-watt flourescent tube, the light is constructed of high-impact plastic with clear break-resistant lenses.
Six D-size dry cells are required for this yellow and black framed light which measures 11 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches. Adjustable shoulder strap can convert into a hand grip when folded and locked with slip-proof snap locks.
Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card
Cairns & Brother, Inc. has introduced the 660X Californian, a lightweight, modified version of the 660 Phoenix. A series of airflow paths has been added to the impact cap, and the modular helmet design will accommodate any of the standard accessories of the 660 Phoenix, such as earlaps, chin cups, and face shields.
Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card
Distress Locater
A personal distress locator designed to automatically activate when an injured or unconscious fire fighter remains motionless for 30 seconds has been introduced by Securus, Inc.
The locator can also be activated manually to alert fellow fire fighters when the wearer is in distress. The locator emits a pulsed high frequency (3.4 KHz) audible signal with a sound level of 85 dbA at 10 feet. A low-level audible signal is emitted as the wearer moves around to show proper function of the motion sensor.
The locator is housed in a water-tight aluminum case measuring 5 1/2 x 3 x 1 3/4 3 x 1 3/4 inches and weighs 11 ounces.
Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Card
Fire Detection System
McGraw-Edison’s Omniguard Products unit has introduced an ultra-violet fire detection system, the Omniguard Series 8100. An interface circuit accepts and processes high level signals from U/V detector heads.
The 8100 control panel is a dual zone unit, with each zone capable of monitoring up to 12 detector heads. Cross-zoning, voting capability, and time delay are designed to decrease the number of false alarms.
Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Card
Blood Pressure Model
Valonics has introduced an automatic blood pressure model, a calibrator that simulates static levels from 15-300 millimeters of mercury. A light emitting diode (LED) array on the unit’s front panel indicates the static pressure. Connection to monitoring equipment is done with the appropriate cable.
Options include a dynamic blood-pressure simulator.
Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card