REO Sentinel Introduces Battery-Operated, Wireless Security Device

REO Sentinel has introduced a new battery-operated, wireless security system. Please visit to see firsthand how our system works. It is a battery operated wireless security device that can detect gas leaks such as methane, butane and propane. They system recognizes smoke alarms, water leaks, spikes in temperature as well authorized and unauthorized access. Ten persons can be used as points of contact, directly from the system via text messages as well as email messages with photos attached showing who is accessing properties.

Why should someone wait until a fire has been started in a structure before action is taken. Today, this wait is unnecessary – no electricity is required since our technology is battery operated. I believe that the REO Sentinel Guardian Monitoring System will shift the responsibility from emergency personnel to where if fully belongs – with the property owner. Notifications are sent when a property is accessed – the property owner will know within minutes when their property is accessed. Steel across windows and doors is unsightly and as you demonstrated in your article – this system can be deadly during a fire. No one wants to see boarded buildings in their neighborhoods – every town across America is facing budgetary constraints. Most agree, if the person who is responsible would “step up” and meet their obligations as they should – this act could alleviate the budget shortcomings by lowering the number of vacant property fires. An ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure is the attitude we are wanting property owners to take with regard to squatters and vandals. Imagine if the property owner went within minutes of learning that their properties had been illegally accessed, rather than wait until a neighbor sees smoke billowing out of a window or door?

The potential to save lives and money lay with you and other emergency responders, today. Join me in requesting cities across America to chose REO Sentinel as their preferred security system so that property owners and not tax payers are forced to respond to problem properties.

LAFD SUV in the ocean

Los Angeles Firefighter Swept Into Ocean as Mudslides Hit CA

A Los Angeles Fire Department vehicle was pushed into the ocean as heavy rains sent debris across several roadways.

Grandville (MI) Fire Truck Hit While Responding to I-196 Rollover

Michigan State Police are reminding drivers to pull over for emergency vehicles after a fire truck was struck Wednesday night.