• Apparatus / Maintenance
• Budget and Finance
• Building Construction
• Communications
• Disaster Management
• Emergency Medical Services
• Fire / Incident Reports
• Fire Investigation
• Fire Prevention
• Fire Protection
• Firefighting Basics
• Hazardous Materials
• Incident Command / Fireground Management
• Laws and Legislation / Codes and Standards
• Leadership / Management
• Miscellaneous
• Public Education / Relations
• Rescue
• Safety and Health
• Strategy and Tactics
• Tools and Equipment
• Training
Apparatus Specifications: Avoiding the Pitfalls. B. Adams. February, p.79
Farmers Insurance studies find seat belts offer “most important
protection.” (News in Brief) February, p.54
Gridlocked: Poor Circulation Hurts Emergency Response. W. Sager. February, p.109
Hazards of Modified Fire Apparatus and Extended Passenger Vans, The. C. Daly.
February, p.63
Positioning Aerial Apparatus When You’re Not First Due. N. Martin. October,
Qualities of an Effective Engineer-Driver. S. Prziborowski. February, p.119
Response to Fires. (Roundtable) February, p.38
Standardize Tools and Placement. T. Pillsworth. (Volunteers Corner) July, p.14
3D Models Help in Truck Manufacturing. S. Hale. April, p.232
Troubleshooting Pump Operations. K. Kalmus. February, p.95
USFA and DOT offer study of traffic incident management systems. (News in
Brief) July, p.61
Budget and Finance
Congress passes FY 2008 appropriations bill. (News in Brief). March, p.92
Congress reauthorizes USFA, approves DHS spending bill. (News in Brief)
December, p.42
DHS awards Skidmore College grant to research firefighter cardiac arrests.
(News in Brief) September, p.70
FEMA releases AFG five-year report. (News in Brief) September, p.70
FEMA to pay firefighters’ overtime. (News in Brief). May, p.52
FY2009 budget proposes cuts to first responder grants. (News in Brief). April,
House passes tax relief for volunteer firefighters, EMS personnel (News in
Brief) January, p.50
IAFC receives DHS grant for National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System.
(News in Brief) September, p.68
Johns Hopkins, NVFC receive FEMA grant for firefighter study. (News in Brief)
September, p.70
NIOSH awards $9 million for 9/11 first responder program. (News in Brief)
November, p.42
Online training grants announced for volunteer and combination departments.
(News in Brief) October, p.59
Senate, House Appropriations Committees approve FY09 Homeland Security bills.
(News in Brief) September, p.70
We Can Honor Fallen Firefighters by Strengthening the USFA. S. Collins.
(Congressional Clipboard) April, p.70
Building Construction
A Good Sign, the Maltese Cross. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) September, p.10
Building Construction: Lightweight Steel Framing. G. Havel. January, p.83.
Fighting Fires in Concealed Spaces. D. Sheridan. March, p.127
Fireground Strategies: Metal Window Enclosures. A. Avillo. April, p.133
Florida bill mandates placarding of structures with trusses. (News in Brief)
July, p.58
Former NIST Fire Science Division chief and scholars challenge NIOSH WTC report
(News in Brief) January, p.52
Heavy Fire in Lightweight Construction. S. Henry, Jr. (Volunteers Corner)
August, p.16
ICC approves NIST recommendations for fire resistance of tall structures. (News
in Brief) December, p.42
ICC passes proposal requiring fire sprinklers in new housing. (News in Brief)
December, p.46
Operating at Public Storage Warehouses. J. Kirsch. November, p.83
Professor, The. G. Corbett. February, p.123; April, p.222;
Second-Story Hidden Dangers: Decorative Building Facades and Additions. M.
Lopina. July, p.103
Structural Collapse Under Fire Conditions. S. Toomey. (Training Notebook) May,
Congress Approves 9-1-1 Legislation. (News in Brief) September, p.71
DHS issues National Emergency Communications Plan. (News in Brief) November,
FCC raises $16 billion in auction of wireless airwaves. (News in Brief) May,
FEMA to manage cellular alert system. (News in Brief) September, p.68
IAFC issues interim report on fireground noise and digital radio transmissions.
(News in Brief) September, p.68
IAFF asks House to scrutinize auction for public safety communications network.
(News in Brief) June, p.60
Improving Fireground Communications. S. Stumbaugh. July, p.85
Technology Roundup: Maximizing Safety, Efficiency, and Interoperability. M.J.
Dittmar. May, p.59
NIST tests communications prototype. (News in Brief) November, p.42
VoIP and 911: Is Your Agency Prepared? C. Prusansky. May, p.109
Werner to chair DHS executive committee. (News in Brief) August, p.72
Disaster Management
Atlanta Tornado: Fulton Cotton Mill Lofts Search Operations. C. Wessels &
S. Woodworth. June, p.79
Atlanta Tornado: Managing the Response. J. McNeil. June, p.73
Blast Injuries. A. Andres. (Fire Service EMS) July, p.28
Christian Regenhard Center for Emergency Response Studies: National Repository
for Large-Scale Emergency Data and Analysis. G. Corbett. (News in Brief) April,
Congress Approves 9-1-1 Legislation. (News in Brief) September, p.71
DHS ponders Law Enforcement Rapid Response component. (News in Brief) April,
DHS releases National Response Framework. (News in Brief) March, p.90
FEMA to manage cellular alert system. (News in Brief) September, p.68
FEMA to pay firefighters’ overtime. (News in Brief). May, p.52
Fire Service and Counterterrorism, The: Technology. B. Martinez. June, p.109
GAO report presents disaster recovery lessons. (News in Brief) December, p.47
GAO: First responders need more help in evacuating residents in disasters.
(News in Brief) August, p.64
GAO: States not fully prepared for pandemics. (News in Brief) November, p.44
High-Rise Fire Eight Floors Down. F. Montagne. May, p.117
High-Rise Help: Sharing the Lessons. W. Shouldis. March, p.167
Homeland Security evaluates FEMA’s preparedness. (News in Brief) June, p.58
Nation is urged to secure chemical facilities, transportation, The. (News in
Brief) December, p.46
National “Dirty Bomb” coalition formed. (News in Brief) November,
NIOSH lowers estimates for cost of 9/11 health programs. (News in Brief) May,
NOAA: Above-normal hurricane season in the Atlantic Basin, below normal Eastern
Pacific season. (News in Brief) August, p.64
1918 Influenza Pandemic: Lessons for Homeland Security. P. Mahoney. July, p.111
Pandemic Planning. K. Mulrooney. (Fire Service EMS) November, p.26
Port Authority “negligent” in first World Trade Center bombing. (News
in Brief) July, p.58
President Bush approves National Response Framework. (News in Brief) May, p.53
ShakeOut San Andreas Earthquake Scenario, The: Preparing for a Catastrophe. L.
Collins. September, p.75
Similarity in Chinese and California fault system? (News in Brief) August, p.68
States seek improved relationship with DHS. (News in Brief) March, p.94
Emergency Medical Services
A Ticking Time Bomb: Aortic Dissection. J. Bray. November, p.103
ACEP propose solutions for ER “boarding” problems. (News in Brief)
July, p.58
All Bleeding Stops Eventually. M. Smith (Fire Service EMS) February, p.24
Blast Injuries. A. Andres. (Fire Service EMS) July, p.28
BLS CPAP: Improving Breathing in the Prehospital Setting. S. Kanarian. June,
CA firefighters can obtain discounted, online paramedic training. (News in
Brief) May, p.55
Cold Towels Valuable Rehab Tools. G. Bull. April, p.193
Cold Weather EMS Operations. C. Tustin. January, p.93
Developing a Fire-Based EMS System: One Department’s Strategic Plan. J.
Simpson. (Fire Service EMS) June, p.28
Electronic Control Devices and EMS. L. Molino, Sr. (Fire Service EMS) August,
Elephant on the Fireground: Secrets of NFPA 1584-Compliant Rehab. M. McEvoy.
August, p.113
EMS Customer Service. S. Holliday. (Fire Service EMS) October, p.30
EMS Triage: Sorting Through the Maze. K. Owens. March, p.155
Ensure Scene Safety at Your Next EMS Call. B. Daskal. December, p.69.
Every 15 Minutes. A. Dean. February, p.85
FDA cautions about hazards of improper use of disinfectants on electronic
medical equipment.
(News in Brief) February, p.50
FDA warns of contaminated syringes. (News in Brief) April, p.105
Firefighter Deaths from Prescription Medications: Two Case Studies. T. Baldwin
& T. Hales. (Fire Service EMS) December, p.24
GAO: States not fully prepared for pandemics. (News in Brief) November, p.44
House passes tax relief for volunteer firefighters, EMS personnel (News in
Brief) January, p.50
Icy Hot Heat Therapy products recalled. (News in Brief) April, p.105
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Safety for Firefighters. C. Jones. June, p.99
Metal fatigue reportedly associated with eFreno stretcher Model 35-X. (News in
Brief) October, p.56
Multiple-Patient CO Incident Yields Lessons. B. Johnson & M. McEvoy. May,
National EMS Week marked by local events. (News in Brief) July, p.60
NEMSAC holds inaugural meeting. (News in Brief) August, p.64
NFPA 1584: Rehab now more than recommendation. (News in Brief). April, p.98
1918 Influenza Pandemic: Lessons for Homeland Security. P. Mahoney. July, p.111
NIOSH research for EMS PPE contained in NFPA 1999. (News in Brief) December,
NJ displays EMS equipment. (News in Brief) August, p.72
Pandemic Planning. K. Mulrooney. (Fire Service EMS) November, p.26
Pet turtles pose risk for Salmonella. (News in Brief) April, p.105
Physio Control recalls LifePak CR Plus AEDs. (News in Brief) November, p.44
Response to Patients with Diabetes. M. Smith. (Fire Service EMS) September,
Riding Positions for Fire-Based EMS. B. Daskal. (Fire Service EMS) January,
Right Ventricular Infarction. J. Davis. (Fire Service EMS) April, p.62
Rollover Extrication: Upside Down with Nowhere to Go. Oct, p121
Scene is Not Safe, The: Protecting Your Responders. M. McEvoy. (Fire Service
EMS) March, p.42
Senate aviation bill would mandate EMS safety changes. (News in Brief)
February, p.55
Software identifies potential defibrillator lead fractures. (News in Brief)
December, p.44
Status Seizures: A BLS Approach. M. Messoline. (Fire Service EMS) May p.32
Stress raised heart disease risk after 9/11. (News in Brief) March, p.94
Study: Artificial blood substitutes increased the chance of dying by 30
percent. (News in Brief) June, p.58
Survival to hospital discharge doubles after cardiac arrest with improved CPR
and device. (News in Brief) February, p.50
Tactics for Combative Patients. M. Weaver. September, p.111
2008 Fire/EMS Safety, Health, and Survival Week: June 22-28. (News in Brief)
June, p.58
USFA releases rehabilitation manual for emergency responders. (News in Brief)
May, p.55
Welsh Allyn AED 10 automatic external defibrillators recalled (News in Brief)
January, p.52
Fire/Incident Reports
Atlanta Tornado: Fulton Cotton Mill Lofts Search Operations. C. Wessels &
S. Woodworth. June, p.79
Atlanta Tornado: Managing the Response. J. McNeil. June, p.73
Fire Strikes Las Vegas High-Rise. K. Morgan. May, p.89
High-Rise Firefighting Perils: Veterans’ Perspectives. J. Crow. October, p.97
High-Rise Fire Eight Floors Down. F. Montagne. May, p.117
Industrial Impalement Lessons Learned. T. Sitz. November, p.79
Lessons from James Hook Pier Fire. R. DiBenedetto. (What We Learned) December,
Manhattan Crane Collapse: First-Due Rescue Company Operations. T. Donnelly.
May, p.77
Multiple-Patient CO Incident Yields Lessons. B. Johnson & M. McEvoy. May,
“Near Miss” at Bread-and-Butter Fire. S. Heflin. June, p.123
Our Lady of the Angels School Fire: 50 Years Later. A. Groves. December, p.59
Street Scenes. M. Ciampo. July, p.24
Warehouse Fire Challenges Responders. D. Traiforos. December, p.51
Water, Ice Problems Hamper Operations at Colorado Apartment Fire. C.
Piepenburg. July, p.77
Fire Investigation
Cook County (IL), other defendants settle suits in high-rise fire. (News in
Brief) June, p.56
Former NIST Fire Science Division chief and scholars challenge NIOSH WTC report
(News in Brief) January, p.52
High-Rise Firefighting Perils: Veterans’ Perspectives. J. Crow. October, p.97
Justice for the 165 Victims. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) December, p.8
King Has No Clothes…or Firefighters, The. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) July,
NIST: Fire caused the collapse of WTC 7. (News in Brief) October, p.54
Port Authority “negligent” in first World Trade Center bombing. (News
in Brief) July, p.58
USFA releases reports. (News in Brief) October, p.59
Fire Prevention
All NYC buildings should be subject to fire code, officials say. (News in
Brief) November, p.46
Biotechnology Facilities Responses: Are You Prepared? C. Dorko. January, p.121
Clow Valve Company urges fire departments to check their hydrants (News in
Brief) January, p.50
Evaluating Fire Service Delivery. P. Bryan, & P. Pane. April, p.207
Fire Operations at Senior Living Facilties. M. Kennedy and A. Alexander.
January, p.99
Fire Prevention Week theme announced. (News in Brief) August, p.70
Fire Safety Education from the Ground Up. (Fire Prevention Bureau) T. Kiurski.
January, p.206.
Get Involved in the Code Development Process. S. DeCrane. January, p.111
Halon Replacement: Water Mist Fire Extinguishing Systems. R. Spadafora.
January, p.69
Hospital Fire Safety: RACE for the Extinguisher and PASS on It! T. Kiurski.
(Fire Prevention Bureau) July, p.120
House endorses “National 911 Education Month.” (News in Brief) May,
Law entitles college students to fire safety information. (News in Brief)
November, p.42
NFPA considers changes to NFPA 1124 fireworks standard. (News in Brief) April,
Operations in Sprinklered Buildings. (Roundtable) January, p.30
Paper cites need for “qualified” designers of fire protection
systems. (News in Brief) November, p.46
Partnering with Amusement Park Ride Operators. K. Keplinger. (Fire Prevention
Bureau) July, p.118
Preplanning Gases at Industrial Sites. E. Bachman. November, p.111
Professor, The. G. Corbett. February, p.123; April, p.222;
Protecting Animal Housing Facilities. (Fire Prevention Bureau) T. Hawthorne and
H. Davoodi. January, p.204
SFPE backs legislation for building safety. (News in Brief) July, p.58
SFPE survey shows Americans feel safe from home fires. (News in Brief) April,
Silver Bullets. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) February, p.8
Study shows impact of residential sprinkler on heat release rate of a Christmas
tree fire. (News in Brief) October, p.58
Undershorts and Sprinklers. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) April, p.12
USFA adopts official position on residential fire sprinklers. (News in Brief)
May, p.52
USFA announces video version of Coffee Break training. (News in Brief) May,
USFA initiates public safety campaign. (News in Brief) March, p.94
Fire Protection
A Good Sign, the Maltese Cross. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) September, p.10
All NYC buildings should be subject to fire code, officials say. (News in
Brief) November, p.46
Biotechnology Facilities Responses: Are You Prepared? C. Dorko. January, p.121
Clow Valve Company urges fire departments to check their hydrants (News in
Brief) January, p.50
Cook County (IL), other defendants settle suits in high-rise fire. (News in
Brief) June, p.56
Elevators to play role in high-rise evacuation: NIST (News in Brief) January,
Evaluating Fire Service Delivery. P. Bryan, & P. Pane. April, p.207
Fire Operations at Senior Living Facilties. M. Kennedy and A. Alexander.
January, p.99
Fire Prevention Week theme announced. (News in Brief) August, p.70
Fire Safety Education from the Ground Up. (Fire Prevention Bureau) T. Kiurski.
January, p.206.
Former NIST Fire Science Division chief and scholars challenge NIOSH WTC report
(News in Brief) January, p.52
GAO: First responders need more help in evacuating residents in disasters.
(News in Brief) August, p.64
Get Involved in the Code Development Process. S. DeCrane. January, p.111
Halon Replacement: Water Mist Fire Extinguishing Systems. R. Spadafora.
January, p.69
High-Rise Help: Sharing the Lessons. W. Shouldis. March, p.167
Hospital Fire Safety: RACE for the Extinguisher and PASS on It! T. Kiurski.
(Fire Prevention Bureau) July, p.120
House bill to include fire safety alarms for schools. (News in Brief) August,
House endorses “National 911 Education Month.” (News in Brief) May,
ICC approves NIST recommendations for fire resistance of tall structures. (News
in Brief) December, p.42
ICC passes proposal requiring fire sprinklers in new housing. (News in Brief)
December, p.46
I’m from the Government and…. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) November, p.8
Operating at Public Storage Warehouses. J. Kirsch. November, p.83
Operations in Sprinklered Buildings. (Roundtable) January, p.30
Our Lady of the Angels School Fire: 50 Years Later. A. Groves. December, p.59
Paper cites need for “qualified” designers of fire protection
systems. (News in Brief) November, p.46
Partnering with Amusement Park Ride Operators. K. Keplinger. (Fire Prevention
Bureau) July, p.118
Preplanning Gases at Industrial Sites. E. Bachman. November, p.111
Professor, The. G. Corbett. February, p.123; April, p.222;
Protecting Animal Housing Facilities. (Fire Prevention Bureau) T. Hawthorne and
H. Davoodi. January, p.204
Silver Bullets. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) February, p.8
SFPE backs legislation for building safety. (News in Brief) July, p.58
SFPE survey shows Americans feel safe from home fires. (News in Brief) April,
Structural Collapse Under Fire Conditions. S. Toomey. (Training Notebook) May,
Study shows impact of residential sprinkler on heat release rate of a Christmas
tree fire. (News in Brief) October, p.58
Undershorts and Sprinklers. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) April, p.12
USFA adopts official position on residential fire sprinklers. (News in Brief)
May, p.52
USFA announces video version of Coffee Break training. (News in Brief) May,
Firefighting Basics
Alien on Your Face, The. C. Donaldson. (Training Notebook) December, p.20
Back to Basics: Uses for Irons. D. Tobin. March, p.145
Combating and Preventing Mulch Fires. M. Finucane. March, p.139
Commercial Building Fires: The Attack Line. N. DeMarse. (Fire Focus) April,
Dedicated Company Assignments: Building Stronger Companies. P. Urbano. (Roll
Call) March, p.46
Dedicated Company Assignments: Some Q’s and A’s. P. Urbano. (Roll Call) April,
Education vs. Training in Fire Space control. K. Garcia. (Fire Commentary)
September, p.125
Engine Company Assignments. (Roundtable) October, p.38
Extinguishing Chimney Fires. J. Riffe & L. Patin. February, p.75
Fighting Fires in Concealed Spaces. D. Sheridan. March, p.127
Firefighting in Clandestine Drug Labs. J. Michael. June, p.119
Forcible Entry Super-Sized Size-Up. S. Millerick. (Training Notebook) March,
Heavy Fire in Lightweight Construction. S. Henry, Jr. (Volunteers Corner)
August, p.16
Hold the Door. R. Rowley March, p.135
Holding the Nozzle. R. McCormack. (Training Notebook) October, p.22
Improving Preconnect Function and Operation. B. Shovald. October, p.83
In-Line Gauge in Standpipe Operations, The. R. Chapman. October, p.119
Isolate the Power. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics) June, p.32
Is Your Department Complying with the NFPA 1404 Air Management Policy?
Bernocco, S, M. Gagliano, C. Phillips, and P. Jose. January, p.103
Managing Manhole Fires. D. Leihbacher. January, p.59
Multifamily Dwelling Fire Lessons. T. Raynor. April, p.218
Nostalgic Refelctions of My Occupational Adventure. A. Brunacini. (Rules of
Engagement) July, p.148
Nostalgic Reflections of My Occupational Adventure, Part 2. A. Brunacini.
(Rules of Engagement) August, p148
Operations in Sprinklered Buildings. (Roundtable) January, p.30
Overcoming Standpipe Problems. D. Sheridan. (The Engine Company) October, p.26
Positioning Aerial Apparatus When You’re Not First Due. N. Martin. October,
Punch Technique, The. M. Ciampo. (Training Notebook) November, p.22
Responding Safely to Railroad Emergenices: Locomotive Systems and Operation. J.
Knapp, P. Watson, and L. Frangella. November, p.55
Shiny Things, Blue Widgets, and Cool Gadgets. (Extrication Tactics) D.
Dalrymple. February, p.30
Street Scenes. M. Ciampo. July, p.24
Suburban Ladder Company Operations. A. Guzzi. (The Truck Company) March, p.68
Tips for Improving Effectiveness in Forcible Entry. B. Gustin. April, p.173
Tips for Improving Effectiveness in Forcible Entry, Part 2. B. Gustin. June,
Tips for Improving Effectiveness in Forcible Entry, Part 3. B. Gustin. August,
Truck Company Functions. (Roundtable) March, p.72
25 Pointers for Your Engine Company. J. Shupe. (The Engine Company) October,
Using Lightweight Portable Monitors for Quick Knockdowns. C. Martin. (The
Engine Company) Apr, p72
When Seconds Count: Forcible Entry Objectives. C. Fabal. Mar, p163
Hazardous Materials
A Guide to Chemical Profiling. G. Rudner. November, p.117
Air Monitoring. (Roundtable) November, p.34
Blister Agents: Phosgene Oxime. F. Fire. (Chemical Warfare Agents For
Firefighters) July, p.122
Blood Agent: Cyanogen Chloride. F. Fire. Apr, p225
CDC issues advisory on lead in artificial turf. (News in Brief) August, p.66
Chlorine. F. Fire. November, p.121
Firefighting in Clandestine Drug Labs. J. Michael. June, p.119
Hazardous Materials Incident Response in France. S. Gesret. Jul, p95
IAFC and DOT create Hazmat Fusion Center. (News in Brief) January, p.50
Leather vs. Rubber Boots in Decon Tests. W. Candy. (Technology Today) December,
Nation is urged to secure chemical facilities, transportation, The. (News in
Brief) December, p.46
National “Dirty Bomb” coalition formed. (News in Brief) November,
NFPA 472: Developing a Competency-Based Hazmat/WMD Emergency Responder Training
Preplanning Gases at Industrial Sites. E. Bachman. November, p.111
Program. G. Noll. April, p.159
Proper Handling of Combustible Metal Fires. K. Kreitman. February, p.115
Responding Safely to Railroad Emergenices: Locomotive Systems and Operation. J.
Knapp, P. Watson, and L. Frangella. November, p.55
Storage Tank Fires: Is Your Department Prepared? C. Shelley. November, p.63
Tabun Nerve Agents. F. Fire. February, p.125
Warehouse Fire Challenges Responders. D. Traiforos. December, p.51
Warning: Inspect propane gas tanks before purchasing. (News in Brief)
September, p.71
Volunteer Hazmat Response. E. Bachman. (Volunteers Corner) September, p.16
Incident Command/Fireground Management
Are We on the “Same Page”? A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) Mar,
Assessment Center Strategy and Tactics: Engine Company Operations. M. Terpak.
July, p.107
Assessment Center Strategy and Tactics: Ladder Company Operations. M. Terpak.
August, p.127
Chief Qualifications. (Roundtable) August, p. 42
Company Assignments: Building Stronger Companies. P. Urbano. (Roll Call) Mar,
Company Officer Time Management. P. Urbano. July, p.115
Dedicated Company Assignments: Some Q’s and A’s. P. Urbano. (Roll Call) April,
Decision Making: Firefighter Tipping Points. B. Crawford. September, p.93
Decision Making: “Take the Radio!” Moment. C. Horvath. September,
Engine Company Assignments. (Roundtable) October, p.38
Essence of Command, The. S. Coleman. July, p.99
Fireground Recon: Defining an Old Term. S. Standridge. October, p.91
Going to School for 50 Years. A Brunacini. (Rules of Engagment) October, p.156
“I Know It When I See It”. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement)
November, p.140
In Spite Of/Because Of. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) September, p.136
King Has No Clothes…or Firefighters, The. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) July,
Learning vs. Accountability. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) May, p.12;
Mission of Command, The. S. Coleman. August, p.77
More Cool School. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) December, p.152
Preparing for the New Position. M. Emrich. (One-Minute Motivator) July, p.126
Preparing Future Officers. (Roundtable) July, p.40
Quick, Quick, Quick, and Quicker. A. Brunacini. April, p.264;
Role of the Safety Officer, The. (Roundtable) June, p.38
Simulation Training: Decision-Making Aid. F. Montagna. April, p.111
Situation Awareness. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) February, p.140
Switiching to the Tactical Channel. (Roundtable) May, p.36
Timeless Tactical Truths. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) May, p.208
What Makes a Good Company Officer? Two Views: The Firefighter’s Perspective. A.
Piontek. July, p.91
What Makes a Good Company Officer? Two Views: The Officer’s Perspective. S.
Prziborowski. July, p.91
Laws and Legislation/Codes and Standards
Career firefighters can volunteer under new Connecticut law. (News in Brief)
August, p.70
Congress reauthorizes USFA, approves DHS spending bill. (News in Brief)
December, p.42
Elephant on the Fireground: Secrets of NFPA 1584-Compliant Rehab. M. McEvoy. August,
Firefighter Cancer Wellness legislation introduced in RI. (News in Brief)
October, p.58
Florida bill mandates placarding of structures with trusses. (News in Brief)
July, p.58
Get Involved in the Code Development Process. S. DeCrane. January, p.111
House bill to include fire safety alarms for schools. (News in Brief) August,
IAFC and IAFF cosign Labor-Management Initiative. (News in Brief) November,
ICC approves NIST recommendations for fire resistance of tall structures. (News
in Brief) December, p.42
ICC passes proposal requiring fire sprinklers in new housing. (News in Brief)
December, p.46
I’m from the Government and…. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) November, p.8
Is Your Department Complying with the NFPA 1404 Air Management Policy? Bernocco,
S, M. Gagliano, C. Phillips, and P. Jose. January, p.103
Maintaining Firefighter Ensemble for Safety and Compliance. D. Zender.
(Technology Today) July, p.127
Law entitles college students to fire safety information. (News in Brief)
November, p.42
NFPA considers changes to NFPA 1124 fireworks standard. (News in Brief) April,
NFPA 1584: Rehab now more than recommendation. (News in Brief). April, p.98
NFPA 472: Developing a Competency-Based Hazmat/WMD Emergency Responder Training
Program. G. Noll. April, p.159
NIOSH seeks input from stakeholders on CBRN respirator modification. (News in
Brief) September, p.66
Protecting Animal Housing Facilities. (Fire Prevention Bureau) T. Hawthorne and
H. Davoodi. January, p.204
Senate, House Appropriations Committees approve FY09 Homeland Security bills.
(News in Brief) September, p.70
Senate, House Appropriations Committees approve FY09 Homeland Security bills.
(News in Brief) September, p.70
SFPE backs legislation for building safety. (News in Brief) July, p.58
Study: “Conspicuity of ANSI/ISEA- and NFPA-compliant garments comparable.
(News in Brief) October, p.56
We Can Honor Fallen Firefighters by Strengthening the USFA. S. Collins.
(Congressional Clipboard) April, p.70
Achieving High Reliability in a Complex Work Environment. M. Fratus. March,
Background Checks. D. Comstock (Volunteers Corner) April, p.18
Chief Qualifications. (Roundtable) August, p. 42
Chief’s Cars: Professional or Perk? (Volunteers Corner) Nov, p14
Company Officer Time Management. P. Urbano. July, p.115
Conference and Travel Spending. M. Dallessandro (Volunteers Corner) February,
Conflict Resolution. J. Buckman. (Volunteers Corner) December, p.14
Counteracting the “Radioactive” Employee. P. Kendrick. August, p.105
Decision Making: Firefighter Tipping Points. B. Crawford. September, p.93
Decision Making: “Take the Radio!” Moment. C. Horvath. September,
Diversity in the Fire Service: A Problem or a Solution? J. McNeil. October,
Essence of Command, The. S. Coleman. July, p.99
Firing of NIOSH head stirs controversy. (News in Brief) September, p.68
Going to School for 50 Years. A Brunacini. (Rules of Engagment) October, p.156
Harmony in the Firehouse. M. Dallessandro (Volunteers Corner) January, p.12
Help Make Your Employees Successful. A. Stocker. July, p.65
Hiring Mistakes, Continued. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) May, p.34
Hiring Problems. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) March, p.38
How to Get the Most Out of Hiring and Promotional Exams. C. Boyd & R.
Cannon. December, p.77
IAFC and IAFF cosign Labor-Management Initiative. (News in Brief) November,
“I Know It When I See It”. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement)
November, p.140
In the Spotlight: Preparing for the Media. T. Dunne. March, p.151
In Spite Of/Because Of. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) September, p.136
Leadership Do’s and Don’ts. M. Calfee. April, p.215
Leadership Excellence: Balancing Management with Leadership. R. Kanterman.
October, p.113
Mediating the Best Solution. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) August,
“Metro” Chiefs elect officers, set agenda. (News in Brief) July, p.60
Mission of Command, The. S. Coleman. August, p.77
More Cool School. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) December, p.152
Motivating Your Volunteer Department. C. Heflin. (Volunteers Corner) March,
NASCAR and Elephants. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) August, p.10
Politics and Problems. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) October, p.34
Politics and the Survival of the Fire Service. R. Graner. December, p.85
Preparing for the New Position. M. Emrich. (One-Minute Motivator) July, p.126
Preparing Future Officers. (Roundtable) July, p.40
Protecting Young Responders. M. Dallessandro. (Volunteers Corner) June, p.18
Sanford named chief in Indianapolis. (News in Brief) September, p.66
Shift Briefing: Key to Productivity. D. Neal. July, p.81
360-Degree Performance Evaluations. D. Swinhart. August, p.123
What Makes a Good Company Officer? Two Views: The Firefighter’s Perspective. A.
Piontek. July, p.91
What Makes a Good Company Officer? Two Views: The Officer’s Perspective. S.
Prziborowski. July, p.91
With Deepest Respect. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) October, p.8
You Cannot Hide From Problems. H. Carter. August, p.133
Background Checks. D. Comstock (Volunteers Corner) April, p.18
Compton succeeds Bruno on NFFF Board. (News in Brief) April, p.102
Tattoo Policy. (Roundtable) December, p.30
Thank You. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) June, p.12
USFA and SFPE study on municipal water supply systems released. (News in Brief)
December, p.42
USFA releases reports on fire department runs. (News in Brief). February, p.54
Public Education/Relations
CDC issues advisory on lead in artificial turf. (News in Brief) August, p.66
Chief’s Cars: Professional or Perk? (Volunteers Corner) Nov, p14
Cook County (IL), other defendants settle suits in high-rise fire. (News in
Brief) June, p.56
CPSC: Synthetic turf fields pose no threat to children. (News in Brief)
November, p.46
Elevators to play role in high-rise evacuation: NIST (News in Brief) January,
EMS Customer Service. S. Holliday. (Fire Service EMS) October, p.30
Evaluating Fire Service Delivery. P. Bryan, & P. Pane. April, p.207
Every 15 Minutes. A. Dean. February, p.85
Fire Prevention Week theme announced. (News in Brief) August, p.70
Fire Safety Education from the Ground Up. (Fire Prevention Bureau) T. Kiurski.
January, p.206.
Fires in Ford Windstar under NTHSA investigation. (News in Brief) July, p.60
Firing of NIOSH head stirs controversy. (News in Brief) September, p.68
GAO: First responders need more help in evacuating residents in disasters.
(News in Brief) August, p.64
Gridlocked: Poor Circulation Hurts Emergency Response. W. Sager. February,
House bill to include fire safety alarms for schools. (News in Brief) August,
Hospital Fire Safety: RACE for the Extinguisher and PASS on It! T. Kiurski.
(Fire Prevention Bureau) July, p.120
House endorses “National 911 Education Month.” (News in Brief) May,
In the Spotlight: Preparing for the Media. T. Dunne. March, p.151
King Has No Clothes…or Firefighters, The. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) July,
Large Animal Rescue: Is Your Department Ready? V. Schmidt. September, p.117
Law entitles college students to fire safety information. (News in Brief)
November, p.42
National Junior Firefighters set program criteria. (News in Brief) April, p.102
NFA offers internship program. (News in Brief) November, p.42
Partnering with Amusement Park Ride Operators. K. Keplinger. (Fire Prevention
Bureau) July, p.118
Silver Bullets. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) February, p.8
SFPE survey shows Americans feel safe from home fires. (News in Brief) April,
Study shows impact of residential sprinkler on heat release rate of a Christmas
tree fire. (News in Brief) October, p.58
Tattoo Policy. (Roundtable) December, p.30
Undershorts and Sprinklers. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) April, p.12
USFA adopts official position on residential fire sprinklers. (News in Brief)
May, p.52
USFA initiates public safety campaign. (News in Brief) March, p.94
Warning: Inspect propane gas tanks before purchasing. (News in Brief)
September, p.71
We Aren’t Killing Anyone. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) March, p.10;
Atlanta Tornado: Fulton Cotton Mill Lofts Search Operations. C. Wessels &
S. Woodworth. June, p.79
Atlanta Tornado: Managing the Response. J. McNeil. June, p.73
Blind Shaft Elevator Rescue. J. Bonelli. (The Rescue Company) September, p.38
Creating a Trench Rescue Response Team. T. Baze. September, p.101
Firefighter Trapped in the Floor: The Rochester Drill. S. Joerger. (Real-World
RIT) March, p.54
Fire Service and Counterterrorism, The: Technology. B. Martinez. June, p.109
Forming a Ground Search and Rescue Team. L. Radtke. (Volunteers Corner) October,
High-Angle Rescues, New York City. T. Donnelly. September, p.85
High-Rise Rope Rescues, Indianapolis, Indiana. D. Owens. October, p.77
Hydro-Excavation for Trench Rescue. J. Ryan. (Technology Today) September,
Industrial Impalement Lessons Learned. T. Sitz. November, p.79
Large Animal Rescue: Is Your Department Ready? V. Schmidt. September, p.117
Manhattan Crane Collapse: First-Due Rescue Company Operations. T. Donnelly.
May, p.77
“Near Miss” at Bread-and-Butter Fire. S. Heflin. June, p.123
NOAA: Above-normal hurricane season in the Atlantic Basin, below normal Eastern
Pacific season. (News in Brief) August, p.64
Parachutes in Helicopters. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) January, p.10
Patient Packaging for Rope Rescue Operations. T. Donnelly. (The Rescue Company)
September, p.32
Preplanning for Machinery Entrapments. S. Shupert. April, p.147
Rethinking Emergency Air Management: The Reilly Emergency Breathing Technique.
K. Reilly & F. Ricci. Apr, p185
RIT Positions and Assignments. J. McCormack. (Real-World RIT) September, p.40
Rollover Extrication: Upside Down with Nowhere to Go. Oct, p121
ShakeOut San Andreas Earthquake Scenario, The: Preparing for a Catastrophe. L.
Collins. September, p.75
Shiny Things, Blue Widgets, and Cool Gadgets. (Extrication Tactics) D.
Dalrymple. February, p.30
Structural Collapse Under Fire Conditions. S. Toomey. (Training Notebook) May,
Trench Rescue. D. Smith. (Fire Focus) Apr, p40
Through-the-Floor Rescue Using a Hoseline. C. Piepenburg. May, p.105
Tips for Safety and Firefighter Rescue. S. Grant and Stephens, L. (Tricks of
the Trade) April, p.50
What Should We Be Seeing and Doing? M. Mason. (Real-World RIT) July, p.34
Safety and Health
A Good Sign, the Maltese Cross. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) September, p.10
Air Management Drill. S. Bernocco, M. Gagliano, C. Phillips, andn P. Jose.
(Training Notebook) September, p.26
August 18-22: National Firefighter Health Week. (News in Brief) July, p.56
Bunker Gear: Part of the Problem? P. Brown. May, p120
CDC addresses 9/11 health concerns. (News in Brief) June, p.56
CDC issues advisory on lead in artificial turf. (News in Brief) August, p.66
Cold Towels Valuable Rehab Tools. G. Bull. April, p.193
DHS awards Skidmore College grant to research firefighter cardiac arrests.
(News in Brief) September, p.70
Elephant on the Fireground: Secrets of NFPA 1584-Compliant Rehab. M. McEvoy.
August, p.113
Elevators to play role in high-rise evacuation: NIST (News in Brief) January,
Ensure Scene Safety at Your Next EMS Call. B. Daskal. December, p.69.
Farmers Insurance studies find seat belts offer “most important
protection.” (News in Brief) February, p.54
FDA cautions about hazards of improper use of disinfectants on electronic
medical equipment. (News in Brief) February, p.50
FDA warns of contaminated syringes. (News in Brief) April, p.105
Firefighter Cancer Wellness legislation introduced in RI. (News in Brief)
October, p.58
Firefighter Deaths from Prescription Medications: Two Case Studies. T. Baldwin
& T. Hales. (Fire Service EMS) December, p.24
Firefighter Fitness and Medical Evaluations: A Difficult Journey. J. Murphy.
December, p.67
Firefighter Trapped in the Floor: The Rochester Drill. S. Joerger. (Real-World
RIT) Mar, p54
Firefighting in Clandestine Drug Labs. J. Michael. June, p.119
Florida bill mandates placarding of structures with trusses. (News in Brief)
July, p.58
Frederick County (MD) Fire and Rescue Services earns Seatbelt certificate.
(News in Brief) November, p.46
Having a Safety Committee is Critical. J.M. Havner. (Speaking of Safety) June,
Hazards of Modified Fire Apparatus and Extended Passenger Vans, The. C. Daly.
February, p.63
IAFC receives DHS grant for National Fire Fighter Near-Miss Reporting System.
(News in Brief) September, p.68
Icy Hot Heat Therapy products recalled. (News in Brief) April, p.105
Improving Cardiovascular Health and Fitness. S. Perry. December, p.55
Improving Situational Awareness in a Fire Structure. D. Diehl. (Training
Notebook) April, p.24
Johns Hopkins, NVFC receive FEMA grant for firefighter study. (News in Brief)
September, p.70
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Safety for Firefighters. C. Jones. June, p.99
NFPA 1584: Rehab now more than recommendation. (News in Brief). April, p.98
NIOSH awards $9 million for 9/11 first responder program. (News in Brief)
November, p.42
NIOSH issues Safety Advisory on setup of serial ladders. (News in Brief) July,
NIOSH lowers estimates for cost of 9/11 health programs. (News in Brief) May,
NVFC testifies before Congress on job protection for volunteers. (News in
Brief). April, p.98
NYC centers offer WTC-related testing and treatment. (News in Brief) August,
Out-of-Air Emergency: Using Technology to Survive. F. Ricci & M.
Marcarelli. May, p.95
Pacific Consolidated Industries recalls mobile oxygen tank. (News in Brief)
October, p.56
Parachutes in Helicopters. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) January, p.10
Pet turtles pose risk for Salmonella. (News in Brief) Aptil, p.105
Physio Control recalls LifePak CR Plus AEDs. (News in Brief) November, p.44
Proper Handling of Combustible Metal Fires. K. Kreitman. February, p.115
Protecting Young Responders. M. Dallessandro. (Volunteers Corner) June, p.18
Qualities of an Effective Engineer-Driver. S. Prziborowski. February, p.119
Research report cites relationship between heat stress and firefighter
fatalities. (News in Brief) December, p.44
Responders unite for traffic safety and expediency. (News in Brief) February,
Rethinking Emergency Air Management: The Reilly Emergency Breathing Technique.
K. Reilly & F. Ricci. Apr, p185
Role of the Safety Officer, The. (Roundtable) June, p.38
Safe Operations Near Roof Cellular Base Stations. J. Viscuso. March, p.101
Safe Responses to Civil Unrest Incidents. A. Vernon. March, p.180
Scene is Not Safe, The: Protecting Your Responders. M. McEvoy. (Fire Service
EMS) March, p.42
Second-Story Hidden Dangers: Decorative Building Facades and Additions. M.
Lopina. July, p.103
Senate aviation bill would mandate EMS safety changes. (News in Brief)
February, p.55
Slip, Trip, and Fall Injuries on the Fireground: Are We Walking on the Problem?
B. Hubbard. January, p.119
Stress raised heart disease risk after 9/11. (News in Brief) March, p.94
Structure Fire Overhaul: Respiratory Hazards and Personal Protective Equipment.
J. Herbert. Mar, p117
Tactics for Combative Patients. M. Weaver. September, p.111
Technology Roundup: Maximizing Safety, Efficiency, and Interoperability. M.J.
Dittmar. May, p.59
Tips for Safety and Firefighter Rescue. S. Grant and Stephens, L. (Tricks of
the Trade) April, p.50
2008 Safety Stand Down to be held June 22-28. (News in Brief). February, p.50
USFA and DOT offer study of traffic incident management systems. (News in
Brief) July, p.61
USFA releases fire-related injuries report. (News in Brief) May, p.54
USFA releases new Firefighter Autopsy Protocol. (News in Brief) May, p.55
USFA releases provisional 2007 firefighter fatality statistics. (News in
Brief). March, p.90
USFA releases rehabilitation manual for emergency responders. (News in Brief)
May, p.55
USFA releases report on 2007 firefighter LODDs. (News in Brief) October, p.56
2008 Fire/EMS Safety, Health, and Survival Week: June 22-28. (News in Brief)
June, p.58
Water, Ice Problems Hamper Operations at Colorado Apartment Fire. C.
Piepenburg. July, p.77
We Aren’t Killing Anyone. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) Mar, p10;
What Should We Be Seeing and Doing? M. Mason. (Real-World RIT) July, p.34
WTC health program for national works on hold. (News in Brief). February, p.50
Strategy and Tactics
Advancing a Charged Hoseline. J. Mason. (Training Notebook) June, p.24
Biotechnology Facilities Responses: Are You Prepared? C. Dorko. January, p.121
Cold Weather EMS Operations. C. Tustin. January, p.93
Combating and Preventing Mulch Fires. M. Finucane. March, p.139
Commercial Building Fires: The Attack Line. N. DeMarse. (Fire Focus) April,
Extinguishing Chimney Fires. J. Riffe & L. Patin. February, p.75
Firefighter Trapped in the Floor: The Rochester Drill. S. Joerger. (Real-World
RIT) Mar, p.54
Fireground Strategies: Metal Window Enclosures. A. Avillo. April, p.133
Fire Operations at Senior Living Facilties. M. Kennedy and A. Alexander.
January, p.99
Fire Strikes Las Vegas High-Rise. K. Morgan. May, p.89
Forcible Entry Super-Sized Size-Up. S. Millerick. (Training Notebook) March,
Heavy Fire in Lightweight Construction. S. Henry, Jr. (Volunteers Corner)
August, p.16
Hybrid School Buses: Response Considerations. L. Hollins. January, p.107
Isolate the Power. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics) June, p.32
Is Your Department Complying with the NFPA 1404 Air Management Policy?
Bernocco, S, M. Gagliano, C. Phillips, and P. Jose. January, p.103
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Safety for Firefighters. C. Jones. June, p.99
Managing Manhole Fires. D. Leihbacher. January, p.59
Operating at Public Storage Warehouses. J. Kirsch. November, p.83
Out-of-Air Emergency: Using Technology to Survive. F. Ricci & M.
Marcarelli. May, p.95
Proper Handling of Combustible Metal Fires. K. Kreitman. February, p.115
Punch Technique, The. M. Ciampo. (Training Notebook) November, p.22
Responding Safely to Railroad Emergenices: Locomotive Systems and Operation. J.
Knapp, P. Watson, and L. Frangella. November, p.55
Rethinking Emergency Air Management: The Reilly Emergency Breathing Technique.
K. Reilly & F. Ricci. Apr, p.185
RIT Positions and Assignments. J. McCormack. (Real-World RIT) September, p.40
Safe Operations Near Roof Cellular Base Stations. J. Viscuso. March, p.101
Safe Responses to Civil Unrest Incidents. A. Vernon. March, p.180
Second-Story Hidden Dangers: Decorative Building Facades and Additions. M.
Lopina. July, p.103
Storage Tank Fires: Is Your Department Prepared? C. Shelley. November, p.63
Switiching to the Tactical Channel. (Roundtable) May, p.36
Timeless Tactical Truths. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) May, p.208
Tips for Improving Effectiveness in Forcible Entry. B. Gustin. April, p.173
Tips for Improving Effectiveness in Forcible Entry, Part 2. B. Gustin. June,
Tips for Improving Effectiveness in Forcible Entry, Part 3. B. Gustin. August,
25 Pointers for Your Engine Company. J. Shupe. (The Engine Company) October,
Warehouse Fire Challenges Responders. D. Traiforos. December, p.51
When Seconds Count: Forcible Entry Objectives. C. Fabal. March, p.163
Tools and Equipment
Advances in Chemical Protective Ensemble Technology. J. Stull & P. Kirk.
May, p.85
Advancing a Charged Hoseline. J. Mason. (Training Notebook) June, p.24
Air Management Drill. S. Bernocco, M. Gagliano, C. Phillips, and P. Jose.
(Training Notebook) September, p.26
Air Monitoring. (Roundtable) November, p.34
Alien on Your Face, The. C. Donaldson. (Training Notebook) December, p.20
Back to Basics: Uses for Irons. D. Tobin. March, p.145
Bunker Gear: Part of the Problem? P. Brown. May, p120
Cold Towels Valuable Rehab Tools. G. Bull. April, p.193
EMS Triage: Sorting Through the Maze. K. Owens. March, p.155
Engine Company Assignments. (Roundtable) October, p.38
FEMA releases AFG five-year report. (News in Brief) September, p.70
Fire Interruption Technology. J. McCormick, Jr. May, p.124
Fire-Rated Glazing. J. Razwick. (Technology Today) Jun, p137
Fire Service and Counterterrorism, The: Technology. B. Martinez. June, p.109
Gel to be used to protect property from fire in 13 states. (News in Brief)
August, p.70
Improving Preconnect Function and Operation. B. Shovald. October, p.83
In-Line Gauge in Standpipe Operations, The. R. Chapman. October, p.119
Hold the Door. R. Rowley. March, p.135
Holding the Nozzle. R. McCormack. (Training Notebook) October, p.22
Hydro-Excavation for Trench Rescue. J. Ryan. (Technology Today) September,
Leather vs. Rubber Boots in Decon Tests. W. Candy. (Technology Today) December,
Maintaining Firefighter Ensemble for Safety and Compliance. D. Zender.
(Technology Today) July, p.127
Metal fatigue reportedly associated with Freno stretcher Model 35-X. (News in
Brief) October, p.56
NIOSH issues Safety Advisory on setup of serial ladders. (News in Brief) July,
NIOSH research for EMS PPE contained in NFPA 1999. (News in Brief) December,
NIOSH seeks input from stakeholders on CBRN respirator modification. (News in
Brief) September, p.66
Out-of-Air Emergency: Using Technology to Survive. F. Ricci & M.
Marcarelli. May, p.95
Overcoming Standpipe Problems. D. Sheridan. (The Engine Company) October, p.26
Parachutes in Helicopters. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) January, p.10
Patient Packaging for Rope Rescue Operations. T. Donnelly. (The Rescue Company)
September, p.32
Physio Control recalls LifePak CR Plus AEDs. (News in Brief) November, p.44
Punch Technique, The. M. Ciampo. (Training Notebook) November, p.22
Response to Fires. (Roundtable) February, p.38
SCBA That Works for Firefighters. J. Shipley. (Technology Today) November,
Shiny Things, Blue Widgets, and Cool Gadgets. (Extrication Tactics) D.
Dalrymple. February, p.30
Slip, Trip, and Fall Injuries on the Fireground: Are we Walking on the Problem?
B. Hubbard. January, p.119
Software identifies potential defibrillator lead fractures. (News in Brief)
December, p.44
Standardize Tools and Placement. T. Pillsworth. (Volunteers Corner) July, p.1
Structure Fire Overhaul: Respiratory Hazards and Personal Protective Equipment.
J. Herbert. March, p.117
Study: “Conspicuity of ANSI/ISEA- and NFPA-compliant garments comparable.
(News in Brief) October, p.56
Technology Roundup: Maximizing Safety, Efficiency, and Interoperability. M.J.
Dittmar. May, p.59
Ten (10) automatic external defibrillators recalled (News in Brief) January,
Through-the-Floor Rescue Using a Hoseline. C. Piepenburg. May, p.105
Tips for Improving Effectiveness in Forcible Entry. B. Gustin. April, p.173
Tips for Improving Effectiveness in Forcible Entry, Part 2. B. Gustin. June,
Tips for Improving Effectiveness in Forcible Entry, Part 3. B. Gustin. August,
Troubleshooting Pump Operations. K. Kalmus. Feb, p95
USFA and SFPE study on municipal water supply systems released. (News in Brief)
December, p.42
Using Lightweight Portable Monitors for Quick Knockdowns. C. Martin. (The
Engine Company) April, p.72
Volunteer Hazmat Response. E. Bachman. (Volunteers Corner) September, p.16
When Seconds Count: Forcible Entry Objectives. C. Fabal. March, p.163
Wildfire Maps Aid FEMA Mission. J. Castagna. May, p.123
Advancing a Charged Hoseline. J. Mason. (Training Notebook) June, p.24
Air Management Drill. S. Bernocco, M. Gagliano, C. Phillips, andn P. Jose.
(Training Notebook) September, p.26
Alien on Your Face, The. C. Donaldson. (Training Notebook) December, p.20
Assessment Center Strategy and Tactics: Engine Company Operations. M. Terpak.
July, p.107
Assessment Center Strategy and Tactics: Ladder Company Operations. M. Terpak.
August, p.127
CA firefighters can obtain discounted, online paramedic training. (News in
Brief) May, p.55
Conference and Travel Spending. M. Dallessandro (Volunteers Corner) February,
Creating a Trench Rescue Response Team. T. Baze. September, p.101
Drills: From Blank Page to Successful Exercise. B. Carpenter & M. Posner.
April, p.141
Education vs. Training in Fire Space control. K. Garcia. (Fire Commentary)
September, p.125
Evaluating Performance the Right Way! J. Buckman. (Training Notebook) August,
Firehouse Meal, The. S. Mills. April, p.203
High-Rise Firefighting Perils: Veterans’ Perspectives. J. Crow. October, p.97
High-Rise Help: Sharing the Lessons. W. Shouldis. March, p.167
Hybrid School Buses: Response Considerations. L. Hollins. January, p.107
Improving Situational Awareness in a Fire Structure. D. Diehl. (Training
Notebook) April, p.24
Improving Your Training Program. K. Diamond. (Training Notebook) July, p.20
Internet Use in the Station. (Roundtable) September, p.54
Isolate the Power. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics) June, p.32
Learning vs. Accountability. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) May, p.12;
Lessons from James Hook Pier Fire. R. DiBenedetto. (What We Learned) December,
Motivating Your Volunteer Department. C. Heflin. (Volunteers Corner) March,
Multifamily Dwelling Fire Lessons. T. Raynor. April, p.218
“Near Miss” at Bread-and-Butter Fire. S. Heflin. June, p.123
NFIRS 5.0 self-study online course available. (News in Brief) August, p.64 NFPA
472: Developing a Competency-Based Hazmat/WMD Emergency Responder Training
Program. G. Noll. April, p.159
Nostalgic Reflections of My Occupational Adventure. A. Brunacini. (Rules of
Engagement) July, p.148
Nostalgic Reflections of My Occupational Adventure, Part 2. A. Brunacini.
(Rules of Engagement) August, p.148
Online training grants announced for volunteer and combination departments.
(News in Brief) October, p.59
Our Lady of the Angels School Fire: 50 Years Later. A. Groves. December, p.59
Passport to Train. R. Stumpf (Training Notebook) January, p.18
Self-Directed Learning. K. DeMauro (Training Notebook) Feb, p.20
ShakeOut San Andreas Earthquake Scenario, The: Preparing for a Catastrophe. L.
Collins. September, p.75
Shift Briefing: Key to Productivity. D. Neal. July, p.81
Should We Train with One- and Two-Person Companies. (Roundtable) Apr, p.78
Simulation Training: Decision-Making Aid. F. Montagna. April, p.111
Training Bulletin: Critical Officer’s Tool. J. Knapp (Volunteers Corner). May,
Training for Tragedy. D. Diehl. (Fire Commentary) September, p.122
Training to Increase Base Knowledge. B. Arnold. April, p.211
USFA announces video version of Coffee Break training. (News in Brief) May,
USFA-NWCG offer wildfire training aid for rural firefighters. (News in Brief)
March, p.92
What Should We Be Seeing and Doing? M. Mason. (Real-World RIT) July, p.34
When’s the Last Time You Held an Ax? C. Metcalf. April, p.224