Waterous introduces firefighting Mobile Demonstration Units

Waterous announced the introduction of their newly refurbished Mobile Demonstration Units (MDUs). The signature MDUs are the center point of the manufacturer’s traveling program designed to educate fire departments and associated sales and service centers across the U.S. and Canada. Waterous’ MDU courses provide the latest techniques in firefighting and safety, as well as demonstrate innovative technology in firefighting apparatus.

The MDUs consists of three straight trucks equipped with Waterous’ state-of-the-art firefighting apparatus. Each truck is assigned to a particular region of the U.S. or Canada, and Waterous personnel travel with the MDUs to provide informative sessions at the request of fire departments, sales dealerships and factory-trained service centers.

“The MDUs are available for a variety of purposes,” said Mark Blake, Service & Training Specialist for Waterous. “In general, the classes and demonstrations cover proper operation, service, preventive maintenance and safety for a variety of apparatus. We also demonstrate a compressed air foam system (CAFS) and foam proportioner, which illustrate the powerful firefighting characteristics of foam technology.”

Specific areas covered in class include operation and maintenance for fire pumps, foam proportioners, compressors and accessories. Single- and two-stage pumps, PTO pumps, pressure control systems, foam management systems, compressed air foam systems, pump shift mechanisms, priming systems, intake and discharge valves, and drain valves are also discussed.

Each MDU is equipped with the latest Waterous apparatus including a CMU pump driven by a C-10 pump transmission chain case paired with a mid-ship mounted EclipseTM CAFSystemTM; an AquisTM 1.5 foam proportioner with 1.5 GPM capacity; an S100-D series direct drive pump with 2000 GPM capacity; an E511-A series portable pump with 100 – 275 GPM capacity; a CPK-3 PTO driven pump with 500 GPM capacity; a Floto-PumpTM portable pump with 140 GPM capacity; and a Waterous Pacer Classic Hydrant.

The majority of apparatus on the MDUs feature cut-away pumps for the purpose of in-depth instruction. The 250-100-P CAFSystemTM however, is a full-level, fully operable system used for compressed air foam demonstrations.

“Although we deal specifically with Waterous products, much of the operational and maintenance material is applicable to other products, regardless of the manufacturer,” said Blake. “Our courses are taught by highly trained factory representatives from Waterous.”

Course offerings include a 3-hour pump operation and maintenance class combined with a CAFSystemsTM demonstration. Waterous additionally offers a 5-day factory mechanics seminar that covers in-depth pump overhaul and maintenance instruction. Onsite instruction is also available through mechanic seminars designed by Waterous trainers and tailored to fit specific needs of individual service centers.

For more information about Waterous products and services, or to schedule MDU educational opportunities, visit www.waterousco.com/trainingor call 651-450-500

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