LSU Fire Training Gets 2nd Pumper Under Lease Plan

LSU Fire Training Gets 2nd Pumper Under Lease Plan

The Louisiana State University Firemen Training Program in June 1975, entered into a lease agreement with FMC Corporation for a 750-gpm pumper, complete with all equipment to be used in training, not only at the training center, but in programs where needed throughout the state. This lease agreement was not a lease purchase. At the end of three years, specifications would be written and bids accepted for the next three years, which would give all fire apparatus manufacturers an opportunity to bid on the lease agreement.

This arrangement had a dual purpose: First, we have a revolving apparatus at the training center that enables us to take advantage of any innovations in fire apparatus, and secondly, we would be releasing the fire apparatus while it is still under the UL certification. It has worked out very well.

Carrol L. Herring, department head, Louisiana State University Firemen Training, receives keys to new pumper from Mrs. Helen Prejean, Southland Fire and Safety Equipment Co.

We took delivery of our second piece of fire apparatus in June 1978. While the new unit had some changes in specifications, FMC was again the successful bidder. The transaction was handled locally by FMC’s dealer, Southland Fire and Safety Company and their sales representative, Mrs. Helen Prejean.

The actual cost of the pumper is $36,000 plus tax. Our cost over a three year period will be $17,631, or a breakdown of $16.76 a day.

In our opinion, in these days of high inflation, this arrangement provides us with a new piece of apparatus to work with and at the same times gives us a means of keeping our working capital to build needed training facilities. In essence, we can have our cake and eat it too.

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