Manufacturers’ Literature
80 EMS Training Equipment—EMS Products has published a catalog covering its line of emergency care training equipment and supplies. The catalog includes information on adult and infant CPR manikins, anatomical charts, injury simulation kits, childbirth manikins, intravenous training units, textbooks and specialized CPR manikin repairs and modifications.
81 Respiratory Protection—A full-color wall poster entitled “How to Use the MSA Model 401 Pressure Demand Air Mask” is available from Mine Safety Appliances Company. The 20 by 26-inch poster offers an illustrated reference to routine procedures for donning, checking and removing the apparatus. It also features a color-coded schematic drawing on air flow from the cylinder through the regulator to the facepiece. The schematic pinpoints the relative location of all valves, the pressure gage and the diaphragm. It is accompanied by an exploded view of the exhalation valve in the facepiece.
82 Radio Data Networks—A 12-page brochure from Printer Terminal Communications Corporation describes the operation and applications of the Ladd (local area data distribution) radio data network system as a radio modem alternative to telco data links and as a data network enhancement to voice only mobile radio.
83 Life Safety Reference Chart—A two-color wall chart designed for the fire services and others involved with fire protection is available from The Gamewell Corporation. It includes highlights of Life Safety 101 Codes, NFPA codes (72 series), BOCA codes, standard building codes and HUD requirements.
84 Ambulances—“Facts You Should Know About Buying Ambulances” has been jointly published by Star-Line Enterprises, Inc., and their marketing organization, EL Industries, Inc., following detailed interviews with a number of health care authorities. The illustrated text outlines details which these experts consider important in analyzing ambulances. Among the dozen categories covered are the key qualities to look for in a chassis, in overall structured design, electrical circuitry, roofs, interior cabinety, and aftersales service. An ambulance buying checklist is also included.
85 Batteries—JaBro Batteries, Inc., has released an eight-page catalog of batteries for paging, communications and public safety systems. Featuring one energy source, the catalog illustrates and describes battery requirements from standard mercury or alkaline throw-away to nickel cadmium pager and communication batteries. Also included is information on the features and characteristics of nickel cadmium batteries, standard rating practice, and methods for obtaining maximum useful cycle lie.
86 High-Rise Survival Poster—Film Communicators has made available “High Rise Survival” poster. On the back are described the films and books on high-rise fire and life safety distributed by the company. Film Communicators also has a catalog of films and programs for training eergency personnel.
87 Warning Lights, Etc.—Warn Industries has available a new 12-page color catalog describing its safety products. The catalog includes photographs, specifications and application information for more than 20 different warning devices and accessories for vehicles and stationary mounting.
88 Burn Prevention Programs—A data sheet entitled “How Could Amy’s Mother Have Prevented Her Burn Injury?” is available from the Project Burn Prevention, Education Development Center. Project Burn Prevention was developed by Education Development Center, Inc., in collaboration with the Shriners Burns Institute and the Massachusetts General Hospital and was funded by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Included on the sheet is an order form for a variety of printed materials, filmstrips and audiocassettes, suitable for presentation in schools and community outreach programs.
89 Ambulances—Superior Trans-Med has issued two data sheets on the Stoner Supervan and the Stoner Series X2 paramedic ambulances. Also available is a data sheet on the Break-A-Way stretcher.
90 Battery Tester—The Ratelco BT-1 battery tester which uses controlled and timed discharge of the battery for testing to assure longest battery life, is featured in a new four-page bulletin from Ratelco, Inc. Offering interchangeable battery adapters, the unit points out unusual or improper operating conditions where the battery charging procedure does not permit the battery to attain its maximum capability.
91 Voice/Alarm Applicance—New literature describing the Wheelock voice/alarm appliance is available from Wheelock Signals, Inc. The four-page brochure details the 870 series voice/alarm panel, showing how it is possible to convert a standard fire alarm system from electromechanical alarms to voice communications, synthetic tone signaling and strobe light capability. The brochure details features, gives electrical and performance characteristics, an interconnect diagram, photographs, plus ordering and mounting configurations.
92 Diesel Engines—A new brochure featuring diesel engines and automatic transmissions for fire fighting equipment is available from the Detroit Diesel Allison Division of General Motors. The brochure provides engine and transmission specifications for Fire truck applications. Diesel engines are available in a wide range of sizes and power ratings from 165 to 434 hp.
93 Kevlar 29—“Protecting America’s Firefighters With Gloves of Kevlar 29,” a four-color, four-page brochure from Du Pont, describes the evaluation and acceptance of gloves of Kevlar aramid fiber by two fire fighting units—the Houston Fire Department and state fire instructors in the Minnesota Department of Education.