There are many keys to survivability, including air management, situational awareness and sound decision making. Though not overlooked, in depth knowledge of the equipment we use is critical to survival on the fireground, and the one piece of equipment we depend on at every structure fire is our SCBA.
SCBA Skills and Abilities is a new program developed by Battalion Chief John Salka of the Fire Department of New York (FDNY). It outlines and describes many vital features and tactical abilities firefighters need to be familiar with to opeate safely while wearing an SCBA. “Often, firefighters know how to put on an SCBA and take it off, turn it on and turn it off,” said Salka. “They don’t’ know all of the emergency procedures they can perform to survive in hazardous environments.”
Firefighters must know the skills and abilities required to use their SCBA, including how to connect and disconnect every strap and buckle; how long the air supply will last; the reduced profile and full escape emergency procedures; buddy breathing; low air procedures; and use of the RIT pack.
Before the class began, Salka said, “We will identify, outline and explain basic procedures for using SCBA, including some tricks that perhaps students haven’t seen before. We’ll go over things they should know to survive in hazardous atmosphers. They need to be familiar with all aspects of this equipment and remain knowledgeable with them and be able to use the equipment over and over again to the fullest.”