Selecting and installing the right hose or tube assembly requires accurate measurement and identification of ports, threads, and connectors, which come in a wide variety of sizes and types. “How to Identify Fluid Connectors,” Aeroquip Bulletin 5963, describes the tools and methods used to identify end connectors around the world. American, German, and French metric, British and Japanese connectors are also included. The 36-page bulletin shows how to measure threads and sealing surface angles and to match these measurements with dash and/or thread size charts. For a free copy of this booklet, write to: Aeroquip Corp., 300 South East Ave., Jackson, MI 49203.

Despite the considerable attention focused on hazardous materials management over the past years, one of the toughest areas to get information about is hazardous materials training. Where are the hazardous materials training courses and what do they offer? What should they offer? How do you know what to look for? The 1985 “National Directory of Hazardous Materials Training Courses,” produced and published by the Association of Bay Area Governments, contains information on 185 training courses that are now on the market. The introductory section of the 211-page directory covers what should be provided and what to look for when shopping for training. The directory sells for $20, and there is a 20% discount for orders of three or more copies. Contact: Association of Bay Area Governments, P.O. Box 2050, Oakland CA 94604; or telephone (415) 464-7951.

The Film Library’s 1984 film catalog and supplement are available free of charge from the Greater Los Angeles Chapter National Safety Council, 616 South Westmoreland Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90005. The Film Library has over 1,500 films on safety, training, fire, and health.

An updated second edition of a book on high-rise fire alarms has been published by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. HIGH-RISE FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS – RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STATE AND LOCAL CODES reflects the latest codes for fire alarm requirements of the 50 states and 20 major cities. Information is provided on fire alarm requirements of major model codes; an overview of state and city code applications; code recommendations for high-rise fire alarm and communications systems; and specifications for smoke detectors, audible alarms, two-way communication systems, door unlocking devices, power systems, and manual fire alarms. The information on existing codes includes a summary of pertinent sections of the three code models with requirements for high-rise alarm systems plus the Life Safety Code of the National Fire Protection Association. Single copies of the book are available for $5 each (prepaid) from NEMA, 2101 L Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037.

Walt Disney Educational Media Company is releasing an updated version of “Donald’s Fire Survival Plan,” the fire safety classic film. Hosted by Donald Duck, the film not only shows how to escape a fire, but also teaches how to prevent one. The film, which runs for IIV2 minutes, is available in 16mm film for $289, or videocassette for $217. Write: Walt Disney Educational Media Company, 500 South Buena Vista Street, Burbank, CA 91521.

EMERGENCY VEHICLE DRIVING TECHNIQUES is a 56-page booklet put out by the National Academy for Professional Driving to explain why emergency vehicles require some special techniques in driving and how to make the vehicle respond in a manner that is safe for both the operator and the citizens. Write: National Academy for Professional Driving Inc., 2711 Cedar Springs Road, Dallas, TX 75201. Telephone: (214) 742-3471.

A publication from the Fire Retardant Chemicals Association conference series presents 13 reports on major topics in fire science and fire safety. Reports in this volume deal with fire toxicity, combustion toxicology, testing, codes, and hazard assessment. The publication is available for $35 from Technomic Publishing Company Inc., 851 New Holland Avenue, Box 3535, Lancaster, PA 17604.

A public education-fire safety media kit includes four television public service announcements, a set of slides for public education presentations, and a how-to guide about getting the stop, drop, and roll message to the community. The kit is produced and distributed by the Chesterfield Fire Protection District under a grant from FEMA. Contact: Chesterfield Fire District, P.O. Box 229, Chesterfield, MO 63017.

Automatic venting system on roof.

The automatic fire venting guide, available from the Bilco Company, describes the principles of automatic venting in roofs of single-story industrial and commercial buildings. The booklet contains information for determining heat release classifications based on building contents and use, and has selector charts for size and spacing of vents for various occupancies. Contact: Bilco Company, P.O. Box 1203, New Haven, CT 06505.

“Fire at Their Fingertips,” a videotape from Government Employees Insurance Company, is intended to help reeducate juvenile firestarters. The videotape alerts parents to the signs that might indicate that their child could be a firesetter and shows that there is help for those who need it and that the programs do work. The videotape is available on loan by writing to: Government Employees Insurance Company, Communications Department, GEICO Plaza, Washington, D.C. 20076.

A series of firefighter videotape programs are available from IFSTA, Fire Protection Publications, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078. The video programs include: Anatomy and Behavior of Fire, 25 minutes, $90; Fire Safety, 20 minutes, $85; Protective Breathing Apparatus, 30 minutes, $95; Fire Hose and Nozzles Part 1, 30 minutes, $95; Fire Hose and Nozzles Part 2, 30 minutes, $95; Fire Streams, 20 minutes, $85; Ventilation, 30 minutes, $95; Sprinklers, 15 minutes, $80; Ladders, 30 minutes, $95; Forcible Entry, 15 minutes, $80. All programs come with an instruction guide.

Two illustrated, step-by-step guides on inspection and maintenance of self-contained breathing apparatus from MSA (Mine Safety Appliances) are available. One guide covers procedures for the Ultralite air mask, a lowpressure (2,216 psig) SCBA; the other covers the Custom 4500 air mask, a high-pressure (4,500 psig) unit. Each guide outlines the individual components of the air masks, supplemented with an inspection checklist to ensure continued proper performance. Maintenance procedures are also discussed. For a copy of “Inspection and Maintenance Procedures” for the Custom 4500 air mask (bulletin 0105-63) or for the Ultralite air mask (bulletin 0105-62), write: MSA, 600 Penn Center Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15235.

CA Fire Department Pilot-Testing Drone Response to ‘Unknown Type’ Fire Calls

The San Bernardino County Fire Protection District has launched a pilot program making drones the first responders for "unknown type fire" calls.
Mike Dugan and company talking building constructon and disasters

Humpday Hangout: Building Codes and Disasters

Mike Dugan and the panel regulars will talk with their guests about building codes and how proper building construction can mitigate the damage from natural…