Daniel Madrzykowski of the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s Fire Fighting Technology Group was named the “George D. Post Instructor of the Yearfor 2009” by the International Society of Fire Service Instructors and Fire Engineering. Madrzykowski is a leader in applying science to firefighting operations, specifically his research on the application of fire dynamics tools, and applying this scientific knowledge to save the lives of firefighters. He also studies firefighter line-of-duty deaths to help establish the root causes of an incident in an effort to learn lessons that will improve life safety and prevent future losses.
Madrzykowski was presented the award for transferring his knowledge and experience to the classroom. He has delivered fire dynamics programs across the country and has developed a variety of training discs to put these lessons in the hands of fire company officers and instructors worldwide.
For more information on Madrzykowski’s work with fire service training, click here.