National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System: Maintain the Circle of Safety

Power saw operations require an adequate “circle of safety” to ensure the operator has sufficient room to work the tool and others are not struck by flying debris. The minimum “circle of safety” that is recommended by many manufacturers range from 12 feet to 25 feet for personnel in PPE. For non-PPE equipped personnel, that circle widens to 100 feet. This week’s featured report reminds us of the importance of maintaining a “circle of safety” for the user’s protection as well as those around the saw.

“We had two three person companies assigned to a working fire in a single story residence. We were operating in the defensive strategy. One of the companies was working a 2.5” handline on the delta side of the structure. The second company involved was a truck company assigned to open up an overhead garage door using a gas powered circular saw. The truck was also located on the delta side.

Both companies were working in close proximity to one another and at some point, one of the firefighters on the attack line came into contact with the saw operator. The saw operator was shoved forward causing him to lose control of the saw. This allowed the spinning blade to strike…”

The tendency of crews to “crowd” each other as they work toward completing their independent, but mutually interrelated missions is an often observed phenomenon on the fireground. Company officers and command officers must be alert to ensure that their crew gives each other enough elbow room to complete each task. Since, all crews are working toward the same goal. Once you have read the full account (CLICK HERE), consider the following:

1. Does your department have safeguards in place that would prevent an incident like this from happening?
2. Given the same scenario, what actions would you have taken to prevent this incident?
3. Where and when would have been the appropriate times to intervene?
4. What emotions, mindsets, or other conditions led to this event?
5. How often do you train on power saw operations or train with a company that uses power saws?

Have you been involved in a near miss involving power saws? Add your experience to the safety data base to help another crew avoid injury. Submit your incident to today so everyone goes home tomorrow.

Note: The questions posed by the reviewers are designed to generate discussion and thought in the name of promoting firefighter safety. They are not intended to pass judgment on the actions and performance of individuals in the reports.

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett

Buildings That Front on Two Streets

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Fire Burns Through PA Aerospace Supplier

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