Considering the fact that it’s Health and Safety Week: How well do you know your crew’s air consumption capabilities? In this week’s training bulletin, we provide two air consumption drills for you and your firefighters.
Download this training bulletin as a PDF HERE (345 KB).
- Four Fundamentals of Firefighter Functional Fitness
- Just Washing Your Gear Is Not The Answer
- Throw Back to Basics: Down Firefighter Air Supply
- NVFC, IAFC Encourage Departments to Create a Culture of Safety
BRIAN WARD is chief of emergency operations for Georgia Pacific–Madison, Georgia. He serves on the ISFSI board of directors and is a lead live fire credentialing instructor. He was the past Chairman of the Metro Atlanta Training Officers Association and is currently the Everyone Goes Home State of Georgia Advocate. He has a bachelor’s degree in safety and technology engineering, is a member of Georgia Smoke Diver #741, and is the founder of FireServiceSLT.com.