North Safety Equipment has available a training video, IMMEDIATELY DANGEROUS TO LIFE OR HEALTH, designed to educate the end-user of the company’s 800 Series™ self-contained breathing apparatus. The video is narrated by a North Safety Equipment spokesperson who explains, in layperson’s terms, the operation and features of both SCBA and supplied-air respirators.

A two-hour video training program, APPROACH TO PEDIATRIC PATIENTS ($148), details methods of communicating with pediatric patients and distraught family members. The video itself is 35 minutes long; the package includes an instructor’s manual to aid the instructor in developing a classroom training program. Contact: Lockert-Jackson and Associates, Inc.; P.O. Box 11380; Bainbridge Island, WA 98110-5380; (800) 327-3841.

A three-part training package Irom Media Resources, Inc., BL00DB0RNE PATHOGENS ($695.95), includes a computer-based section, which allows a student to navigate through an interactive Windows environment; a 36-minute videotape; and an exposure-control plan manual that includes vaccination cleanup and exposure procedures, a glossary of terms, a copy of the standard, and appropriate forms. Contact: Media Resources, Inc.; 2614 Fort Vancouver Way; Vancouver, WA 98661-3997; (206) 693-3344.

B The Volunteer Committee of the International Association of Fire Chiefs has developed the FIRE CHIEF’S SOURCEBOOK ($ I 19), a selfhelp guide for volunteer fire service leaders. It contains samples of SOPs, recruitment and retention materials, and training guidelines from volunteer fire departments throughout the U.S.; a bibliography; and addresses of the fire departments represented. Contact: Nancy Matthes; IAFC; 4025 Fair Ridge Dr.; Fairfax, VA 22033-2868; (703) 273-0911, ext. 3.32.

B The 226-page book PROFESSIONAL WORKERS AS LEARNERS: THE SCOPE, PROBLEMS, AND ACCOUNTABILITY OF CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN THE 1990s, is now available for $14 a copy from the U.S. Government Printing Office. It contains essays about continuing education for professionals. Contact: Superintendent of Documents; P.O. Box 371954; Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. Indicate stock number 065-000-00531-0.

B TB INFECTION-CONTROL PLAN AND RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM from Holdsworth & Associates, Inc., includes medical screening requirements, reporting and record-keeping forms, complete training lesson plans, presentation notes, and overhead transparencies. Videos, do-it-yourself compliance manuals, and training materials for other standards also are available. Contact: Holdsworth & Associates, Inc.; (8(H)) 437-8347.

B The National Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc., offers a 35-minute video, THE VALUE OF SPRINKLERS ($29 95), designed to dispel myths associated with automatic sprinkler operation, demonstrate actual fire control through sprinklers, and review unsuccessful attempts to extinguish fires in high-rises. Contact: NFSA’s Resource Center; P.O. Box 1000; Patterson, NY 12563; (914) 878-4200; fax (914)878-4215.


The National Emergency Training Center’s (NETC’s) Learning Resource Center (I.RC) in Emmitsburg, Maryland, routinely supplies answers to questions regarding fire/emergency services and information to students and fire/emergency services personnel. The NETC’s reference service will provide the addresses and telephone numbers of organizations, publications’ sources and prices, and literature searches/bibliographies in response to more detailed inquiries. Over the past few years, the LRC has expanded its services to include a toll-free number [(8(H)) 638-1821); the Emergency Management Information Center (EMIC), a collection of case studies on major natural and technological disasters; and the Arson Resource Center (ARC), a reference service for individuals with questions pertaining to arson.

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett

Buildings That Front on Two Streets

Paul Dansbach and Glenn Corbett consider buildings that front on two streets, share basements, or might otherwise challenge firefighters.

Fire Burns Through PA Aerospace Supplier

A large fire broke out Monday night at SPS Technologies, an aerospace supplier in Abington Township.