A total of approximately 3,000 toys were donated this holiday season through the Stamford Professional Fire Fighters Association’s (SPFFA) ninth-annual toy drive.
On Saturday, December 20, Santa and Stamford firefighters delivered over 500 toys on an antique fire truck to 200 children from the Franklin Street Shelter.
On Tuesday, December 23, Stamford firefighters will continue to spread cheer by bringing gifts to the Salvation Army, the Wilson Food Pantry, and pediatric patients at the Stamford Hospital.
A large number of residents and community organizations took part in the toy collection. The Bartlett Tree Company gave a generous amount of toys and several bags of new winter clothes. In addition, 22 boxes of stuffed animals were donated by Hobbs Inc. of New Cannan, Connecticut.
Santa Claus posing in front of an antique Stamford fire truck preparing to deliver toys and gifts to local children at the Franklin Street Shelter.
Stamford firefighters take part in wrapping gifts donated by members and organizations of the local community.