Manufacturers’ Literature
80 Radio Test Equipment—Motorola’s Communications Sector has released its 1982-83 radio communications test equipment catalog. Devoted to test equipment for installation and maintenance of two-way radio systems, the catalog includes such products as Motorola’s communications systems analyzer, signal generators, oscilloscopes, tone generators, wattmeters and power supplies. It also covers specialized test sets for digital private line, digital voice protection, mobile telephone and mobile radio metering.
81 Boats—Fire departments with water rescue responsibilities will be interested in a 16-page brochure from Grumman describing its line of light weight boats. A price list including standard and optional equipment and accessories is also available.
82 Disaster Simulation Kits—Simulaids, Inc., has just published four-color data sheets on its mass disaster and casualty simulation kits. The chief components of these kits are realistic simulated bleeding and nonbleeding wounds such as gunshot injuries, enucleated eyes, bone fractures, and protruding intestines. The kits, in varying sizes, have a range of uses from teaching small first-aid classes to staging mass disasters involving hundreds of mock casualties and additional hundreds of rescuers as may be the case in a major airplane accident.
83 Flame-Retardant Fabrics—Mt. Jefferson Woolens has published a full-color catalog on the company’s new WoolShield series of flame-retardant, Zirpro-treated fabrics for protective clothing worn in hazardous industries. Entitled “Wool Protects Naturally,” the text describes wool’s inherent natural resistance to heat, flammability and thermal conductivity, as well as insulating qualities and comfort. The catalog includes manufacturer’s fabric specifications with swatches, performance data, and cleaning recommendations.
84 Fire/Life Safety Products—A 16-page catalog listing the full 1982 line of architectural hardware and fire/life safety products from Rixson-Firemark is now available. The comprehensive, illustrated catalog gives full details, including product specifications and ordering information on Rixson’s smokeactuated door closers, smoke detectors, and door holder/releases, among other items.
85 Breathing Apparatus—The new Draeger PA-80 compressed air breathing apparatus is detailed in a new six-page brochure. The PA-80, which gives 30 minutes service, is a lightweight unit which has a five-year warranty on the first-stage regulator. It is available with either 2216 or 4500-psi cylinders.
86 Tankers—A two-page, four-color flyer featuring the FMC tanker is available from FMC Corporation’s Fire Apparatus Operation. The flyer describes and illustrates the tanker which carries between 1000 and 1500 gallons of extra water to the scene of a fire. Diagonally crossed tank baffles provide protection against water surge while the truck is moving. Other standard features include full-depth, 22-inch side compartments, a massive rear compartment with double doors and a large hose bed with slatted wood deck grille.
87 Exercise Equipment—Total Medical Systems has an eight-page, four-color, brochure describing its Total Gym. A number of exercises are described in the folder.
88 Fire Hose—National Fire Hose Corporation has issued a 12-page brochure on its line of custom municipal fire hose. Included are specifications and descriptions of N-Dura with a 100 percent synthetic double jacket; Dura-Cron, 100 percent polyester double jacket; triple-duty large-diameter fire hose (4, 4½ and 5-inch diameters); cotton/polyester hose with a standard double jacket tested to 600 and 400 psi; suction and booster hose; and expansion ring couplings.
89 Protective Clothing—Fyrepel has issued a 12-page industrial catalog of protective clothing, accessories and supplies. Included is a fabric specification guide, descriptions of the 1000 series fire entry suit, the 600 and 700 series proximity suits, the model 305 fire/ chemical suit, the 500 and 300 series approach suits, various types of head protection, aluminized coats and trousers, aluminized boots, gloves and clothing which meet OSHA 1910 requirements for industrial fire brigades.