Fire Equipment Digest

Fire Equipment Digest


Pulmonary Resuscitator

Dyna Med Inc. is offering the White pulmonary resuscitator, which allows one rescuer to perform two-man CPR while administering 100 percent oxygen. The unit consists of a 39-inch breathing tube which acts as a passive filling oxygen reservoir when 100 percent oxygen is administered through the oxygen inlet at the distal end of the tube.

Attached to the tube is a one-way nonrebreathing valve which allows the rescuer to adminster oxygen while the patient’s carbon dioxide is forced out through the exhalation port. The non-rebreathing valve allows use with face mask, endotraecheal tube and esophaegeal airway.

When an endotraecheal tube has been established as an airway, a second rescuer can administer life support measures without concern for CPR. A single use, disposable item, the WPR may be used with adult or child.

Circle No. 9 on Reader Service Card


Zetron, Inc., has introduced the CE-1000 communications encoder. It uses programmable, read only memory, and encodes POCSAG, NEC, digital tone only, NEC digital display and DTMF s’gnaling formats. These formats are used to signal many pagers.

Designed to selectively call individuals or groups in a paging network, the encoder can be programmed to encode a mixture of signaling formats in one unit. The CE-1000 may be upgraded.

Circle No. 3 on Reader Service Card

Warning Light

Federal Signal Corp. has introduced the Crossfire, a warning light designed to project rapidly-moving beams of light ahead of the vehicle. The light has two 35-watt halogen lamps inside the two clear center segments of Federal’s AeroDynic Model 25CF light bar. Oscillation of the reflectors projects an X pattern of light.

The diagonal beams combine with the flash effect of the eight rotating lamps in the light bar.

Circle No. 8 on Reader Service Card

Pulse, Pressure Monitor

Biomega Corp. has introduced Model 587, a portable, automatic instrument featuring an LED digital readout of systolic and diastolic pressures plus pulse rate at one time. Mean arterial pressure is displayed bypressing a button.

It does not use sound detection, and model 587 features audible and visible pulse indicators, computer controlled cuff deflation, and advanced circuitry for holding current readings in memory. It comes complete with a 120 VAC charger/adapter, standard adult cuff and 12 VDC connector line.

Circle No. 5 on Reader Service Card

Wider Cincinnati Cab

Truck Cab Manufacturers, Inc. now makes a Cincinnati cab, with nearly a foot of extra width inside and a 34 percent larger windshield for improved visibility. Eight inches of extra width at each jump seat makes it easier to slip on an air pack.

A heavy duty structural channel subframe and a 12-gauge metal skin on front and sides that is 75 percent thicker than that used on trucks are featured. Also included are double sealed doors, anodized aluminum moldings and rust-inhibitor treatment. The cab is available in aluminum or steel in three, five or seven man versions.

Circle No. 2 on Reader Service Card

Alarm Monitoring System

Digitize, Inc., has an alarm monitoring system for the fire service, the DPM 2000. It features plain English readouts on both display screen and hard copy printer. Messages can be field-programmed to alert monitoring personnel on the type of alarm, possible remedies and other data such as location, time and subscriber name.

When an alarm is triggered, up to 48 characters or alpha numerals can appear on the screen, with a back-up of eight additional screen displays. The system has a total memory capacity of 2000 screens. In the event of multiple alarms, the DPM System 2000 FP tracks each, displaying them according to priority. A Scan Rate button allows the operator to set alternations from one to seven seconds.

Circle No. 4 on Reader Service Card

Portable Floodlight

Specialty Lighting, Inc. has available Model 2176, a portable floodlight built to withstand harsh environments. Model 2176 delivers 10,500 lummes with a 500-watt quartz-halogen lamp. The lamp housing is made of sealed, die-cast aluminum, with a heat and impact resistant glass lens.

Circle No. 6 on Reader Service Card

In-Plant Truck

Marcan Industries, Inc., has introduced the Fire Quencher, an in-plant industrial fire fighting truck. Designed for rapid deployment, the truck uses a Hale pump which operates at 250 gpm at 150 psi. Tank capacities to 500 gallons are optional. Foam and chemical systems are available. The Fire Quencher can maneuver a six-foot aisle and is available as a standard unit or custom designed.

Circle No. 16 on Reader Service Card

Safety Carabiner

Smith Safety Products Inc. offers a carabiner to fit over ladder rungs and safety belts. Made of a steel alloy, it weighs 11 ounces and can support 5,500 pounds. It uses a screwlock safety gate for locking to objects.

Circle No. 14 on Reader Service Card

LAFD SUV in the ocean

Los Angeles Firefighter Swept Into Ocean as Mudslides Hit CA

A Los Angeles Fire Department vehicle was pushed into the ocean as heavy rains sent debris across several roadways.

Grandville (MI) Fire Truck Hit While Responding to I-196 Rollover

Michigan State Police are reminding drivers to pull over for emergency vehicles after a fire truck was struck Wednesday night.