Fire Equipment Digest

Fire Equipment Digest


Strobe Warning Light

Work Area Protection Corporation offers a 400,000 candlepower strobe warning light that flashes 60 to 80 times per minute. Housed in a leakproof, corrosion-resistant material, it has solid-state circuitry. The unit has a Lexan, fresnel lens that comes in amber, red, blue or clear, and it is available with a permanent or magnetic mount and a cigarette lighter plug.

Circle No. 11 on Reader Service Card

Rescue Cutter

Interparts Corporation introduces the Hapris rescue cutter that is operated by a hydraulic hand pump. This lightweight extrication tool, with 4-inch jaws that apply over 10 tons of force, cuts through door posts, pedals, and sheet metal within 30 seconds.

Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card

Portable Pump

Prosser-East, manufacturer of Bilgram Pumps, has announced model 42P, a portable, single-stage, centrifugal pump that is electrically started. Weighing 160 pounds (less battery and gas tank), model 42P has a capacity of 350 gpm at 200 psi. It has a 3 inch suction, a 2 inch discharge, and the engine has solid-state ignition.

Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card

Fire Hose

A double-jacket, lightweight, 4-inch hose has been developed by National Fire Hose Corp.

Triple-Duty meets a 600-psi test pressure and weighs less than a single jacket hose of the same diameter.

A 100-foot length rolls into a tight coil less than 24 inches in diameter. Its lightweight polyester lining, which produces a smooth waterway with low friction loss, is jacketed with a satin-weave inner jacket and a Hypalon impregnated outer jacket. Streamlined couplings compliment appearance of the hose.

The hose packs wet or dry and resists abrasion, ozone and chemicals.

Circle No. 23 on Reader Service Card

Trash Pump

The Homelite division of Textron, Inc., has announced a 600-gpm self-priming, 4-cycle trash pump. It is mounted on a two-wheel semi-pneumatic-tired dolly as standard equipment. The pump features a 16-hp engine and has a total head of up to 120 feet. The pump has lift of 28 feet at sea level.

Circle No. 25 on Reader Service Card

Two-Way Radio

An FM two-way mobile radio that meets military specification 810C for shock, vibration and weatherproof characteristics, has been introduced by Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. Power levels are 60 watts in low band (30-50 MHz), 40 and 60 watts in high band (136-174 MHz), and 30 and 50 watts in UHF band (406-420 and 450-512 MHz). Intermodulation protection of —85dB helps reduce interference even in areas of high channel congestion.

Motorola offers options such as four-frequency capability, private-line and digital private-line squelch, time out timer, extender in low band and visual channel monitor. The MITREK radio measures 2 1/2 X 10 X 12 inches and weighs 10 1/2 pounds.

Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Card

Lighting Tower

Fire Research Corporation announces a lighting tower made of telescoping chrome tubes which are held in place by a self-locking pin.

The tower weighs less than 40 pounds, making it easy for one man to raise and lower. The lighting tower is sold separately or with quartz lights.

The tower clamps to a truck at any spot where there is a few inches of room. Due to its height, the light tower system can cover a large area evenly without blinding fire fighters. Also available is a tripod for mounting away from the truck.

Circle No. 26 on Reader Service Card

3 in 1 Wetting Agent

Cougar Chemical Corporation has introduced a 3-in-l wetting agent formulated to prevent corrosion in tanks, or any other equipment, because the material contains its own tank-saver and rust-preventative. The agent also contains a friction reducer.

Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card

Pump Shift indicator

Grumman Fire Service Equipment has introduced a universal pump shift indicator that shows the pump operator when he has shifted from road to pump. Grumman’s device, which weighs under 5 pounds, can be installed on a new or existing apparatus.

The shift indicator has a panel light inside his cab that shows when the pump is in gear.

Circle No. on Reader Service Card

Flame-Resistant Glove

Globe Manufacturing Company has announced a flame-resistant glove lined with Kynol-Novoloid fabric. The outside shell is of fire-resistant pigskin.

The Kynol fabric has low heat conductivity and will withstand direct exposure to flame without burning, melting, cooking or shrinking. When exposed to direct flame, the Kynol fabric surface builds a barrier to seal out heat. The lightweight gloves are soft and easy to care for.

Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card

First-Aid Caddy

Argos Products Company, has introduced the Medi-Caddy, a carrying case for medical emergency supplies. It provides storage and convenient fold-out compartments for immediate access.

The Medi-Caddy is available in orange and white for ready visibility or in utility grey. Its dimensions are 21 X 15 X 8 inches and it weighs 11 pounds.

Circle No. 16 on Reader Service Card

Resuscitation Trainer

Dixie, U.S.A., Inc., has announced its new Vent Aid Training/Test Lung (TTL). The TTL allows emergency medical personnel to practice ventilating a non-breathing patient with a variety of resuscitation equipment. The TTL permits practice in ventilating with bag masks demand valves, and mouth-tomouth breathing. The TTL teaches the importance of a properly-opened airway and how the flow of oxygen affects the pressures throughout the pulmonary system. The TTL, displays the tidal volume, delivered oxygen concentration reaching the patient’s lungs, and the pressures generated from the patient’s mouth downward into his lungs.

Circle No. 20 on Reader Service Card

Alarm Control Panel

Rixson-Firemark, Inc. has announced a multi-zone fire alarm control panel in a NEMA 1 box, that keeps dirt and moisture out of the electronic circuitry. A pair of terminal outputs for each zone provides for two-wire 24-VDC smoke detector operation. One pair of low-voltage wires powers all detectors in the zone, transmits an alarm signal back to the panel, and monitors the detectors for troubles in each zone. The box comes with two fire monitoring zones and more can be plugged in.

Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Card

Automatic Hydrant Valve

Scandia Industries introduces the Carlin automatic hydrant valve that allows the hydrant man to go immediately to the fire. The hydrant valve is mechanically operated for reliability.

Circle No. 27 on Reader Service Card

Nozzle Hook

A 1 1/2 -inch hook, developed by Goodall Rubber Company, enables fire fighters to secure a flowing nozzle to a stanchion, pipe or any other stationary object so a fire fighter can leave and set up another line.

The hook swivels on a male/female adapter which screws into a Super Fog nozzle. In the base area of the hook, there is a 1/2 -inch hole for a lanyard. The lanyard is an additional safety precaution so that the fire fighter can lash the hook, nozzle and hose to a stationary object.

Circle No. 19 on Reader Service Card

Portable Generators

Hale Fire Pump Company introduces a 3500-watt portable generator that weighs 142 pounds, complete with carrying cradle. Fuse protected, the HG-35H delivers 60-cycle, 110 and 220 volts. The generator has two 10-amp and one 20-amp 110-volt outlets plus one 20-amp, 220-volt outlet, all with 3-prong twist type connections.

The HG-35H features electric starting with a back-up manual recoil starter, 12-volt quick-disconnect battery connection, mechanical governor, sparkplug shield, voltmeter, voltage selection switch and a white running light. The generator is powered by a four-cycle Briggs and Stratton engine.

Other Hale generators are available in 2000-watt and 1200-watt capacities.

The generators have light barium ferrite magnets which spin while the coils remain stationary, permitting electrical power to flow directly from stationary coils to receptacles.

Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card

Halon System

Fenwal Inc., has introduced a Halon 1301 fire suppression system designed to protect large areas.

The central storage system has floormounted storage cylinders with high flow valves, smoke detectors, a control panel and a pneumatic valve-control system. The fire suppression system has computer-calculated sizes of piping to provide a correct dispersal of Halon 1301 in the protected areas.

Circle No. 4 on Reader Service Card


Dual-Lite, Inc. has introduced a Beamsplitter programmable emergency lighting fixture designed for remote-mounted applications.

Model BRF is compact, measuring 5 3/8 X 5 3/8 X 7 3/4 inches high. It features a multidirectional reflector and lens system that can be field-programmed to project light in as many as four directions.

Models are available for operation from 6, 12,32 and 120-volt lines. BRF fixtures may be wall, ceiling surface or semi-recessed mounted.

Circle No. 12 on Reader Service Card

Liquid Level Monitor

MC Products Inc. has introduced the five-light Quint liquid level monitor. The unit has a red flashing refill light, three amber lights denoting ¼, ½ and ¾ full and green full light. The lenses are designed so that the lights are visible even in sunlight.

Circle No. 28 on Reader Service Card

Disposable Blanket

Keller Glove Mfg. Company offers a disposable blanket for first-aid use. The 5 X 7-foot blanket, Kel-Kover, is available only in case lots of 24. Each blanket is protected by a transparent plastic package. A single slit converts the blanket into a warm, waterrepellant poncho. The yellow blanket is made of several layers of paper and a top sheet of 1.5 mm polyethylene.

Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card

Hydraulic Hose Clamp

A hydraulic hose clamp for hoses up to 5 inches in diameter has been introduced by the Ziamatic Corporation.

The Quic Water-Brake hose clamp has a two-speed hydraulic pump that can shut off the flow in seconds. A hose locator guides the hose into place between the jaws for clamping.

Circle No. 21 on Reader Service Card

Gas Cylinder Bracket

A PVC-coated 12-gage steel bracket has been developed to hold compressed gas cylinders against walls or in emergency vehicles.

Produced by Ziamatic Corp., the Zico Quic-Release bracket can secure any cylinder with an OD of 6 3/4 to 7 3/4 inches. Several brackets can be interlocked to hold a row of cylinders.

The bracket features a quick release of the cylinder. A few turns of the wing nuts that hold sturdy bands around a cylinder, allow the bands to swing open, freeing the cylinder.

Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card

Extinguishing System Panel

A fire extinguishing system control panel has been introduced by Douglas Randall Division of Walter Kidde & Company, Inc. Model RN may be used to control Halon, carbon dioxide, foam, or other systems.

Model RN is designed for use with the Kidde Model MA-2400 control unit and offers a dual timing feature, remote control and status indicator units. Additional features include supervision of all inputs and outputs, manual stations, remote control and status indicators.

Circle No. 29 on Reader Service Card

Sealed Beam Lamp

A halogen-cycle sealed-beam lamp, H7600, designed for use in emergency vehicle rotating and flashing beacons, has been introduced by General Electric Company. The lamp develops approximately 60,000 initial maximum beam candlepower. The lamp is designed for 12.8 volt, 37.5 watt operation, fits a standard PAR 36 housing that has materials and wiring suitable for the higher operating temperature and wattage of the new lamp.

Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card

Hand-Held Transceiver

Repco Inc. announces the availability of the RPX series hand-held transceiver in 30 to 50 MHz.

The RPX 50 has an aluminum alloy frame and covers, and the seals and protective coatings meet humidity testing requirements.

The RPX delivers RF outputs adjustable from 3 to 6 watts and has up to six-channels capability.

The vehicular mount converts the portable into a mobile unit. External audio and antenna jacks are standard equipment.

Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card

Rechargeable Hand Light

Teklite Company announces a rechargeable, cordless hand light that puts out 32,000 beam candlepower for approximately 1½ hours. Weighing 2 3/4 pounds, this waterproof unit can be recharged up to 1000 times.

Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card

Hutchinson Kansas fire

Man Arrested After KS Fire That Killed Two

A man was arrested on Monday in connection with a deadly Hutchinson house fire on Saturday where a woman and girl died.

North Tonawanda (NY) Firefighters Battle Fire at Former Middle School

North Tonawanda firefighters responded to a fire at the former Lowry Middle School building on Payne Avenue Wednesday night.