North Sea firefighter
Fires and explosions pose the greatest danger to lives and equipment on offshore oil rigs and platforms where conventional firefighting equipment is ineffective.
Able to deliver 13,600 tons per hour of water at a range of 650 feet, the emergency support vessel IOLAIR (Gaelic for eagle) is capable of fighting the intense wellhead fires onNorth Sea petroleum platforms. The IOLAIR is equipped with four main fire pumps and seventeen monitors that are computer controlled to adapt to the area s severe wave, wind and weather conditions. The IOLAIR can operate in winds up to 70 knots and waves up to 50 feet, and can travel at speeds up to 13 knots.
Designed by British Petroleum, this mobile, semi-submersible vessel is basically computer controlled and has been in operation about eight months. IOLAIR measures 335 feet long, 169 feet wide, and 106 feet deep.
To remain stationary, IOLAIR submerges to a depth of 50 feet. The 20,000-hp engines, too, help keep the vessel on station.
IOLAIR is equipped with a drenching system so that it can approach a fire incident and withstand intense heat. IOLAIR can support a diving/ maintenance team working at a depth of 985 feet. It also serves as a hospital, complete with medical facilities and an extensively equipped operating room.