Fire Equipment Digest
Ideanetics has designed a fire tactics simulator to help fire officers improve their fire tactics skills.
Weighing 24 pounds, model 101 features a 500-watt fire and smoke simulator projector and a 10-watt communications amplifier. Six station communicator centers are used for fire tactics training, fireground management and assessment lab evaluation.
Features include pre-programming, special effects, add-on radio and wire conductors for noise-free communication.
Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card
Suction Hose
American Biltrite, Inc. has introduced the Boston Blue Star hard suction hose with an ozone and weather resistant synthetic rubber tube.
The cover is reinforced with steel spring helical wire between two braids of synthetic cord. It has full vacuum rating and 200 pounds test strength.
The hose is available in 2, 2 1/2, 3, and 4-inch sizes and 10 to 60-foot lengths. Optional couplings are available in brass, chrome plate brass, aluminum plain or chrome, regular lugs or long handled females.
Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card
Electronic Megaphone
Holmin Corporation has introduced the Model A-12 Voice Gun, an electronic megaphone with a noise-canceling, coil microphone, and a reentrant horn loudspeaker system. Eight watts of battery power provide a 1/4-mile range. The molded Cycolac horn is fitted with a 1/2-inch nylon web carrying strap with adjustable clasp. Designed for fire departments, the total weight with batteries is 3 1/4 pounds.
Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card
Ionization Detector
Pyrotronics announces a single station ionization detector, Model DU-3, that can be operated with field selectable input voltages of 120 vac, 24 vdc, or 18 vac.
An 85-DB alarm warns occupants of emergency conditions. Existing manual alarms are extended, and automatically actuate in the event of fire.
Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card
Portable Aspirator
A portable aspirator is now available from Sklar Manufacturing Co., Inc. It weighs 16 1/2 pounds and provides a 0 to -20 Hg pressure range.
Other features include a sealed ball bearing 1/20-hp motor, disposable filter and filter trap, unbreakable and sterilizable 32-ounce collection bottle, overflow protection with automatic shut-off, suction gage and control.
Circle No. 4 on Reader Service Card
Nozzle Mount
Ziamatic Corp. has introduced a playpipe post mount of neoprene rubber instead of wood to avoid decay from moisture. One blot is needed for installation of the ZICO nozzle post mount.
The bolt extends approximately half-way up the 9-inch height of the post mount and the top portion of the mount can be cut down to accommodate playpipes with a sharply tapered ID.
The mount can also hold 2 1/2-inch adapters.
Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card
ECG Phone Transmitter
A data transmitter for telephone transmission of electrocardiograms is available from Wolff Industries. The instrument accepts ECG signals from any electrocardiograph or monitor scope and accomplishes short or long distance transmission of the signals utilizing FM techniques.
The DT-1 data transmitter is powered by a single 9V battery and also contains voltage regulation to ensure frequency stability as the voltage of the battery decays. It measures 6 X 3 X 2 inches and weighs one pound. A companion DR-1 data receiver makes a complete telephone transmission system.
Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card
Gas Detector
TIF Instruments, Inc. has introduced the CGD 880, a portable, battery-operated, solid-state electronic combustible gas detector. A ticking signal increases as a source of gas is detected. The CGD 880 can locate combustible gas leaks as small as 50-1000 PPM.
The detector comes with a leather case, rechargeable batteries and charger adapter, and a one-year warranty.
Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Card
CPR Manikins
Laerdal Medical Corporation has developed Resusci-Anne-Torso, a CPR training manikin. Available in two models, the manikin comes in a molded plastic carrying case with a disinfection kit, spare lungs and instruction manual. The complete model includes a signal box and electronics, which provide the instructor and student with corrective feedback as to the student’s CPR techniques.
The practice model is a low-cost manikin, and does not include the signal box and electronics. They may be added to the manikin later, along with arms and legs, if desired.
Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card