Manufacturers’ Literature

Manufacturers’ Literature

80 Pressure Demand Breathing Apparatus A full-color brochure entitled “MSA Pressure Demand Breathing Apparatus for the Professionals” is available from Mine Safety Appliances Company. The brochure discusses three MSA products used by fire fighters: the pressure demand air mask, pressure demand Air Cub and composite cylinder. It also includes a section entitled “The ABCs of Pressure Demand,” which describes the differences between pressure demand and demand-type breathing apparatus, and includes a color-coded schematic drawing of the major components of the pressure demand air mask. MSA also has available an illustrated bulletin on inspection and maintenance procedures as well as a full-color wall poster entitled “How to Use the MSA Model 401 Pressure Demand Air Mask.”

81 Battery Packs—A complete line of EMS battery packs for biomedical and communications equipment is listed in an eightpage catalog from Alexander Manufacturing Co. Batteries for monitor/defibrillators, other monitors, infusion and suction pumps, telemetry, and a number of other emergency and biomedical items are included. Also listed are representative battery packs for portable radios and pagers. Many of the packs are illustrated for quick identification.

82 Fire Apparatus—American LaFrance has a series of brochures and data sheets on its Century and commercial pumpers and the Century Ladder Chief and 75-foot Water Chief. Also available is a list of American LaFrance’s nationwide network of service centers.

83 Electrical Cable Reels—Clifford B. Hannay & Son, Inc., has recently published a 16-page catalog illustrating its comprehensive line of standard and custom reels for cable handling and storage. The brochure provides specification, installation and ordering instructions for over 50 cable reels. All reels are detailed in photos and diagrams indicating dimensions. The various power and manual rewind mechanisms available are fully described and product selector charts are included.

84 Emergency Communications Equipment—A four-page brochure from Eagle Signal Corporation describes the RAD350 emergency radio code system base station receiving console. Design and construction features are included.

85 Fire Extinguishers—A one-page catalog sheet, detailing the Safety First portable dry chemical high-pressure fire extinguisher, is available from the Fire Systems division of Chemetron Corporation. The two-color sheet shows a cutaway of the fire extinguisher and its principal features. It also contains a model selection and ordering chart.

86 Supplies—A new catalog is available from Oreck Corporation. While the company is primarily a retail outlet for vacuum cleaners and cleaning products, it also sells emergency and security devices used by fire and police departments. Police lights, power failure lights, power failure alarms and security lights are offered.

87 Foam Apparatus—An eight-page brochure from National Foam describes the company’s line of foam trucks and foam trailers. The brochure is illustrated with photos of units in service in a number of companies around the world.

88 Fire Apparatus—A 20-page brochure from Mack Trucks describes the Mack line of fire apparatus. Of interest is a list of Mack fire “firsts” and photographs of some early apparatus. The Mack Mid-Liner, Mack R, MC and CF pumpers are illustrated and described as are the Bulldog 1 ladder truck and 75-foot Aerialscope.

89 Pumpers—Grumman Emergency Products has released a new brochure describing the Wildcat pumper. The pumper comes with a wide array of standard features, such as a choice of pumps, 750 or 1000 gpm, one or two-stage; box pan compartment doors; 750 or 1000-gallon booster tanks, etc. The full range of features is listed, which includes color detail photography and engineer’s line drawings showing choices of compartment configurations.

90 Product Catalog—A 60-page product catalog has been prepared by the Homelite Division of Textron Inc. for its line of pumps, generators, chain saws, trimmers and brushcutters, multipurpose saws, and other products.

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