2009 Fire Engineering Subject Index


1.       Apparatus / Maintenance

2.       Budget and Finance

3.       Building Construction

4.       Communications

5.       Disaster Management

6.       Emergency Medical Services

7.       Fire / Incident Reports

8.       Fire Investigation

9.       Fire Prevention

10.     Fire Protection

11.     Firefighting Basics

12.     Hazardous Materials

13.     Incident Command / Fireground Management

14.     Laws and Legislation / Codes and Standards

15.     Leadership / Management

16.     Miscellaneous

17.     Public Education / Relations

18.     Rescue

19.     Safety and Health

20.     Strategy and Tactics

21.     Tools and Equipment

22.     Training


1.       Apparatus / Maintenance

75-Foot Quint, The: Know What it Can Do. B. Adams. February, p.75

Aerial Training Accident Results in Firefighter Deaths. W. Peters. October, p.67

Apparatus Body Materials: Read Between the Lines. B. Adams. February, p.105

Belt Up! M. Boyle (Fire Commentary) February, p.108

FDIC 2009 Apparatus Displays. W. Peters. (Apparatus Supplement) June, p.31

Fire Truck. The. (Editor’s Opinion) April, p.8

Making Apparatus Specs Clear, Concise, and Consistent. W. Peters (Apparatus Supplement) June, p.7.

Making Preconnects Work. C. Cross. (Training Notebook) October, p.24

Minimum Engine Staffing. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) October, p.56

More Change Lessons. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) March, p.192

Reducing Firefighter Vehicle Crash Fatalities. K. Peterson, H. Amandus, and J. Wassel. June, p.79

Sizing Up Vehicle-Related LODDs. W. Winborne. June, p.93

Strategies for Safer Driving. S. DeLisi. February, p.57

Tank Water: The 500-Gallon Onboard Water Supply. A. Guzzi Jr. October, p.95

Tip of a Straight-Stick Aerial. (Roundtable) March, p.54

Tips from the Pump Panel. G. Naylis. (Points to Ponder) October, p.128

What Changes Can We Expect with the 2010 Emission Standards? W. Peters (Apparatus Supplement) June, p.39

2.       Budget and Finance

Budget vs. Training Needs. J. Coleman (Roundtable) April, p.62

DHS simplifies grant process for localities, issues 2009 grant guidance. (News in Brief) January, p.54

Economic stimulus bill includes fire service-related funding. (News in Brief) April, p.68.

How Much Fire Service Can We Really Do Without? B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) January, p.8

New Boss, New Rules. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) August, p.10

Offsetting Fuel Costs. (Roundtable) February, p.40

President’s proposed budget cuts AFG program. (News in Brief) July, p.39

Realistic Live-Burn Training You Can Afford. K. Garcia and R. Kaufmann. May, p.89

The Problem: No Money! R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) May, p.26

Where’s the Beef? B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) May, p.8

3.       Building Construction

An H-Type Debate. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) July, p.124

Are You Preplanning Your Buildings? J. Murphy. January, p.85

Bungalow Fires: Construction Dictates Tactics. B. Tenniswood. October, p.105

Chief Must Advocate Building Fire Safety. M. Love. (Fire Prevention Bureau) January, p.109

Dangers of Modular Construction, The. K. Gallagher. May, p.95

Fighting Fires on Rooftops Undergoing Rehab. W. Schultz. November, p.69

Firefighting Challenges in Converted Mills. D. DeStefano. January, p.93

Firefighting in Fire-Resistive Multiple Dwellings. D. Sheridan. April, p.131

Firefighting Tactics for Noncombustible Buildings. P. McBride. May, p.73

Fire Service and Green Building Construction, The: An Overview. R. Spadafora. January, p.63

Garden Apartment and Townhouse Fires. T. Donnelly. (Training Notebook) November, p.16

Homes That Won’t Burn? T. Moore. (Technology Today) January, p.115

Impact of Solar Energy on Firefighting, The. T. Kreis. January, p.79

Lightweight Construction: Is Now the Time to Push for Sweeping Industry Changes? A. Mirkhah and D. Comstock Jr. June, p.49

Lumberyard in the Sky: Fire Retardant Treated Lumber. D. Rhodes. May, p.105

Metal Buildings for Firehouses. C. Praeger. (Technology Today) January, p.116

More Change Lessons. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) March, p.192

Prefire Planning. (Roundtable) January, p.28

Preplanning Buildings with Vertical Renovations. R. Fuerch. September, p.105

Professor, The. G. Corbett. March, p.143;

Solar Electric Systems and Firefighter Safety. M. Paiss. May, p.83

Sprinkler ordinances do not jeopardize construction. (News in Brief) September, p.48

Structural Collapse: The Hidden Dangers of Residential Fires. J. Dalton, R. Backstrom, and S. Kerber. October, p.88a

Study identifies WTC evacuation risk factors. (News in Brief) April, p.66

Unique Challenges of Fires in Straw-Built Construction, The. D. Fisher. April, p.195

4.       Communications

APCO and ANSI approve core competencies. (News in Brief) December, p.38

APCO opposes NENA’s broadband network position. (News in brief) September, p.49

ANSI approves standard for TERT deployment. (News in Brief) August, p.49

CAD: Is Your System Universal? T. Auen. (Technology Today) February, p.110

Controlling Communications During a Critical Incident. G. McNamara. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.32

FCC considers petitions for public safety networks. (News in Brief) November, p.38
Fireground Radio Channel: To Switch or Not to Switch? J. McCormack. (Real-World RIT) May, p.22

Fire Station Alerting Controls. P. Gyore. (Technology Today) September, p.123

National 9-1-1 Office to Establish 9-1-1 technical assistance center. (News in Brief) April, p.72

New Technologies Focus on First Responder “Capability Gaps” and Needs, Part 2. M.J. Dittmar. June, p.63

USFA, IAFF offer revised Voice Radio Communications Guide. (News in Brief) February, p.50

5.       Disaster Management

Bioterrorism Response: Does the Way Forward Lie in Our Past? D. Ladd and C. Gauthier. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.24

Collaborative Approaches to Threats Old and New. C. Tracy. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.12

Controlling Communications During a Critical Incident. G. McNamara. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.32

Disaster Response Capabilities. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) September, p.42

Do You Have a Plan for Managing Bomb Threats? B. Bennett. September, p.73

Emergency physicians issue H1N1 strategic plan. (News in Brief) September, p.48

Environmental hazards at large-scale catastrophic events. (News in Brief) May, p.44

Former HHS official warns of potential hazards of organophosphorus pesticides. (News in Brief) March, p.61

Need for Joint Hazards Assessment Teams, The. C. Hawley, G. Noll, and M. Hildebrand. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.6

Previous Lessons Aid Galveston’s Response to Hurricane Ike. M. Wisko. March, p.75

Response to Critical Incidents “A to Z.” A. Vernon. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.17

ShakeOut San Andreas Earthquake Scenario: Lessons Learned. L. Collins. April, p.111

Wildfires projected to increase 50 percent by 2050. (News in Brief). October, p.58

6.       Emergency Medical Services

Advocates of fire-based EMS establish Web site. (News in Brief) February, p.52

Arm in Folding Machine Tests Medical and Rescue Skills. T. Kenney. (The Rescue Company) September, p.30

Autism Awareness for Responders. A. Martin and T. Mims (Fire Service EMS) April, p.56

Back to Basics: Traction Splinting. B. Daskal. (Fire Service EMS) March, p.46

Capnography: A Tool for Every Patient. J. Davis. January, p.99

Care at Level 1 trauma center lowers death rate. (News in Brief) August, p.44

CDC revises field triage guidelines for trauma patients. (News in Brief) April, p. 70

Critical Thinking: Looking Beyond the Symptoms. M. Smith. (Fire Service EMS) October, p.38

Emergency physicians issue H1N1 strategic plan. (News in Brief) September, p.48

FAA revises Helo EMS rules. (News in Brief) March, p.58

FAA revises HEMS rules in face of increased crashes and fatalities. (News in Brief) April, p.66

FDA approves vaccine for 2009-2010 seasonal influenza. (News in Brief) September, p.46

FDA authorizes use of another influenza virus diagnostic test. (News in Brief) October, p.58

FDA cites hazards of Raptiva®. (News in Brief) March, p.60

FDA warns of potential hazards of improper use of skin-numbing products. (News in Brief) April, p.74

Fire/EMS Training Tips. B. Daskal. (Fire Service EMS) January, p.22

Government contracts aim at building flu vaccine supplies. (News in Brief) July, p.34

H1N1 update. (News in Brief). December, p.36
H1N1 virus update. (News in Brief) August, p.46

Health experts prepare for Influenza pandemic. (News in Brief) June, p.40

Improvising Fire Service Response to STEMI. A. Mardell. (Fire Service EMS) May, p.30

Innovative Obstetric Birthing Training. J. Pennington, L. Pennington, N. Pennington, B. Delaney, and M.B. Blankenship. (Fire Service EMS) September, p.36

Man dies at home; paramedics disgnosed acid reflux. (News in Brief) February, p.54

Miscarriage: Recognition and Treatment. K. Owens. (Fire Service EMS) July, p.24

NHTSA posts National EMS Education Standards. (News in Brief) April, p.74

Patient Care During Extrication. K. Owens. (Fire Service EMS) November, p.22

Pediatric Seizures: Routine or Danger in Disguise? S. Kanarian. (Fire Service EMS) February, p.30

Post-Blast Response to Explosions. A. Vernon. (Fire Service EMS) June, p.26

Saline study stopped for traumatic brain injury patients. (News in Brief) July, p.37

Syncope: Chasing Causes. M. McEvoy. March, p.113

Toxicology of Smoke Inhalation. G. Hall. (Fire Service EMS) August, p.30

Treating Pregnant Patients with Edema. B. Woodford. (Fire Service EMS) December, p.26

USFA recommends responder H1N1 vaccinations. (News in Brief) December, p.36

WHO update on H1N1. (News in Brief) November, p.40

Zonisamide product labeling to reflect acidosis risk. (News in Brief) May, p.44

7.       Fire / Incident Reports

Aerial Training Accident Results in Firefighter Deaths. W. Peters. October, p.67

Castle West Apartment Building Fire, Colorado Springs. R. Royal. December, p.55

“Cosmopolitan on the Canal” Fire, Indianapolis, Indiana. R. Reith. May, p.65

Dangers of Fiberglass Roof Panels. M. Nasta. (What We Learned) December, p.85

DC Metro Train Accident Poses Access Challenges. K. Sloan. September, p.59    

Engine Company Skills Can Make or Break Your Department. J. Knapp. (Volunteers Corner) February, p.14

Fire Incident Reporting: Accurate Data Will Market Your Department. M. Barakey. December, p.77

Lessons from the Michael Jackson Call. S. Ruda. (What We Learned) October, p.126

Miracle on the Freeway: Story of Survival. S. Grant. October, p.89

Near-Miss Reporting System posts 2,000th report. (News in Brief) January, p.58

New York State releases WTC responder mortality data. (News in Brief) February, p.52

Response to Crash of Flight 3407. D. Case. August, p.57

Response to a Radiation Threat. F. Fesi and R. Ragen. July, p.91

Scenes from a Well-Coordinated Attack. G. Perricone. (What We Learned) April, p.203

Teamwork Key to Mitigating Trolley Collision. F. Sullivan. September, p.83

US Airways Flight 1549: New Jersey Rescue Operations. M. Cranwell. July, p.61

US Airways Flight 1549: New York Marine Operations. M. Buckheit. July, p.55

USFA highway vehicle fires report released. (News in Brief) January, p.54

8.       Fire Investigation

Aerial Training Accident Results in Firefighter Deaths. W. Peters. October, p.67

NIOSH updates firefighter fatality investigation blog. (News in Brief) February, p.50

NIST releases final report on WTC 7 collapse.(News in Brief) February, p.52

9.       Fire Prevention

Alarm Response Policies: To Go or Not To Go? P.L. Dove. (Fire Commentary) January, p.111

California wildfires put focus on prevention methods. (News in Brief) December, p.38

Civilian fire fatalities up, according to fire marshals. (News in Brief) May, p.46

Connecting with the Community. T. Kiurski. (Fire Prevention Bureau) October, p.130

Disaster plans do not address needs of those with disabilities. (News in Brief) November, p.38

Firefighter Involvement Helps Pass ICC Codes. S. DeCrane, January, p.105

Illinois defeats antisprinkler bill. (News in Brief) July, p.36

Lumberyard in the Sky: Fire Retardant Treated Lumber. D. Rhodes. May, p.105

Members to vote in June on NFPA 72® code level alarms for hearing impaired. (News in Brief) April, p.68

NFPA: Homes fires cause majority of firefighter injuries. (News in Brief) August, p.44

NFPA: Large-loss fires grew by more than 54 percent in 2007. (News in Brief) January, p.52

NFPA report: Eight people die in home fires daily in the U.S. (News in Brief) April, p.72

NFSA responds to campaign against fire sprinklers. (News in Brief) October, p.59

PARADE endorses residential fire sprinklers. (News in Brief) July, p.39

Proposal memorializes SC LODD firefighters’ sacrifices. (News in Brief) August, p.46

Sprinkler ordinances do not jeopardize construction. (News in Brief) September, p.48

 “Stay Fire Smart! Don’t Get Burned” is theme. (News in Brief) August, p.46

USASFA works to amend 1986 IRS code re sprinklers. (News in Brief) September, p.46

USFA recruiting students and instructors for pilot classes. (News in Brief) August p.48

USFA endorses residential sprinklers. (News in brief) October, p.58

USFA introduces Tech Talk. (News in Brief) October, p.59

10.   Fire Protection

Alarm Response Policies: To Go or Not To Go? P.L. Dove. (Fire Commentary) January, p.111

Are You Preplanning Your Buildings? J. Murphy. January, p.85

Building Your Own Station House Map. F. McLeod. (Innovations: Homegrown) March, p.147

California wildfires put focus on prevention methods. (News in Brief) December, p.38

Chief Must Advocate Building Fire Safety. M. Love. (Fire Prevention Bureau) January, p.109

Civilian fire fatalities up, according to fire marshals. (News in Brief) May, p.46

Connecting with the Community. T. Kiurski. (Fire Prevention Bureau) October, p.130

Disaster plans do not address needs of those with disabilities. (News in Brief) November, p.38

Firefighter Involvement Helps Pass ICC Codes. S. DeCrane, January, p.105

Illinois defeats antisprinkler bill. (News in Brief) July, p.36

Lightweight Construction: Is Now the Time to Push for Sweeping Industry Changes? A. Mirkhah and D. Comstock Jr. June, p.49

Lumberyard in the Sky: Fire Retardant Treated Lumber. D. Rhodes. May, p.105

Members to vote in June on NFPA 72® code level alarms for hearing impaired. (News in Brief) April, p.68

NFPA: Homes fires cause majority of firefighter injuries. (News in Brief) August, p.44

NFPA: Large-loss fires grew by more than 54 percent in 2007. (News in Brief) January, p.52

NFSA responds to campaign against fire sprinklers. (News in Brief) October, p.59

PARADE endorses residential fire sprinklers. (News in Brief) July, p.39

Prefire Planning. (Roundtable) January, p.28

Proposal memorializes SC LODD firefighters’ sacrifices. (News in Brief) August, p.46

Researcher to explore the dust explosion phenomenon. (News in Brief) November, p.36

Response Considerations for Data Centers. D. Neal, G. Gregg, and P. Collins. October, p.99

Sprinkler ordinances do not jeopardize construction. (News in Brief) September, p.48

 “Stay Fire Smart! Don’t Get Burned” is theme. (News in Brief) August, p.46

Study identifies WTC evacuation risk factors. (News in Brief) April, p.66

USASFA works to amend 1986 IRS code re sprinklers. (News in Brief) September, p.46

USFA endorses residential sprinklers. (News in brief) October, p.58

USFA introduces Tech Talk. (News in Brief) October, p.59

USFA issues reports. (News in Brief) November, p.38

USFA recruiting students and instructors for pilot classes. (News in Brief) August p.48

11.   Firefighting Basics

An H-Type Debate. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) July, p.124

Bungalow Fires: Construction Dictates Tactics. B. Tenniswood. October, p.105

Camp Builds Skills for Staff and Cadets. S. Finazzo. August, p.93

Choosing the Right Weapon. M. Hamrick. (The Engine Company) October, p.30

Conditioning New Recruits: The Physical Readiness Program. S. Auferoth. December, p.65

Critical Components of Size-Up. B. Gustin. April, p.79

Engine Company Options for an Initial Action Plan. S. Joerger. October, p.79

Engine Company Skills Can Make or Break Your Department. J. Knapp. (Volunteers Corner) February, p.14

Firefighting Challenges in Converted Mills. D. DeStefano. January, p.93

Firefighting in Fire-Resistive Multiple Dwellings. D. Sheridan. April, p.131

Forcible Entry: Homemade Steel Security Doors. J. Shahan. March, p.111

Forcible Entry Techniques for One Firefighter. N. Martin. October, p.85

Garden Apartment and Townhouse Fires. T. Donnelly. (Training Notebook) November, p.16

Getting the First Hoseline in Operation. D. Sheridan. November, p.89

Getting the Most from Horizontal Ventilation. V. Wolfe. March, p.123

High-Rise Glass Removal Operations. T. Donnelly. September, p.95

Interior Size-Up from the Door. S. Hittle. March, p.99

Interior Team, The. A. Guzzi. (The Truck Company) March, p.42

It’s Just a Pile of Leaves. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) October, p.152

It’s More than Fires. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) December, p.148

Large-Area Search: What Are we Really Accomplishing? J. Coleman. June, p.105

Managing Vehicle Fires Safely. D. Leihbacher. June, p.85

Minimum Engine Staffing. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) October, p.56

PPV in Single-Family Dwellings: Not the Only Option. B. Arnold. October, p.118

Pressurized Fire Attack Precautions: The “Big Threee.” K. Garcia and R. Kauffmann. (Fire Engineering University supplement) December

Prying and Opening Tips. S. Grant and L. Stephens. (Tricks of the Trade) March, p.28

Realistic Vent-Enter-Search Training. C.Johnson. (Training Notebook) August, p.18

Removals from Fire Buildings. J. Riker. (Training Notebook) February, p.18

Remove the Balusters. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) August, p.136

Residential Search and Rescue Carries and Drags. M. Bricault. March, p.127

Scenes from a Well-Coordinated Attack. G. Perricone. (What We Learned) April, p.203

“Smells Like Food.” M. Ciampo. (On Fire) November, p.124

Sound Advice for “Everyday” Responses. D. Wells. March, p.119

Tank Water: The 500-Gallon Onboard Water Supply. A. Guzzi Jr. October, p.95

Tips from the Pump Panel. G. Naylis. (Points to Ponder) October, p.128

Trimming a Window. M. Ciampo. (Training Notebook). December, p.20

Twice in a Tour. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) September, p.132

Two Hands, Two Tools. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) June, p.128

What’s on Your Head? B. Daskal and D. Rodahan. April, p.161

Why Do We Do That? F. Montagna. March, p.107

Who Had the Nozzle? M. Ciampo. (On Fire) May, p.204

12.   Hazardous Materials

Biodiesels: The Preplan. A.K. Rosenhan. November, p.85

Bioterrorism Response: Does the Way Forward Lie in Our Past? D. Ladd and C. Gauthier. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.24

Collaborative Approaches to Threats Old and New. C. Tracy. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.12

Decon Technology from the Military. R. Schnepp. (Technology Today) December, p.93

Detection Equipment: Have We Reached the Technology Ceiling? G. Rudner. (Terrorism and the

Emergency Response Guidebook: 2008 Revisions of Note. S. Hermann. November, p.101

Ethanol-Blended Fuels: The Basics. G. Hayes. November, p.75

Fire Service Supplement) September, p.21

Everyday Hazmat: The Inappropriate Mixing of Household Chemicals. L. Cook. November, p.47

DOT issues final rule for railroad hazmat tank cars. (News in Brief) March, p.60

EPA approves decontaminant for anthrax. (News in Brief) August, p.48

Formaldahyde exposure associated with cancers. (News in Brief) October, p.59

Industrial and Municipal Fire Department Interface. C. Shelley. April, p.183

Mass Decon. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) November, p.34

Must-Take Course for Hazmat Responders, A. A. Dean. November, p.97

Need for Joint Hazards Assessment Teams, The. C. Hawley, G. Noll, and M. Hildebrand. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.6

Prepare for “Unusual” Hazmat Incidents. T. McKee. (Hazmat: On The Line) November, p.114

Researcher to explore the dust explosion phenomenon. (News in Brief) November, p.36

Response to a Chemical Incident. C. Whitby. (Volunteers Corner) May, p.14

Response to Critical Incidents “A to Z.” A. Vernon. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.17

Response to a Radiation Threat. F. Fesi and R. Ragen. July, p.91

Situational Awareness: The First Line of Defense. E. Bachman. November, p.61

13.   Incident Command / Fireground Management

A Ready/Aim/Fire Change Plan. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”) May, p.52

Always Fixin’ Ourselves. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”) November, p.44

Are You Preplanning Your Buildings? J. Murphy. January, p.85

Boxes and Arrows. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”) June, p.46

Camp Builds Skills for Staff and Cadets. S. Finazzo. August, p.93

Captain: The First 60 Days. B. Daskal. (Volunteers Corner) October, p.14

 “Chief, What Does This Have To Do With Me?” A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) April, p.228

Critical Components of Size-Up. B. Gustin. April, p.79

DHS revises NIMS. (News in Brief) March, p.58

Fire Department Staffing: A Need, Not a Want. K. Wilson. August, p.85

Fireground Radio Channel: To Switch or Not to Switch? J. McCormack. (Real-World RIT) May, p.22

Fire Incident Reporting: Accurate Data Will Market Your Department. M. Barakey. December, p.77

“How’s” Are Local, The. (Editor’s Opinion) November, p.8

IC’s Guide to Mayday Response, The. T. Houston. (Real-World RIT) March, p.36

Incident Commander Checklist: A Quick Reference Guide. M. Loflin. August, p.65

Industrial and Municipal Fire Department Interface. C. Shelley. April, p.183

Managing Big Fires 101: Divide and Conquer. T. Dunne. August, p.77

Mess Management. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”) December, p.42

More Cool School: The IC’s Need to “Disconnect”. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) January, p.176;

NIMS Directives and Liability. B. Pinsky. (Fire Service Court) March, p.144

NVFC seeks first responders’ input on communication needs. (News in Brief) October, p.59

O Leader, Where Art Thou? T. Poulin. August, p.97

Officer Development: Career Path or Officer’s Academy? M. Barakey. July, p.99

Officer Development: Filling the New Officer’s Toolbox. B. Carpenter. July, p.95

Officer Development Training. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) July, p.30

Prefire Planning. (Roundtable) January, p.28

Real-World Risk Assessment. W. Shouldis. June, p.112

Right Thing and the Right Way, The. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) February, p.8

Risk Management on the Fireground. H. Hill. October, p.122

Showtime. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged) September, p.54

Situational Awareness: Key to Emergency Response. S. Reichenbach. March, p.137

Start at the Beginning. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”) July, p.42

The Company Officer: The Perfect Training Officer. B. Kazmierzak and F. Reeder. July, p.67

The Oral Communications Assessment Center: Strategy and Tactics. M. Terpak. July, p.83

Tips for Working with Law Enforcement. B. Daskal. February, p.89

We Play the Way We Practice. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”) August, p.54

When an “Expert” Challenges Your Operations. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) August, p.26

Why Stage for Law Enforcement? S. Prziborowski. June, p.97

14.   Laws and Legislation / Codes and Standards

Achieving a Just Fire Service. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) March, p.8 

ANSI approves standard for TERT deployment. (News in Brief) August, p.49

Ban on Body Ink, The. D.Comstock. (Fire Service Court) November, p.105

Federal rules will make it easier to make school buses safer. (News in Brief) Januray, p.56

Fire Department Staffing: A Need, Not a Want. K. Wilson. August, p.85

Firefighter Involvement Helps Pass ICC Codes. S. DeCrane, January, p.105

Fire service leaders urge that FEMA remain in DHS; IAEM-USA says no. (News in Brief) March, p.56

How Much Fire Service Can We Really Do Without? B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) January, p.8

Illinois defeats antisprinkler bill. (News in Brief) July, p.36

Matter of National Security, A. J. Muhammed. (Fire Commentary) September, p.120

Members to vote in June on NFPA 72® code level alarms for hearing impaired. (News in Brief) April, p.68

New Boss, New Rules. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) August, p.10

NFPA codes and standards development process meets SAFETY criteria. (News in Brief) January, p.54

NIMS Directives and Liability. B. Pinsky. (Fire Service Court) March, p.144

NIOSH: EOSTI performance requirement for SCBA under revision. (News in Brief) February, p.53

NIOSH supports firefighters’ seat belt use. (News in Brief) February, p.50

NVFC seeks to ensure that VRIPA covers LOSAP payments. (News in Brief) November, p.36

Proposed legislation to study consensus standards. (News in Brief) May, p.44

Senate confirms Cochran as U.S. Fire Administrator. (News in Brief) October, p.59

Smoking Monkeys and Two in/Two Out. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) December, p.8

Training Officer Liabilities. J. Murphy. (Fire Service Court) April, p.207

U.S. Supreme Court rules on CT firefighter promotions. (News in Brief) September, p.44

USASFA works to amend 1986 IRS code re sprinklers. (News in Brief) September, p.46

When an “Expert” Challenges Your Operations. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) August, p.26

Where’s the Beef? B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) May, p.8

With Liberty and Justice for All. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) October, p.8

Yelling “Fire” in a Crowded Theater. F. Ricci. (Fire Commentary) October, p.50

15.   Leadership / Management

A Ready/Aim/Fire Change Plan. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”) May, p.52

Advice for the New Kids in the “House.” B. Johnson Sr. April, p.125

Always Fixin’ Ourselves. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”) November, p.44

Boxes and Arrows. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”) June, p.46

Bridging the Gaps Among the Generations. P. Stein and E. Berardinelli. April, p.169

Camp Builds Skills for Staff and Cadets. S. Finazzo. August, p.93

Captain: The First 60 Days. B. Daskal. (Volunteers Corner) October, p.14

Censorship. (Roundtable) June, p.32

“Chief, What Does This Have To Do With Me?” A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) April, p.228

Critiques = Keepin’ Score. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”) October, p.64

Do You Have a “Healthy” Fire Department? K. Cline. August, p.107

Fire Department Strategic Planning 101. M. Wallace. February, p.101

Fire Service Assessment Centers: Beyond the Books. A. Kastros. October, p.109

Fugate new FEMA administrator. (News in Brief) July, p.39

Gaines acting USFA administrator. (News in Brief)

Incident Commander Checklist: A Quick Reference Guide. M. Loflin. August, p.65

Is There Ever Enough Time? J. Murphy (Volunteers Corner) July, p12

Managing Big Fires 101: Divide and Conquer. T. Dunne. August, p.77

Mess Management. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”) December, p.42

More Change Lessons. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) March, p.192

More Cool School: The IC’s Need to “Disconnect”. A. Brunacini. (Rules of Engagement) January, p.176;

New Training Officer: Life in the Fast Lane. J. Blount. July, p.45

NFPA hosts Urban Fire Forum. (News in Brief) January, p.58

Norman receives Tom Brennan Lifetime Achievement Award. (News in Brief) June, p.36

O Leader, Where Art Thou? T. Poulin. August, p.97

Officer Development: Career Path or Officer’s Academy? M. Barakey. July, p.99

Officer Development: Filling the New Officer’s Toolbox. B. Carpenter. July, p.95

Officer Development Training. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) July, p.30

People Problems. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) November, p.30

Problem, The: No Money! R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) May, p.26

Recruiting New Hires. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) August, p.42

Response Time. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) February, p.26

Scarface, Easy, Lord Jim, Little Boy, and Butch. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) September, p.8

Senate confirms Cochran as U.S. Fire Administrator. (News in Brief) October, p.59

Showtime. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged) September, p.54

Start at the Beginning. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”) July, p.42

Strategic Planning for Training and Professional Development. M. Wallace. August, p.111

The Company Officer: The Perfect Training Officer. B. Kazmierzak and F. Reeder. July, p.67

The Oral Communications Assessment Center: Strategy and Tactics. M. Terpak. July, p.83

Trust: The Five Tenets of Leadership. J. King. August, p.117

USFA announces research award winners. (News in Brief) July, p.37

USFA Outstanding Research Award winners. (News in Brief) June, p.41

We Play the Way We Practice. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”) August, p.54

When an “Expert” Challenges Your Operations. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver) August, p.26

16.   Miscellaneous

Ban on Body Ink, The. D.Comstock. (Fire Service Court) November, p.105

Fire Service Brotherhood. J. Capaul. (One-Minute Motivator) April, p.210

Industrial and Municipal Fire Department Interface. C. Shelley. April, p.183

Lessons from the Michael Jackson Call. S. Ruda. (What We Learned) October, p.126

Minimum Engine Staffing. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) October, p.56

Recruiting New Hires. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) August, p.42

17.   Public Education / Relations

Censorship. (Roundtable) June, p.32

Civilian fire fatalities up, according to fire marshals. (News in Brief) May, p.46

Connecting with the Community. T. Kiurski. (Fire Prevention Bureau) October, p.130

Disaster plans do not address needs of those with disabilities. (News in Brief) November, p.38

Finding Skilled Help in Your Community. M. Piper. (Volunteers Corner) August, p.14

Fire Chaplains Integral Part of Response Team. C. Haigh and J. Swanson. August, p.101

Firefighter Rueda is Courage and Valor Award recipient. (News in Brief) June, p.34

Fire Department honors fallen member with seat belt use. (News in Brief) October, p.61

Fire Service Brotherhood. J. Capaul. (One-Minute Motivator) April, p.210

Fugate new FEMA administrator. (News in Brief) July, p.39

Lessons from the Michael Jackson Call. S. Ruda. (What We Learned) October, p.126

NFPA report: Eight people die in home fires daily in the U.S. (News in Brief) April, p.72

9/11 declared National Day of Service and Remembrance. (News in Brief) July, p.39

NIST’s Madrzykowski Instructor of the Year. (News in Brief) June, p.38

Norman receives Tom Brennan Lifetime Achievement Award. (News in Brief) June, p.36

Recruiting New Hires. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) August, p.42

“Stay Fire Smart! Don’t Get Burned” is theme. (News in Brief) August, p.46

Tips for Working with Law Enforcement. B. Daskal. February, p.89

What Every Firefighter’s Spouse Should Know. A. Gagliano. (Fire Commentary) December, p.89

18.   Rescue

Arm in Folding Machine Tests Medical and Rescue Skills. T. Kenney. (The Rescue Company) September, p.30

Bolt Cutter Uses. L. Baker. (Extrication Tactics) Apr, p48

Controlled Roll of a Side-Resting Vehicle. C. Pasto. (Technology Today) March, p.12

DC Metro Train Accident Poses Access Challenges. K. Sloan. September, p.59    

Disaster Response Capabilities. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) September, p.42

Do You Have a Plan for Managing Bomb Threats? B. Bennett. September, p.73

Experience-Based Scenarios Enhance Survival Training. F. LaFemina. April, p.143

Firefighter Rueda is Courage and Valor Award recipient. (News in Brief) June, p.34

Firefighters and Coast Guard Team Up. J. Thompson. (Volunteers Corner) November, p.12

Hybrid Vehicles: Separating Fact from Fiction. J. Emery. July, p.73

Hydraulic Rescue Tools: Operation and Maintenance. B. Leach Jr. September, p.115

IC’s Guide to Mayday Response, The. T. Houston. (Real-World RIT) March, p.36

Implementing a Technical Rescue Program. C. Feder. September, p.109

Large-Area Search: What Are we Really Accomplishing? J. Coleman. June, p.105

Miracle on the Freeway: Story of Survival. S. Grant. October, p.89

More Rapid Intervention: “Grab-and-Go” Turnout Handles. L. Collins February, p.95

New Technologies Focus on First Responder “Capability Gaps” and Needs, Part 2. M.J. Dittmar. June, p.63

Orientation Pause, The. D. DiStefano. (Training Notebook) May, p.18

Patient Care During Extrication. K. Owens. (Fire Service EMS) November, p.22

Personal Harness Use for Firefighter Rescue. D. DiRenzo. September, p.89

Post-Blast Response to Explosions. A. Vernon. (Fire Service EMS) June, p.26

Previous Lessons Aid Galveston’s Response to Hurricane Ike. M. Wisko. March, p.75

Rapid Intervention Alternatives. K. Munson Jr. and J. Oates. (Real-World RIT) April, p.30

 “Rapid Preintervention.” R. Goplin. (Real-World RIT) October, p.46

Rescue and Alternative Vehicle Power. D. Dalrymple. April, p.151

Rescue is Not Always Technical. S. Woodworth. September, p.101

Residential Search and Rescue Carries and Drags. M. Bricault. March, p.127

Searching for a Conscious Lost Firefighter. T. Sitz (Training Notebook) July, p.18

ShakeOut San Andreas Earthquake Scenario: Lessons Learned. L. Collins. April, p.111

Stages of Coordinated Vehicle Rescue. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics) February, p.22

Survivability Profiling: Are the Victims Savable? S. Marsar. December, p.69

Teamwork Key to Mitigating Trolley Collision. F. Sullivan. September, p.83

US Airways Flight 1549: New Jersey Rescue Operations. M. Cranwell. July, p.61

US Airways Flight 1549: New York Marine Operations. M. Buckheit. July, p.55

Use SOGs to Prepare for a Mayday. K. Wilson. February, p.65

19.   Safety and Health

A Matter of the Heart: Living a More Healthful Life. B. Ward. December, p.81

Become an “Occupational Athlete.” J. Linville. December, p.73

Belt Up! M. Boyle (Fire Commentary) February, p.108

Chief Must Advocate Building Fire Safety. M. Love. (Fire Prevention Bureau) January, p.109

Conditioning New Recruits: The Physical Readiness Program. S. Auferoth. December, p.65

Danger of Arc Flash, The. E.F. Burkhart. (Speaking of Safety) July, p.102

Dangers of Fiberglass Roof Panels. M. Nasta. (What We Learned) December, p.85

Dangers of Modular Construction, The. K. Gallagher. May, p.95

Decon Technology from the Military. R. Schnepp. (Technology Today) December, p.93

Environmental hazards at large-scale catastrophic events. (News in Brief) May, p.44

EPA approves decontaminant for anthrax. (News in Brief) August, p.48

Everyone Goes Home. R. Marinucci. (Speaking of Safety) June, p.115

Experience-Based Scenarios Enhance Survival Training. F. LaFemina. April, p.143

FDA approves vaccine for 2009-2010 seasonal influenza. (News in Brief) September, p.46

FDA authorizes use of another influenza virus diagnostic test. (News in Brief) October, p.58

Fire Chaplains Integral Part of Response Team. C. Haigh and J. Swanson. August, p.101

Fire Department honors fallen member with seat belt use. (News in Brief) October, p.61

Firefighters’ journey to combat cancer. (News in Brief) December, p.38

FEMA-sponsored landmark study. (News in Brief) May, p.42

FHWA modifies vest rule to exclude responders in certain conditions. (News in Brief) February, p.50

Fire Department honors fallen member with seat belt use. (News in Brief) October, p.61

Formaldehyde exposure associated with cancers. (News in Brief) October, p.59

Former HHS official warns of potential hazards of organophosphorus pesticides. (News in Brief) March, p.61

Going to the Next Level of a Safety Culture. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion) June, p.8

Government contracts aim at building flu vaccine supplies. (News in Brief) July, p.34

H1N1 update. (News in Brief). December, p.36
H1N1 virus update. (News in Brief) August, p.46

Health experts prepare for Influenza pandemic. (News in Brief) June, p.40

High cancer rate among WTC responders identified. (News in Brief) October, p.61

How Much Fire Service Can We Really Do Without? B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) January, p.8

IC’s Guide to Mayday Response, The. T. Houston. (Real-World RIT) March, p.36

IMF issues myeloma prevention guidelines. (News in Brief) November, p.36

Impact of Solar Energy on Firefighting, The. T. Kreis. January, p.79

Lightweight Construction: Is Now the Time to Push for Sweeping Industry Changes? A. Mirkhah and D. Comstock Jr. June, p.49

LODD Standard Operating Guideline. L. Radtke. (Volunteers Corner) December, p.14

More than 5,000 sttend Fallen Firefighters weekend. (News in Brief) December, p.36
New Technologies Focus on First Responder “Capability Gaps” and Needs, Part 2. M.J. Dittmar. June, p.63

NFPA: Homes fires cause majority of firefighter injuries. (News in Brief) August, p.44

NIOSH issues firefighter fatality investigation reports. (News in Brief) May, p.46

NIOSH releases firefighter fatality investigation report. (News in Brief) April, p.74

NIOSH releases firefighter fatality investigation reports. (News in Brief) March, p.59

NIOSH releases Firefighter Fatality Investigation Reports. (News in Brief) November, p.40

NIOSH supports firefighters’ seat belt use. (News in Brief) February, p.50

NIOSH to revoke respirators’ approval. (News in Brief) July, p.34

NVFC establishes volunteer health and safety priorities. (News in Brief) December, p.38

Operating Near Vehicle Restraint Systems. J. Van Doren (Volunteers Corner) March, p.14

Operating Safely on Fire Escapes. J. Flynn. March, p.87

Personal Harness Use for Firefighter Rescue. D. DiRenzo. September, p.89

Proposal memorializes SC LODD firefighters’ sacrifices. (News in Brief) August, p.46

Rapid Intervention Alternatives. K. Munson Jr. and J. Oates. (Real-World RIT) April, p.30

“Rapid Preintervention.” R. Goplin. (Real-World RIT) October, p.46

Real-World Risk Assessment. W. Shouldis. June, p.112

Reducing Firefighter Vehicle Crash Fatalities. K. Peterson, H. Amandus, and J. Wassel. June, p.79

Risk Management on the Fireground. H. Hill. October, p.122

Sizing Up Vehicle-Related LODDs. W. Winborne. June, p.93

Solar Electric Systems and Firefighter Safety. M. Paiss. May, p.83

Strategies for Safer Driving. S. DeLisi. February, p.57

Structural Collapse: The Hidden Dangers of Residential Fires. J. Dalton, R. Backstrom, and S.

Kerber. October, p.88a

Study finds psychological distress levels of 9/11 workers above norms. (News in Brief) February, p.54

Study’s goal: reduce number of firefighter injuries. (News in Brief) December, p.39

Survivability Profiling: Are the Victims Savable? S. Marsar. December, p.69

The Training Safety Officer: Ensuring Safe Evolutions. M. Kennedy. June, p.109

Tip of a Straight-Stick Aerial. (Roundtable) March, p.54

Tobacco Policy. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) December, p.34

Toxicology of Smoke Inhalation. G. Hall. (Fire Service EMS) August, p.30

Training and Discipline for a Safer Fire Service. M. Lombardo. June, p.101

Use SOGs to Prepare for a Mayday. K. Wilson. February, p.65

USFA: Avoid exposure to carcinogens/toxins. (News in Brief) July, p.36

USFA and NVFC revise Health and Wellness Guide for volunteer firefighters. (News in Brief) April, p.74

USFA recommends responder H1N1 vaccinations. (News in Brief) December, p.36

USFA releases provisional 2008 firefighter fatality statistics. (News in Brief) March, p.58

Using Power Tools Efficiently and Safely. S. Shupert. February, p.81

What Every Firefighter’s Spouse Should Know. A. Gagliano. (Fire Commentary) December, p.89

What We Know Ain’t So. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion) July, p.8

WHO update on H1N1. (News in Brief) November, p.40

Why Stage for Law Enforcement? S. Prziborowski. June, p.97

Wildfires projected to increase 50 percent by 2050. (News in Brief). October, p.58

You Want Me To Do What? The Pysiology and Psychology of Firefighting. C. Brennan. December, p.45

20.   Strategy and Tactics

An H-Type Debate. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) July, p.124

Bungalow Fires: Construction Dictates Tactics. B. Tenniswood. October, p.105

Castle West Apartment Building Fire, Colorado Springs. R. Royal. December, p.55

Danger of Arc Flash, The. E.F. Burkhart. (Speaking of Safety) July, p.102

Dangers of Fiberglass Roof Panels. M. Nasta. (What We Learned) December, p.85

DC Metro Train Accident Poses Access Challenges. K. Sloan. September, p.59    

Do You Have a Plan for Managing Bomb Threats? B. Bennett. September, p.73

Engine Company Options for an Initial Action Plan. S. Joerger. October, p.79

Fighting Fires on Rooftops Undergoing Rehab. W. Schultz. November, p.69

Firefighting in Fire-Resistive Multiple Dwellings. D. Sheridan. April, p.131

Firefighting Tactics for Noncombustible Buildings. P. McBride. May, p.73

Forcible Entry: Homemade Steel Security Doors. J. Shahan. March, p.111

Forcible Entry Techniques for One Firefighter. N. Martin. October, p.85

Garden Apartment and Townhouse Fires. T. Donnelly. (Training Notebook) November, p.16

Getting the First Hoseline in Operation. D. Sheridan. November, p.89

Getting the Most from Horizontal Ventilation. V. Wolfe. March, p.123

Going to the Rear of the Building. B. Snow. March, p.67

High-Rise Glass Removal Operations. T. Donnelly. September, p.95

Hybrid Vehicles: Separating Fact from Fiction. J. Emery. July, p.73

Interior Size-Up from the Door. S. Hittle. March, p.99

It’s Just a Pile of Leaves. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) October, p.152

It’s More than Fires. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) December, p.148

Making Preconnects Work. C. Cross. (Training Notebook) October, p.24

Managing Vehicle Fires Safely. D. Leihbacher. June, p.85

Miracle on the Freeway: Story of Survival. S. Grant. October, p.89

Operating Near Vehicle Restraint Systems. J. Van Doren (Volunteers Corner) March, p.14

Operating Safely on Fire Escapes. J. Flynn. March, p.87

Orientation Pause, The. D. DiStefano. (Training Notebook) May, p.18

PPV in Single-Family Dwellings: Not the Only Option. B. Arnold. October, p.118

Preplanning Buildings with Vertical Renovations. R. Fuerch. September, p.105

Pressurized Fire Attack Precautions: The “Big Threee.” K. Garcia and R. Kauffmann. (Fire Engineering University supplement) December

Protecting Mobile Equipment. R. Zuiderveld. (Technology Today) July, p.104

“Rapid Preintervention.” R. Goplin. (Real-World RIT) October, p.46

Removals from Fire Buildings. J. Riker. (Training Notebook) February, p.18

Remove the Balusters. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) August, p.136

Rescue and Alternative Vehicle Power. D. Dalrymple. April, p.151

Response Considerations for Data Centers. D. Neal, G. Gregg, and P. Collins. October, p.99

Scenes from a Well-Coordinated Attack. G. Perricone. (What We Learned) April, p.203

Ship Fires vs. Structure Fires: Differences and Perperation. R. Colombi Jr. November, p.79

“Smells Like Food.” M. Ciampo. (On Fire) November, p.124

Start at the Beginning. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”) July, p.42

Transitional Fire Attack. L. Schwarz and D. Wheeler. November, p.53

Trimming a Window. M. Ciampo. (Training Notebook). December, p.20

Twice in a Tour. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) September, p.132

Two Hands, Two Tools. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) June, p.128

Unique Challenges of Fires in Straw-Built Construction, The. D. Fisher. April, p.195

USFA, NIST release reports on wind-driven fires. (News in Brief) July, p.34

Who Had the Nozzle? M. Ciampo. (On Fire) May, p.204

21.   Tools and Equipment

Aerial Thermal Imaging Aids Fireground Strategy. S. Skinner. May, p.103

Bolt Cutter Uses. L. Baker. (Extrication Tactics) Apr, p48

Building Your Own Station House Map. F. McLeod. (Innovations: Homegrown) March, p.147

CAD: Is Your System Universal? T. Auen. (Technology Today) February, p.110

Choosing the Right Weapon. M. Hamrick. (The Engine Company) October, p.30

Controlled Roll of a Side-Resting Vehicle. C. Pasto. (Technology Today) March, p.12

Controlling Communications During a Critical Incident. G. McNamara. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.32

Demystifying Turnout Gear Terminology. A. DiGiovanni (Technology Today) April, p.212

Detection Equipment: Have We Reached the Technology Ceiling? G. Rudner. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.21

Evaluating CAFS with Confidence. G. Roberts. (Technology Today) May, p111

FDIC 2009 Apparatus Displays. W. Peters. (Apparatus Supplement) June, p.31

FHWA modifies vest rule to exclude responders in certain conditions. (News in Brief) February, p.50

Fireground Radio Channel: To Switch or Not to Switch? J. McCormack. (Real-World RIT) May, p.22

Fire Station Alerting Controls. P. Gyore. (Technology Today) September, p.123

Fire Truck. The. (Editor’s Opinion) April, p.8

Getting the First Hoseline in Operation. D. Sheridan. November, p.89

High-Rise Glass Removal Operations. T. Donnelly. September, p.95

Homes That Won’t Burn? T. Moore. (Technology Today) January, p.115

Hydraulic Rescue Tools: Operation and Maintenance. B. Leach Jr. September, p.115

Interior Team, The. A. Guzzi. (The Truck Company) March, p.42

Making Apparatus Specs Clear, Concise, and Consistent. W. Peters (Apparatus Supplement) Jun, p7

Making Preconnects Work. C. Cross. (Training Notebook) October, p.24

More Rapid Intervention: “Grab-and-Go” Turnout Handles. L. Collins February, p.95

Nationwide recall of battery caps used with Animas insulin pumps initiated. (News in Brief) February, p.54

New Technologies Focus on First Responder “Capability Gaps” and Needs, Part 1. M.J. Dittmar. May, p.55

NIOSH: EOSTI performance requirement for SCBA under revision. (News in Brief) February, p.53

NIOSH to revoke respirators’ approval. (News in Brief) July, p.34

NVFC seeks first responders’ input on communication needs. (News in Brief) October, p.59

Offsetting Fuel Costs. (Roundtable) February, p.40

Personal Harness Use for Firefighter Rescue. D. DiRenzo. September, p.89

Portable Firefighter Survival Maze. T. Hancock. April, p.103

Potential problem with batteries in AED Plus. (News in Brief) May, p.46

PPV in Single-Family Dwellings: Not the Only Option. B. Arnold. October, p.118

Pressurized Fire Attack Precautions: The “Big Threee.” K. Garcia and R. Kauffmann. (Fire Engineering University supplement) December

Protecting Mobile Equipment. R. Zuiderveld. (Technology Today) July, p.104

Prying and Opening Tips. S. Grant and L. Stephens. (Tricks of the Trade) March, p.28

Reducing Response Times. D. Seidberg. (Technology Today) October, p.132

Removals from Fire Buildings. J. Riker. (Training Notebook) February, p.18

SCBA Inspection and Testing. R. Cote (Technology Today) August, p.121

Site Drawings Aid in Fire Attack. S. Godshall and B. Seasholtz. (Volunteers Corner) April, p.14

Sometimes Technology Is Not the Answer. C. Carver. (Fire Commentary) May, p.107

Tank Water: The 500-Gallon Onboard Water Supply. A. Guzzi Jr. October, p.95

Tip of a Straight-Stick Aerial. (Roundtable) March, p.54

Tips from the Pump Panel. G. Naylis. (Points to Ponder) October, p.128

USFA and NIST complete thermal imaging study. (News in Brief) January, p.52

Using Power Tools Efficiently and Safely. S. Shupert. February, p.81

What Changes Can We Expect with the 2010 Emission Standards? W. Peters (Apparatus Supplement) June, p.39

What’s on Your Head? B. Daskal and D. Rodahan. April, p.161

When Technology Fails. J. Coleman. (Roundtable) May, p.40

22.   Training

2009 Harvard Fire Executive Fellowship applications due February 2009. (News in Brief) January, p.56

75-Foot Quint, The: Know What it Can Do. B. Adams. February, p.75

Advice for the New Kids in the “House.” B. Johnson Sr. April, p.125

Basic Fire School: A Teaching Tool for Probies and Veterans. F. Hammond. (Training Notebook) January, p.16

Bioterrorism Response: Does the Way Forward Lie in Our Past? D. Ladd and C. Gauthier. (Terrorism and the Fire Service Supplement) September, p.24

Bridging the Gaps Among the Generations. P. Stein and E. Berardinelli. April, p.169

Budget vs. Training Needs. J. Coleman (Roundtable) April, p.62

Conditioning New Recruits: The Physical Readiness Program. S. Auferoth. December, p.65

Developing Proficiency in Today’s Firefighters. N. Carroll. (Volunteers Corner) January, p.12

Experience-Based Scenarios Enhance Survival Training. F. LaFemina. April, p.143

Fire/EMS Training Tips. B. Daskal. (Fire Service EMS) January, p.22

Firefighters and Coast Guard Team Up. J. Thompson. (Volunteers Corner) November, p.12

Fire Service Assessment Centers: Beyond the Books. A. Kastros. October, p.109

Hybrid Vehicles: Separating Fact from Fiction. J. Emery. July, p.73

IAFC and TV Worldwide launch TV channel for responders. (News in Brief) January, p.58

Innovative Obstetric Birthing Training. J. Pennington, L. Pennington, N. Pennington, B. Delaney, and M.B. Blankenship. (Fire Service EMS) September, p.36

Inspections Maintain the Edge. J. Knapp. (Volunteers Corner) June, p.12

It’s Just a Pile of Leaves. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) October, p.152

It’s More than Fires. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) December, p.148

Learning Curve, The. C. Flatley. (Training Notebook) March, p.20

Must-Take Course for Hazmat Responders, A. A. Dean. November, p.97

New answer sheets for EMI Independent Study Courses. (News in Brief) October, p.61

New Training Officer: Life in the Fast Lane. J. Blount. July, p.45

NFA Announces 2009 classes. (News in Brief) January, p.52

NFA to issue CEUs for on-campus courses. (News in Brief) January, p.56

NHTSA posts National EMS Education Standards. (News in Brief) April, p.74

NIST’s Madrzykowski Instructor of the Year. (News in Brief) June, p.38

Portable Firefighter Survival Maze. T. Hancock. April, p.103

Officer Development: Career Path or Officer’s Academy? M. Barakey. July, p.99

Officer Development: Filling the New Officer’s Toolbox. B. Carpenter. July, p.95

Rapid Reps at the Recruit Academy. J. Vanlandingham. (Training Notebook) April, p.24

Realistic Live-Burn Training You Can Afford. K. Garcia and R. Kaufmann. May, p.89

Realistic Vent-Enter-Search Training. C.Johnson. (Training Notebook) August, p.18

Recruitment + Training = Retention. J. Nedder. (Volunteers Corner) September, p.14

Reducing Firefighter Vehicle Crash Fatalities. K. Peterson, H. Amandus, and J. Wassel. June, p.79

Remove the Balusters. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) August, p.136

Response Considerations for Data Centers. D. Neal, G. Gregg, and P. Collins. October, p.99

Searching for a Conscious Lost Firefighter. T. Sitz (Training Notebook) July, p.18

Site provides resources for responders. (News in Brief) August, p.49

Sizing Up Vehicle-Related LODDs. W. Winborne. June, p.93

“Smells Like Food.” M. Ciampo. (On Fire) November, p.124

Structural Collapse: The Hidden Dangers of Residential Fires. J. Dalton, R. Backstrom, and S. Kerber. October, p.88a

Teamwork Key to Mitigating Trolley Collision. F. Sullivan. September, p.83

The Company Officer: The Perfect Training Officer. B. Kazmierzak and F. Reeder. July, p.67

The Training Safety Officer: Ensuring Safe Evolutions. M. Kennedy. June, p.109

Train for School Bus Emergencies. P. Hasenmeier (Training Notebook) September, p.22

Training and Discipline for a Safer Fire Service. M. Lombardo. June, p.101

Training Evolutions: The Crucial “C’s.” P. Hasenmeier. April, p.191

Training for Railroad Emergencies. J. Simpson. (Training Notebook) June, p.20

Training Officer Liabilities. J. Murphy. (Fire Service Court) April, p.207

Training Tool: Documenting Working Fires. W. Anderson. April, p.177

Twice in a Tour. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) September, p.132

Two Hands, Two Tools. M. Ciampo. (On Fire) June, p.128

USFA announces research award winners. (News in Brief) July, p.37

USFA forms partnership with the Lessons Learned Information Sharing Network. (News in Brief) January, p. 52

USFA, NIST release reports on wind-driven fires. (News in Brief) July, p.34

USFA recruiting students and instructors for pilot classes. (News in Brief) August p.48

USFA releases Topical Series reports. (News in Brief)

Why Do We Do That? F. Montagna. March, p.107

Who Had the Nozzle? M. Ciampo. (On Fire) May, p.204

Wildland fire skills “Gap” courses now available. (News in Brief) May, p.46

Fatal Queens fire

Three Killed in Queens (NY) Fire

Three people were killed by a fire that ripped through a Queens home early Sunday, officials said.
New Orleans (LA) Vacant House Fire

Two-Alarm Fire Breaks Out at New Orleans (LA) Vacant House, Authorities Say

A vacant house caught fire in the 7th Ward Saturday morning, according to the New Orleans Fire Department.