Abraham, Jack. Your Rights Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. February, p51.
Amberge, George. Low-Cost Automatic Lighting for Fire Stations. (Innovations: Homegrown) September, p60.
Asken, Michael J. and George M. Stapleton. Firepsyche: Techniques to Relieve On-the-job Stress September, pi 23.
Ayotte, Thomas F,. Fire Safety in Special Care Facilities. June, p83
Baldwin. Stephen F. and Fred E. Harless. In-House Assessment Centers. September, pi 11.
Barsky, Steven M. Diving in Contaminated Waters: Equipment. September, pi 19. Diving in Contaminated Waters: Techniques. October. p69. Diving in Contaminated Waters: The Dangers. August, p93.
Beaumont, James J., et al. California’s Personal Exposure Reporting System. September, pi IS.
Beckmann, Uwe. Listening Devices in Heavy Search and Rescue. July, pH”.
Bird, James W. Training Women for the P A T. March, p87.
Bolssonneault, Donald J. “Anti-Freeze” Water Tank Fitting. (Innovations: Homegrown) November. p82.
Borden, Frank W. Operation Air Bridge. December. p63.
Brannigan. Francis 1.. and John W. Mittendorf. The Timber Truss: Two Points of View. May. pSi
Brannigan. Francis L. Can High-Rise Columns Fail? November, p63 Fire Loss Management Series: #22: The Federal Government, Continued. January, pb~; #23: The “How” of Management. February, p83; Fire Loss Management Series: #2-t: The “How” of Management. Continued; March, pi33 #23: Automatic Sprinklers. April. p79; # 26: Preplanning and Recovery. June, pi 31 Leaking PCBs a Real Concern. March, pi40. Standards and Testing. November, p67.
Brennan, Tom. Fire Focus: March, pi32; April, p68: June, pi 28: July, p84; September, pi06; October. p60. Random Thoughts: Engine Company, Continued. March, pi90; Engine Company. February, pi 12; Engineered Building Protection. August, pi60; Fireground Phenomena. October, p94: More on Fire Phenomena. November, pi28; More on Standpipes and Their Use. May, pl04; On Standpipes and Their Use. April, pi08; Rescue or Removal? January, pi06; Smoke as a Benefit. September, pi50; Strategic Factors, Continued. July. pi04; Strategic Factors. June, p 162; Top-Floor Fires. December, pi02.
Brooks, David J. SCBA Training Drill. (Training Notebook) July, pi2.
Brown, Patrick. FDNY: Two Rescues in the Sky. July. p35. Life Saving Rope. July. p36.
Burton, Christopher A. Disaster Plan for City Employees. March. pl2.
Carlson, Gene P. Incident Management. (Volunteers Corner) November, plO. NFPA 1903: Mobile W ater Supply Apparatus. (Volunteers Corner) April. plO. The NFPA Standard-Making Process: How to Be Heard. August, p93. What’s All the Talk About Class A Foam? (Volunteers Corner) October, plO.
Carr. John N. and Leslie P. Omans. Aircraft Incident Management System: A Team Approach. March, pi43. High-Altitude Haz Mats. June, p8“ Ins and Outs of Aircraft Passenger Rescue, The. September. p83. Meeting the Challenges of Aircraft Extrication. April. p33.
Carter, Frank A. 11 and Michael Gower. Tragedy Strikes Colorado Nursing Home. June. p39.
Cassidy, Donald J. and John M. Moschella. Manholes and Their Hazard Potential. October. p53Massachusetts’ First State Haz-Mat Response Team. Februarv, p91.
Caulfield, Hugh J. Small-Town Chief. September, p69.
Collaboration. Phosphorus Incident in Cooper County, Missouri. July, p64.
Corbett, Glenn P. Avoiding Warehouse Disasters: The San Antonio Approach. (Fire Prevention Bureau) November, p38. Fire and the Three-Decker. May, p46. Fire Protection in Covered Malls. (Fire Prevention Bureau) March, p42. Politics and the Bureau. (Fire Prevention Bureau) April, pi8. Refrigerated Storage Fire Protection. (Fire Prevention Bureau) August, p32. Smoke Control System Design Coordination. March, p49.
Cox, Patrick and Andrew Russell. Portable Pneumatic Rescue Pack. (Innovations: Homegrown) September, p60.
Damon, Walter A. High-Rise Flows with PRVs: The Boston Tests. October, p64.
Davidson, Ricky G. Early Defibrillation for Advanced Cardiac Life Support. July, p53Should Your Department Adopt an Early Defibrillation Program? July, p60.
Delay, Lawrence J. and Kent “Sparky” Shriver. Business Self-Inspection Program. (Volunteers Corner) June, plO.
Delay, Lawrence J. Investigating Automobile Fires. (Training Notebook) October, pl4.
Dickinson, Charlie and Philip A. Morris. The Personal Protective Envelope. (Points of View) September, p4().
DiMaio, Lou. Some Notes on Foam Applications on Hazardous Materials. July, p77.
Dittmar, Mary Jane. Builders’ Opposition to Sprinklers. June. p50. Juvenile Firesetting: An Old Problem Gets a New Look. December. p-»9. Residential Automatic Sprinklers: Grass Roots Initiatives. June, p-t 1.
Dolezal, Fred W. “Wes.” Brakes: The Importance of a Balanced System and Proper Adjustment. (Apparatus: The Shops) March. p34.
Downey, Ray. Gas Emergency. (Rescue Company) March, p30. Man in a Machine. (Rescue Company) November, p22. Training Pays Off. July, p40.
Duffy, Richard M. NFPA Standards’ Approach to Selecting Chemical Protective Clothing. August, p88.
Dunn, Vincent. Master Stream Safety. June, P32.
Durham, Kenneth L. Loading Device for Large-Diameter Hose. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p80.
Dyer, Richard A. Apparatus Foam Tank Alternative. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p80.
Eckman, William F. A Maxi Tanker at Mini Cost. February, p37. Drafting Hydrants for High-Capacity Water Supply. October, p45.
Edwards, C. Bruce. Fireground Hydraulics in Your Head: Nozzle Reaction. February, p69. Fireground Hydraulics: StraightStream Reach. April, p6l. Large-Diameter Hose Hydraulics in Your Head. November,
Eisner, Harvey with Bill Manning. OneMeridian Plaza Fire. August, p50.
Eisner, Harvey. Conflagration in Revere, Massachusetts. May, p44.
Ersteniuk, Steven R. Keeping Your Hood with the Protective Ensemble: Two Methods. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p81.
Evans, John. C. High-Tech Training: The Bergen County Life Safety Complex. March, pi 18.
Fire, Frank L. Chemical Data Notebook Series #56: Isopropyl Alcohol. January, p77; #57: Carbon Monoxide. February p93; #58: Calcium Hypochlorite. March, pi63; #59: Ethyl Ether. April, p87; #60: Picric Acid. May, p83; #61: Nitrogen. June, pi37. #62: Hydrogen Sulfide. July, p91; #63: Methane/Natural Gas. August, pi01; #64: Acetaldehyde. September, pi29; #65: Trimethylamine. October, p79; #66: Aniline. November, p95; #67: Sodium Nitrate. December, p73-
Fornell, David P. Engine Company Operations with Standpipes. August, p80. SomeOperational Lessons Learned from One Meridian Plaza. August, p66. Standpipe Operations. August, p71. Tandem Pumping. October, p66.
Fox, John C. Will the Americans with Disabilities Act Change Fire Service Hiring Standards? August. p47.
Fulkerson, David G. LDH Tool Pouch/Pull Loop. (Innovations: Homegrown) April. p66.
Gaglicrd, Anthony M. Response to Radiation Emergencies. February. p6l.
Gargan, James B. DPW: A Valuable Resource. October, p49.
Garner, Donald and Gary Keith. Automatic Sprinkler Systems: What the Fire Department Needs to Know. April, p71. Sprinkler System Water Supply Analysis. December, p67.
Gentleman, Greg and Kadiryn Hanon. Children in Fire Investigation. (Training Notebook) June, pl2.
Gower, Michael and Frank A. Carter II. Tragedy Strikes Colorado Nursing Home. June, p59.
Granito, John A.; Charles D. Hale; and .Allen Loworn. The Use of Fire Incident Simulators in Assessment Centers. September, p 113.
Haase, Rick. Mutual-Aid Groups. (Volunteers Corner) December, plO.
Hale, Charles D»; John A. Granito; and Allen Loworn. The Use of Fire Incident Simulators in Assessment Centers. September, p 113
Hanon, Kathryn hnd Greg Gentleman. Children in Fire Investigation. (Training Notebook) June, pi 2.
Harless, Fred E. and Stephen F. Baldwin. In-House Assessment Centers September, pill.
Hay, Pascal f. Man Down in Tower 5. April, p53.
Hendrick, Walt “Butch.” SCBA and the Water. July. p79. Turnout Gear in the Water: Sink or Swim? July, p78. Tethered Diver Syndrome. May, p77.
Inside Fire Engineering you’ll find a blend of regular columnists, one-time feature stories, and compilations of new product and literature information. Our news section and new products and literature sections are staff-written, but almost all columns and features are written by professionals in the fire service or a related field.
In general, we accept only material submitted exclusively to Fire Engineering. Use examples from your own experience to illustrate your point. If you’re outlining a program, for example, describe how your department handled it.
Include with your article two double-spaced, typewritten copies; your address; your work and home phone numbers; a short biographical sketch of yourself; your Social Security number; and any relevant illustrations. Also send any available photos (slides or prints in color if possible) with the full name of the photographer and captions. Never write on the back of prints.
We do consider unsolicited material, but you might want to contact the editor first to check whether the article is of interest. Send a written query to
Fire Engineering, Park 80 West, Plaza 2, 7th Floor, Saddle Brook, NJ 07662, or call (201) 845-0800. We will try to notify you within a month if we can use the material.
We also welcome the following:
- Comments, whether complimentary or critical, in the form of letters to the editor.
- Questions for our authors. We ask that you send these through us so we may gauge the interest a particular article generates.
- Submissions for Coming Events at least three months in advance of the issue you would like them to run in.
- Information about significant accomplishments of prominent fire service members for Names in the News.
- Submissions for Apparatus Deliveries. Include a color photograph (print or slide), a list of the apparatus’s important features, the name of the photographer, and your name, address, and phone number. Explain why you chose that particular apparatus— how it suits your community’s district, needs, and growth; your particular department’s functions; and so on.
Hermann, Stephen L. and Alfred K. Whitehead. National Computerized Tracking and Identification System for Haz-Mat Shipments. (Points of View) March, p58.
Hermann, Stephen L. Rule #1: Do No Harm. February, p57.
Hiett, D.H. Jr. EMS in the Fire Service: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow. July, pi 3.
Hixon, Dennis and Larry E. Williams, (‘(inducting a Hot Drill. (Training Notebook) December, pi 4.
Hofler, Willard E. Multipurpose Ctility Vehicle. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p81.
Hollins, I.eigh T. Dual Pumping. (Training Notebook) November, plb.
Holt, Francis X. Planning an Enhanced 911 System. December, p33-
Howard, George. Personal/Utility Rope Ise (Training Notebook) September, plb.
Howard, Hank A. Megamalls: A Fire Protection and Suppression Challenge. March, p94.
Jones, Kenneth L. Platform on Demand. November. p85.
Keith, Gary and Donald Garner. Automatic Sprinkler Systems: What the Fire Department Needs to Know. April, p71. Sprinkler System Water Supply Analysis. December, pb-
Kennedy. Tom Energy-Efficient Windows in Multiple Dwellings. (Training Notebook) January, pi t.
King, Charles G. and James R. Phelan. Firefighter Response to Terrorist Bombs. June, pill. Searching a Motor Vehicle. June, pi 19.
Lapan, Mel. Hose Rack and Smoke Ejector Rack and Hanger (Innovations: Homegrown) September, pbl.
Law, Daniel K. The last Green Thunder. June, pi02. The Pyromaniac vs the Professional Hired Torch. January, p50.
Loflin, Murrey E. Program Manager Inspections. September, plOl.
Lovvorn, Allen; John A. Granito; and Charles D. Hale. The I se of Fire Incident Simulators in Assessment Centers. September. p 113
Manning. Bill. Editor’s Opinion: Behind the Scenes. July, pb; Broken Hearts, Same Sad Homily April, pb: Flying Colors. January, pb: Life Sentence October, pb; Lost in the Shuffle. March, pb; Quiet Victory, A. February. pb; Safety: Everyone’s Concern. November, pb; Taking Control of the Pressure-Regulating Naive. August, pb; To Have and Have Not. May. pb; Twenty-First Centuiy Firefighter. June, pb; Windows. September, pb.
Manny, William F. Lightweight Wood Trusses: More to Consider. May, pb2.
Marinucci, Richard A. Volunteers Corner: Attracting Recruits: A Matter of Image. July, plO. Firing Volunteers. March. plO. Women in the Volunteer Fire Service. January, pH).
McArdle, Philip H. An On-Scene Decontamination System. February’, p72.
McCalla, Alan F. Getting the Most Out of Inadequate Hydrants. (Training Notebook) August, pi4.
Meisinger, Richard A. The Great Bend Explosion. January, p58.
Meyer, Steve. Attila the Chief. September, pb3. Organizing Crews in Incident Management. March, pi 13-
Mittendorf, John W. and Francis L. Brannigan. The Timber Truss: Two Points of View. May, p51.
Morello, John P. NFPA 1904: A Look from the Inside. April, p47.
Morris, Philip A. and Charlie Dickinson. The Personal Protective Envelope. (Points of View) September. p40.
Moschella, John A. and Donald J. Cassidy. Massachusetts’ First State Haz-Mat Response Team. February, p91. Manholes and Their Hazard Potential. October, p53-
Mueller, Richard L. Microcomputers: A Basic Introduction. (Computers: On-Line) February, p24.
Munger, James G. Spalling and Determination of Origin and Cause. (Training Notebook) April, pi4.
Murtagh, Matthew. Get the Roof. (Training Notebook) March, plb.
Nuanes, Nick and Joe Schumacher. Rollover Tanker Puts Training to the Test. March, pi05.
Obermayer, Robert. The Dwelling Fire Mindset. March, pl5-t.
Omans, Leslie P. and John N. Carr. Aircraft Incident Management System: A Team Approach. March, pi43High-Altitude Haz Mats, June. p8“. Ins and Outs of Aircraft Passenger Rescue. The. September. p83. Meeting the Challenges of Aircraft Extrication. April, p33.
Panek, Frank M. Firefighting in the Pine Barrens. November, p tb.
Peters, William C. Apparatus Preventive Maintenance Program. November. p57. City Without Water, A. January, p35. Inspection Trips: Your Vacation or Vocation (Apparatus: The Shops) May. plb. Starting I p a Rescue Company. (Rescue Company) October, plb.
Phelan. James R. and Charles G. King. Firefighter Response to Terrorist Bombs. June, pill Searching a Motor Vehicle. June, pi 19.
Phelps, Burton W. Path to Fire Service Excellence, The. March, plbl. Path to Fire Service Excellence. The. January, p73.
Radtke, Larry. Volunteers Corner: ICS Flowchart. February, plO. Road Rallye. September. plO.
Rice, John. Lowering Our ISO Rating. (Volunteers Corner) August, plO.
Risdon, Rick. Compliance with NFPA 1500: Room for Improvement. May, p4l.
Ruckriegcl, Edwin J. Central Storage Warehouse Fire, Madison, Wisconsin. December, p38.
Russell, Andrew and Patrick Cox. Portable Pneumatic Rescue Pack. (Innovations: Homegrown) September, pbO.
Sachen, John B. Hazards at the Cooper County Derailment. July, p75. HolySmoke, Look at That Cloud! February, p43.
Sawyer, Bruce R. Keeping Your Hood with the Protective Ensemble: Two Methods. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p81.
Say, Douglas J. Chemical Protective Clothing: Still a Long Way to Go. August, p8b.
Schmitzer, Bill. Rescue Team Scrubs Up for Extrication. (Rescue Company) February, pi 8.
Schumacher, Joe and Nick Nuanes. Rollover Tanker Puts Training to the Test. March, pi05.
Seidel, Gary’ E. Arson for Profit. January, p51. Arson Task Forces. January-. p44.
Shinske, Richard J. Know Your Equipment. (Training Notebook) February, pi4.
Shouldis, William. Preparing Yourself: The Shouldis Technique. (Training Notebook) May, pi2.
Shriver, Kent “Sparky” and Lawrence J. Delay. Business Self-Inspection Program. (Volunteers Corner) June, plO.
Silvani, Dave L. AIDS in the Fire Service: Setting Department Policy. May. pb5.
Sparber, Peter G. Capitol Connection: Congress: Near in Review. January, p2b. HazMat Legislation: The Debate Goes On. March. p3b. Labor Laws: Toil and Trouble. August. p36. Potomac Indigestion. October. p36. The Vision Thing. September, p4b.
Stankiewicz, John B. Can Rear-Mount Quints Lay I.DH? March, pi49.
Stapleton, George M. and Michael J. Asken. Firepsyche: Techniques to Relieve On-thc-Job Stress. September, pi25.
Steffens, James. T. Will Your Apparatus Pass a DMV Inspection? (Apparatus: The Shops) January, p22.
Tehome, Mark. How to Change Your Department Without Changing Departments. November. p89.
Townsend, John S. The Drill-and-Pump Method for Off-Loading Overturned MC306 Gasoline Tank Trailers. March, pi 0b.
Vella, Louis. Rescue Air System for HighRises. (Innovations: Homegrown) August, p42.
West, Katherine H. Infection Control: Protecting Employers and Employees. July, p47.
Whitehead, Alfred K. and Stephen L. Hermann. National Computerized Tracking and Identification System for Haz-Mat Shipments. (Points of View) March, p58.
Whitling, Donald H. Metro-Dadc’s Mobile Equipment Bureau. November, p71.
Williams, Larry E. and Dennis Hixon. Conducting a Hot Drill. (Training Notebook) December, pi4.
Wilson, Thomas W. Vehicle Air Bags: Just the Facts. January, p53-
Windisch, F.C. A Volunteer Incentive Program. (Volunteers Corner) May, plO.
Wittig, Charles E. Hazards for the Fire Investigator. January, p48.
“Anti-Freeze” Water Tank Fitting. Donald J. Boissonneault. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p82.
Apparatus Foam Tank Alternative. Richard A. Dyer. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p80.
Apparatus Preventive Maintenance Program. William C. Peters. November, p57.
Bill would suspend fire apparatus weight restrictions. (News in Brief) November, p28.
Brakes: The Importance of a Balanced System and Proper Adjustment. Fred W”Wes” Dolezal (Apparatus: The Shops) March, p34.
Can Rear-Mount Quints Lay LDH? John B. Stankiewicz. March, pi49.
City Without Water, A. William C. Peters. January, p35.
Drafting Hydrants for High-Capacity Water Supply. William F. Eckman. October, p45. Dual Pumping. Leigh T. Hollins. (Training Notebook) November, pi6.
“Fabulous Fire Truck” contest underway. (News in Brief) December, pi8.
Firefighting in the Pine Barrens. Frank M. Panek. November. p46.
Getting the Most Out of Inadequate Hydrants. Alan F. McCalla. (Training Notebook) August, pi4.
Inspection Trips: Your Vacation or Vocation? William C. Peters. (Apparatus: The Shops) May. pi6.
Know Your Equipment. Richard J. Shinskc. (Training Notebook) February, pi4.
Last Green Thunder. The. Daniel K. Law. June, pi02.
Loading Device for Large-Diameter Hose.
Kenneth L Durham. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p80.
Lowering Our ISO Rating. John Rice. (Volunteers Corner) August, plO.
Maxi Tanker at Mini Cost, A. William F. Eckman. February, p37.
Metro-Dade’s Mobile Equipment Bureau. Donald H. Whitling. November, p71.
Multipurpose Utility Vehicle. Willard E. Hoffer. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p81.
NFPA 1903: Mobile Water Supply Apparatus. Gene P. Carlson. (Volunteers Corner) April. plO.
NFPA 1904: A Look from the Inside. John P. Morello. April, p47.
NFPA passes new fire apparatus standards. (News in Brief) January, p28.
Operation Air Bridge. Frank W. Borden. December, p63.
Operation Lifesaver expands rail-safety program. (News in Brief) June, p21.
Platform on Demand. Kenneth L. Jones. November, p85.
Rail-crossing danger stressed. (News in Brief) May, p24.
Starting Up a Rescue Company. William C. Peters. (Rescue Company) October,
Tandem Pumping. David P. Fornell. October, p66.
UL updating pump standard. (News in Brief) May, p29.
Will Your Apparatus Pass a DMV Inspection? James T. Steffens. (Apparatus: The Shops) January. p22.
Budget and Finance
S25.5 million requested for FEMA in 1992. (News in Brief) June, pi7.
Affordability of residential sprinklers. (News in Brief) February, p28.
Funding for Fire Forces Mobilization Act questionable. (News in Brief) December, p25.
High-Tech Training: The Bergen County LifeSafety Complex. John C. Evans. March, pi 18.
Maxi Tanker at Mini Cost. A. William F. Eckman. February, p37.
Mutual-Aid Groups. Rick Haase. (Volunteers Corner) December, pH).
Road Rallvc. Larry Radtke. (Volunteers Corner) September, plO.
To Have and Have Not. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) May, p6.
Volunteer Incentive Program, A. F.C Windisch. (Volunteers Corner) May, plO.
Building Construction
ANSI recognizes UL structural steel standard. (News in Brief) August, p22.
Builders’ Opposition to Sprinklers. Mary Jane Dittmar. June, p50.
Can High-Rise Columns Fail? Francis L. Brannigan. November, p63Energy-Efficient Windows in Multiple Dwellings. Tom Kennedy. (Training Notebook) January, pi4.
Fire and the Three-Decker. Glenn P. Corbett. May, p46.
Lightweight wood truss legislation. (News in Brief) February, p29.
Lightweight Wood Trusses: More to Consider. William F. Manny. May, p62.
Lost in the Shuffle. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) March. p6.
Many factors affect corrosion. (News in Brief) April, p26.
Marking buildings with truss roots. (News in Brief) January, p28.
Megamalls: A Fire Protection and Suppression Challenge. Hank A. Howard. March, p94.
New Jersey law aimed at protecting firefighters (News in Brief) September, p22
New tests for construction materials (News in Brief) August, p22.
PCBs are destructible, researchers say. (News in Brief) November, p32.
Quiet Victory, A. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) February. p6.
Smoke Control System Design Coordination. Glenn P. Corbett March, p49.
Spalling and Determination of Origin and Cause. James G. Munger. (Training Notebook) April, pi t.
Standard for buildings housing flammable liquid. (News in Brief) December, p22.
Standards and Testing. Francis L. Brannigan. November. p(7.
Timber Truss: Two Points of View, The. Francis L. Brannigan and John W. Mittendorf. May, p51.
In-House Assessment Centers. Stephen F. Baldwin and Fred E. Harless. September, pi 11.
Microcomputers: A Basic Introduction. Richard L. Mueller, (Computers: On-Line) February, p24.
PA council adopts 911 and haz-mat guidelines. (News in Brief) June, pi8.
Planning an Enhanced 911 System. Francis X. Holt. December, p33.
Use of Fire Incident Simulators in Assessment Centers, The. John A. Granito; Charles D. Hale; and Allen Loworn. September, pi 13
Disaster Management
S25.5 million requested for FEMA in 1992. (News in Brief) June, pi.
Aircraft incident Management System. A Team Approach. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. March, pi43-
Disaster Plan for City Employees. Christopher A. Burton. March, pi27.
Emergency manager certification. (News in Brief) April. p27.
Environmental Management Center opens. (News in Brief) July, pi7.
FEMA and NSA launch national disaster inidative. (News in Brief) September, p25.
Fire Loss Management Series. Francis L. Brannigan. #22: The Federal Government, Continued. January, p67; #23: The “How” of Management. February, pH5; #24: The “How” of Management, Continued. March, pi 33: #25: Automatic Sprinklers. April, p79: #26: Preplanning and Recovery. June, pi31
Fire Safety in Special Care Facilities. Thomas E. Ayotte. June, p83.
Grants for local preparedness. (News in Brief) February, p28.
Kuwaiti oil well fires will last four to five years. (News in Brief) August, p22.
LAFD responds to drought. (News in Brief) May, p24.
Leaking PCBs a Real Concern. Francis L. Brannigan. March, pi40.
Mutual-Aid Groups. Rick Haase. (Volunteers Corner) December, plO.
National disaster bill reintroduced. (News in Brief) April, p26.
Operation Air Bridge. Frank W. Borden. December, p63-
PA council adopts 911 and haz-mat guidelines. (News in Brief) June, pi8.
SFFD holds disaster exercise. (News in Brief) July, pi6.
Dive Rescue
Diving in Contaminated Waters: Equipment. Steven M. Barsky. September, pi 19.
Diving in Contaminated Waters: Techniques. Steven M. Barsky. October, p69.
Diving in Contaminated Waters. The Dangers Steven M. Barsky. August, p95.
SC-BA and the Water. Wait “Butch” Hendrick. July, p79.
Tethered Diver Syndrome. Walt “Butch” Hendrick. May, p^”.
Turnout Gear in the Water: Sink or Swim? Walt “Butch” Hendrick. July. p^B
Emergency Medical Services
ASI .M focuses on EMT training standards. (News in Brief) March. p76.
Do-not-resuscitate bracelet/card relays victim’s choice. (News in Brief) September, p2-t.
Early Defibrillation for Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Ricky G. Davidson. July, p53.
EMS in the Fire Service: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow DLL Hictt. Jr. July. p-»3.
EMT curriculum revision underway. (News in Brief) August, p23
FEMA defines EMS mission. (News in Brief) July, pi6.
Fire service prime emergency medical care provider (News in Brief) May. p29.
1AFC promotes EMS education. (News in Brief) May, p28
Infection Control Protecting Employers and Employees. Katherine H. West. July. p t~
Should Your Department Adopt an Early Defibrillation Program? Ricky G. Davidson July, p
Extinguishing Agents
Apparatus Foam Tank Alternative. Richard A. Dyer. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p80.
Last Green Thunder, The. Daniel K. I.aw. June, pl02.
Phosphorus Incident in Cooper County, Missouri. Collaboration. July, p64.
Some Notes on Foam Applications on Hazardous Materials Di.Vlaio, Lou. July, p77.
What’s All the Talk About Class A Foam? Gene P. Carlson. (Volunteers Corner) October, plO.
Fire/Incident Reports
Broken Hearts, Same Sad Homily. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) April, p6.
Central Storage Warehouse Fire, Madison, Wisconsin. Edwin J. Ruckriegel. December, p38.
Conflagration in Revere, Massachusetts. Harvey Eisner. May, p44.
Fatal fires in Paterson. Philadelphia kill four firefighters. (News in Brief) April, p24.
FDNY: Two Rescues in the Sky. Patrick Brown. July, p35.
Gas Emergency. Ray Downey. (Rescue Company) March, p30.
Great Bend Explosion, The. Richard A. Mcisinger. January, p58.
Kerosene heater linked to fire. (News in Brief) March, p76.
Kuwaiti oil well fires will last four to five years. (News in Brief) August, p22.
Man Down in Tower 5. Pascal J. Hay. April, p53-
Man in a Machine. Ray Downey. (Rescue Company) November, p22.
One Meridian Plaza Fire. Harvey Eisner with Bill Manning. August, p50.
Phosphorus Incident in Cooper County, Missouri. Collaboration. July. p64.
Rescue Team Scrubs Up for Extrication. Bill Schmitzer. (Rescue Company) February, pi 8.
Rollover Tanker Puts Training to the Test. Joe Schumacher and Nick Nuanes. March, p 10‘S.
Tragedy Strikes Colorado Nursing Home. Frank A. Carter II and Michael Gower. June, p59.
Fire Investigation
Arson for Profit. Gary E. Seidel. January. p51.
Arson pilot program planned. (News in Brief) June, p2l.
Arson Task Forces. Gary E. Seidel. January. p-i-t.
Arsonist convicted of murder. (News in Brief) November, p28.
Children in Fire Investigation. Greg Gentleman and Kathryn Hanon. (Training Notebook) June, pi2.
Hazards for the Fire Investigator. Charles E. Wittig. January, p-*8.
Investigating Automobile Fires. Lawrence J. Delay. (Training Notebook) October, pl-4.
Is it flashover or arson? (News in Brief) March, p74.
Juvenile Firesetting: An Old Problem Gets a New Look. Mary Jane Dittmar. December, p49.
Kerosene heater linked to fire. (News in Brief) March, p^6.
OSHA to focus on fire hazards in the workplace. (News in Brief) December, pi8.
Pyromaniac vs. the Professional Hired Torch, The. Daniel K. Law. January, p5().
Report cites fire chief in firefighter’s death (News in Brief) November, p30.
Safety: Everyone’s Concern. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) November. p6.
Searching a Motor Vehicle. James R. Phelan and Charles G. King. June, pi 19-
Spalling and Determination of Origin and Cause. James G. Munger. (Training Notebook) April, pi4.
Winner of arson prevention grants announced. (News in Brief) August, p25.
Fire Prevention
AFSA endorses sprinkler inspection program. (News in Brief) April, p27.
Avoiding Warehouse Disasters: The San Antonio Approach. Glenn P. Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) November, p38.
Baseball cards teach life safety. (News in Brief) December, p22.
Business Self-Inspection Program. Lawrence J. Delay and Kent “Sparky” Shriver. (Volunteers Corner) June, plO.
Conference urges innovative approach to fire safety. (News in Brief) August, p23-
Fire-damaged house provides lessons for students. (News in Brief) December. p22.
Fire Protection in Covered Malls. Glenn P. Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) March. p42.
Fire safety house opens. (News in Brief) February, p28.
Fire Safety in Special Care Facilities. Thomas E. Ayotte. June, p83.
Fire safety products called “unsafe and overpriced.” (News in Brief) November, p34.
Greene stresses value of smoke detectors. (News in Brief) August, p24.
Home fire safety program. (News in Brief) February, p29.
Juvenile Firesetting: An Old Problem Gets a New Look. Mary Jane Dittmar. December, p49.
Kerosene heater linked to fire. (News in Brief) March. p76.
Milwaukee’s outreach program. (News in Brief) June, pi8.
Politics and the Bureau. Glenn P. Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) April, pi8.
Refrigerated Storage Fire Protection. Glenn P. Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) August. p32.
Smoke detector program packet available. (News in Brief) October, p28.
Smoke detectors for residences now the lawin West Virginia. (News in Brief) June, pi 6.
Study on public fire education. (News in Brief) June, p21.
TV’ fire marshal a menace to children. (News in Brief) June, pi7.
Twenty-First Century Firefighter. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) June, p6.
USFA cited by National SAFE KIDS campaign. (News in Brief) August, p25.
Vanilla Ice cited for violation of fire code (News in Brief) June, pi6.
Winner of arson prevention grants announced. (News in Brief) August, p25.
Fire Protection
Academy gets new sprinkler lab. (News in Brief) April, p26.
Affordability of residential sprinklers. (News in Brief) February, p28.
AF’SA endorses sprinkler inspection program. (News in Brief) April, p27.
Asbestos abatement industry lax on fire safety? (News in Brief) April, p24.
Automatic Sprinkler Systems: What the FireDepartment Needs to Know. Donald Garner and Gary Keith. April, p71.
Avoiding Warehouse Disasters: The San Antonio Approach. Glenn F. Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) November, p38.
Broken Hearts, Same Sad Homily. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) April, p6.
Builders’ Opposition to Sprinklers. Mary Jane Dittmar. June, p5().
Conference urges innovative approach to fire safety. (News in Brief) August. p23.
Engineered Building Protection. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) August, pi60.
Fire and the Three-Decker. Glenn P. Corbett. May, p46.
Fire Loss Management Series. Francis L Brannigan. #22: The Federal Government, Continued. January, p67; #23: The “How” of Management. February, p85; #24: The “How” of Management. Continued. March, pi35: #25: Automatic Sprinklers. April. p79; #26: Preplanning and Recovery. June, pi31.
Fire Protection in Covered Malls. Glenn P. Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) March, p42.
Fire Safety in Special Care Facilities. Thomas E. Ayotte. June, p83.
High-Rise Flows with PRVs: The Boston Tests. Walter A. Damon. October, p64.
Imperial food tragedy impetus for safety measures. (News in Brief) November, p28.
Leaking PCBs a Real Concern. Francis L. Brannigan. March, pi40.
Life Sentence. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) October, p6.
Lightweight wood truss legislation. (News in Brief) February, p29.
Many factors affect corrosion. (News in Brief) April, p26.
Marking buildings with truss roofs (News in Brief) January, p28.
Mcgamalls: A Fire Protection and Suppression Challenge. Hank A. Howard. March, p94.
More on Standpipes and Their Use. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) May, p 104.
New tests for construction materials. (News in Brief) August, p22.
NFSA receives CFSI award. (News in Brief) May, p28.
On Standpipes and Their Use. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) April, pi08.
PCBs are destructible, researchers say. (News in Brief) November. p32.
Refrigerated Storage Fire Protection. Glenn P. Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) August, p32.
Residential Automatic Sprinklers: Grass Roots Initiatives. Mary Jane Dittmar. June, p4l.
Residential sprinkler campaign underway in California. (News in Brief) November, p30.
Smoke Control System Design Coordination. Glenn P. Corbett. March, p49.
Smoke detector program packet available. (News in Brief) October, p28.
Smoke detectors for residences now the law in West Virginia. (News in Brief) June, pi 6.
Sprinkler legislation passes in Rl. (News in Brief) January, p29.
Sprinkler System Water Supply Analysis. Donald Garner and Garv Keith. December, p67.
Standard for buildings housing flammable liquids. (News in Brief) December, p22.
Standards and Testing. Francis L. Brannigan. November, p67.
Standpipe Operations. David P. Fornell. August, p71.
Taking Control of the Pressure-Regulating Valve. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) August, p6.
Tests compare U.S. and European sprinklers. (News in Brief) August. p24.
Twenty-First Century Firefighter. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) June, p6.
Vanilla Ice cited for violation of fire code. (News in Brief) June, pi6.
Firefighting Basics
Dual Pumping. Leigh T. Hollins. (Training Notebook) November, pi6.
Dwelling Fire Mindset. The. Robert Obermayer. March, pi54.
Energy-Efficient Windows in Multiple Dwellings. Tom Kennedy. (Training Notebook) January, pi4.
Engine Company, Continued. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) March, pi90.
Engine Company. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) February, pi 12.
Engine Company Operations with Standpipes. David P. Fornell. August, p80.
Engineered Building Protection. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) August, pi60.
Fire and the Three-Decker. Glenn P. Corbett. May, p-i6.
Fire Focus. Tom Brennan. March, pi32. April, p68. June, pi28. July, p8 ». September, pi06. October, p60.
Fireground Hydraulics in Your Head: Nozzle Reaction. C. Bruce Edwards. February, p69.
Fireground Hydraulics: Straight-Stream Reach. C. Bruce Edwards. April, p61.
Fireground Phenomena. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) October, p94.
Get the Roof. Matthew Murtagh. (Training Notebook) March, pi6.
I^arge-Diameter Hose Hydraulics in Your Head. C. Bruce Edwards. November. p75.
Life Saving Rope. Patrick Brown. July, p36.
Master Stream Safetv. Vincent Dunn. |une, p32.
More on Fire Phenomena. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) November, pi 28
More on Standpipes and Their l se. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) May, plO t
On Standpipes and Their Use Tom Brennan (Random Thoughts) April, pi08.
Personal/Utility Rope Use. George Howard ( Training Notebook) September, pi6.
Preparing Yourself: The Shouldis Technique. William Shouldis. (Training Notebook) May, pi2.
Rescue or Removal? Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) January, pi06.
SCBA Training Drill David J. Brooks. ( Training Notebook) July, pi 2.
Smoke as a Benefit. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) September, pi50
Some Operational Lessons Learned from One Meridian Plaza. David P Fornell. August. p66.
Standpipe Operations. David P Fornell August, p71.
Strategic Factors. Continued. Tom Brennan (Random Thoughts) July. plo t.
Strategic Factors. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) June, pl62.
Top-Floor Fires Torn Brennan. (Random Thoughts) December, pi02.
Training Pays Oft. Ray Downey. July, p40.
What’s All the Talk About Class A Foam? Gene P. Carlson. (Volunteers Corner) October. plO.
Hazardous Materials
Asbestos abatement industry lax on fire safety? (News in Brief) April. p24.
California’s Personal Exposure Reporting System. James J. Beaumont, et al. September. pi 15.
Canada’s Dangerous Goods Act. (News in Brief) August, pi8.
Chemical Data Notebook Series. Frank L. Fire. #56: Isopropyl Alcohol. January, p”. #57; Carbon Monoxide. February p93#58: Calcium Hypochlorite. March, pi63 #59: Ethyl Ether. April, p87. #60: Picric Acid. May. p83. #61. Nitrogen. June, pi 37. #62: Hydrogen Sulfide. July, p91. #63; Methane/Natural Gas. August, pi01. #6-»: Acetaldehyde. September, pi29. #65: Trimethylamine. October, p79. #66: Aniline. November, p95. #67: Sodium Nitrate. December, p73.
Chemical Protective Clothing: Still a Long Way to (io. Douglas J. Say. August, p86.
Drill-and-Pump Method for Off-Loading Overturned MC306 Ciasoline Tank Trailers, The. John S. Townsend. March, pi06.
Environmental Management Center opens. (News in Brief) July, pi7.
Haz-Mat Legislation: The Debate Goes On. Peter G. Sparber. (Capitol Connection) March, p36.
Hazards at the Cooper County Derailment. John B. Sachen. July, p75.
High-Altitude Haz Mats. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. June, pH”
Holy Smoke, Look at That Cloud! John B. Sachen. February, p43.
leaking PC.Bs a Real Concern. Francis L. Brannigan. March, p 1 -40.
Massachusetts’ f irst State Haz-.Mat Response Team. John M. Moschella and Donald J. Cassidy. February, p91.
National Computerized Tracking and Identification System for Haz-.Mat Shipments. Stephen I Hermann and Alfred K. Whitehead. (Points of View) March, p58.
NFPA Standards’ Approach to Selecting Chemical Protective Clothing. Richard M. Duffy. August, p88.
On-Scene Decontamination System. An. Philip H McArdlc February, p~2.
PA council adopts 911 and haz-mat guidelines. (News in Brief) June, pl8
PCBs are destructible, researchers say. (News in Brief) November. p32.
Phosphorus Incident in Cooper County. Missouri. Collaboration. July, p6-t.
Potency of hazardous pesticides overlooked by EPA. (News in Brief) November, p3 »
Preparing Yourself: The Shouldis Technique. William Shouldis. (Training Notebook) May. pi2.
Response to Radiation Emergencies. Anthony M. Ciaglierd. February, p61.
Rollover Tanker Puts Training to the Test. Joe Schumacher and Nick Nuanes. March, pi OS.
Rule # 1: Do No Harm. Stephen L Hermann. February, p5~
Some Notes on Foam Applications on Hazardous Materials. Lou Di.Maio. July, p
Toxic spills on the rise. (News in Brief) October, p2 t
Toxicology data bases available. (News in Brief) June. p21
Heavy Rescue
Canine SAR group formed. (News in Brief) January p29.
Do-not-resuscitate bracelet/card relays victim’s choice. (News in Brief) September. p24.
DPW : A Valuable Resource. James B. Gargan. October, p49.
Extrication competition. (News in Brief) December, p24.
Extrication task force seeks members (News in Brief) August, p25.
FDNY: Two Rescues in the Sky. Patrick Brown. July, p35.
FEMA awards 25 USAR grants. (News in Brief) December, p22.
Gas Emergency. Ray Downey. (Rescue Company) March, p30.
Ins and Outs of Aircraft Passenger Rescue, The. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. September, p83.
Life Saving Rope. Patrick Brown. July, p36. Listening Devices in Heavy Search and Rescue. Uwe Beckmann. July, p87.
Organizing Crews in Incident Management. Steve Meyer. March, pi 13.
Man Down in Tower 5. Pascal J. Hav. April, P53.
Man in a Machine. Ray Downey. (Rescue Company) November, p22.
Meeting the Challenges of Aircraft Extrication. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. April, p33.
Operation Air Bridge. Frank W. Borden. December, p63.
Portable Pneumatic Rescue Pack. Patrick Cox and Andrew Russell. (Innovations: Homegrown) September, p60.
Rescue Team Scrubs I p for Extrication. Bill Sehmitzcr. (Rescue Company) February, pi 8.
Should Your Department Adopt an Early Defibrillation Program? Ricky G. Davidson. July, p60.
Starting I’p a Rescue Company. William C. Peters. (Rescue Company) October, pi6.
Training Pays Off. Ray Downey. July, p4(). Training session reveals van rescue hazards. (News in Brief) June. pl6.
Vehicle Air Bags: Just the Facts. Thomas W. Wilson. January, p53.
Incident Command
Aircraft Incident Management System: A Team Approach. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. March, p 1 -*3-
ICS Flowchart. Larry Radtke. (Volunteers Corner) February, plO.
Incident Management. Gene P. Carlson (Volunteers Corner) November, plO.
Preparing Yourself: The Shouldis Technique. W illiam Shouldis (Training Notebook) May, pi2.
Laws, Legislation, Standards
Arsonist convicted of murder. (News in Brief) November, p28.
ANSI recognizes IT structural steel standard. (News in Brief) August. p22.
ASTM focuses on EMT training standards. (News in Brief) March. p~6.
Bill would suspend fire apparatus weight restrictions. (News in Brief) November, p28.
Canada’s Dangerous Goods Act. (News in Brief) August, pi8.
Compliance with NFPA 1500: Room for Improvement. Rick Risdon. May, p4l.
Congress: Year in Review. Peter G. Sparber. (Capitol Connection) January, p26.
FEMA urges evaluation of federal safety standards. (News in Brief) December, pi8.
Fire and life safety legislative initiatives before Congress. (News in Brief) October, p24.
Fire Protection in Covered Malls. Glenn Ps Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) March, p42.
Firefighter w’ins $850,000 settlement. (News in Brief) August, pi8.
Flying Colors. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) January, p6.
Glove basis of firefighter’s lawsuit. (News in Brief) March, p74.
Haz-Mat Legislation: The Debate Goes On. Peter G. Sparber. (Capitol Connection) March. p36.
Imperial food tragedy impetus for safety measures. (News in Brief) November, p28.
Is it flashover or arson? (News in Brief) March, p74.
l.abor Laws: Toil and Trouble. Peter G. Sparber. (Capitol Connection) August, p36.
Lightweight wood truss legislation. (News in Brief) February, p29.
Lost in the Shuffle. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) March, p6.
Marking buildings with truss roofs. (News in Brief) January, p28.
Massachusetts’ First State Haz-.Vlat ResponseTeam. John M. Moschella and Donald J. Cassidy. February, p91.
National Computerized Tracking and Identification System for Haz-Mat Shipments. Stephen L. Hermann and Alfred K. Whitehead. (Points of View) March, p58.
National disaster bill reintroduced. (News in Brief) April. p26.
New Jersey law aimed at protecting firefighters. (News in Brief) September. p22. New programs may affect labor contracts.
(News in Brief) September, p23NFPA 1904: A Look from the Inside. John P. Morello. April. p47.
NFPA passes new fire apparatus standards. (News in Brief) January, p28.
NFPA rewrites standard. (News in Brief) February, p28.
NFPA Standard-Making Process: How to Be Heard. The. Gene P. Carlson. August. p93-
NFPA Standards’ Approach to Selecting Chemical Protective Clothing. Richard M. Duffy. August, p88.
OSHA to focus on fire hazards in the workplace. (News in Brief) December, pl8.
Politics and the Bureau. Glenn P. Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) April, pi8.
Potomac Indigestion. Peter G. Sparber. (Capitol Connection) October. p36.
Quiet Victory. A. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) February, p6.
Residential Automatic Sprinklers: Grass Roots Initiatives. Mary Jane Dittmar. June, p4l.
Smoke detectors for residences now the law in West Virginia. (News in Brief) June, pi 6.
Sprinkler legislation passes in RI. (News in Brief) January, p29.
Standard for buildings housing flammable liquids. (News in Brief) December, p22. Standards and Testing. Francis L. Brannigan. November, p67.
To Have and Have Not. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) May, p6.
HI. establishes packaging systems evaluation program. (News in Brief) October, p24. UL Labs seeks standards input. (News in Brief) March. p76.
UL proposes American National status for pressure gauge standard (News in Brief) June, pi8.
UL updating pump standard. (News in Brief) May, p29.
Will the Americans with Disabilities Act Change Fire Service Hiring Standards? John C. Fox. August, p47.
Your Rights Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Jack Abraham. February. 51.
AIDS in the Fire Service: Setting Department Policy. Dave L. Silvani. May, p65.
Aircraft Incident Management System: A Team Approach. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. March, pi43.
Attila the Chief. Steve Meyer. September, p63.
Attracting Recruits: A Matter of Image. Richard A. Marinucci. (Volunteers Corner) July, plO.
California’s Personal Exposure Reporting System. James J. Beaumont et al. September, p 115.
City Without Water, A. William C. Peters. January, p35.
Disaster Plan for City Employees. Christopher A Burton. March, pi27.
DPW: A Valuable Resource. James B. Gargan. October, p49.
Emergency manager certification. (News in Brief) April. p27.
Environmental Management Center opens. (News in Brief) July, pi7.
Fire Loss Management Series #26: Preplanning and Recovery. Francis L. Brannigan. June, pi 31.
Firepsyche: Techniques to Relieve On-thcJob Stress. Michael J. Asken and George M. Stapleton. September, pi25.
Firing Volunteers. Richard A. Marinucci. (Volunteers Corner) March, plO.
Flying Colors. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) January, p6.
How to Change Your Department Without Changing Departments. Mark Tchome. November. p89.
IAFC accepting award nominations. (News in Brief) May, p29.
IAFC Foundation offers scholarship. (News in Brief) April. p27.
IAFC promotes EMS education. (News in Brief) May, p28.
In-House Assessment Centers. Stephen F. Baldwin and Fred E. Harless. September, pi 11.
Kirchner NFA superintendent. (News in Brief) July, pi6.
Lowering Our ISO Rating. John Rice. (Volunteers Corner) August, plO.
Metro-Dade’s Mobile Equipment Bureau. Donald H. Whitling. November. p71.
NFA announces research awards. (News in Brief) October, p26.
NFPA 1903: Mobile Water Supply Apparatus. Gene P. Carlson. (Volunteers Corner) April, plO.
NFPA Standard-Making Process: How to Be Heard, The. Gene P. Carlson. August, p93.
Organizing Crews in Incident Management. Steve Meyer. March, pi 13.
Path to Fire Service Excellence, The. Burton W. Phelps. January, p73-
Path to Fire Service Excellence, The. Burton W. Phelps. March, pl6l.
Politics and the Bureau. Glenn P. Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) April, pi8.
Program Manager Inspections. Murrey E. Loflin. September, pi01.
Renowned lire service leader dies. (News in Brief) September, p22.
Report cites tire chief in firefighter’s death. (News in Brief) November. p30
Road Rallye. Larry Radtke. (Volunteers Corner) September, plO.
Safety: Everyone’s Concern. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) November, p6.
Small-Town Chief. Hugh J. Caulfield. September, p69.
Smoke Control System Design Coordination. Glenn P. Corbett. March, p49.
Training Women for the P A T. James. W. Bird. March, p87.
Twenty-First Century Firefighter. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) June. p6.
U.S. firefighter delegation to visit the U.S.S.R. (News in Brief) December. p24.
Vision Thing, The. Peter G. Sparber. (Capitol Connection) September, p46.
Volunteer Incentive Program, A. F.C Windisch. (Volunteers Corner) May. plO.
Will the Americans with Disabilities Act Change Fire Service Hiring Standards? John C. Fox. August, p47.
Windows. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) September. p6.
Women in the Volunteer Fire Service. Richard A. Marinucci. (Volunteers Corner) January. plO.
Apparatus Preventive Maintenance Program. William C. Peters. November, p57.
Brakes: The Importance of a Balanced System and Proper Adjustment. Fred W. “Wes” Dolezal. (Apparatus: The Shops) March. p34.
Mctro-Dade’s Mobile Equipment Bureau. Donald H. Whitling. November, p71.
Will Your Apparatus Pass a DMV Inspection? James T. Steffens. (Apparatus: The Shops) January, p22.
Behind the Scenes. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) July, p6.
Group to establish relations with the USSR. (News in Brief) September, p25.
Lowering Our ISO Rating. John Rice. (Volunteers Corner) August, plO.
Windows. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) September, p6.
Personal Protection
Breathing gear gets trial by fire. (News in Brief) April. p24.
Chemical Protective Clothing: Still a Long Way to Cio. Douglas J Say. August, p86.
Diving in Contaminated Waters: Equipment Steven M. Barsky. September, pi 19.
Diving in Contaminated Waters Techniques. Steven M. Barsky. October. p09.
Fabric weight factor in heat stress (News in Brief) September. p23.
Fire departments want more information about protective clothing, survey says. (News in Brief) May. p24.
Glove basis of firefighter’s lawsuit. (News in Brief) March, p74.
Infection Control: Protecting Employers and Employees. Katherine H. West July. pi”.
Keeping Your Hood with the Protective Ensemble: Two Methods. Bruce R. Sawyer (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p81.
Keeping Your Hood with the Protective Ensemble: Two Methods. Steven R. Erstcniuk. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p81.
NAFED exam focuses on protective gear. (News in Brief) July, pi7.
NFPA Standards’ Approach to Selecting Chemical Protective Clothing. Richard M Duffy. August. p88.
Personal Protective Envelope, The. Charlie Dickinson and Philip A. Morris. (Points of View) September, p40.
Report cites fire chief in firefighter’s death. (News in Brief) November, p30.
Rescue Air System for High-Rises. Louis Vella. (Innovations: Homegrown) August, pi 2.
SCBA and the Water Walt “Butch” Hendrick. July, p79.
SCBA Training Drill. David J. Brooks. (Training Notebook) July, pi2.
Study compares boots. (News in Brief) May. p28.
Turnout Gear in the Water: Sink or Swim? Walt “Butch” Hendrick. July, p78.
Public Education/Relations
Affordability of residential sprinklers. (News in Brief) February, p28.
AFSA endorses sprinkler inspection program. (News in Brief) April, p27.
Attracting Recruits: A Matter of Image. Richard A. Marinucci. (Volunteers Corner) July, plO.
Baseball cards teach life safety. (News in Brief) December, p22.
Business Self-Inspection Program. Lawrence J. Delay and Kent “Sparky” Shriver. (Volunteers Corner) June, plO.
Children in Fire Investigation. Greg Gentleman and Kathryn Hanon. (Training Notebook ) June, pi2.
I ire-damaged house provides lessons for students. (News in Brief) December. p22.
I ire education a family affair. (News in Brief) May, p28.
Fire safety house opens. (News in Brief) February. p28.
Fire Safety in Special Care Facilities. Thomas E. Ayotte June. p83.
Flying Colors. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) January, p6.
Greene stresses value of smoke detectors. (News in Brief) August, p2-4.
Home cooking especially hazardous for elderly. (News in Brief) July, pl6.
Home fire safety program. (News in Brief) February. p29.
Imperial food tragedy impetus for safety measures (News in Brief) November, p28.
Juvenile Firesetting: An Old Problem Gets a New Look Mary Jane Dittmar. December, p49.
Kerosene heater linked to tire. (News in Brief) March, p76.
Lowering Our ISO Rating. John Rice. (Volunteers Corner) August, plO.
Milwaukee’s outreach program. (News in Brief) June, pl8
Residential Automatic Sprinklers Grass Roots Initiatives. Mary Jane Dittmar. June, p-tl.
Residential sprinkler campaign underway in California (News in Brief) November, p.30.
Smoke detector program packet available. (News in Brief) October, p28
Smoke detectors for residences now the law in West V irginia. (News in Brief) June, pi 6.
Sprinkler legislation passes in RI (News in Brief) January. p29.
Study on public tire education. (News in Brief) June, p21
TV tire marshal a menace to children. (News in Brief) June, pi”.
I’SFA cited by National SAFE KIDS campaign (News in Brief) August. p25.
Vanilla Ice cited for violation of tire code. (News in Brief) June, pi6.
Safety and Health
AIDS in the Fire Service: Setting Department Policy Dave L Silvani May, p65.
Brakes: The Importance of a Balanced System and Proper Adjustment. Fred W. “Wes” Dolezal. (Apparatus: The Shops) March, p34.
Breathing gear gets trial by fire. (News in Brief) April, p24.
Broken Hearts, Same Sad Homily. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) April, p6.
California’s Personal Exposure Reporting System. James J. Beaumont et al. September, pi 15.
Chemical Protective Clothing: Still a Long Way to Go. Douglas J. Say. August, p86.
Compliance with NFPA 1500: Room for Improvement. Rick Risdon. May, p4l.
Diving in Contaminated Waters: Equipment. Steven M. Barsky. September, pi 19.
Diving in Contaminated Waters: Techniques. Steven M. Barsky. October, p69.
Fabric weight factor in heat stress. (News in Brief) September. p23-
FEMA urges evaluation of federal safety standards. (News in Brief) December, pi8.
Fire and life safety legislative initiatives before Congress. (News in Brief) October, p24.
Fire departments want more information about protective clothing, survey says. (News in Brief) May, p2-t.
Firefighter wins $850,000 settlement. (News in Brief) August, pi8.
Firepsyche: Techniques to Relieve On-theJob Stress. Michael J. Asken and George M. Stapleton. September, pi25.
Glove basis of firefighter’s lawsuit. (News in Brief) March. p”-».
Hazards for the Fire Investigator. Charles E. Wittig. January, p-t8.
Health and safety forum. (News in Brief) July, pi”7
Hip Pac recall. (News in Brief) January, p28.
Infection Control: Protecting Employers and Employees. Katherine H. West. July. p47.
Keeping Your Hood with the Protective Ensemble: Two Methods. Bruce R Sawyer. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p8l
Keeping Your Hood with the Protective Ensemble: Two Methods. Steven R. Ersteniuk. (Innovations: Homegrown) November. p81.
Know Your Equipment. Richard J. Shinske. (Training Notebook) February, p 1 -⅛.
Life Sentence. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) October, p6.
Lightweight wixxl truss legislation. (News in Brief) February, p29.
Diving in Contaminated Waters: The Dangers. Steven M. Barsky. August, p95.
Program Manager Inspections. Murrey E. Loflin. September, p 101.
Marking buildings with truss rtxjfs. (News in Brief) January, p28.
Master Stream Safety. Vincent Dunn. June. 32.
NAFED exam focuses on protective gear (News in Brief) July. pi”.
New Jersey law aimed at protecting firefighters. (News in Brief) September. p22.
NFPA Standards’ Approach to Selecting Chemical Protective Clothing. Richard M Duff)’. August, p88.
Operation Lifesaver expands rail-safety program. (News in Brief) June, p21.
Organizing Crews in Incident Management. Steve Meyer. March, pi 13.
PCBs are destructible, researchers say. (News in Brief) November. p32.
Personal Protective Envelope, The. Charlie Dickinson and Philip A. Morris. (Points of View) September, p40.
Potency of hazardous pesticides overlooked by EPA. (News in Brief) November, p34.
Quiet Victory, A. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) February, p6.
Rail-crossing danger stressed. (News in Brief) May, p24.
Report cites fire chief in firefighter’s death. (News in Brief) November, p30.
Rescue Air System for High-Rises. Louis Vella. (Innovations: Homegrown) August, p42.
Researchers join to advance life safety. (News in Brief) October, p26.
Safety: Everyone’s Concern. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) November. p6.
SCBA and the Water. Walt “Butch” Hendrick. July, p79.
SCBA Training Drill. David J. Brooks. (Training Notebook) July, pi 2.
Study compares boots. (News in Brief) May, p28.
Timber Truss: Two Points of View, The. Francis L. Brannigan and John W. Mittendorf. May, p51.
To Have and Have Not. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) May, p6.
Toxic spills on the rise. (News in Brief) October. p24.
Training session reveals van rescue hazards. (News in Brief) June, pl6.
U.S. firefighter deaths down in 1990. (News in Brief) September. p22.
Vehicle Air Bags: Just the Facts. Thomas W. Wilson. January, p53.
Will Your Apparatus Pass a DMV Inspection? James T. Steffens. (Apparatus: The Shops) January, p22.
Your Rights Linder the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Jack Abraham. February’, p51
Special Risk Incidents
Aircraft Incident Management System: A Team Approach. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. March, pi43.
Avoiding W arehouse Disasters: Hie San Antonio Approach. Glenn P. Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) November. p38.
Can High-Rise Columns Fail? Francis L. Brannigan. November, p63.
Central Storage Warehouse Fire. Madison, Wisconsin. Edwin J. Ruckriegel. December. p38.
Diving in Contaminated Waters: Equipment. Steven M. Barsky. September, pi 19.
Diving in Contaminated Waters: Techniques. Steven M. Barskv. October, p69.
Diving in Contaminated Waters: The Dangers. Steven M. Barskv. August. p95.
Drill-and-Pump Method for Off-Loading Overturned MC306 Gasoline Tank Trailers. The. John S. Townsend. March, pi06.
FDNY: Two Rescues in the Sky. Patrick Brown. July, p35.
Fire Protection in Covered Malls. Glenn P. Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) March, p42.
Firefighter Response to Terrorist Bombs. James R. Phelan and Charles G. King. June, pi 11.
Firefighting in the Pine Barrens. Frank M. Panek. November, p46.
Gas Emergency. Ray Downey. (Rescue Company) March, p30.
High-Altitude Haz Mats. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. June, p87.
High-Rise Flows with PRVs: The Boston Tests. Walter A Damon. October, p6-t.
Ins and Outs of Aircraft Passenger Rescue, The. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. September, p83.
Kuwaiti oil well fires will last four to five years. (News in Brief) August, p22.
I-ast Green Thunder, The. Daniel K. I .aw. June, pi02.
Lightweight Wood Trusses: More to Consider. William F. Manny. May, p62.
Man Down in Tower 5. Pascal J. Hay. April, 53.
Manholes and Their Hazard Potential. John M. Moschella and Donald J. Cassidy. October, p53.
Meeting the Challenges of Aircraft Extrication. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. April. p33-
Megamalls: A Fire Protection and Suppression Challenge. Hank A. Howard. March, p94.
More on Standpipes and Their Use. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) May, pi04.
On Standpipes and Their Use. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) April, pi08.
One Meridian Plaza Fire. Harvey Eisner with Bill Manning. August. p5().
Phosphorus Incident in Cooper County, Missouri. July, p64.
Refrigerated Storage Fire Protection. Glenn P. Corbett. (Fire Prevention Bureau) August, p32.
Response to Radiation Emergencies. Anthony M. Gaglierd. February. p61.
Rollover Tanker Puts Training to the Test. Joe Schumacher and Nick Nuanes. March, pi 05.
Rule # 1: Do No Harm. Stephen L. Hermann. February, p57.
Searching a Motor Vehicle. James R. Phelan and Charles G. King. June, pi 19.
Some Notes on Foam Applications on Hazardous Materials. Lou Di.Maio. July, p77.
Standpipe Operations. David P. Fornell. August, p71.
Tethered Diver Syndrome. Walt “Butch” Hendrick. May, p77.
Timber Truss: Two Points of View, The. Francis L. Brannigan and John W. Mittendorf. May, p51.
Turnout Gear in the Water: Sink or Swim? Walt “Butch” Hendrick. July, p78.
Strategy and Tactics
Drill-and-Pump Method for Off-Loading Overturned MC306 Gasoline Tank Trailers, The. John S. Townsend. March, pi06.
Dwelling Fire Mindset, The. Robert Obermayer. March, pi54.
Energy-Efficient Windows in Multiple Dwellings. Tom Kennedy. (Training Notebook) January, pi4.
Engine Company Operations with Standpipes. David P. Fornell. August. p80.
Engine Company, Continued. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) March, pi90.
Engine Company. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) February, pi 12.
Engineered Building Protection. Torn Brennan. (Random Thoughts) August, pi60.
FDNY: Two Rescues in the Sky. Patrick Brown. July, p35.
Fire and the Three-Decker. Glenn P. Corbett. May, p46.
Fire Focus. Torn Brennan. March, pi32.April, p68. June, pi28. July. p84. September, pi06. October, p60.
Firefighting in the Pine Barrens. Frank M. Panek. November, p46.
Foreground Phenomena. Torn Brennan. (Random Thoughts) October, p94.
Gas Emergency. Ray Downey. (Rescue Company) March, p30.
Get the Roof. Matthew Murtagh. ( Training Notebook) March, pi6.
Great Bend Explosion. The. Richard A. Mcisingcr. January, p58.
Hazards at the Cooper County Derailment. John B. Sachen. July, p75.
Incident Management. Gene P. Carlson. (Volunteers Corner) November, plO.
Ins and Outs of Aircraft Passenger Rescue, The. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. September, p83.
Man Down in Tower 5. Pascal J. Hay. April, p53.
Man in a Machine. Ray Downey. (Rescue Company) November. p22.
Manholes and Their Flazard Potential. John M. Moschella and Donald J. Cassidy. October. p53
Master Stream Safety. Vincent Dunn. June, p.32.
Meeting the Challenges of Aircraft Extrication. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. April. p33-
More on Fire Phenomena. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) November, pi28.
More on Standpipes and Iheir Use. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) May, pi04.
On Standpipes and Their Use. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) April, pi08.
One Meridian Plaza Fire. Harvey Eisner with Bill Manning. August. p50.
Phosphorus Incident in Cooper County, Missouri. Collaboration. July, p64.
Preparing Yourself: The Shouldis Technique. William Shouldis. (Training Notebook) May, pi2.
Rescue or Removal? Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) January, pi06.
Rescue Team Scrubs Up for Extrication. Bill Schmitzer. (Rescue Company) February, pi 8.
Response to Radiation Emergencies. Anthony M Gaglierd February. p61.
Rollover Tanker Puts Training to the Test. Joe Schumacher and Nick Nuanes. March. pl()5.
Smoke as a Benefit. Torn Brennan. (Random Thoughts) September, pi50.
Some Notes on Foam Applications on Hazardous Materials Lou DiMaio July, p77.
Some Operational Lessons Learned from One Meridian Plaza. David P. Fornell. August, p66.
Standpipe Operations. David P. Fornell. August. p71.
Strategic Factors, Continued. Torn Brennan. (Random Thoughts) July, pi04.
Strategic Factors. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) June, pl62.
Timber Truss: Two Points of View, ‘The. Francis L. Brannigan and John W. Mittendorf. May, p51.
Tragedy Strikes Colorado Nursing Home. Frank A. Carter II and Michael Gower. June. p59.
Tools and Equipment
Diving in Contaminated Waters: Equipment. Steven M. Barsky. September, pi 19.
DPW: A Valuable Resource. James B. Gargan October, p49.
Early Defibrillation for Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Ricky G. Davidson July. p53.
Glove basis of firefighter’s lawsuit. (News in Brief) March, p74.
Hip Pac recall. (News in Brief) January, p28. Hose Rack and Smoke Ejector Rack and Hanger. Mel Lapan. (Innovations: Homegrown) September, p61.
Know Your Equipment. Richard J. Shinske. (Training Notebook) February, pi t.
LDH Tool Pouch/Pull Loop. David G. Fulkerson. (Innovations: Homegrown) April. p66.
Life Saving Rope. Patrick Brown. July, p36. Listening Devices in Heavy Search and Rescue. Uwe Beckmann. July, p87.
Loading Device for Large-Diameter Hose Kenneth L. Durham. (Innovations: Flomegrown) November, p80.
Low-Cost Automatic Lighting for Fire Stations. George Amberge. (Innovations: Homegrown) September, p6().
Meeting the Challenges of Aircraft Extrication. John N. Carr and Leslie P Omans. April, p33.
Operation Air Bridge. Frank W. Borden. December, p63
IVrsonal/1 tility Rope Use. George Howard. (Training Notebook) September, pi6.
Portable Pneumatic Rescue Pack. Patrick Cox and Andrew Russell. (Innovations: Homegrown) September, p60.
Rescue Air System for High-Rises. Louis Vella. (Innovations: Homegrown) August, p42.
SCBA and the Water. Walt “Butch” Hendrick. July, p79.
SCBA Training Drill. David J. Brooks. ( Training Notebook) July, p 12.
Should Your Department Adopt an Early Deftbrillation Program? Ricky G. Davidson. July, p60.
Starting Up a Rescue Company. William C. Peters. (Rescue Company) October, pi6.
To Have and Have Not. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) May, p6.
Aircraft Incident Management System: A Team Approach. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. March, pi43.
ASTM focuses on EMT training standards. (News in Brief) March. p76.
Behind the Scenes. Bill Manning. (Editor’s (fpinion) July, p6.
Conducting a Hot Drill. Dennis Hixon and Larry E W illiams (Training Notebook) December, pit.
Disaster Plan for City Employees. Christopher A Burton. March, P12″.
Diving in Contaminated W aters: Equipment. Steven M. Barsky. September, pi 19.
Diving in Contaminated Waters: Techniques. Steven M. Barsky. October. p69.
Diving in Contaminated Waters: The Dangers. Steven M. Barsky. August, p95.
Drill-and-Pump Method for Off-Loading Overturned MC306 Gasoline Tank Trailers. The. John S. Townsend. March, pi06.
Dual Pumping. Leigh T Hollins. (Training Notebook) November, pi6.
Energy-Efficient Windows in Multiple Dwellings Tom Kennedy. (Training Notebook) January, pi*.
Engine Company Operations with Standpipes. David P. Fornell. August. pHO.
Dwelling Fire Mindset. The. Robert Obermayer. March, plS4
Emergent’) manager certification. (News in Brief) April. p2“V
EMT curriculum revision underway. (News in Brief) August. p23
Engine Company, Continued. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) March, pl90.
Engine Company. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) February, pi 12.
Engineered Building Protection. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) August, pi60.
Fire Focus. Tom Brennan. March, pi32: April, p68; June, pi28: July. p84; September, pi06; October. p60.
Foreground Phenomena Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) October, p9-t.
Gas Emergency. Ray Downey. (Rescue Company) March, p30.
Get the Roof. Matthew Murtagh. (Training Notebook) March, pi6.
High-Altitude Haz Mats. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. June, p87.
High-Tech Training: The Bergen County Life Safety Complex. John C. Evans. March, pi 18.
Holy Smoke, Look at That Cloud! John B. Sachen. February, p43-
IAFC promotes EMS education. (News in Brief) May, p28.
Ins and Outs of Aircraft Passenger Rescue, The. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. September, p83-
International Accreditation Congress meets. (News in Brief) July, pi8.
Investigating Automobile Fires. Lawrence J. Delay. (TrainingNotebook) October, pi4.
Life Saving Rope. Patrick Brown. July, p36. Man in a Machine. Ray Downey. (Rescue Company) November, p22.
Manholes and Their Hazard Potential. John M. Moschclla and Donald J. Cassidy. October, pS3.
Master Stream Safety. Vincent Dunn. June, p32.
Meeting the Challenges of Aircraft Extrication. John N. Carr and Leslie P. Omans. April. p33.
More on Fire Phenomena. Tom Brennan.
(Random Thoughts) November, pi28. More on Standpipes and Their Use. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) May, pi04. On Standpipes and Their Use. Tom Brennan.
(Random Thoughts) April, pi08. Operation Air Bridge. Frank W. Borden. December. p63.
Personal/Utility Rpe Use. George Howard. (Training Notebook) September, pi6.
Qualifications board issues accreditations. (News in Brief) August, p25.
Rescue or Removal? Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) January, pl06.
Response to Radiation Emergencies. Anthony M. Gaglierd. February, p61.
SCBA Training Drill. David J. Brooks. (Training Notebook) July, pi2.
Searching a Motor Vehicle. James R. Phelan and Charles G. King. June, pi 19.
SFFD holds disaster exercise. (News in Brief) July, pi6.
Smoke as a Benefit. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) September, pi50.
Some Operational Lessons Learned from One Meridian Plaza. David P. Fornell. August, p66.
Standpipe Operations. David P. Fornell. August. p71.
Strategic Factors, Continued. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) July, pi04.
Strategic Factors. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) June, pl62.
Tethered Diver Syndrome. Walt “Butch” Hendrick. May. p”*7.
Training Pays Off. Ray Downey. July. p40. Training Women for the P.A.T. James. W. Bird. March, p8~.
Turnout Gear in the Water: Sink or Swim? Walt “Butch” Hendrick. July, p78.
Use of Fire Incident Simulators in Assessment Centers, The. John A. Granito; Charles D. Hale; and Allen Lovvorn. September, p 113-
Water Supply
“Anti-Freeze” Water Tank Fitting. Donald J. Boissonneault. (Innovations: Homegrown) November, p82.
Can Rear-Mount Quints Lay LDH? John B. Stankicwicz. March, pi49.
City Without Water, A. William C. Peters. January. p35.
Drafting Hydrants for High-Capacity Water Supply. William F. Eckman. October, p45.
Dual Pumping. Leigh T. Hollins. (Training Notebook) November, pi6.
Engine Company Operations with Standpipes. David P. Fornell. August. p80.
Engine Company, Continued. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) March, pi90.
Engine Company. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) February, pi 12.
Foreground Hydraulics in Your Head: Nozzle Reaction. C. Bruce Edwards. February, p69.
Fireground Hydraulics: Straight-Stream Reach. C. Bruce Edwards. April, p6l.
Getting the Most Out of Inadequate Hydrants. Alan F. McCalla. (Training Notebook) August, pi4.
High-Rise Flows with PRVs: The Boston Tests. Walter A Damon. October, p64.
LAFD responds to drought. (News in Brief) May, p24.
Large-Diameter Hose Hydraulics in Your Head. C. Bruce Edwards. November, p75.
Loading Device for Large-Diameter Hose. Kenneth L. Durham. (Innovations: Homegrown) November. p80.
Maxi Tanker at Mini Cost, A. William F. Eckman. February, p37.
More on Standpipes and Their Use. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) May. pi04.
NFPA 1903: Mobile Water Supply Apparatus. Gene P. Carlson. (Volunteers Corner) April. plO.
NFPA rewrites standard. (News in Brief) February, p28.
On Standpipes and Their Use. Tom Brennan. (Random Thoughts) April, pi08.
Sprinkler System Water Supply Analysis. Donald Garner and GanKeith. December, p67.
Standpipe Operations. David P. Fornell. August, p71.
Taking Control of the Pressure-Regulating Valve. Bill Manning. (Editor’s Opinion) August. p6.
Tandem Pumping. David P. Fornell. October. p66.
UL proposes American National status for pressure gauge standard. (News in Brief) June, pi8.
UL updating pump standard. (News in Brief) May, p29.