At The Forefront Of Safety
Firefighting safety is an issue that has been receiving more and more attention. Recently, an item called Annex D was even added to NFPA 1901 Guidelines, which addresses refurbishment or replacement of older fire apparatus that may not have appropriate safety features and efficiencies. Combine this with the growing number of firefighter fatalities that occur on the way to or from an incident and it’s easy to see how safety concerns have grown.
“Safety isn’t the responsibility of any one organization, it belongs to all of us,” commented Rosenbauer America President Harold Boer. “This is where the Tech Drive concept was born. Through our Tech Drive technology partners, we’re able to make it all a reality.”
It’s Bigger. It’s Better. It’s Back.
Last year Rosenbauer hit the road for the inaugural Tech Drive tour, crisscrossing North America showcasing the most innovative technology in fire apparatus. During Tech Drive ’05, over 122,000 firefighters viewed the trucks and provided feedback on the features.
In With The New And Improved
After a year of planning, the Tech Drive ’06 lineup includes a heavy rescue, a rear mount pumper and an aerial, each loaded with the latest safety features and technology that anticipates what a firefighter may encounter on a call.
“The three fire apparatus chosen for Tech Drive ’06 carry design, technology and safety features that we could have only dreamed of 30 years ago,” added Boer. “We’re excited to give firefighters a peak at what the future holds. From an ATV compartment to a sophisticated camera system that allows a 360-degree view around the truck with real time recording, we’ve designed these apparatus with the ultimate in firefighting safety in mind.”
The Tour Stops Here
The Tech Drive ’06 lineup was revealed at Rosenbauer’s annual dealer meeting on April 10 in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. To see the industry’s most technologically advanced machines up close, mark your calendar to attend one of our Tech Drive ’06 stops in a city near you, beginning April 27 at FDIC:
- Indianapolis, IN – April 27-29
- Toronto, Ontario – May 8-10
- Harrisburg, PA – May 19-20
- Atlantic, Nova Scotia – June 8-10
- St.George, NY – June 15-17
- Springfield, MA – June 23-24
- Columbus, OH – July 16-17
- Omaha, NE – July 19-21
- College Station, TX – July 23-24
- Dallas, TX – September 15-16
For More Information
If you want to preview the Tech Drive ’06 fire apparatus on your own or find the nearest Rosenbauer dealer, please go to