Thomas Hardware, Parts & Fasteners of Reading, Pennsylvania, has released the second edition of its fire, rescue, and emergency vehicle catalog. The 125-page catalog features 60 percent moreproducts than the previous edition. Free copies are available.
Circle No. 47 on Reader Service Card
A literature package available from Haztech Systems, Inc., provides a company profile; describes the company’s HazCat Chemical Identification Kit, which consists of easy-to-follow field tests for identifying unknown substances; and provides information on Haztech System’s nationwide, three-day classes designed to train personnel on the proper use of the HazCat kit. Supply and reagent order forms also are available.
Circle No. 48 on Reader Service Card
A brochure from IHRDC describes the company’s video training programs that cover topics relevant to production, natural gas, or refinery operations and safety. Each module includes a professionally produced video program and a three-ring binder containing an instructor’s guide, student tests, transparencies, a student manual, and a self-instruction guide. Topics available include confined space vessel entry, lockout/tagout, fire and safe work permits, and excavating and trenching.
Circle No. 49 on Reader Service Card
Understanding the Basics of Firestopping, a training manual available from Specified Technologies, Inc., describes the features of the company’s SpecSeal® line of firestopping products as well as general information and definitions relevant to firestopping, market and influences information, and product estimation tables.
Grde No. 50 on Render Service Card
A 304-page catalog from Seton Name Plate features the company’s expanded lines of identification and safety products, including signs, tags, labels, placards (DOT HM181-compliant), and workplace awareness signage. Confined space, biohazard, and ADA item lines have been expanded. New items include heatindicator signs and a complete line of ozone depletion-regulation products.
Grde No. 51 on Reader Service Card
A fact sheet available from Contraves/Symtron describes the characteristics and applications of the Contraves/Symtron LFTS/I live-fire training system (I.FTS), which is configured to replicate industrial and commercial settings and fueled by propane to reproduce classes A-, B-, and Ctype fires. The fact sheet also includes a profile of the company and contact phone numbers.
Circle No. 52 on Reader Service Card
A brochure from Griffith Polymers, Inc., provides specifications, including dimensions, weight, lift options, and cableassemblies of all seven models of Big Dipper® firefighting buckets. Detailed information on the buckets’ buoyancy, bumpers, plugs, polyurethane construction, and dump gate options are included.
Circle No. 53 on Render Service Card
HazMat Response Technologies offers literature on its Rubberizer’“ line of sorbents designed for use on spills of gasoline; transformer, lube, and hydraulic oils; jet and diesel fuels; chlorinated and aromatic solvents; and other industrial liquids. Included are a description of the products, which convert spilled materials into a rubber-like solid for easy disposal; a technical manual for the complete line of products, including booms, particulate polymers, and pillows; mitigation and cleanup operations reports; and a material safetydata sheet applicable to all Rubberizer™ products.
Circle No. 54 on Reeder Service Cord
Allison Transmission offers a package of information on the company and its products. Hie package includes a news item on Allison’s 10,000th MD transmission being built; a color brochure describing the new MD series of Allison transmissions for medium-duty trucks; a brochure describing the features and specifications of the Spartan MetroStar custom chassis, which features an Allison transmission; a profile of Spartan Motors Corporation; and a specifications sheet on the MD 3060P and MD 3560P transmissions.
Circle No. 55 on Reader Service Card
Questions pertaining to Delsar’s high-sensitivity AC detector, the AC Hot Stick, are answered in a fact sheet available from the company. A product description, applications, specifications, detection range, and answers to common questions are provided.
Circle No. Si on Reader Service Card