SCBA approval plate correction

SCBA approval plate correction



Survivair announces that there is a correction to be made on some approval plates of SCBAs with Approval No. TC-13F-44.

If the second line on the approval plate on the back of your backpack reads “One half hour self-contained pressure demand type,” it must be corrected in order for the SCBA to be in a MSHA-NIOSH approved state.

The label must read “One half hour self-contained demand type.”

You should scratch the word “pressure” off the second line of the approval plate with either a Dremel tool, knife, or other sharp tool.

If your TC-13F-44 approval plate does not contain the word “pressure” on the second line, then it is proper and nothing needs to be done.

If you have any questions, please contact Survivair Technical Services at (714) 241-4093.

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