Fire Equipment Digest

Fire Equipment Digest


Threaded quick-connect female couplings constructed of aluminum alloy are available from Baton Enterprises. The couplings can withstand pressures of 1100 pounds without distortion. An inset gasket eliminates leaking, while a pin lock has been added to prevent premature disconnection. The coupling may be used for either soft suction hose or for drafting.

They are presently manufactured in 2 ½, 4 and 4 ½ -inch sizes, with threads to be cut to specifications and adaptors, expanders and reducers available.

Circle No. 16 on Reader Service Card

Two-Way Radio

General Electric Mobile Communications Division has introduced a wireless solid-state FM two-way radio, the Century II, which can serve firefighting applications in some communities. Models are available in 5 or 20 watts (420-270 MHz), and 10 or 25 watts (148 to 174 MHz). The unit weighs 3.7 pounds and is 2.36-inches high, 7.08-inches wide and 7.48-inches deep. Models can be obtained with one, two, four or six channels.

Circle No. 27 on Reader Service Card

Portable Worklight

A heavy-duty portable worklight Model 2140, which delivers 250,000 candlepower is now available from Specialty Lighting, Inc. The unit is constructed of cast aluminum with tempered glass lens, a wire guard that protects against damage and moisture, and an insulated carry handle. It can be operated on low voltage DC transformed 120 VAC or straight 120 VAC and is available with an enclosed and encapsulated transformer. Features include an adjustable yoke and tripod base for aiming.

Circle No. 21 on Reader Service Card


A.E. Styles Manufacturing Company, Inc., offers its conditioner sealant for use on fire fighting vehicles. Glazon Sun Brite sealant for body paint and chrome will be effective for up to one year or more if used as directed. Product is available in 16 ounce and gallon quantities.

Circle No. 29 on Reader Service Card

Alternator Kit

Majol Portable Power Systems, Inc., has introduced an improved version of its Powermite 110 alternator kit. The kit produces 3500 watts, 110 volts AC with built-in circuit breaker.

Included with the unit is six feet of safety connected heavy-duty power lead cable; steel universal mounting brackets; a delux control panel with automatic overload protection that is self-resetting; and double insulation.

Circle No. 35 on Reader Service Card

Collection Bottle

Ohio Medical Products has improved the features of its 1300 ml disposable collection bottles. Now included is a preassembled float shutoff mechanism to insure against overflow, a splash deflector to help reduce foaming, and a friction-fit seal.

Other features include a swivel mounting bracket, enlarged calabration figures and a built-in critical care measurement unit.

Circle No. 22 on Reader Service Card

Mobile Foam Unit

Western Fire Equipment Company has introduced a mobile foam firefighting unit, the Rover, which can be connected to a standpipe or other source in any area where flammable liquid fire hazards exist. The unit is on a wheeled angle-iron chassis.

The system includes a 28-gallon filler glass tank, eductor in choice of 30, 60 or 95 gpm rating, clear pick-up tube, 50 feet of 1 ¾ -inch discharge hose and fixed gallonage nozzle with adjustable spray pattern and shutoff.

Circle No. 15 on Reader Service Card


A 4×4 inch blue plastic reflector with cube-cornered mirrors to reflect headlights can be installed in road pavement to indicate hydrant locations.

The Fire-Lite, available from the Signal Products Division, Amerace Corporation, is placed in the middle of the road and opposite the hydrant. A marker can be spotted V4 mile away.

The plastic reflectors are the same as those used on highways to particularly supplement traffic lines in rain and fog. After applying a primer to the pavement, the Fire-Lite marker is positioned with a self-adhesive pad.

Circle No. 24 on Reader Service Card

Protective Suit

Fyrepel Products Iric., offers a two-piece fire chemical suit for protection against splash exposure to chemical substances and flash fires. A butyl compound inner suit provides protection against chemicals, while an outer suit of aluminized six-ounce Nomex will withstand radiant heat up to 2000°F. The hood is designed to fit most self-contained air packs. The suit cannot be used for fire entry. It is sold as a complete system or as two separate suits.

Circle No. 19 on Reader Service Card

Hose Reel

Tokheim Corporation’s Jasper Division has announced the results of a strength certification test of its aluminum hose reel, the Lightweight Champion.

The reel was attached atop a Liqg 275 vibration shaker and a sinusoidal dwell test was performed at 1,000,000 cycles for 13 hours and 14 minutes. Test results showed no functional damage to the unit.

Circle No. 39 on Reader Service Card

Warning Lights

Smith & Wesson is manufacturing a line of volunteer emergency lights which will fit under the sloping windshields of autos for dashboard use.

The lights offer minimum obstruction of the driver’s vision, yet provide an 18.5-square inch reflector to punch out a powerful beam.

Three styles are available: the L-11H and L-ll portable models and the L 12 permanent mount unit. All are available with red, blue or amber domes and flash 110 to 120 times per minuts. Power demand is 3.2 amps for the incandescent models, and 4.1 for the halogen.

Circle No. 38 on Reader Service Card

Hazard Chart

The 3M Company has introduced the Jody Chart of hazardous materials which provides quick identification and steps to be taken in the event of accidentia! spills and leaks.

The 17 X 22-inch charts, printed in colors and black on white film, include instructions on how to react to spills of gases, explosives, poisons, corrosives, oxygen, oxidizing materials, organic peroxides, flammable and combustable liquids, cryogenics and radioactive materials.

Circle No. 43 on Reader Service Card


A miniaturized base station receiver, designed to function in conjunction with radio alarm systems, has been introduced by Douglas Randall Division of Walter Kidde & Company, Inc.

The mini-base station provides the same capability as the full sized Kidde Monitor III base station receiver except that it does not incorporate a printer or supervisory control module. The unit receives signals from radio alarm transmitters, displays transmitter identity numbers, alarm zone numbers and any trouble conditions of the reporting transmitted on a LED display.

Circle No. 10 on Reader Service Card

fort lauderdale dogs fire

Fort Lauderdale (FL) Firefighters Save Dogs From House Fire, Department Says

Firefighters pulled four dogs from a smoldering Fort Lauderdale home that was in flames just minutes earlier Thursday morning, according to the department.
MN Barn Fire

4,000 Pigs Lost in MN Barn Fire

A fire late Wednesday evening has resulted in a total loss of a hog confinement and the 4,000 hogs inside.