2007 Fire Engineering Subject Index


  • Apparatus/Maintenance
  • Budget and Finance
  • Building Construction
  • Communications
  • Disaster Management
  • Emergency Medical Services
  • Fire/Incident Reports
  • Fire Investigation
  • Fire Prevention
  • Fire Protection
  • Firefighting Basics
  • Hazardous Materials
  • Incident Command/Fireground Management
  • Laws and Legislation/Codes and Standards
  • Leadership/Management
  • Miscellaneous
  • Public Education/Relations
  • Rescue
  • Safety and Health
  • Strategy and Tactics
  • Tools and Equipment
  • Training

A Closer Look at a New Chassis. W. C. Peters. (Apparatus Supplement) June, p41.
Avoiding Tire-Related Vehicle Crashes. C. Daly. (News in Brief) Feb, p51.
Apparatus Defensive Driving. (Volunteers Corner). M. Dallessandro
Driver/Engineer, The. J. Wells. (Roll Call) June, p28.
Emergency Operations in or near Traffic. S. Thompson. (Roll Call) May, p26.
Farmers Insurance supports electronic stability control vehicle standard. (News in Brief) June, p59.
FDIC 2007: Apparatus Exhibits Do Not Disappoint! W. C. Peters (Apparatus Supplement) June, p27.
Increasing Your Drivers’ Safety Awareness. P. Dow. Feb, p69.
It’s Time To Get Serious About the Way We Drive. J. Cotner. (Fire Commentary) Feb, p123.
NFPA Combines Pump Testing, Aerial Testing, and Maintenance into One Standard. W. C. Peters. (Apparatus Supplement) June, p35.
Operating Safely on Roadways and Limited-Access Highways. J. Casner. Feb, p93.
Pierce Air Bag System. M. Moore. (Technology Today) Dec, p164
Prepare to Ensure a Sufficient Water Supply. E. G. Bachman. Apr, p231.
Procurement: Buyer Beware. F. Ferola. (Fire Service EMS) Sept, p24.
Riding/Tool Assignments. J. Salka, Jr. (Roll Call) Oct, p44
Rollover Alert System. D. Connor. (Technology Today) Feb, p125.
Seat Belt Policies. (Roundtable) Nov, p42.
Tips for Automatic Pump Pressure Governors. M. A. Laskaris. (Technology Today) May, p184.
USFA Research Highlights Responder and Civilian Safety. C. Dickinson. (News in Brief) May, p64.
USFA’s Dickinson urges the fire service to take the “Seat Belt Pledge”. (News in Brief) May, p62.
What’s Causing All the Tanker Rollovers? W. C. Peters (Apparatus Supplement) June, p9.

Budget and Finance
Act would prohibit federal taxing of volunteer benefits. (News in Brief) Aug, p62.
Building a Low-Cost Network of Advanced Life Support Services. E. J. Seibel. (Fire Service EMS) Apr, p40.
Can You Expand Your Resources When Funding Is Dwindling? E. G. Bachman. Mar, p157.
Changes made to PSOB determination process. (News in Brief). Dec, p32.
DHS announces fourth round of FP&S awards. (News in Brief) Aug, p58.
DHS: $1.7 billion for local homeland security programs. (News in Brief) Mar, p86.
Federal government awards $1 billion for improving communications. (News in Brief) Sept, p48.
Fire service asks Congress to investigate PSOB program. (News in Brief) Sept, p48.
FM Global launches fire prevention grant program. (News in Brief) Sept, p51.
FPRF lists FEMA research grant projects. (News in Brief) Nov, pg 61.
Give Them What They Are Paying For. L. Stephens and S. Grant. (Volunteers Corner) Aug, p14.
House asks President Bush for “robust” funding for WTC health needs. (News in Brief) Jan, pg54.
IAFC urges reauthorization of the USFA. (News in Brief). Dec, p36.
New York extends workers’ compensation eligibility deadline. (News in Brief) Oct, p66.
NJ receives $1.5 million in DHS CEDAP grants. (News in Brief) June, p58.
Procurement: Buyer Beware. F. Ferola. (Fire Service EMS) Sept, p24.
Short Staffing: It’s Time for Another Congressional Funding Drill. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) May, p14.
U.S. House bill would implement 9/11 commission recommendations. (News in Brief) Mar, p86.
G. Corbett. (The Professor) Oct, p137.

Building Construction
Ancient Buildings Pose Hazards Older than Codes. G. Havel. July, p63.
Assessing the Vulnerability of Buildings. R. L. Kemp. Jan, p103.
Building Hazards on the Outside. J. Morelock. (The Truck Company) Nov, p36.
Firefighting Strategies for Steel-Frame Construction. J. Miles and J. Tobin. May, p115.
Hazards of Support Columns, The. R. Moritz. Aug, p111.
ICC/FEMA/NIBS offer guide for earthquake-resistant residential construction. (News in Brief) Feb, p47.
ICC incorporates NYC high-rise evacuation standards in national model. (News in Brief) Aug, p60.
Professor, The. G. Corbett. Dec, p160.
Silent Floors, Silent Killers? J. Kirsch. Apr, p149.
Sudden Collapse of a Fire Structure: Strategies for Preventing Casualties. K. Morgan and C. Grimes. Sept, p95.
U.S. DOT to states: Consider extra weight on bridges during construction, repair. (News in Brief) Oct, p64.
WTC lessons built into revised NYC building code. (News in Brief) July, p56.

APCO applauds FCC for positive public safety actions. (News In Brief) Nov, p58.
APCO launches next generation of Project RETAINS. (News in Brief) Dec, p36.
APCO supports 700 MHz conditional auction. (News in Brief) Aug, p61.
COMCARE: Emergency responder definition should include 911 emergency dispatch. (News in Brief) Feb, p42.
Computer-Aided Dispatch Systems: Tips for Minimizing Glitches. C. Prusansky. Sept, p119.
Critics say DHS should do more for communications interoperability. (News in Brief) Apr, p105.
DHS: High-risk cities must have interoperable systems by end of 2007. (News in Brief) Feb, p45.
DHS issues interoperable communications report. (News in Brief) Mar, p88.
DHS offers options for continued communications in disasters. (News in Brief). Dec, p34.
FCC announces rule for wireless spectrum, addresses public safety needs. (News in Brief) Oct, p66.
FCC proposes partial use of 700 MHz band for national public safety network. (News in Brief) Mar, p86.
Federal government awards $1 billion for improving communications. (News in Brief) Sept, p48.
Fireground noise may interfere with digital radio transmissions: IAFC. (News in Brief) May, p66.
Mobile broadband technology proposed for public safety. (News in Brief) Jan, p56.
NGA issues guide for public safety interoperability. (News in Brief) Feb, p46.
NYC gets new radios; FDNY response times decrease. (News in Brief) Mar, p90.
Setting the Stage With The First-Due Radio Report. J. Mason. Jan, p83.
Technology Roundup: Focus on Interoperability, Safety, and All-Hazards Efficiency. M. J. Dittmar. May, p75.
U.S. House bill would implement 9/11 commission recommendations. (News in Brief) Mar, p86.

Disaster Management
Americans support FEMA, poll shows. (News in Brief) Aug. p56.
Analyzing Suspect Powders. C. A. Zona. (Technology Today) July, p131.
Assessing the Vulnerability of Buildings. R. L. Kemp. Jan, p103.
Building a Resource Support Network for WMD Incidents. G. D. Rudner. (Terrorism Supplement) Sept, p27.
CDC releases guidelines for pandemic influenza threat, including “Severity Index”. (News in Brief) June, p61.
Chemical terrorism: How prepared are the clinical laboratories? (News in Brief) Apr, p106.
Chicago welcomes bomb-diffusing robots. (News in Brief) Jan, p57.
Congress approves Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act. (News in Brief) Feb, p47.
Critics say DHS should do more for communications interoperability. (News in Brief) Apr, p105.
Departments should update school response/MCI policies. (News in Brief) July, p54.
DHS: $1.7 billion for local homeland security programs. (News in Brief) Mar, p86.
DHS: High-risk cities must have interoperable systems by end of 2007. (News in Brief) Feb, p45.
DHS issues interoperable communications report. (News in Brief) Mar, p88.
DHS offers options for continued communications in disasters. (News in Brief). Dec, p34.
FEMA advises House committee of reforms in hurricane response. (News in Brief)
Health Coalition issues recommendations for improved disaster response. (News in Brief) Oct, p69.
How Prepared is Your Safety Diving Team for a Bridge Collapse? W. Hendrick and A. Zaferes. Dec, p75.
Mutual-Aid Box Alarm System, The. D. Smith. Oct, p109.
NVFC asks House Subcommittee for Citizen Corps and Fire Corps authorization. (News in Brief) Aug, p56.
Preparing for A Wildfire Season That Does Not End. R. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) Feb, p8.
Psychological Aftermath of Terrorism, The. S. Kanarian. Aug, p121.
Regional Response to All-Hazards Events: A Commonwealth Perspective. G. Noll. (Terrorism Supplement) Sept, p17.
Responding to a Suicide Bombing Incident. A. Vernon. (Terrorism Supplement) Sept, p4.
Responding to Collapse Emergencies Complicated by Water Hazards. L. Collins. Dec, p61.
Severe MRSA community-acquired pneumonia reported in the U.S. (News in Brief) June, p60.
Strategies for Surviving the IED Response. A. Vernon. June, p99.
Teams Enhance Preparedness for Complex Incidents. B.W. Phelps and J. M. Scholz. Oct, p125.
Tamiflu side effects cause concern. (News in Brief) June, p54.
Tunnel Disaster Exercise Focuses on Responder Training and Adaptability. J. W. Kiesling.
Apr, p211.
U.S. House bill would implement 9/11 commission recommendations. (News in Brief) Mar, p86.
U.S. DOT to states: Consider extra weight on bridges during construction, repair. (News in Brief) Oct, p64.
Using Area Command To Manage Multiple Incidents. G. E. Seidel. (Terrorism Supplement) Sept, p23.
US&R Involvement. (Roundtable) Feb, p32.
Why Your Department Must Prepare for the Next 9/11. J. Knapp. (Volunteers Corner) Apr, p20.

Emergency Medical Services
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers pose hazards. (News in Brief) July, p57.
A CO Emergency: Whose Call Is It, Anyway? R. Delagi. Oct, p93.
A Fatal Fire Investigation. The Medical Perspective. J. Nichols, R. Irwin and M. Merlin. Mar, p123.
ACEP board elects officers. (News in Brief) Jan, p56.
AMA launches disaster medicine journal. (News in Brief) Oct, p70.
APCO Institute releases new Fire Service Dispatch Guidecards. (News in Brief) June, pg58.
Avian Flu: Should You Fear the Chicken? M. McEvoy. Dec, p101.
Blood test quickly detects levels of radiation exposure. (News in Brief) July, p54.
Building a Low-Cost Network of Advanced Life Support Services. E. J. Seibel. (Fire Service EMS) Apr, p40.
Capnography. A Versatile Life-Saving Tool. W. M. Godfrey. Apr, p177.
CDC: Dengue fever found in south Texas. (News in Brief) Oct, p70.
CDC releases guidelines for pandemic influenza threat, including “Severity Index”. (News in Brief) June, p61.
COMCARE: Emergency responder definition should include 911 emergency dispatch. (News in Brief) Feb, p42.
Communicable Disease and the Fire Service. D. Williams. Dec, p85.
Congress should act now to improve emergency care: ACEP (LA) president. (News in Brief) Jan, p54.
Co-Responding in the United Kingdom. P. Young. (Fire Service EMS) June, p30.
CPR: Chest compressions proved more effective than rescue breathing in study. (News in Brief) May, p70.
Departments should update school response/MCI policies. (News in Brief) July, p54.
EMS: A Comparison Between Taiwan and the United States. H. Chang. Nov, p113.
FDA approves Cyanokit ® for treating cyanide poisoning. (News in Brief) Feb, p42.
FDA: Avandia poses “potential safety issue”. (News in Brief) Sept, p51.
FDA seizes implantable devices, valves, grafts. (News in Brief) July, p56.
Fires during surgery more common. (News in Brief) Oct, p70.
24-Hour Shift: Impact on Health and Safety, The. D. J. Swinhart. (Fire Service EMS) May, p32.
Health Coalition issues recommendations for improved disaster response. (News in Brief) Oct, p69.
Hundreds in Oklahoma exposed to TB. (News in Brief) Jan, p56.
Importance of Vital Signs, The. A. Dean. (Fire Service EMS) Oct, p32.
Interagency Cooperation Expedites Treatment and Transport. M. McEvoy. (Fire Service EMS) Mar, p42.
Lifeline® and Revive® AEDs recalled. (News in Brief) May, p62.
Managing Assaultive Behavior. R. G. Nixon. Sept, p89.
Medtronic suspends shipments of external defibrillators. (News in Brief) Feb, p44.
NVFC Board sets priorities at annual fall meeting. (News in Brief) Jan, p56.
Patient Assessment: A Lost Art. F. Ferola. Aug, p28.
Procurement: Buyer Beware. F. Ferola. (Fire Service EMS) Sept, p24.
Psychological Aftermath of Terrorism, The. S. Kanarian. Aug, p121.
Rapidly Managing Multiple Fire and EMS Priorities. M. McEvoy. (Fire Service EMS) July, p30.
Responding to a Suicide Bombing Incident. A. Vernon. (Terrorism Supplement) Sept, p4.
Severe MRSA community-acquired pneumonia reported in the U.S. (News in Brief) June, p60.
Side Airbag Tank Explosion Complicates Extrication of Victim. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics) Apr, p66.
Sports cream use implicated in teen’s death. (News in Brief) Aug, p62.
Tamiflu side effects cause concern. (News in Brief) June, p54.
Tips for Scene Size-Up and Safety. S. Prziborowski. (Fire Service EMS) Jan, p30.
Vehicle Accident with Entrapment: Call a Physician to the Scene! A. Cohilas, J. Hood and B. Lowe. June, p127.
When and How to Use a Tourniquet. B. Daskal. (Fire Service EMS) Nov, p30.
When Ground Meets Air. P. Mazurek. May, p103.
White Paper cites “importance” of fire service-based EMS. (News in Brief) Aug, p54.

Fire/Incident Reports
California Mudslide Yields Valuable Lessons. T. Welch. Feb, p109.
Furniture Warehouse Fire: Lessons Learned. M. Hughes. Sept, p71.
Ice Water Recovery: 11 Command and Control Lessons. J. F. Flynn and J. Knapp. Feb, p75.
NFPA: More fires but fewer deaths in 2006. (News in Brief). Dec, p32.
Preparing for the Unexpected. Suicide Attempt Sparks Gas-Fueled Fire. B. Bigrigg. May, p89.

Fire Investigation
A Fatal Fire Investigation. The Medical perspective. J. Nichols, R. Irwin and M. Merlin. Mar, p123.
Be Careful What You Wish For. (Editor’s Opinion). B. Halton. Dec, p10.
Determining the Fire’s Point of Origin: Beyond the Obvious. J. Zerbe. Sept, p115.
Engineer cites dangerous conditions at E2 Club. (News in Brief) Apr, p104.
Fire Cause and Determination. (Roundtable). Dec, p22.
IAFC board adopts SHS recommendations for NIOSH reporting program. (News In Brief) Nov, p58.
NFPA: More fires but fewer deaths in 2006. (News in Brief). Dec, p32.
NIST commences study of Super Sofa Store fire. (News in Brief) Sept, p46.
NIST experts dispatched to Charleston. (News in Brief) Aug, p54.
NIST updates issues on WTC 7 investigation. (News in Brief) Sept, p46.
Oily towels implicated in spa fire. (News in Brief) Mar, p90.
SC OSHA issues report on Charleston Sofa Super Store Fire. (News In Brief) Nov, p56.
Sports cream use implicated in teen’s death. (News in Brief) Aug, p62.
USFA Issues Fires and Exposures Report. (News In Brief) Nov, p56.
USFA releases school fires report. (News in Brief) Nov, 61

Fire Prevention
A plethora of activities mark Fire Prevention Week. (News in Brief) Dec, p36.
California mandates manufacture and sale of reduced fire risk cigarettes. (News in Brief). Mar, p92.
Designing Performance- Based Sprinkler Systems: East vs. West. W. K. Chow and Fiona S. C. Tsui. Jan, p107.
DHS announces fourth round of FP&S awards. (News in Brief) Aug, p58.
Duty to Act, The: Responsibilities of Today’s Fire Marshal. D. Smith. July, p95.
Fire departments urged to participate in “Human Behavior in Fire” project. (News in Brief) Feb, p46.
Fire fatalities illustrate need for pub ed. (News in Brief) July, p52.
Fire sprinkler union pledges to work with fire service to upgrade codes. (News in Brief) Oct, p72.
Fireman’s Fund offers CA wildfire readiness plan. (News in Brief) Sept, p50.
FM Global launches fire prevention grant program. (News in Brief) Sept, p51.
FPRF lists FEMA research grant projects. (News in Brief) Nov, pg 61.
Globe recalls dry sprinkler heads. (News in Brief) Aug, p62.
ICC: No wildfire protection plan for most at-risk communities. (News in Brief) Oct, p66
ICC offers support for sprinklers despite rejecting requirements. (News in Brief) Aug, p61.
Improving Customer Service. B. Henby and T. Kiurski. (Fire Prevention Bureau) July, p128.
Marketing Campus Fire Safety. E. Comeau. Oct, p117.
Partnerships Help Create Joint Training/Prevention Facility. N. Zikmund. (Volunteers Corner) Mar, p16.
Passive Fire Protection Increases Student Fire Safety. P. E. Calderwood. Jan, p87.
Passport to Safety Revisited. T. Kiurski. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Jan, p198.
Philadelphia’s Scrap Yard Task Force. R. Ragen. Nov, p103.
Planning guide for People with Disabilities. (News in Brief) July, p56.
Pros and Cons of Props. D. Hilton. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Oct, p141.
Smoke detectors recalled. (News in Brief) July, p58.
USFA releases clothes dryer fires in residential buildings report. (News in Brief) Apr, p110.
USFA releases heating fires in residential buildings topical report. (News in Brief) Jan, p54.
USFA releases new civilian fire fatality information. (News in Brief) Aug, p60.
USFA Research Highlights Responder and Civilian Safety. C. Dickinson. (News in Brief) May, p64.
Wireless Smoke Detectors Are Good for Safety and Business. T. Pilling. (Technology Today) May, p185.
WUI Fire Program strategic plan aimed at reducing fire losses. (News in Brief) Feb, p45.

Fire Protection
Civilian Use of Portable Fire Extinguishers. F. Lafferty, Jr. Oct, p132.
Code Development: Whose Battlefield Is This? J. J. Murphy. Jan, p73.
Designing Performance- Based Sprinkler Systems: East vs. West. W. K. Chow and Fiona S. C. Tsui. Jan, p107.
Duty to Act, The: Responsibilities of Today’s Fire Marshal. D. Smith. July, p95.
Engineer cites dangerous conditions at E2 Club. (News in Brief) Apr, p104.
Fire sprinkler union pledges to work with fire service to upgrade codes. (News in Brief) Oct, p72.
Fireman’s Fund offers CA wildfire readiness plan. (News in Brief) Sept, p50.
FM Global launches fire prevention grant program. (News in Brief) Sept, p51.
FPRF lists FEMA research grant projects. (News in Brief) Nov, pg 61.
Globe recalls dry sprinkler heads. (News in Brief) Aug, p62.
ICC: No wildfire protection plan for most at-risk communities. (News in Brief) Oct, p66
ICC offers support for sprinklers despite rejecting requirements. (News in Brief) Aug, p61.
Illinois: Failure to install CO detector punishable by jail term and fines. (News in Brief) Mar, p92.
Locating Your FDCs. M. C. Grube. June, p93.
Marketing Campus Fire Safety. E. Comeau. Oct, p117.
New burglar alarms pose safety hazards. (News in Brief) Aug. p54.
NFPA: More fires but fewer deaths in 2006. (News in Brief). Dec, p32.
Passive Fire Protection Increases Student Fire Safety. P. E. Calderwood. Jan, p87.
Philadelphia’s Scrap Yard Task Force. R. Ragen. Nov, p103.
Planning guide for people with disabilities. (News in Brief) July, p56.
Prefire Planning. (Roundtable) Jan, p42.
Preplanning Facility Emergency Plans. E. Bachman. Jan, p91.
Recognizing and Preplanning Halon Replacement Agents. R. R. Spadafora. May, p119.
Smoke detectors recalled. (News in Brief) July, p58.
Sprinklers: Interpreting the Statistics. R. R. Licht. (Fire Commentary) Jan, p202.
Study: Sounding alarms more likely to awaken hard of hearing. (News in Brief) Oct, p68.
USFA releases new civilian fire fatality information. (News in Brief) Aug, p60.
Value of a Fire Protection Engineering Degree, The. C. H. Shelley. (Fire Commentary) Sept, p132
. Virtual Fire Command Technology Tests. R. Dubois, D. R. Jones Jr., and D. E. Kimmel. (Technology Today) May, p186.
Wireless Smoke Detectors Are Good for Safety and Business. T. Pilling. (Technology Today) May, p185.
WUI Fire Program strategic plan aimed at reducing fire losses. (News in Brief) Feb, p45.

Firefighting Basics
A Close Call Encounter of the Elevator Kind. M. Dragonetti. Dec, p107.
Building Hazards on the Outside. J. Morelock. (The Truck Company) Nov, p36.
Challenging Auto Extrication. S. Henry, Jr. (Volunteers Corner) Nov, p14.
Chemical Profiling. A Safe Approach for First Responders. R. Shelton. May, p99.
Creating a Roof Cutting Prop. D. Sheridan. Aug, p20.
Critical Steps to Successful Egress. R. Rowley. Apr, p205.
Cutting Metal I-Beams. D. Frank. (Training Notebook) Oct p18.
Driver/Engineer, The. J. Wells. (Roll Call) June, p28.
Extinguishing a Fire in a Bank Vault. D. Eriksen. (What We Learned) Oct, p139.
Fighting a Fast-Spreading Fire. J. Mason. Nov, p85.
Fighting Interface Fires: A Review. S. Todd. Sept, p125.
Firefighting Strategies for Steel-Frame Construction. J. Miles and J. Tobin. May, p115.
Fireground Strategies: Fighting Shaft Fires. A. Avillo. Dec, p47.
Free Your Hands. S. Grant and L. Stephens. (Tricks of the Trade) Jan, p22.
From Around the Globe: 2006. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics) Feb, p26.
Ground Ladder Chocks. M. Rush. (Training Notebook) Mar, p28.
High-Target Areas for the Residential Primary Search. M. Bricault. Oct, p105.
Highway Incident Task Force Provides Road Map for Emergency Response. F. Lafferty Jr. Mar, p163.
Hoseline Operations for Residential Fires. B. Gustin. Apr, p115.
How Kinks Affect Your Fire Attack System. T. Pillsworth, J. Knapp, C. Flatley, and D. Leihbacher. Oct, p87.
How To Expedite Your Search. T. Shervino. (Roll Call) July, p36.
Hydraulics vs. Halligans. Choosing the Appropriate Forcible Entry Method. N. A. Martin. Mar, p135.
Interior Benchmarking. W. Greenwood. (Training Notebook) Feb, p18.
It’s All About the Water. R. A. Fritz. (The Engine Company) July, p40.
Large-Area Search: Lessons Found in a “Big Box”. M. J. Barakey. (Training Notebook). July, p22.
Large-Diameter Hose: An Update, Part 1. B. Gustin. Oct, p77.
Large-Diameter Hose: An Update, Part 2. B. Gustin. Nov, p65.
Live-Produce Store Fire Poses Unique Problems. A. Avillo. Jan, p59.
Making A More Compact Hotel Pack. S. Chase. Feb, p119.
Most Dangerous Fireground Activity, Part 1, The. (Roundtable) May, p50.
Most Dangerous Fireground Activity, Part 2, The. (Roundtable) June, p40.
Nozzle Reaction Simulator Can Improve Fire Attack Skills.. J. Knapp, C. Flatley, and T. Heier. Oct, p101.
Near Miss Highlights Need for Accountability System. S. Grant. Feb, p61.
NIST: Positive-Pressure Ventilation, Firefighting Environment, and Electrical Products Primary Focus. D. Madrzykowski. May, p79.
One Tough Door. M. N. Ciampo. Mar, p97.
Operating Elevator Cars During a Building Fire. T. L. Jarboe and J. J. O’Donoghue. Sept, p101.
Operations at Fire-Resistive Multistory Buildings. T. Donnelly. (The Engine Company) Nov, p26.
Other Side of Taxpayers, The. D. DeStefano. (Training Notebook) Nov, p18.
Passive Fire Protection Increases Student Fire Safety. P. E. Calderwood. Jan, p87.
Pickup Truck Tunneling. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics) Oct, p38.
Prefire Planning. (Roundtable) Jan, p42.
Prepare to Ensure a Sufficient Water Supply. E. G. Bachman. Apr, p231.
Primary Ventilation: A Review. T. Donnelly. (Training Notebook) June, p24.
Rescuing Through a Gable on a Multilevel Roof. A. Volpe. (Training Notebook) May, p24.
Rookie Firefighter: Preparing for the Role, The. (Roll Call). J. Wells. Dec, p20.
Salvage Basics. J.C. Morelock. (The Truck Company) Jan, p32.
School Bus Incidents: Are You Really Ready? L. T. Hollins. June, p71.
Seat Belts Carry the Load and Keep Hands Free. D. Walsh. (Tricks of the Trade) May, p38.
Setting the Stage With The First-Due Radio Report. J. Mason. Jan, p83.
Silent Floors, Silent Killers? J. Kirsch. Apr, p149.
Size-Up: How Do We Use It? (Training Notebook). S. Marsar. Dec, p16.
Small-Town Truck Operations. Power Saws. J. C. Morelock. Mar, p111.
Study: Sounding alarms more likely to awaken hard of hearing. (News in Brief) Oct, p68.
Understanding the Mission. W. Shouldis. (What We Learned) July, p123.
Using Hands-Free Thermal Imaging Cameras. J. Boyd. May, p95.
Well-Hole Stretch, The. R. McCormack. (The Engine Company) Oct, p24.
Why Do We Do That? F. Montagna. Aug, p101.
Wow, It’s Hot in Here! M. Brooks. (Training Notebook) Sept, p20.

Hazardous Materials
Are You Prepared to Handle an Enthanol Disaster? (Technology Today). B. Ballanthyne. Nov, p133
Analyzing Suspect Powders. C. A. Zona. (Technology Today) July, p131.
Blood test quickly detects levels of radiation exposure. (News in Brief) July, p54.
Builing a Resource Support Network for WMD Incidents. G. D. Rudner. (Terrorism Supplement) Sept, p27.
Chemical Profiling: A Safe Approach for First Responders. R. Shelton. May, p99.
Chemical Profiling II: What You See Does Make a Difference. R. Shelton. Nov, p97.
Chemical Terrorism: How prepared are the clinical laboratories? (News in Brief) Apr, p106.
Coalition performs extinguishment tests for fuels. (News in Brief) July, p52.
Congress approves Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act. (News in Brief) Feb, p47.
Ethanol: Crosing the Industrial/Municipal Interface. T. Johnson. Nov, p75.
Extinguishing Ethanol Fires: Practice Needed for Proficiency. D. Williams. Nov, p76.
FDA approves Cyanokit ® for treating cyanide poisoning. (News in Brief) Feb, p42.
Introduction to Chemical Warfare Agents. F. Fire. Nov, p125.
Liquefied Natural Gas: A New Urban Legend? C. Shelley. Nov, p107.
OSHA defines “on site in one location” for chemical standard. (News in Brief) Sept, p46.
Response to Pipeline Incidents. C. Shelley. Nov, p89.
Three-Point Hazmat Size-Up. (Hazmat: On the Line) K. Kreutzer. Nov, p119.
What’s New in WMD Detection Devices. C. Hawley. (Terrorism Supplement) Sept, p13.

Incident Command/Fireground Management
Actions of First-In Officer. (Roundtable) Mar, p60.
Actions of the Chief Officer. (Roundtable) Apr, p74.
Adapt Leadership Styles To Achieve Objectives. S. Mills. Aug, p129.
Bad Apples, The. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). Nov, p10.
Battle-Proven Military Principles for Disaster Leadership. R. Martin. Aug, p69.
Ben Franklin Dance, The. A.Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) July, p158.
Break the Failure Chain with Competent Leaders. J. Knapp. (Volunteers Corner) Oct, p14.
Can There Be Leadership Without Followership? E. Buchanan. Aug, p105.
Command Position. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Sept, p148.
Conditions-Action-Outcome. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) May, p198.
Debriefing, The: Another Tool for Your Box. J. A. Van Doren. July, p87.
Emotions. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) Feb, p24.
Find the Fire Before it Finds You. (Rules of Engagement). A. Brunacini. Nov, p144.
Fireground Intelligence. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Feb, p138.
Ice Water Recovery: 11 Command and Control Lessons. J. F. Flynn and J. Knapp. Feb, p75.
“Information into Intelligence” Routine, Part 1, The. A. Brunacini.(Rules of Engagement) Mar, p214.
“Information into Intelligence” Routine, Part 2, The. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Apr, p270.
Match Standard Actions with Standard Conditions for a Standard Outcome. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) June, p150.
Mutual-Aid Box Alarm System, The. D. Smith. Oct, p109.
NETC offers two online ICS review courses. (News in Brief) Jan, p56.
NFPA hosts Urban Fire Forum 2006. (News in Brief) Feb, p44.
Prepare for Your Promotion Now! S. Prziborowski. July, p89.
Power and Influence: A Guide for Fire Officers. W. Goswick. July, p73.
Rapidly Managing Multiple Fire and EMS Priorities. M. McEvoy. (Fire Service EMS) July, p30.
Regional Response to All-Hazards Events: A Commonwealth Perspective. G. Noll. (Terrorism Supplement) Sept, p17.
Role of the Volunteer Company Officer, The. R. Rielage and T. Rielage. (Volunteers Corner) July, p18.
Setting the Stage With The First-Due Radio Report. J. Mason. Jan, p83.
Tactics Coloring Book. (Rules of Engagement) Dec, p176.
Teams Enhance Preparedness for Complex Incidents. B.W. Phelps and J. M. Scholz. Oct, p125.
Troop Leader’s Checklist, The: Adapting Military Methods to Hands-on Training. B. Brown. July, p77.
Understanding the Learning Curve: An Officer’s Guide to Successful Drills. S. Marsar. July, p79.
Using Area Command To Manage Multiple Incidents. G. E. Seidel. (Terrorism Supplement) Sept, p23.
Using Standard Tactical Intelligence as the Basis for Effective Decision Making. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Aug, p150.
Volunteer Firefighter as Initial Incident Commander. J. A. Hewitt and P. G. Landreville. (Volunteers Corner) May, p18.
Word, The. A. Brunacini (Rules of Engagement) Oct, p172.

Laws and Legislation/Codes and Standards
Act would prohibit federal taxing of volunteer benefits. (News in Brief) Aug, p62.
Americans support FEMA, poll shows. (News in Brief) Aug. p56.
APCO announces public review period for CTO training standards. (News in Brief) Sept, p50.
Bill would increase municipal contribution for NJ volunteer firefighters. (News in Brief) Mar, p92.
Code Development: Whose Battlefield Is This? J. J. Murphy. Jan, p73.
Congress approves Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act. (News in Brief) Feb, p47.
Congressional Fire Services Caucus announces new co-chairs. (News in Brief) Apr, p110.
Congressional resolution would create a federal 9/11 health plan. (News in Brief) Apr, p110.
2007 edition of NFPA 1982 addresses performance issues. (News in Brief) Apr, p102.
DHS adopts NFPA standards for emergency responders. (News In Brief) Nov, p58.
Drifting into Failure. Bobby Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) Oct, p12.
Fire service champions defeated in November election. (News in Brief) Jan, p57.
General Operating Guidelines for Training Centers. G. Stonesifer. Apr, p189.
IAFC launches state and provincial legislation forums. (News in Brief) Mar, p90.
ICC offers support for sprinklers despite rejecting requirements. (News in Brief) Aug, p61.
ICC incorporates NYC high-rise evacuation standards in national model. (News in Brief) Aug, p60.
IFSAC supports DHS’s adoption of NFPA standards. (News in Brief) Dec, p36
LA chief resigns in wake of discrimination lawsuit. (News in Brief) Feb, p45.
Live-Fire Training LODDs. We Must Heed the Lessons Learned. B. P. Kazmierzak. Apr, p137.
NFPA Combines Pump Testing, Aerial Testing, and Maintenance into One Standard. W. C. Peters. (Apparatus Supplement) June, p35.
NFPA seeks comments on respiratory standards for wildland firefighting. (News in Brief) Jan, p57.
NVFC asks House Subcommittee for Citizen Corps and Fire Corps authorization. (News in Brief) Aug, p56.
Operating Elevator Cars During a Building Fire. T. L. Jarboe and J. J. O’Donoghue. Sept, p101.
OSHA defines “on site in one location” for chemical standard. (News in Brief) Sept, p46.
Preparing for A Wildfire Season That Does Not End. R. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) Feb, p8.
Safety and Liability: “Kill All the Lawyers” or Kill All the Lawsuits? D. Comstock Jr. (Speaking of Safety) June, p131.
Senate establishes National First Responder Appreciation Day. (News in Brief) Aug, p58.
Short Staffing: It’s Time for Another Congressional Funding Drill. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) May, p14.
WTC lessons built into revised NYC building code. (News in Brief) July, p56.

Adapt Leadership Styles To Achieve Objectives. S. Mills. Aug, p129.
Bad Apples, The. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). Nov, p10.
Battle-Proven Military Principles for Disaster Leadership. R. Martin. Aug, p69.
Break the Failure Chain with Competent Leaders. J. Knapp. (Volunteers Corner) Oct, p14.
Cade confirmed as U.S. Fire Administrator. (News in Brief) July, p52.
Can There Be Leadership Without Followership? E. Buchanan. Aug, p105.
Command Position. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Sept, p148.
Congressional Fire Services Caucus announces new co-chairs. (News in Brief) Apr, p110.
Coping with the Challenges of Forced Retirement. P. Antonellis Jr. Aug, p91.
Creating an Organizational Identity. J. Simpson. Feb, p121.
Counseling: Listen, Don’t Judge. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) Aug, p26.
Emotions. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) Feb, p24.
Find the Fire Before it Finds You. (Rules of Engagement). A. Brunacini. Nov, p144.
Fire officer fellowships awarded. (News in Brief) June, p60.
Grievance: When All Parties Do Not Agree. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) Apr, p60.
Handling Multiple Problems. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) Oct, p42.
Higher Education = Better Skills, Better Future. E. M. Leath. Apr, p225.
LA chief resigns in wake of discrimination lawsuit. (News in Brief) Feb, p45.
Meeting with a Politician. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) June, p35.
Mentoring Upside Down. E. Buchanan. (Roll Call) Sept, p32.
NFPA hosts Urban Fire Forum 2006. (News in Brief) Feb, p44.
Officer Mentoring Preserves Fire Service Heritage. D. Schrage. July, p83.
Power and Influence: A Guide for Fire Officers. W. Goswick. July, p73.
Precepts for a New Training Officer. P D. Hoyle. Apr, p199.
Prepare for Your Promotion Now! S. Prziborowski. July, p89.
Purpose of Discipline, The. R. B. Gasaway. (Volunteers Corner) Jan, p12.
Recruiting and Retaining the Millennials. P. W. Byrne. (Volunteers Corner) Feb, p14.
Red Lights and Sirens: Marketing Tools. M. Wallace. Mar, p167.
Role of the Volunteer Company Officer, The. R. Rielage and T. Rielage. (Volunteers Corner) July, p18.
Starting the Shift Off Right. R. Lasky. (Roll Call) Mar, p35.
Succession Planning; Leave the Fire Service Better Than You Found It. S. Prziborowski. Aug, p115.
Tactics Coloring Book. (Rules of Engagement) Dec, p176.
Tips for Helping a New Officer Cope with Personnel Problems. F. McLeod. Mar, p143.
Today’s Recruits, Tomorrow’s Leaders. M. P. Dallessandro. (Volunteers Corner) Sept, p16.
Understanding the Learning Curve: An Officer’s Guide to Successful Drills. S. Marsar. July, p79.
USFA announces 2006 Outstanding Research Award winners. (News in Brief) June, p56.
Using Standard Tactical Intelligence as the Basis for Effective Decision Making. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Aug, p150.
Virginia Beach’s Chief Gregory Cade nominated to head USFA. (News in Brief) Feb, p42.
Word, The. A. Brunacini (Rules of Engagement) Oct, p172.

Honoring Our Own. B. Jones. (Fire Commentary) June, p133.
Make the Firehouse Your Home. C. Birt. (Roll Call) Aug, p32.
Morning After, The. Bobby Halton. Aug, p12.
Most Influential Change. (Roundtable) Oct, p48.
Public Safety Relationships. C. Bond. Dec, p95.
Real Meaning of Brotherhood, The. F. Crosby. July, p107.

Public Education/Relations
A plethora of activities mark Fire Prevention Week. (News in Brief) Dec, p36.
Americans support FEMA, poll shows. (News in Brief) Aug. p56.
Are You “Tough Enough” for Customer Service? M. C. Hyyppa. (Fire Commentary). June, p134.
Bereavement Leave: The Benefits of a Written Policy. P. J. Antonellis Jr. Mar, p153.
California mandates manufacture and sale of reduced fire risk cigarettes. (News in Brief) Mar, p92.
Can You Expand Your Resources When Funding Is Dwindling? E. G. Bachman. Mar, p157.
Civilian Use of Portable Fire Extinguishers. F. Lafferty, Jr. Oct, p132.
Denver firefighters win Quaker Smart Heart Challenge. (News in Brief) Jan, p54.
FDA: Avandia poses “potential safety issue”. (News in Brief) Sept, p51.
Fire departments urged to participate in “Human Behavior in Fire” project. (News in Brief) Feb, p46.
Firefighting on the Equator. FDNY Spearheads Training in Ecuador. D. Sheridan. Apr, p167.
Fire Engineering staff receives award. (News in Brief) July, p52.
Fire fatalities illustrate need for pub ed. (News in Brief) July, p52.
Fire Is the Real Terrorist. D. Byrne. (Fire Commentary) Sept, p129.
Fireman’s Fund offers CA wildfire readiness plan. (News in Brief) Sept, p50.
Fire Service’s Most Powerful Tool, The. Bobby Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) July, p14.
High School Program Prepares Students for Fire Service Career. E. Emley. (Training Notebook) Jan, p18.
Honoring Our Own. B. Jones. (Fire Commentary) June, p133.
IAFC announces Fire Institute. (News in Brief) Oct, p69.
ICC: No wildfire protection plan for most at-risk communities. (News in Brief) Oct, p66.
Illinois: Failure to install CO detector punishable by jail term and fines. (News in Brief) Mar, p92.
Improving Customer Service. B. Henby and T. Kiurski. (Fire Prevention Bureau) July, p128.
LAST Teams Provide Local Assistance for LODD. R. Kanterman. (News in Brief) Aug, p64.
Make the Firehouse Your Home. C. Birt. (Roll Call) Aug, p32.
Marketing Campus Fire Safety. E. Comeau. Oct, p117.
91 firefighters honored at annual NFFF Memorial Service; President Bush attends. (News in Brief). Dec, p32.
Partnerships Help Create Joint Training/Prevention Facility. N. Zikmund. (Volunteers Corner) Mar, p16.
Passive Fire Protection Increases Student Fire Safety. P. E. Calderwood. Jan, p87.
Passport to Safety Revisited. T. Kiurski. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Jan, p198.
Philadelphia’s Scrap Yard Task Force. R. Ragen. Nov, p103.
Portable generators recalled; electric shock hazards. (News in Brief) Mar, p92.
Power tool batteries pose laceration hazard. (News in Brief) Sept, p51.
Pros and Cons of Props. D. Hilton. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Oct, p141.
Recruiting and Retaining the Millennials. P. Byrne. (Volunteers Corner) Feb, p14.
Red Lights and Sirens: Marketing Tools. M. Wallace. Mar, p167.
Salvage Basics. J.C. Morelock. (The Truck Company) Jan, p32.
Senate establishes National First Responder Appreciation Day. (News in Brief) Aug, p58.
Study: Sounding alarms more likely to awaken hard of hearing. (News in Brief) Oct, p68.
Troy-Bilt Craftsman Chain Saws pose laceration hazard: CPSC. (News in Brief) Jan, p57.
USFA releases clothes dryer fires in residential buildings report. (News in Brief) Apr, p110.
USFA releases heating fires in residential buildings topical report. (News in Brief) Jan, p54.
USFA releases school fires report. (News in Brief) Nov, 61.
US&R Involvement. (Roundtable) Feb, p32.
WUI Fire Program strategic plan aimed at reducing fire losses. (News in Brief) Feb, p45.

A Close Call Encounter of the Elevator Kind. M. Dragonetti. Dec, p107.
Anatomy of a Challenging Deep Shaft Rescue. L. Collins. Sept, p55.
California Mudslide Yields Valuable Lessons. T. Welch. Feb, p109.
Catastrophic Crane Failure: Is Your Department Ready? P. Nipert. Sept, p83.
Escape Rope Performance: Working at Elevated Temperatures and Under Dynamic Loads. G. Horn, E. Timmons, P. Kurath. July, p99.
Firefighter Rescue: The Ultimate Fireground Challenge. J. McCormack. (Real-World RIT) June, p38.
Firefighter Survival: SCBA Air Confidence Drill. S. Joerger. (Real-World RIT) Apr, p50.
From Around the Globe: 2006. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics) Feb, p26.
High-Target Areas for the Residential Primary Search. M. Bricault. Oct, p105.
How Prepared is Your Safety Diving Team for a Bridge Collapse? W. Hendrick and A. Zaferes. Dec, p75.
Ice Water Recovery: 11 Command and Control Lessons. J. F. Flynn and J. Knapp. Feb, p75.
Improvise with Your Webbing for a Quicker, Easier Rescue. D. Zartman. (Real-World RIT) July, p42.
Initial Trench Operations. T. Donnelly. (The Rescue Company) July, p38.
Large-Area Search: Lessons Found in a “Big Box”. M. J. Barakey. (Training Notebook). July, p22.
Personal Safety System Aims to Prevent Bailouts. P. T. Grace. Apr, p191.
Rapid Intervention: Separating Fact from “Friction”. S. Clark. (Real-World RIT). May, p44.
Rapid Intervention Team: Are You Ready? R. L. Gray. (Real-World RIT) Mar, p46.
Remember Your “BRIEFCASE”. S. Hittle. (Real-World RIT) Sept, p28.
Rescue Without the Big Red Truck. L. Steele. Feb, p99.
Rescuing Through a Gable on a Multilevel Roof. A. Volpe. (Training Notebook) May, p24.
Residential Rescue Sequence, The. M. Bricault. Apr, p221.
Responding to Collapse Emergencies Complicated by Water Hazards. L. Collins. Dec, p61.
Rope Rescue Saves Stranded Hikers. W. Gould and J. Schwartz. Mar, p105.
School Bus Incidents: Are You Really Ready? L. T. Hollins. June, p71.
Side Airbag Tank Explosion Complicates Extrication of Victim. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics) Apr, p66.
“Suicide in Progress”: Response Strategies. L. Collins. Sept, p105.
Using Lifting Struts for Roof Resting Lift and Inverted Dash Displacement. C. Pasto. (Technology Today). May, p181.
US&R Involvement. (Roundtable) Feb, p32.
Vehicle Accident with Entrapment: Call a Physician to the Scene! A. Cohilas, J. Hood and B. Lowe. June, p127.

Safety and Health
A CO Emergency: Whose Call Is It, Anyway? R. Delagi. Oct, p93.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers pose hazards. (News in Brief) July, p57.
Ancient Buildings Pose Hazards Older than Codes. G. Havel. July, p63.
Apparatus Defensive Driving. (Volunteers Corner). M. Dallessandro
Avian Flu: Should You Fear the Chicken? M. McEvoy. Dec, p101.
Avoiding A Live-Burn Training Pitfall. R. McCormack. (Fire Commentary) Feb, p123.
Batteries pose fire hazard on aircraft. (News in Brief) July, pg58.
Bereavement Leave: The Benefits of a Written Policy. P. J. Antonellis Jr. Mar, p153.
Big Picture, The. S. Giamo, Jr. (Fire Commentary). Dec, p162.
CDC: Dengue fever found in south Texas. (News in Brief) Oct, p70
. CDC: MRSA causes more U.S. deaths than AIDS. (News in Brief). Dec, p32.
Chemical Profiling. A Safe Approach for First Responders. R. Shelton. May, p99.
Communicable Disease and the Fire Service. D. Williams. Dec, p85.
Congressional resolution would create a federal 9/11 health plan. (News in Brief) Apr, p110.
Coping with the Challenges of Forced Retirement. P. Antonellis Jr. Aug, p91.
Creating a Tradition of Safety. T. W. Aurnhammer. July, p111.
Denver firefighters win Quaker Smart Heart Challenge. (News in Brief) Jan, p54.
Drifting into Failure. Bobby Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) Oct, p12.
Electrical Hazards: Is Your Department Prepared? F. Cheatham. June, p115.
Emergency Operations in or near Traffic. S. Thompson. (Roll Call) May, p26.
FAMA study shows link between improved fire equipment and life safety. (News in Brief) June, p59.
Farmers Insurance supports electronic stability control vehicle standard. (News in Brief) June, p59.
Fire and EMS Safety Stand Down June 17-23. (News in Brief) May, p62.
Firefighter Rescue: The Ultimate Fireground Challenge. J. McCormack. (Real-World RIT) June, p38.
Fitness and Training are Keys to Safety. P. R. Gerardi. June, p119.
Hazards of Support Columns, The. R. Moritz. Aug, p111.
Health and the Line Firefighter. (Roundtable) July, p46.
House asks President Bush for “robust” funding for WTC health needs. (News in Brief) Jan, p54.
Hundreds in Oklahoma exposed to TB. (News in Brief) Jan, p56.
IAFC releases first Near-Miss Reporting System Report. (News in Brief) Apr, p105.
Impact of Department Culture on Fireground Safety, The. M. Alder and M. Fratus. June, p83.
Increasing Your Drivers’ Safety Awareness. P. Dow. Feb, p69.
Interior Benchmarking. W. Greenwood. (Training Notebook) Feb, p18.
It’s Just Good Common Sense. S. Reichenbach. (Fire Commentary) July, p126.
It’s Time To Get Serious About the Way We Drive. J. Cotner. (Fire Commentary) Feb, p123.
LAST Teams Provide Local Assistance for LODD. R. Kanterman. (News in Brief) Aug, p64.
Live Burn: 1403 or No Fire! B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) Apr, p16.
Live-Fire Training LODDs. We Must Heed the Lessons Learned. B. P. Kazmierzak. Apr, p137.
Morning After, The. Bobby Halton. Aug, p12.
Most Dangerous Fireground Activity, Part 1, The. (Roundtable) May, p50.
Most Dangerous Fireground Activity, Part 2, The. (Roundtable) June, p40.
Near Miss Highlights Need for Accountability System. S. Grant. Feb, p61.
Near-Miss Reporting: Sharing Our Lessons Learned. J. B. Tippett Jr. June, p105.
New burglar alarms pose safety hazards. (News in Brief) Aug. p54.
New York extends workers’ compensation eligibility deadline. (News in Brief) Oct, p66.
NFPA seeks comments on respiratory standards for wildland firefighting. (News in Brief) Jan, p57.
91 firefighters honored at annual NFFF Memorial Service; President Bush attends. (News in Brief). Dec, p32.
NVFC extends Heart-Healthy Firefighter Program. (News in Brief) July, p54.
Personal Safety System Aims to Prevent Bailouts. P. T. Grace. Apr, p191.
Personal Safety System and Harness Offer Firefighters a Safe Exit. L. Cohen. (Technology Today) May, p182.
Pierce Air Bag System. M. Moore. (Technology Today) Dec, p164.
Portable generators recalled; electric shock hazards. (News in Brief) Mar, p92.
Power tool batteries pose laceration hazard. (News in Brief) Sept, p51.
Preparing for the Unexpected. Suicide Attempt Sparks Gas-Fueled Fire. B. Bigrigg. May, p89.
Prostate Cancer: Fighting the “Fire” Within. J. Gillis. Dec, p57.
Psychological Aftermath of Terrorism, The. S. Kanarian. Aug, p121.
Public Safety Relationships. C. Bond. Dec, p95.
Operating Safely on Roadways and Limited-Access Highways. J. Casner. Feb, p93.
Rapid Intervention: Separating Fact from “Friction”. S. Clark. (Real-World RIT). May, p44.
Rapid Intervention Team: Are You Ready? R. L. Gray. (Real-World RIT) Mar, p46.
Remember Your “BRIEFCASE”. S. Hittle. (Real-World RIT) Sept, p28.
Responding to a Suicide Bombing Incident. A. Vernon. (Terrorism Supplement) Sept, p4.
Rollover Alert System. D. Connor. (Technology Today) Feb, p125.
Safety and Liability: “Kill All the Lawyers” or Kill All the Lawsuits? D. Comstock Jr. (Speaking of Safety) June, p131.
SCBA Policy. (Roundtable) Aug, p36.
SCBA Use During Overhaul. (Roundtable) Sept, p34.
Seat Belt Policies. (Roundtable) Nov, p42.
Silent Floors, Silent Killers? J. Kirsch. Apr, p149.
Sports cream use implicated in teen’s death. (News in Brief) Aug, p62.
Stand Down with Pride. Bobby Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) June, p14.
Strategies for Surviving the IED Response. A. Vernon. June, p99.
Study suggests link between stress and heart-related sudden deaths. (News in Brief) July, p57.
Sudden Collapse of a Fire Structure: Strategies for Preventing Casualties. K. Morgan and C. Grimes. Sept, p95.
Technology Roundup: Focus on Interoperability, Safety, and All-Hazards Efficiency. M. J. Dittmar. May, p75.
Tips for Scene Size-Up and Safety. S. Prziborowski. (Fire Service EMS) Jan, p30.
USFA releases 2006 firefighter line-of-duty death report analysis. (News in Brief) Oct, p64.
USFA Research Highlights Responder and Civilian Safety. C. Dickinson. (News in Brief) May, p64.
USFA’s Dickinson urges the fire service to take the “Seat Belt Pledge”. (News in Brief). May, p62.
We Got Your Back. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) Sept, p14.
What’s Causing All the Tanker Rollovers? W. C. Peters (Apparatus Supplement) June, p9.
Who Wants To Go Home? B. Arnold. (Speaking of Safety). Apr, p247.
Why Can’t They Hear the Music? R. A. Fritz. (Fire Commentary) Apr, p249.
2007 edition of NFPA 1982 addresses performance issues. (News in Brief) Apr, p102.
24-Hour Shift: Impact on Health and Safety, The. D. J. Swinhart. (Fire Service EMS) May, p32.

Strategy and Tactics
A Close Call Encounter of the Elevator Kind. M. Dragonetti. Dec, p107 Ben Franklin Dance, The. A.Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) July, p158. Building Hazards on the Outside. J. Morelock. (The Truck Company) Nov, p36 Catastrophic Crane Failure: Is Your Department Ready? P. Nipert. Sept, p83. Challenging Auto Extrication. S. Henry, Jr. (Volunteers Corner) Nov, p14. Conditions-Action-Outcome. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) May, p198. Critical Steps to Successful Egress. R. Rowley. Apr, p205. Cutting Metal I-Beams. D. Frank. (Training Notebook) Oct p18 Emergency Operations in or near Traffic. S. Thompson. (Roll Call) May, p26. Extinguishing a Fire in a Bank Vault. D. Eriksen. (What We Learned) Oct, p139 Find the Fire Before it Finds You. (Rules of Engagement). A. Brunacini. Nov, p144 Fighting a Fast-Spreading Fire. J. Mason. Nov, p85 Firefighting Strategies for Steel-Frame Construction. J. Miles and J. Tobin. May, p115. Fireground Intelligence. A. Brunacini. (rules of Engagement) Feb, p138. Fireground Strategies: Fighting Shaft Fires. A. Avillo. Dec, p47 Free Your Hands. S. Grant and L. Stephens. (Tricks of the Trade) Jan, p22. Furniture Warehouse Fire: Lessons Learned. M. Hughes. Sept, p71. High-Target Areas for the Residential Primary Search. M. Bricault. Oct, p105. Highway Incident Task Force Provides Road Map for Emergency Response. F. Lafferty Jr. Mar, p163. Hoseline Operations for Residential Fires. B. Gustin. Apr, p115. How Kinks Affect Your Fire Attack System. T. Pillsworth, J. Knapp, C. Flatley, and D. Leihbacher. Oct, p87. “Information into Intelligence” Routine, Part 1, The. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Mar, p214. “Information into Intelligence” Routine, Part 2, The. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Apr, p270. Interior Benchmarking. W. Greenwood. (Training Notebook) Feb, p18. Large-Diameter Hose: An Update, Part 1. B. Gustin. Oct, p77.
Large-Diameter Hose: An Update, Part 2. B. Gustin. Nov, p65.
Live-Produce Store Fire Poses Unique Problems. A. Avillo. Jan, p59.
Match Standard Actions with Standard Conditions for a Standard Outcome. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) June, p150.
Most Dangerous Fireground Activity, Part 1, The. (Roundtable) May, p50.
Most Dangerous Fireground Activity, Part 2, The. (Roundtable) June, p40.
Near Miss Highlights Need for Accountability System. S. Grant. Feb, p61.
NIST: Positive-Pressure Ventilation, Firefighting Environment, and Electrical Products Primary Focus. D. Madrzykowski. Mar, p79. One Tough Door. M. N. Ciampo. Mar, p97.
Operating Safely on Roadways and Limited-Access Highways. J. Casner. Feb, p93.
Operations at Fire-Resistive Multistory Buildings. T. Donnelly. (The Engine Company) Nov, p26.
Other Side of Taxpayers, The. D. DeStefano. (Training Notebook) Nov, p18.
Pickup Truck Tunneling. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics) Oct, p38.
Preparing for the Unexpected. Suicide Attempt Sparks Gas-Fueled Fire. B. Bigrigg. May, p89.
Primary Ventilation: A Review. T. Donnelly. (Training Notebook) June, p24.
Residential Rescue Sequence, The. M. Bricault. Apr, p221.
Responding to Collapse Emergencies Complicated by Water Hazards. L. Collins. Dec, p61.
Response to Pipeline Incidents. C. Shelley. Nov, p89.
School Bus Incidents: Are You Really Ready? L. T. Hollins. June, p71.
Seat Belts Carry the Load and Keep Hands Free. D. Walsh. (Tricks of the Trade) May, p38.
Short Staffing: It’s Time for Another Congressional Funding Drill. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) May, p14.
Size-Up: How Do We Use It? (Training Notebook). S. Marsar. Dec, p16.
Sudden Collapse of a Fire Structure: Strategies for Preventing Casualties. K. Morgan and C. Grimes. Sept, p95.
Tactics Coloring Book. (Rules of Engagement) Dec, p176.
Using Standard Tactical Intelligence as the Basis for Effective Decision Making. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Aug, p150.
Well-Hole Stretch, The. R. McCormack. (The Engine Company) Oct, p24.
Where It All Comes Together. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Jan, p222.
Why Do We Do That? F. Montagna. Aug, p101.
Word, The. A. Brunacini (Rules of Engagement) Oct, p172.

Tools and Equipment
A Closer Look at a New Chassis. W. C. Peters. (Apparatus Supplement) June, p41.
Analyzing Suspect Powders. C. A. Zona. (Technology Today) July, p131.
Avoiding Tire-Related Vehicle Crashes. C. Daly. (News in Brief) Feb, p51.
Builing a Resource Support Network for WMD Incidents. G. D. Rudner. (Terrorism Supplement) Sept, p27.
Cameras Aid in Wildland Fire Protection. A. Chan. (Technology Today) June, p136.
Capnography. A Versatile Life-Saving Tool. W. M. Godfrey. Apr, p177.
Civilian Use of Portable Fire Extinguishers. F. Lafferty, Jr. Oct, p132.
Computer-Aided Dispatch Systems: Tips for Minimizing Glitches. C. Prusansky. Sept, p119.
Creating a Roof Cutting Prop. D. Sheridan. Aug, p20.
Critics say DHS should do more for communications interoperability. (News in Brief) Apr, p105.
Cutting Metal I-Beams. D. Frank. (Training Notebook) Oct p18.
DHS adopts NFPA standards for emergency responders. (News In Brief) Nov, p58.
DHS issues interoperable communications report. (News in Brief) Mar, p88.
Escape Rope Performance: Working at Elevated Temperatures and Under Dynamic Loads. G. Horn, E. Timmons, P. Kurath. July, p99.
How Kinks Affect Your Fire Attack System. T. Pillsworth, J. Knapp, C. Flatley, and D. Leihbacher. Oct, p87.
FAMA study shows link between improved fire equipment and life safety. (News in Brief) June, p59.
FDIC 2007: Apparatus Exhibits Do Not Disappoint! W. C. Peters (Apparatus Supplement) June, p27.
Firefighter Survival: SCBA Air Confidence Drill. S. Joerger. (Real-World RIT) Apr, p50.
Fireground Accountability Using Mobile GIS. P Christin. (Technology Today) Apr, p252.
Fireground noise may interfere with digital radio transmissions: IAFC. (News in Brief) May, p66.
Ground Ladder Chocks. M. Rush. (Training Notebook) Mar, p28.
Hoseline Operations for Residential Fires. B. Gustin. Apr, p115.
Hydraulics vs. Halligans. Choosing the Appropriate Forcible Entry Method. N. A. Martin. Mar, p135.
Improvise with Your Webbing for a Quicker, Easier Rescue. D. Zartman. (Real-World RIT) July, p42.
In a Pinch: Device Shortens Chains. D. Frank. (Innovations: Homegrown). Mar, p171.
Increasing Your Drivers’ Safety Awareness. P. Dow. Feb, p69.
JET-X Foam. J. Schwander. (Technology Today) Sept, p135.
Large-Diameter Hose: An Update, Part 1. B. Gustin. Oct, p77.
Large-Diameter Hose: An Update, Part 2. B. Gustin. Nov, p65.
Lifeline® and Revive® AEDs recalled. (News in Brief) May, p62.
Making A More Compact Hotel Pack. S. Chase. Feb, p119.
Mandating Emergency Access to Gated Communities. T. Chronister. (Technology Today) Mar, p172.
NIST: Positive-Pressure Ventilation, Firefighting Environment, and Electrical Products Primary Focus. D. Madrzykowski. Mar, p79.
Nozzle Reaction Simulator Can Improve Fire Attack Skills. J. Knapp, C. Flatley, and T. Heier. Oct, p101.
NYC gets new radios; FDNY response times decrease. (News in Brief) Mar, p90.
Our Department Has Class A Foam; Now What? J. Cotner. July, p121.
Personal Safety System Aims to Prevent Bailouts. P. T. Grace. Apr, p191.
Personal Safety System and Harness Offer Firefighters a Safe Exit. L. Cohen. (Technology Today) May, p182.
Pickup Truck Tunneling. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics) Oct, p38.
Pierce Air Bag System. M. Moore. (Technology Today) Dec, p164.
Power tool batteries pose laceration hazard. (News in Brief) Sept, p51.
Prepare to Ensure a Sufficient Water Supply. E. G. Bachman. Apr, p231.
Red Lights and Sirens: Marketing Tools. M. Wallace. Mar, p167.
Remember Your “BRIEFCASE”. S. Hittle. (Real-World RIT) Sept, p28.
Rescue Without the Big Red Truck. L. Steele. Feb, p99.
Rescuing Through a Gable on a Multilevel Roof. A. Volpe. (Training Notebook) May, p24.
Riding/Tool Assignments. J. Salka, Jr. (Roll Call) Oct, p44
Rollover Alert System. D. Connor. (Technology Today) Feb, p125.
Rope Rescue Saves Stranded Hikers. W. Gould and J. Schwartz. Mar, p105.
Seat Belts Carry the Load and Keep Hands Free. D. Walsh. (Tricks of the Trade) May, p38.
SCBA Policy. (Roundtable) Aug, p36.
SCBA Use During Overhaul. (Roundtable) Sept, p34.
Small-Town Truck Operations. Power Saws. J. C. Morelock. Mar, p111.
Technology Roundup: Focus on Interoperability, Safety, and All-Hazards Efficiency. M. J. Dittmar. May, p75.
Tips for Automatic Pump Pressure Governors. M. A. Laskaris. (Technology Today) May, p184.
Using Hands-Free Thermal Imaging Cameras. J. Boyd. May, p95.
Using Lifting Struts for Roof Resting Lift and Inverted Dash Displacement. C. Pasto. (Technology Today). May, p181.
Virtual Fire Command Technology Tests. R. Dubois, D. R. Jones Jr., and D. E. Kimmel. (Technology Today) May, p186.
Well-Hole Stretch, The. R. McCormack. (The Engine Company) Oct, p24.
When Ground Meets Air. P. Mazurek. May, p103.
Wireless Smoke Detectors Are Good for Safety and Business. T. Pilling. (Technology Today) May, p185.
What’s New in WMD Detection Devices. C. Hawley. (Terrorism Supplement) Sept, p13.
Wow, It’s Hot in Here! M. Brooks. (Training Notebook) Sept, p20.
2007 edition of NFPA 1982 addresses performance issues. (News in Brief) Apr, p102.

APCO announces public review period for CTO training standards. (News in Brief) Sept, p50.
Avoiding A Live-Burn Training Pitfall. R. McCormack. (Fire Commentary) Feb, p123.
Ben Franklin Dance, The. A.Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) July, p158.
Conditions-Action-Outcome. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) May, p198.
Creating a Roof Cutting Prop. D. Sheridan. Aug, p20.
Debriefing, The: Another Tool for Your Box. J. A. Van Doren. July, p87.
2007 FDIC Attendance Exceeds 27,000; Firefighters Cited for Valor, Training, Other Achievements. (News In Brief) June, p52.
Fighting Interface Fires: A Review. S. Todd. Sept, p125.
Fire Academy Instructor, The. Characteristics of a Good Educator. A. F. Guzzi Jr. Apr, p245.
Fire Corps holds first training session for advocates. (News in Brief) Aug, p60.
Firefighter Survival: SCBA Air Confidence Drill. S. Joerger. (Real-World RIT) Apr, p50.
Firefighting on the Equator. FDNY Spearheads Training in Ecuador. D. Sheridan. Apr, p167.
Fireground Intelligence. A. Brunacini. (rules of Engagement) Feb, p138.
Fitness and Training are Keys to Safety. P. R. Gerardi. June, p119.
Free Your Hands. S. Grant and L. Stephens. (Tricks of the Trade) Jan, p22.
From Around the Globe: 2006. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics) Feb, p26.
General Operating Guidelines for Training Centers. G. Stonesifer. Apr, p189.
Give Them What They Are Paying For. L. Stephens and S. Grant. (Volunteers Corner) Aug, p14.
High School Program Prepares Students for Fire Service Career. Ed Emley. (Training Notebook) Jan, p18.
Higher Education = Better Skills, Better Future. E. M. Leath. Apr, p225.
How Prepared is Your Safety Diving Team for a Bridge Collapse? W. Hendrick and A. Zaferes. Dec, p75.
How To Expedite Your Search. T. Shervino. (Roll Call) July, p36.
“Information into Intelligence” Routine, Part 1, The. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Mar, p214.
“Information into Intelligence” Routine, Part 2, The. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Apr, p270.
Large-Area Search: Lessons Found in a “Big Box”. M. J. Barakey. (Training Notebook). July, p22.
Live Burn: 1403 or No Fire! B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) Apr, p16.
Live-Fire Training LODDs. We Must Heed the Lessons Learned. B. P. Kazmierzak. Apr, p137.
Match Standard Actions with Standard Conditions for a Standard Outcome. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) June, p150.
National Fire Academy to offer Volunteer Incentive Program courses in Alabama in April. (News in Brief) Feb, p46.
NETC offers two online ICS review courses. (News in Brief) Jan, p56.
NFA announces new procedures for contract instructors. (News in Brief) Aug, p58.
Nozzle Reaction Simulator Can Improve Fire Attack Skills.. J. Knapp, C. Flatley, and T. Heier. Oct, p101.
Online classes on protecting wildland/urban interface. (News in Brief) July, p54.
Our Department Has Class A Foam; Now What? J. Cotner. July, p121.
Paid Two-Week Training Spurs Retention and Recruitment. T. Pillsworth. (Volunteers Corner) June, p18.
Partnerships Help Create Joint Training/Prevention Facility. N. Zikmund. (Volunteers Corner) Mar, p16.
Precepts for a New Training Officer. P D. Hoyle. Apr, p199.
Preparing for A Wildfire Season That Does Not End. R. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) Feb, p8.
Professor, The. G. Corbett. Dec, p160.
Rapid Intervention Team: Are You Ready? R. L. Gray. (Real-World RIT) Mar, p46.
Renewing Our Legacy. R. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) Jan, p8.
Teaching “Why”. J. Mason. (Fire Commentary) July, p124.
Teams Enhance Preparedness for Complex Incidents. B.W. Phelps and J. M. Scholz. Oct, p125.
Training Every Day Is the Answer. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). Mar, p12.
Training in a Fast-Food Restaurant. C. Rice and B. Clark. (Training Notebook) Apr, p28.
Troop Leader’s Checklist, The: Adapting Military Methods to Hands-on Training. B. Brown. July, p77.
Tunnel Disaster Exercise Focuses on Responder Training and Adaptability. J. W. Kiesling. Apr, p211.
Understanding the Mission. W. Shouldis. (What We Learned) July, p123.
Value of a Fire Protection Engineering Degree, The. C. H. Shelley. (Fire Commentary) Sept, p132.
We Got Your Back. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) Sept, p14.
Where is Your Training Center? F. Hammond. (Fire Commentary) Apr, p250.
Where It All Comes Together. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Jan, p222.
Why Can’t They Hear the Music? R. A. Fritz. (Fire Commentary) Apr, p249.
Why Do We Do That? F. Montagna. Aug, p101.
Why Your Department Must Prepare for the Next 9/11. J. Knapp. (Volunteers Corner) Apr, p20. G. Corbett. (The Professor) Oct, p137

Rick Lasky, Scott Thompson, Curtis Birt, and John Salka

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WTH health program

Senators Decry Cuts to World Trade Center Health Program

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