Manufacturers’ Literature
80 Fire Service Products—Fire-End & Croker’s 96-page fire service catalog, No. 178, is now available. It presents a new look and new content including eight lines of FireEnd’s own hose, brass, clothing and a complete stock of accessories. Special attention is given to new products coming into demand such as smoke detectors, new rescue tools, automatic style fog nozzles and Nomex fire coats.
81 Training Films—Fire Prevention Through Films, Inc., has just published a catalog of films for teaching employees and the general public in several areas of fire prevention and general safety, including health care facilities, industry, home, school, and fire service. Films are available for purchase or rental, with no charge for preview.
82 Lights—A fully descriptive and illustrated four-color catalog presents the complete automotive auxiliary and emergency lighting products line—along with electronic switching control console and electronic sirens of Unity Manufacturing Co. All specifications and ordering instructions are highlighted for visibility and customer convenience. Included among the products offered are spot lights, roof and deck lights, fog, emergency, driving and work lights; the Unibeacon line of revolving beacons (including the Spitfire dome); Uniracks for mounting emergency lights and speakers; the electronic Si-tron siren/PA amplifier and the Si-tron power switching console. The 12-page catalog illustrates all products and accessories and describes the applications and advantages of each unit.
83 Air Compressors—A six page, fourcolor brochure from Mako Compressors, Inc., describes the Mako 4500 and 5000 automated compressor-purification systems. The pamphlet illustrates in detail the various components of the system. The 4500/5000 series is the optimum installation for a fire department respiratory air system.
84 Ambulances—Excellance, Inc., has issued an eight page, four-color brochure on its Alpha I emergency medical vehicle/rescue unit. A cutaway drawing show the features of the unit. Also included is a 20-page brochure giving complete specifications.
85 Generators—Two brochures on generators are available from the Homelite Division of Textron, Inc. The first, a four-page brochure, L-03074, describes the Homelite line of high-cycle generators and vibrators. The second, “Generator Basics,” illustrates how energy is generated and offers definitions of an electric circuit, a generator, voltage and amperage, and alternating and direct current The literature has easy-to-follow drawings, provides a general discussion on types of generators and also includes listings of wattage requirements for motors. The last two pages contain a glossary of terms and a table of electrical formulas.
86 Slides, Film Strips—Robert J. Brady has issued a four-page brochure on the burn trauma program. The program, which is authored by Lauraine Thomas, R.N., B.S., PhN., M.S., consist of seven modules made up either of slides or filmstrips or filmstrip with tape or slides with tape. These include emergency management of the burn trauma; pathogenesis of burn trauma, parts I and II; fluid resuscitation in burn trauma; management’of burn trauma wounds; management of burn trauma wound closure and psychosocial survival in burn trauma.
87 Rescue Platform—A four-page brochure from New Products Corp. describes the Life Saver, a floating platform for water and ice rescue operations. The unit consists of a platform 20 inches wide and 18 1/2 feet long when extended and two air bags which have a buoyance rating of 825 pounds. Hooks are at the rear of the platform so that a standard fire ladder can push it toward an ice victim.
88 Air Masks—An illustrated data sheet, No. 01-0011, on pressure demand air masks is available from Mine Safety Appliances Company. The sheet describes the Model 401 pressure demand air mask and the Model 502 Air Cub units. The units have been approved by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health and the Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration. In addition, the pressure demand air mask meets the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association and the guidelines for self-contained apparatus in American National Standard Institute standards Z88.2-1969 and Z88.5-1973. The pressure demand air mask has a rated service life of 30 minutes and the Air Cub a rated service life of 15 minutes.
89 Rainwear—Blauer Manufacturing Company, Inc., offers a 32-page, full-color catalog of men’s and women’s uniform rainwear and all-weather outerwear. Included in the catalog are jackets, raincoats and reefers for fire departments.
90 Gloves—A data sheet from Firecraft Division of Western Fire Equipment Co. describes the Firecraft glove which protects against both heat or cold while retaining its grip. Two styles are offered: a traditional gauntlet and a new glove with a 4-inch Nomex wristlet.
91 Pumps—Prosser-East, manufacturer of Bilgram fire fighting pumps, offers descriptive bulletin 1271 describing a new instant-starting model pump featuring solid state ignition. The manufacturer claims it is effective to —20 °F. The new pump, Model 42 P, is qualified for U. S. Navy fire fighting. It handles volumes up to 330 gpm and pressures up to 165 psi, 2 1/2-inch discharge.
92 Fire Systems—Exide Safety Systems Division of ESB Incorporated has issued a comprehensive guide to Exide/Couch’s full line of security and fire systems and accessories for the multiple-housing market. Included in the brochure are easily installed, fire alarm systems that meet National Fire and Safety standards, including NFPA 72A and 72B.
93 Decals, Signs, Labels—Seton Name Plate has published its 1978 catalog offering more than 194 identification products. Each product is illustrated in full color with complete specifications, pricing and simple forms for ordering. Complete pages are devoted to truck signs decals, name plates, warning tags, DOT hazardous materials placards and labels and other identification products.