Fire Equipment Digest

Fire Equipment Digest


Bandage Wrap

Pac-Kit Safety Equipment Co. now offers single use system bandages and compresses in peel-apart, sterile individual plastic wraps. A bandage or compress comes in a shallow plastic cup of 6mm thick Maraflex M-622, covered by the same and the edges are sealed under heat and vacuum, and sterilized by gamma radiation.

It is peeled open, while the tough plastic wrap is tear and puncture resistant, and moisture-resistant.

Circle No. 1 on Reader Service Card

Warning Light

Federal Signal Corp. has introduced the Fire Ball II, designed for use in compact cars. One-third smaller than its predecessor, with 40,000 candlepower, its 50-watt halogen lamp is 20 percent more powerful than before, 267 percent more powerful than the previous incandescent-lamp model, and uses ten percent less current.

A magnet with 60 lbs. of pull strength secures the Fire Ball II, and an adjustable bracket with adhesive pads allows for mounting on sloping surfaces inside the car. It comes with a movable flash shield.

An optional feature is a three-panel mirror that sends out three flashes instead of one for every revolution of the light reflector. The Fire Ball II, except for permanent-mount model, plugs into the cigarette lighter.

Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card

Resuscitation Doll

BioMedical Engineering Co. has developed Jennifer, a reproduction of the human torso for practising the Heimlich maneuver. It will simulate the conditions occurring during airway obstruction.

When the maneuver is done correctly, the doll will whistle and “food” will be ejected from the mouth. It is available with mouth to mouth resuscitation and CPR capabilities, and without.

Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card

Air Cylinder

Mine Safety Appliances Co. has introduced a hoop-wound composite air cylinder to provide a lightweight alternative for selfcontained or combination breathing apparatus.

The cylinder is made of aluminum wrapped in hoops of S-glass filaments imbedded in epoxy resin and has a rated service life of 30 minutes. It weighs less than 12 pounds empty. A fully-wound composite air cylinder weighing approximately 10.5 pounds empty is also available. Both hold about 45 cubic feet at 2216 psig.

Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card

Color-Coded Facepiece

Mine Safety Appliances Co. now offers the Ultravue Full facepieces in three sizes, color-coded for quick identification. The facepiece, for use with breathing apparatus, features a one-piece replaceable lens, five adjustable headbands and a speaking diaphragm.

The lens-retaining ring is color-coded gray, black and gold (small, medium, large).

Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card

Emergency Vehicle

The Horton Co. has developed the AllTerrain Medic, a four-wheel drive emergency vehicle with full medical capabilities. The modular unit, mounted on a Jeep chassis with full life-support equipment, is designed for rough terrain. Capable of transporting one patient, the unit has space to perform CPR as well as space for heart monitoring and intravenous equipment.

Features include aluminum cabinetry for supplies, a 258-cubic-inch 6-cylinder engine, automatic transmission, integral roll bars, rugged diamond plate floor, heating and air conditioning. It can be converted to twowheel drive.

Circle No. 7 on Reader Service Card

Distress Signal

Securus Division of Datura Inti., Inc. has developed an emergency signaling device, the S.O.S. (Signaler for Occupational Safety.) This personal distress locator activates when the wearer remains motionless for 30 seconds. It can also be activated manually by pressing a slide switch on the front of the unit. This switch will operate in the on or off position.

The S.O.S. emits a piercing, high-frequency, pulsed audible signal for optimum noise penetration. It uses a magnetic motion sensor and integrated circuitry, and is housed in a watertight case with a hinged spring clip for attachment. It meets Cal-OSHA specifications.

Circle No. 13 on Reader Service Card

Airport Crash Trucks

Garsite Products, Inc. now has available its fire suppression rapid intervention vehicle in an alternative chassis. In addition to the standard GMC, four-wheel drive chassis, the RIV is offered on a more flexible chassis produced by Scammcll of England as an airport crash truck. The Scammell chassis provides quick acceleration fully loaded, to 50 mph in 20 seconds.

Metallurgically sound control valves have been added to lessen corrosion. The unit carries 450 pounds of dry chemical and 100 gallons of pre-mixed AFFF solution. The agent arming controls are operable from either the driver-operator position or the hand line nozzle stowed area. Both are all-terrain models which exceed NFPA Standard 414.

Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card

Portable Radio

Motorola Inc. now offers the MX300-S synthesized series Handie-Talkie FM twoway radio for greater flexibility in the 136-174 and 403-512 MHz frequency ranges.

The radio is capable of receiving up to 48 field programmable channels and eliminates the need for individual channel elements. System expansion and growth is possible.

Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card

firefighters rescue woman

Fire at Rio De Janeiro’s Carnival Costume Factory Leaves 10 Hospitalized

A fire Wednesday at a Rio de Janeiro factory that produces costumes for the city's iconic Carnival left 10 people hospitalized.

After Three Fire Deaths, FDNY Asks People to Quit Blocking Hydrants

This week, two deadly fires—one in Brooklyn and another in the Bronx—have highlighted a persistent problem in New York City: blocked fire hydrants.