Taylor-Wharton LighTWeightsT are made to stand up to pressure. For horizontal or vertical storage, each cylinder is ultrasonically tested and features Leak-Before-Break technology. With a unique patented steel, the HC-4500 is made to DOT-E 9421 and the HC-6,000 to DOT-E 9909–37 percent lighter than comparable DOT 3AA-6000-psi cylinders. Both conform to Transport Canada permit SU 4221. For all your high-pressure air storage cylinder needs, call the Team Taylor-Wharton Customer Service Hotline at (800) 821-2975.
Taylor-Wharton LighTWeightsT are made to stand up to pressure. For horizontal or vertical storage,
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Grandville (MI) Fire Truck Hit While Responding to I-196 Rollover
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