The module “USE AND CARE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT” is Media Resources Inc.’s third of five in the Hazardous-Materials First-Responder Operations series for training at the local level. The video package emphasizes proper protection of first responders performing defensive tactics and includes an instructor guide and study guide.

For more information, contact Media Resources Inc., 2614 Ft. Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA 98661-3997, or call (206) 6933344.

STUDY GUIDE FOR IFSTA HAZARDOUS MATERIALS FOR FIRST RESPONDERS is a 196-page study guide that contains true/ false, multiple choice, matching, and short answer questions about corresponding material in the IFSTA manual Hazardous Materials for First Responders. Each chapter has learning objectives focused on specific needs, such as meeting NFPA, OSHA, or DOT standards. Answers at the end include the manual site reference for further explanation. Case studies help you test your ability to apply what you learn.

For more information, contact International Fire Service Training Association, Fire Protection Publications, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-0118, or call (405) 744-5723.

“LOCKOUT-TAGOUT” is a new video training program from Summit Training Source for workers who perform maintenance on equipment that has stored energy or the potential for movement, endangering life and limbs. Based on current federal guidelines, the 15-minute video explains the proper way to lock out the different types of power equipment, such as with the installation of blank flanges in pipes and the disconnection of mechanical couplings. It also shows how to prevent accidentally starting the equipment and the proper way to restart it after servicing.

For more information, contact Summit Training Source, Inc., 6504 28 Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506, or call (616) 9492370.

“FIRE EXTINGUISHERS: THE A-B-CS” is a video and 16mm program from Ray Jewell Productions that explains the A, B, and C classes of fire and demonstrates what types of extinguishers to use in work-related situations. For more information, contact Ray Jewell Productions, 4314 Mariota Avenue, North Hollywood, CA 91602, or call (818) 766-3747.

The U.S. Fire Administration/Federal Emergency Management Agency offers the following PUBLIC FIRE EDUCATION MATERIALS free of charge per request: “Curious Kids Set Fires”; “Check Your Hot Spots,” promoting alternate heaters in rural areas; “It’s a Real Protector, It’s a Smoke Detector”; “Partnerships Against Fire”; Public Fire Education Today: Programs from Across America; Blueprint for Fire Safety, for senior citizens; “Sesame Street Materials ”Juvenile Firesetter Professional Counseling Guides; Overcoming Barriers to Public Fire Education: Final Report of Symposium; and Public Fire Education Resource Directory.

For multiple copies, send a written request on your organization’s letterhead to Office of Fire Prevention and Arson Control, U.S. Fire Administration, 16825 South Seton Avenue, Emmitsburg, MD 21727.

“INTRODUCTION TO NATURAL HAZARDS,” a 16-minute videotape from Factory Mutual Engineering, discusses property damage caused by natural disasters and what can be done in advance to minimize loss and impact on operations. For more information, call (617) 762-4300, ext. 2152.

A four-hour HAZARD MATERIALS TRAINING PROGRAM for first responders, released by Minnesota Fire Information, Research and Education (F.I.R.E.) in conjunction with TRIAD Communications, Inc., meets NFPA 472 and OSHA Final Rule 29 CFR 1910.120 training requirements. The video/text package covers such basics of hazardous materials as detection, shipping papers, emergency response plans, and obtaining information and assistance. For more information, contact TRIAD Communications, Inc., 2233 N. Hamline Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55113, or call (612) 639-0755.

The 1990 ASTM PUBLICATIONS CATALOG describes 68 volumes of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards and other special technical publications, compilations, and manuals. ASTM standards and related publications are used worldwide to specify materials, integrate product processes, and enhance safety. The catalog is available to all free of charge. For more information, contact ASTM Customer Service, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, or call (215) 2995585.

The sales videotape “PlG’S ON PARADE” describes New PIG Corporation’s industrial and emergency spill response products. The 16-minute videotape features absorbent products and equipment used in containment and cleanup, including spills and leaks of waterand oil-based fluids and hazardous materials. It is free of charge to new customers, learning institutions, and qualified personnel.

For more information, contact New Pig Corporation, One Pork Avenue, Tipton, PA 16684, or call 1-800-HOT-HOGS.

NYC Space Heater Fire Kills Woman, 88; Building Had Heat Complaints

An elderly woman critically injured in a Washington Heights electrical fire has died, with the FDNY saying that the fire was sparked by at least one space heater that…

Video: Explosions Launch Manhole Covers Over Worcester (MA) Highway, Intersection

An explosion catapulted two manhole covers into the air over a Worcester intersection and next to an elevated highway last weekend.