Updated Biodetection Technologies for First Responders Product Guide Now Available

A 2015 update to a detailed product guide listing biodetection technologies and sampling products is now available. The updated digest provides a comprehensive compilation of commercially available detection devices and products published to help first responders when purchasing equipment and supplies needed to rapidly assess biological threats.


The revised 2015 report can be found here (http://biodetectionresource.pnnl.gov).  This report updates the previous editions, which have been downloaded nearly 14,000 times since first released in 2013.  Hard copies of the report also were distributed at the International Association of Fire Chiefs Conference in Baltimore in May.


The Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate and the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory developed and updated the free report — Biodetection Technologies for First Responders: 2015 Edition.  

The technology summaries in the new version of the report provide web links, equipment specifications, pricing, and performance evaluations. (note that PNNL does not sell or endorse any of these products). The guide provides a convenient and useful resource to fire fighters, law enforcement and hazardous materials response teams who rely on rapid biodetection to protect the public.  The guide can help determine which technology may be best for a given agency or application.   


In addition, PNNL has been testing many of the products included in the guide.  Over 5000 tests have been performed by PNNL on 35 different biodetection technologies to assess performance for anthrax and ricin detection.

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