2012 Fire Engineering Subjects Index


1.          Apparatus / Maintenance

2.          Budget and Finance

3.          Building Construction

4.          Communications

5.          Disaster Management

6.          Emergency Medical Services

7.          Fire / Incident Reports

8.          Fire Investigation

9.          Fire Prevention

10.        Fire Protection

11.        Firefighting Basics

12.        Hazardous Materials

13.        Incident Command / Fireground Management

14.        Laws and Legislation / Codes and Standards

15.        Leadership / Management

16.        Miscellaneous

17.        Public Education / Relations

18.        Rescue

19.        Safety and Health

20.        Strategy and Tactics

21.        Tools and Equipment

22.        Training

1.         Apparatus / Maintenance

Apparatus Load Balance Guidelines. B. Adams. February, p.39  

Apparatus Purchasing: Back to Basics. W. Peters. (Apparatus Supplement). June, p.7

Best practices for emergency vehicle visibility. (News in Brief). June, p.34

Don’t Touch the Roof: Aerial Drill. J. Hoevelmann. (Training Notebook). November, p.18

Driver Training Simulators: Strategies and Tactics. R. Raheb. (Fire Service EMS). August, p.34

Emergency vehicle safety study. (News in Brief). January, p.38

E-ONE recalls vehicles with ESC. (News in Brief). February, p.30

Every Pump Operator’s Basic Equation. P. Spurgeon. October, p.51

Foundation recalls select rescue transport vehicles with ESC. (News in Brief). January, p.73

Maximizing Simulation Driver Training. M. Cleveland. February, p.61       

Modern Day Pump Operators: Doing More with Less. D. Topczynski. October, p.81

Pierce recalling vehicles. (News in Brief). May, p.32

Roles of a Proactive Driver, The. T. Hancock and W. Jensen. February, p.55

Spartan Recalls select rescue transport vehicles with ESC. (News in Brief). January, p.36

Treatment/Transport of Bariatric Patients. K. Owens. (Fire Service EMS). May, p.28

Ultra High Pressure Firefighting Technology. G. Noll. November, p.83

2.         Budget and Finance

$500 Training Makeover, The. J. Creamer and D. Mueller. (Volunteers Corner). December, p.12

AFG ends funding of Near-Miss Reporting System. (News in Brief). December, p.39

Apparatus Purchasing: Back to Basics. W. Peters. (Apparatus Supplement). June, p.7

Blessing and a Curse, A. (Editor’s Opinion). December, p.6

Congress passes FY 2012 appropriations, cuts grants. (News in Brief). February, p.30

Fire Department Performance Management: Is Public Policy on the Map? K.S. Thomson.  August, p.61

Funding Alternatives for fire and EMS. (News in Brief). July, p.30

You Really CAN Reduce Fixed Public Safety Costs. P. Bryan.  August, p.103

3.         Building Construction

ASTM approves deck structure fire test response standard. (News in Brief). May, p.36

Atrium Features and Firefighting Tactics. R. Spadafora. March, p.113

Buildings that Change the Rules of the Game. A. Avillo. (FDIC Preview). March, p.125

Challenges of Older Structures. M. Terpak. (Training Notebook). May, p.16

Commonsense Approach to Building Construction, A. M. Lopina and T. Tulipano. January, p.73

Expansion Joints and Fire Spread. R. Kleczynski. January, p.51

Fighting Fires in Balloon-Frame Construction. J. Riffe. August, p.95

Hidden Stairwells: Heed the Clues. R. Harris. (What We Learned). March, p.146

IAFC testifies in support of building code legislation. (News in Brief). October, p.37

Knee to the Walls, A. D. Rickert. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.22

Mastering Fireground Command: Firefighting in Commercial Occupancies. A. Kastros. April, p.133

Preplanning Predicted Hazards. T. Anderson. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.30

4.         Communications

Handling the Mayday: The Fire Dispatcher’s Crucial Role. P.J. Norwood. (Real-World RIT). June, p.22

NGA hosts D Block meeting. (News in Brief). September, p.49

Protocol of the Mayday Call, The. R. Goplin. (Real-World RIT). January, p.32

Study: Dispatchers suffer from PSTD. (News in Brief). June, p.34

To Improve Communications, Listen to the Radio. P. Thompson. (Fire Service EMS). February, p.22

5.         Disaster Management

DHS announces PS-Prep certification. (News in Brief). May, p.34

Earthquake Responses: What Makes Them “Different” for Firefighters? D. Good. September, p.95

Evolution of Federal Emergency Response Since Hurricane Andrew, The. T. Hughes. February, p.90

FEMA offers earthquake program. (News in Brief). October, p.34

Homeland Security in America: Past, Present, and Future. R. Kemp. September, p.91

Response Priorities for Mass Violence Incidents. A. Vernon. June, p.95

Unintended Consequences: What Smokey and Bambi Couldn’t See Coming. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). September, p.6

6.         Emergency Medical Services

Bath Salts and Synthetic Marijuana: An Emerging Threat. R. Duckworth. (Fire Service EMS). November, p.32

Be Mentally Prepared for “Other Duties as Assigned.” A. Dean. (Fire Service EMS). June, p.26

CDC: fungal meningitis linked to injections. (News in Brief). December, p.36

Designated Officer’s Role for Infection Control, The. K. West and J. Cross. (Fire Service EMS). January, p.26

Downwind Walk: A USAR Paramedic’s Experiences on September 11, 2001, The. S. Kanarian. (Fire Service EMS). Jul, p24

Driver Training Simulators: Strategies and Tactics. R. Raheb. (Fire Service EMS). August, p.34

FDA Web site forsafe disposal of “sharps.” (News in Brief). January p.38

Funding Alternatives for fire and EMS. (News in Brief). July, p.30

HeatSeeker Technology Moves to Save Firefighters’ Lives. M. Robinson. (Technology Today). February, p.99

IAFC position statement on national drug shortage. (News in Brief). May, p.32

NEMSMA defines “EMS” and educational criteria. (News in Brief). October, p.37

NIH to coordinate training in emergency setting. (News in Brief). October, p.38

NIOSH Web page dedicated to EMS worker safety and health. (News in Brief). Oct, p34 

Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance Documents available. (News in Brief). November, p.43

Responding to Scenes of Violence. S. Hamilton. (Fire Service EMS). September, p.26

Response Priorities for Mass Violence Incidents. A. Vernon. June, p.95

Safety in the Medevac Landing Zone. C. Divver. (Fire Service EMS). October, p.30

Steps to Paramedic Class Success. S. Kanarian. (Fire Service EMS). April, p.30

Stop the Bleeding: Basic Hemorrhage Control. F. Califano. (Fire Service EMS). March, p.28

Strategic Survival Guide, A. A. Richards. (Fire Service EMS). December, p.22

To Improve Communications, Listen to the Radio. P. Thompson. (Fire Service EMS). February, p.22

Treatment/Transport of Bariatric Patients. K. Owens. (Fire Service EMS). May, p.28

Unsafe injection practices cause of infectious disease outbreaks. (News in Brief). August, p.46

7.         Fire / Incident Reports

Colorado State Forest Service issues statement on wildfire. (News in Brief). June, p.32

Dangers of Battling Fires Involving Oxidizers, The: A Case Study. J. Harwell. November, p.69

Fighter Jet Crashes into Virginia Beach Apartment Complex. M. Barakey and D. Gaudet. November, p.51

Fire in Sprinklered Texas Warehouse with High Piled Storage. J. Harwell. April, p.55

Member Down at House Fire. M. Dugan. (Fire Focus). November, p.24

New NIOSH Firefighter Fatality Investigation Report releases. (News in Brief). August, p.49

Propane Emergencies: Plan for Worst-Case Scenario. J. Spaulding. (Volunteers Corner). April, p.12

Texas Mayday: What We Learned. J. Wright. December, p.49

USFA: 41 percent of set residential fires in vacants. (News in Brief). December, p.39

USFA report addresses residential building fires. (News in Brief). July, p.32

Wildland Urban Interface Fires: Managing a Cascade of Risk. E. Wright. August, p.75

Wind-Driven Fires: Lessons Learned in Houston. C. Chavez. October, p.65

8.         Fire Investigation

Analysis of a Fatal Wind-Driven Fire in a Single-Story House. A. Barowy and D. Madrzykowski. June, p.63

NIOSH releases Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation reports. (News in Brief). November, p.42

USFA: “2,900 residential clothes dryer fires reported annually.” (News in Brief). November, p.42

9.         Fire Prevention

11-Day Fire Department, The. J. Jennings. January, p.83

ASTM launches conformity program. (News in Brief). August, p.46

Chicago City Council OKs signs warning of unsafe buildings. (News in Brief). September, p.46

FEMA partners with UNCF for community education. (News in Brief). December, p.38

Guide for decreasing unwanted fire alarms offered. (News in Brief). November, p.42

“Have Two Ways Out!” is theme of Fire Prevention Week, October 7-13. (News in Brief). September, p.48

IAFC urges fire departments to preplan for wildland fires. (News in Brief). September, p.48

MA defeats home fire sprinkler proposal. (News in Brief). April, p.42

NFPA: Fire deaths from smoking materials at “30-year low.” (News in Brief) June, p.32

NFPA: Property loss from large-loss fires down. (News in Brief). January, p.36

NFPA Firewise® photo contest deadline November 2. (News in Brief). September, p.49

NFPA recruiting code enforcers for technical committees. (News in Brief). August, p.46

Preplanning Predicted Hazards. T. Anderson. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.30

Preplanning to Address Cultural Diversity. E. Bachman. January, p.87

Program Places Inspectors on Shift Work. R. O’Brocki III. (Fire Prevention Bureau). January, p.94

Residential Sprinklers: Opposition Despite Good Performance. R. Marinucci.  January, p.90

Smoke Management in High-Rise Structures. J. Chacon and S. Kerber. February, p.69

Station Nightclub Fire, The: Revisiting the Lessons. J. Tidwell. January, p.79

Unintended Consequences: What Smokey and Bambi Couldn’t See Coming. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). September, p.6

USFA: “2,900 residential clothes dryer fires reported annually.” (News in Brief). November, p.42

USFA releases report on civilian fire fatalities in residential buildings. (News in Brief). May, p.34

10.        Fire Protection

11-Day Fire Department, The. J. Jennings. January, p.83

ASTM launches conformity program. (News in Brief). August, p.46

Atrium Features and Firefighting Tactics. R. Spadafora. March, p.113

Case for Interior High-Rise Breathing Air Systems, The. J. Rush III. April, p.119

Chicago City Council OKs signs warning of unsafe buildings. (News in Brief). September, p.46

FEMA partners with UNCF for community education. (News in Brief). December, p.38

Fire in Sprinklered Texas Warehouse with High Piled Storage. J. Harwell. April, p.55

Guide for decreasing unwanted fire alarms offered. (News in Brief). November, p.42

 “Have Two Ways Out!” is theme of Fire Prevention Week, October 7-13. (News in Brief). September, p.48

IAFC testifies in support of building code legislation. (News in Brief). October, p.37

IAFC urges fire departments to preplan for wildland fires. (News in Brief). September, p.48

MA defeats home fire sprinkler proposal. (News in Brief). April, p.42

NFPA: Fire deaths from smoking materials at “30-year low.” (News in Brief) June, p.32

NFPA: Property loss from large-loss fires down. (News in Brief). January, p.36

NFPA Firewise® photo contest deadline November 2. (News in Brief). September, p.49

NFPA recruiting code enforcers for technical committees. (News in Brief). August, p.46

Preplanning Predicted Hazards. T. Anderson. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.30

Preplanning to Address Cultural Diversity. E. Bachman. January, p.87

Program Places Inspectors on Shift Work. R. O’Brocki III. (Fire Prevention Bureau). January, p.94

Quick Drill: Standpipe Training. B. Ward. (Training Notebook). January, p.18

Residential Sprinklers: Opposition Despite Good Performance. R. Marinucci.  January, p.90

Smoke Management in High-Rise Structures. J. Chacon and S. Kerber. February, p.69

Station Nightclub Fire, The: Revisiting the Lessons. J. Tidwell. January, p.79

Unintended Consequences: What Smokey and Bambi Couldn’t See Coming. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). September, p.6

USFA: “2,900 residential clothes dryer fires reported annually.” (News in Brief). November, p.42

USFA releases report on civilian fire fatalities in residential buildings. (News in Brief). May, p.34

Wildland Urban Interface Fires: Managing a Cascade of Risk. E. Wright. August, p.75

11.        Firefighting Basics

25 Tips for Probationary Firefighters. F. Viscuso and M. Terpak. April, p.155

Advice to Young Firefighters, Part 5. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged). January, p.46

Advice to Young Firefighters, Part 6. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged). February, p.36

Advice to Young Firefighters, Part 7. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged). March, p.48

Always Be Prepared for the Unexpected. B. Ward. (What We Learned). July, p.97

Building Effective Teamwork. J. Wells. (Special Preview FDIC). March, p.133

Buildings that Change the Rules of the Game. A. Avillo. (FDIC Preview). March, p.125

Calculated Forcible Entry. J. Steed. (Training Notebook). October, p.14

Darlington Roll, The. L. Baker and M. Thompson. (Extrication Tactics). December, p.28

Did You See That? M. Ciampo. (On Fire). February, p.108

Evaluating Vehicle Fire Training Inhalation Hazards. K. Fent, D. Evans, J. Couch, and M. Niemier. February, p.63 

Expansion Joints and Fire Spread. R. Kleczynski. January, p.51

Firematic Concerns of Hybrids and Electric Vehicles. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics). February, p.24

Fires Below the Residential First Floor. D. Stratton. March, p.87

Five-Minute Drill, The. M. Sauer. (Training Notebook). December, p.18

Forcible Entry Techniques for Roll-Down Security Gates. D. Troxell. March, p.101

Get Upstairs and Open Up! M. Ciampo. (On Fire). June, p.112

Grab a Donut. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). May, p.152

Greatest Gifts of All. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). December, p.152

Hoseline Operations for Fires in Multiple Dwellings, Part 1. B. Gustin.  March, p.73

Hoseline Operations for Fires in Multiple Dwellings, Part 2. B. Gustin.  April, p.97

Hoseline Operations for Fires in Multiple Dwellings, Part 3. B. Gustin.  May, p.59

Long Accepted Tactics. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). March, p.180

Managing Water Utilities. J. Mittendorf. July, p.45

Maximizing the Efficiency of a Three-Member Truck Company. G. Sellers. (The Truck Company). March, p.36

Monday Morning Quarterback. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). April, p.188

Multiple Rescues in Multiple-Dwelling Fire. M. Dugan. (Fire Focus). August, p.26

Odor Investigations: Avoid the “Routine Response Syndrome.” F. Montagna. November, p.93

One-Firefighter Ladder Carry. J. Jarvis and R. Gilbert. May, p.77

People, Pets, Pictures, and Pills. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). April, p.50

People, Pets, Pictures, and Pills, Part 2. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). May, p.46

Pickup Truck Extrication Evolutions. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics). April, p.36

Positioning Portable Ladders for Work on Fire Escapes. M. Ciampo. March, p.51

Putting Your Best Foot Forward. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). January, p.156

Quality Hoseline Management for a Better Forward Advance. R. McCormack. October, p.75

Quick Drill: Standpipe Training. B. Ward. (Training Notebook). January, p.18

Remember One Piece of Equipment, Part 1. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). October, p.120

Remember One Piece of Equipment, Part 2. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). November, p.112

Residential Fire Tactics. J. Duffy. (Training Notebook). June, p.16

Responding to Incidents Involving the Chevrolet Volt. J. Emery, K. Schultz, and C. Pepler. May, p.51

Sizing Up for Structure Fires. S. Wilkinson. (Volunteers Corner). July, p.12

Some Are Grilling. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). August, p.116

Summer Essentials Program. T. Garrity. (Volunteers Corner). March, p.12

Turn on the Pump. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). July, p.120

Understand Fire Behavior to Improve Your Situational Awareness. B. Altman. October, p.79

12.        Hazardous Materials

Air Monitoring on the Fireground: A Necessity, Not an Option. J. Krusen. November, p.65

Combustible Dust Fires and Explosions. B. Peetz. March, p.59

Dangers of Battling Fires Involving Oxidizers, The: A Case Study. J. Harwell. November, p.69

Evaluating Vehicle Fire Training Inhalation Hazards. K. Fent, D. Evans, J. Couch, and M. Niemier. February, p.63 

Fire Department Use of PIDs. J. Post. November, p.97

Firefighter Safety Depends on Gas Detector Accuracy. B. Lake. November, p.89

IAFC: “C-Kit still an important tool in hazmat response.” (News in Brief). October, p.36

Methane Fires and Explosions in Livestock Facilities. W. Fulton. June, p.91

Odor Investigations: Avoid the “Routine Response Syndrome.” F. Montagna. November, p.93

Planning for ARFF and Mutual Aid. M. Lopina. December, p.96

Propane Emergencies: Plan for Worst-Case Scenario. J. Spaulding. (Volunteers Corner). April, p.12

Pulling Electric Manhole Covers. F. Montagna. (Training Notebook). March, p.20

Ultra High Pressure Firefighting Technology. G. Noll. November, p.83

Urban Education and Mitigation. E. Roden. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.10

Wireless Gas Detection Systems. B. Sheikhan. (Technology Today). December, p.103

13.        Incident Command / Fireground Management

Address Root Causes to Prevent Problems. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver). May, p.26

Advice for Newly Promoted Officers. S. Scarpa. July, p.63

All Hazard Incidents: Setting Objectives and Strategies. L. Miller. February, p.75

Are You the Company Officer Your Firefighters Need? S. Morris. July, p.81

Building Effective Teamwork. J. Wells. (Special Preview FDIC). March, p.133

Command and Mayday Training. K. Scandariato. April, p.129

Creating and Inspiring Exceptional Fire Department Leaders. D. Compton. (FDIC Preview). March, p.131

Detroit Box Alarm. S. Klug. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.26

Discipline: A Key to Fireground Success. C. Paskett. October, p.87

Duck Method of Management, The. R. Maibach. October, p.93

Fire Service Management: A Renewed Perspective. T. Hyden. August, p.89

Functional Fireground Accountability, Part 2: Tools and Technologies. D. Miller and C. Langlois. July, p.69

Incident Tactics System: Identifying Tactics. B. Pressler. December, p.61

Initial Company Operations and Considerations for Defensive Attacks. M. Iglesias. (The Engine Company). October, p.26

Is It Possible to Multitask in Dynamic Environments? R. Gasaway.  December, p.93

Leaders, Managers, and Bosses. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). June, p.38

Maintaining Aggressiveness and Safety on the Fireground. R. Kline. June, p.87

Making “The Decision”: Transitioning to an Exterior Attack. T. Dunne. April, p.81

Mastering Fireground Command: Firefighting in Commercial Occupancies. A. Kastros. April, p.133

Problem Solving on the Fireground. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver). November, p.40

Setting Probationary Firefighters’ Expectations. S. Prziborowski. July, p.39

Smartphone: A Versatile Tool for Incident Operations, The. P. Mahoney. May, p.85

Steps to Becoming An Ethical Leader. M. Kinkade.  August, p.85

Suburban Fire Tactics: Tactical Rescue Decision Making. J. Silvernail. (FDIC Preview). March, p.139

Taking Command: A Navigational Formula. W. Shouldis. July, p.83

To Discipline Is to Teach. M. Hennigan. July, p.90

Turn Around Leadership. J. McDermott. (Volunteers Corner). June, p.12

Using Crew Resource Management to Reduce Accidents. C. Nelson. (FDIC Preview). March, p.143

14.        Laws and Legislation / Codes and Standards

Alternatives for Complying with NFPA 1971. W. Gorak. (Technology Today). April, p.173

Apparatus Load Balance Guidelines. B. Adams. February, p.39

ASTM approves deck structure fire test response standard. (News in Brief). May, p.36

ASTM launches conformity program. (News in Brief). August, p.46

Case for Interior High-Rise Breathing Air Systems, The. J. Rush III. April, p.119

Chicago City Council OKs signs warning of unsafe buildings. (News in Brief). September, p.46

Creating a Maintenance Program for Personal Protective Equipment. M. Lopez. February, p.81

Fire Department Training Liabilities. J. Murphy. (FDIC Preview). March, p.137

Fool Me Once. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). June, p.6

IAFC testifies in support of building code legislation. (News in Brief). October, p.37

MA defeats home fire sprinkler proposal. (News in Brief). April, p.42

New Codes and Standards Influence Future Tactics. J. Murphy and S. DeCrane. January, p.61

NFPA recruiting code enforcers for technical committees. (News in Brief). August, p.46

NFPA standards 1500 and 1582 undergoing revision. (News in Brief). August, p.48

NSEFO, CFSI issue Firefighter Code of Ethics. (News in Brief). October, p.34

Station Nightclub Fire, The: Revisiting the Lessons. J. Tidwell. January, p.79

Testing and New Performance Requirement for Strucutral PPE. W. Gorak. (Technology Today). March, p.149

15.        Leadership / Management

48/96 Work Schedule: A Viable Alternative? The. T. Poole. February, p.85

Address Root Causes to Prevent Problems. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver). May, p.26

Advice for Newly Promoted Officers. S. Scarpa. July, p.63

Are You the Company Officer Your Firefighters Need? S. Morris. July, p.81

Benefits of Assessment Centers, The. J. Vanlandingham and M. Holmes.  July, p.87

Breakaways. R. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). April, p.6

Calvert County: Past, Present, and Future. J. Riffe. (Volunteers Corner). May, p.12

Commanding the Retirement Incident. P. Hoyle. December, p.91

Creating and Inspiring Exceptional Fire Department Leaders. D. Compton. (FDIC Preview). March, p.131

Duck Method of Management, The. R. Maibach. October, p.93

Fire Department and Social Media: What’s Your Policy? The. K. Collins, p.71

Fire Department Performance Management: Is Public Policy on the Map? K.S. Thomson.  August, p.61

Fire Service Code of Honor, The. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). February, p.6

Fire Service Management: A Renewed Perspective. T. Hyden. August, p.89

Fool Me Once. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). June, p.6

Handling Staffing Emergencies. C. McIntosh. (Technology Today). August, p.105

Homeland Security in America: Past, Present, and Future. R. Kemp. September, p.91

Is It Possible to Multitask in Dynamic Environments? R. Gasaway.  December, p.93

Key to Combating Turnover: Loyalty. R. Wodicka (Volunteers Corner). January, p.12

Leadership in the Workplace. R. Miller. August, p.99

Leaders, Managers, and Bosses. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). June, p.38

Mastering Fireground Command: Firefighting in Commercial Occupancies. A. Kastros. April, p.133

Mutual Submission for the Greater Good of Society, Really…. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). May, p.6

“Nice” School. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). July, p.36

Off-Duty Indiscretion. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver). Mar, p34

Political Season, The. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver). August, p.30

Problem Solving on the Fireground. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver). November, p.40

Setting Probationary Firefighters’ Expectations. S. Prziborowski. July, p.39

Starling v. Board of County Commissioners. D. Comstock. (Fire Service Court). July, p.93

Steps to Becoming An Ethical Leader. M. Kinkade. August, p.85

Taking Command: A Navigational Formula. W. Shouldis. July, p.83

To Discipline Is to Teach. M. Hennigan. July, p.90

Turn Around Leadership. J. McDermott. (Volunteers Corner). June, p.12

You Really CAN Reduce Fixed Public Safety Costs. P. Bryan.  August, p.103

16.        Miscellaneous

25 Tips for Probationary Firefighters. F. Viscuso and M. Terpak. April, p.155

Commanding the Retirement Incident. P. Hoyle. December, p.91

Fire Department and Social Media: What’s Your Policy? The. K. Collins, p.71

Science and the Fire Service. R. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). January, p.6  

17.        Public Education / Relations

11-Day Fire Department, The. J. Jennings. January, p.83

Dress uniforms for firefighters killed in line of duty. (News in Brief). May, p.32

FDNY Rescue 4 mobile remembrance of 9/11. (News in Brief). March, p.40

FEMA partners with UNCF for community education. (News in Brief). December, p.38

Fire/EMS Safety and Health Week June 17-23. (News in Brief). April, p.42

Fire Department and Social Media: What’s Your Policy? The. K. Collins, p.71

“Have Two Ways Out!” is theme of Fire Prevention Week, October 7-13. (News in Brief). September, p.48

It’s the Second Impression That Counts. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). August, p.6

NFPA Firewise® photo contest deadline November 2. (News in Brief). September, p.49

 “Nice” School. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). July, p.36

“Nice” School, Part 2. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). August, p.57

“Nice” School, Part 3. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). September, p.58

“Nice” School, Part 4. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). October, p.46

“Nice” School, Part 5: Kindness, Kindness, and Kindness. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). November, p.48

“Nice” School, Part 6: Patience, Patience, Patience. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). December, p.44

NSEFO, CFSI issue Firefighter Code of Ethics. (News in Brief). October, p.34

Political Season, The. R. Marinucci. (The Chief Problem Solver). August, p.30

Residential Sprinklers: Opposition Despite Good Performance. R. Marinucci. January, p.90

Urban Education and Mitigation. E. Roden. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.10

18.        Rescue

Command and Mayday Training. K. Scandariato. April, p.129

Confined Space Rescue: Why Operations Fail. M. Van Der Feyst. September,l p.86

Darlington Roll, The. L. Baker and M. Thompson. (Extrication Tactics). December, p.28

Dive Tender’s Roles in Public Safety Diving, The. W. Hendrick and A. Zaferes. September, p.71

Earthquake Responses: What Makes Them “Different” for Firefighters? D. Good. September, p.95

Evolution of Federal Emergency Response Since Hurricane Andrew, The. T. Hughes. February, p.90

FDIC 2012 Award Recipients. (News in Brief). July, p.30

FDNY Rescue 4 mobile remembrance of 9/11. (News in Brief). March, p.40

FEMA offers earthquake program. (News in Brief). October, p.34

Firefighter Down: The ABCs of SCBA Emergencies. N. Martin. March, p.95

Foundation Basic Skills of Public Safety Diving. A. Zaferes. September, p.64

Handling the Mayday: The Fire Dispatcher’s Crucial Role. P.J. Norwood. (Real-World RIT). June, p.22

Increasing the Odds for a Successful Rescue. M. vonAppen. June, p.77

Multiple Rescues in Multiple-Dwelling Fire. M. Dugan. (Fire Focus). August, p.26

NIOSH releases firefighter fatality reports. (News in Brief). April, p.42

Offering Some Support. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). September, p.116

Protocol of the Mayday Call, The. R. Goplin. (Real-World RIT). January, p.32

Public Safety Diving and Firefighting: The Parallels of Self-Rescue. B. Brush. September, p.61

Rescue Ventilation Tactic Tests. C. Emrich. April, p.166

RIT Communications, Activities, and Deployments at Structural Fires. M. Mason. (Real-World RIT). September, p.36

SCUBA Dive Rescue Operations: A Familiarization Curse. P. Blaich. (Training Notebook). February, p.16

Searching at Arm’s Length. R. McCormack. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.8

Texas Mayday: What We Learned. J. Wright. December, p.49

Tractor Rollover Rescue. M. Rose and M. Baker. September, p.77

Unusual Handcuff Extrication. T. Sitz. (What We Learned). February, p.95

Using Vent-Enter-Isolate-Search Tactics. S. Shupert. (Training Notebook). July, p.16

19.        Safety and Health

48/96 Work Schedule: A Viable Alternative? The. T. Poole. February, p.85

Air Monitoring on the Fireground: A Necessity, Not an Option. J. Krusen. November, p.65

Associations issue white paper on firefighter suicide. (News in Brief). March, p.42

Bath Salts and Synthetic Marijuana: An Emerging Threat. R. Duckworth. (Fire Service EMS). November, p.32

Best practices for emergency vehicle visibility. (News in Brief). June, p.34

CDC: fungal meningitis linked to injections. (News in Brief). December, p.36

Chicago (IL) firefighter suspected to be victim of West Nile virus. (News in Brief). December, p.38

Combustible Dust Fires and Explosions. B. Peetz. March, p.59

Dangers of Battling Fires Involving Oxidizers, The: A Case Study. J. Harwell. November, p.69

Designated Officer’s Role for Infection Control, The. K. West and J. Cross. (Fire Service EMS). January, p.26

Developing an Effective Respiratory Protection Program. H. Stott. December, p.81

Dive Tender’s Roles in Public Safety Diving, The. W. Hendrick and A. Zaferes. September, p.71

Don’t Throw Out Your Skinny Ties. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). October, p.6

Drexel University to study firefighter job safety “culture.” (News in Brief). December, p.36

Dublin Brigade pulls breathing air apparatus. (News in Brief). March, p.40

Emergency vehicle safety study. (News in Brief). January, p.38

E-ONE recalls vehicles with ESC. (News in Brief). February, p.30

Evaluating Vehicle Fire Training Inhalation Hazards. K. Fent, D. Evans, J. Couch, and M. Niemier. February, p.63 

FDA Web site for safe disposal of “sharps.” (News in Brief). January p.38

Fire Department Use of PIDs. J. Post. November, p.97

Fire/EMS Safety and Health Week June 17-23. (News in Brief). April, p.42

Firefighter Down: The ABCs of SCBA Emergencies. N. Martin. March, p.95

Firefighter Safety Depends on Gas Detector Accuracy. B. Lake. November, p.89

“Firefighter second highest stressful profession.” (News in Brief), February, p.31

Firefighter’s Silent Killer, A: Suicide. P. Antonellis Jr. and D. Thompson. December, p.69

Foundation Basic Skills of Public Safety Diving. A. Zaferes. September, p.64

Functional Fireground Accountability, Part 1: Are We Making Progress? D. Miller and C. Langlois. June, p.53

Handling the Mayday: The Fire Dispatcher’s Crucial Role. P.J. Norwood. (Real-World RIT). June, p.22

HeatSeeker Technology Moves to Save Firefighters’ Lives. M. Robinson. (Technology Today). February, p.99

Increasing the Odds for a Successful Rescue. M. vonAppen. June, p.77

Live Fire Training: Lessons Learned in New Jersey. T. Coletta, April, p.111

Maintaining Aggressiveness and Safety on the Fireground. R. Kline. June, p.87

Manage the Risk of Radiant Energy. D. Bailey. (Technology Today). November, p.101

Methane Fires and Explosions in Livestock Facilities. W. Fulton. June, p.91

Miflex high-pressure diving hoses recalled. (News in Brief). June, p.30

Minimum training standards for public safety diving. (News in Brief). July, p.32

New NIOSH Firefighter Fatality Investigation Report releases. (News in Brief). August, p.49

NFPA: 61 firefighter on-duty fatalities in 2011. (News in Brief). p.46

NFPA: Firefighter injuries down from 2009. (News in Brief). January, p.36

NFPA: Intense heat may degrade SCBA face piece lenses. (News in Brief). September, p.46

NFPA standards 1500 and 1582 undergoing revision. (News in Brief). August, p.48

NIOSH releases Firefighter Fatality reports. (News in Brief). October, p.36

NIOSH releases Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation reports. (News in Brief). November, p.42

NIOSH Web page dedicated to EMS worker safety and health. (News in Brief). Oct, p34

NY Clinic for 9/11 survivors expands. (News in Brief). March, p.40

Odor Investigations: Avoid the “Routine Response Syndrome.” F. Montagna. November, p.93

Physical Fitness in the Fire Service. G. Calcagno. December, p.77

Protocol of the Mayday Call, The. R. Goplin. (Real-World RIT). January, p.32

Public Safety Diving and Firefighting: The Parallels of Self-Rescue. B. Brush. September, p.61

Recognizing and Combating Firefighter Stress. P.J. Norwood and J. Rascati. December, p.87

Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance Documents available. (News in Brief). November, p.43

Responding to Incidents Involving the Chevrolet Volt. J. Emery, K. Schultz, and C. Pepler. May, p.51

Responding to Scenes of Violence. S. Hamilton. (Fire Service EMS). September, p.26

Response Priorities for Mass Violence Incidents. A. Vernon. June, p.95

RIT Communications, Activities, and Deployments at Structural Fires. M. Mason. (Real-World RIT). September, p.36

Rule of Thumb: Use the Safest, Most Effective Path of Least Resistance. A. Avillo. Jun, p41

Safety in the Medevac Landing Zone. C. Divver. (Fire Service EMS). October, p.30

Study: Dispatchers suffer from PSTD. (News in Brief). June, p.34

Texas Mayday: What We Learned. J. Wright. December, p.49

Unsafe injection practices cause of infectious disease outbreaks. (News in Brief). August, p.46

USFA: 81 firefighter LODDs in 2011. (News in Brief). February, p.30

USFA, FHA manual resource for fire and EMS providers. (News in Brief). July, p.32

USFA/IAFC to study fire service risk-taking behaviors. (News in Brief). November, p.42

USFA releases guide for wildland fire safety. (News in Brief). June, p.32

Using Crew Resource Management to Reduce Accidents. C. Nelson. (FDIC Preview). March, p.143

20.        Safety and Tactics

All Hazard Incidents: Setting Objectives and Strategies. L. Miller. February, p.75

Analysis of a Fatal Wind-Driven Fire in a Single-Story House. A. Barowy and D. Madrzykowski. June, p.63

Atrium Features and Firefighting Tactics. R. Spadafora. March, p.113

Building Effective Teamwork. J. Wells. (Special Preview FDIC). March, p.133

Buildings that Change the Rules of the Game. A. Avillo. (FDIC Preview). March, p.125

Calculated Forcible Entry. J. Steed. (Training Notebook). October, p.14

Challenges of Older Structures. M. Terpak. (Training Notebook). May, p.16

Combustible Dust Fires and Explosions. B. Peetz. March, p.59

Darlington Roll, The. L. Baker and M. Thompson. (Extrication Tactics). December, p.28

Detroit Box Alarm. S. Klug. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.26

Did You See That? M. Ciampo. (On Fire). February, p.108

Double Trouble: Performing the Double Hop. A. Angemi. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.16

Fighting Fires in Balloon-Frame Construction. J. Riffe. August, p.95

Fire in Sprinklered Texas Warehouse with High Piled Storage. J. Harwell. April, p.55

Firematic Concerns of Hybrids and Electric Vehicles. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics). February, p.24

Fires Below the Residential First Floor. D. Stratton. March, p.87

Forcible Entry Techniques for Roll-Down Security Gates. D. Troxell. March, p.101

Functional Fireground Accountability, Part 1: Are We Making Progress? D. Miller and C. Langlois. June, p.53

Get Upstairs and Open Up! M. Ciampo. (On Fire). June, p.112

Greatest Gifts of All. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). December, p.152

Grab a Donut. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). May, p.152

Hidden Stairwells: Heed the Clues. R. Harris. (What We Learned). March, p.146

Hoseline Operations for Fires in Multiple Dwellings, Part 1. B. Gustin.  March, p.73

Hoseline Operations for Fires in Multiple Dwellings, Part 2. B. Gustin.  April, p.97

Hoseline Operations for Fires in Multiple Dwellings, Part 3. B. Gustin.  May, p.59

Incident Tactics System: Identifying Tactics. B. Pressler. December, p.61

Increasing the Odds for a Successful Rescue. M. vonAppen. June, p.77

Initial Company Operations and Considerations for Defensive Attacks. M. Iglesias. (The Engine Company). October, p.26

Knee to the Walls, A. D. Rickert. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.22

Lessons Learned at a Home Depot Fire. B. Snow. (What We Learned). December, p.100

Long Accepted Tactics. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). March, p.180

Making “The Decision”: Transitioning to an Exterior Attack. T. Dunne. April, p.81

Managing Water Utilities. J. Mittendorf. July, p.45

Methane Fires and Explosions in Livestock Facilities. W. Fulton. June, p.91

Monday Morning Quarterback. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). April, p.188

New Codes and Standards Influence Future Tactics. J. Murphy and S. DeCrane. January, p.61

Offering Some Support. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). September, p.116

One-Firefighter Ladder Carry. J. Jarvis and R. Gilbert. May, p.77

Pickup Truck Extrication Evolutions. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics). April, p.36

Positioning Portable Ladders for Work on Fire Escapes. M. Ciampo. March, p.51

Propane Emergencies: Plan for Worst-Case Scenario. J. Spaulding. (Volunteers Corner). April, p.12

Pulling Electric Manhole Covers. F. Montagna. (Training Notebook). March, p.20

Putting Your Best Foot Forward. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). January, p.156

Quality Hoseline Management for a Better Forward Advance. R. McCormack. October, p.75

Rescue Ventilation Tactic Tests. C. Emrich. April, p.166

Residential Fire Tactics. J. Duffy. (Training Notebook). June, p.16

Responding to Incidents Involving the Chevrolet Volt. J. Emery, K. Schultz, and C. Pepler. May, p.51

Rule of Thumb: Use the Safest, Most Effective Path of Least Resistance. A. Avillo. Jun, p41

Searching at Arm’s Length. R. McCormack. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.8

Sizing Up for Structure Fires. S. Wilkinson. (Volunteers Corner). July, p.12

Smartphone: A Versatile Tool for Incident Operations, The. P. Mahoney. May, p.85

Smoke Management in High-Rise Structures. J. Chacon and S. Kerber. February, p.69

Some Are Grilling. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). August, p.116

Suburban Fire Tactics: Tactical Rescue Decision Making. J. Silvernail. (FDIC Preview). March, p.139

“Tastes Great…Less Filling.” B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). July, p.6

Tractor Rollover Rescue. M. Rose and M. Baker. September, p.77

Transitioning from Offensive to Defensive. F. Viscuso and M. Terpak. (Training Notebook). August, p.18

Turn on the Pump. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). July, p.120

Understand Fire Behavior to Improve Your Situational Awareness. B. Altman. October, p.79

Unusual Handcuff Extrication. T. Sitz. (What We Learned). February, p.95

Using Aircraft on Wildland Fires. D. Reese. May, p.89

Using Crew Resource Management to Reduce Accidents. C. Nelson. (FDIC Preview). March, p.143

Using Vent-Enter-Isolate-Search Tactics. S. Shupert. (Training Notebook). July, p.16

VEIS, a Tactic for Today’s Fires. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). November, p.6

Wildland Urban Interface Fires: Managing a Cascade of Risk. E. Wright. August, p.75

Wind-Driven Fires: Lessons Learned in Houston. C. Chavez. October, p.65

21.        Tools and Equipment

Air Monitoring on the Fireground: A Necessity, Not an Option. J. Krusen. November, p.65

Air Source C.A.R.T., The. J. Sandas. (Tools of the Trade). October, p.95

Alternatives for Complying with NFPA 1971. W. Gorak. (Technology Today). April, p.173

Analysis of a Fatal Wind-Driven Fire in a Single-Story House. A. Barowy and D. Madrzykowski. June, p.63

Apparatus Load Balance Guidelines. B. Adams. February, p.39

Apparatus Purchasing: Back to Basics. W. Peters. (Apparatus Supplement). June, p.7

Case for Interior High-Rise Breathing Air Systems, The. J. Rush III. April, p.119

Creating a Maintenance Program for Personal Protective Equipment. M. Lopez. February, p.81

Developing an Effective Respiratory Protection Program. H. Stott. December, p.81

Did You See That? M. Ciampo. (On Fire). February, p.108

Doctrine of SCBA, The. R. Coleman. February, p.45

Don’t Throw Out Your Skinny Ties. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). October, p.6

Don’t Touch the Roof: Aerial Drill. J. Hoevelmann. (Training Notebook). November, p.18

Double Trouble: Performing the Double Hop. A. Angemi. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.16

Dublin Brigade pulls breathing air apparatus. (News in Brief). March, p.40

Every Pump Operator’s Basic Equation. P. Spurgeon. October, p.51

Fire Department Use of PIDs. J. Post. November, p.97

Firefighter Down: The ABCs of SCBA Emergencies. N. Martin. March, p.95

Firefighter Safety Depends on Gas Detector Accuracy. B. Lake. November, p.89

Firematic Concerns of Hybrids and Electric Vehicles. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics). February, p.24

Forcible Entry Techniques for Roll-Down Security Gates. D. Troxell. March, p.101

Foundation recalls select rescue transport vehicles with ESC. (News in Brief). January, p.36

Functional Fireground Accountability, Part 2: Tools and Technologies. D. Miller and C. Langlois. July, p.69

Good Reason to Carry 2 Chocks, A. M. Perrone. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.35

Handling Staffing Emergencies. C. McIntosh. (Technology Today). August, p.105

HeatSeeker Technology Moves to Save Firefighters’ Lives. M. Robinson. (Technology Today). February, p.99

Hoseline Operations for Fires in Multiple Dwellings, Part 1. B. Gustin.  March, p.73

Hoseline Operations for Fires in Multiple Dwellings, Part 2. B. Gustin.  April, p.97

Hoseline Operations for Fires in Multiple Dwellings, Part 3. B. Gustin.  May, p.59

IAFC: “C-Kit still an important tool in hazmat response.” (News in Brief). October, p.36

Increasing the Effectiveness of the Triple or Preconnected Hose Lead. T. Sitz. October, p.89

Make Your Own “Can” Strap. P. Harper. (Training Notebook). April, p.22

Manage the Risk of Radiant Energy. D. Bailey. (Technology Today). November, p.101

Maximizing Simulation Driver Training. M. Cleveland. February, p.61

Miflex high-pressure diving hoses recalled. (News in Brief). June, p.30

Modern Day Pump Operators: Doing More with Less. D. Topczynski. October, p.81

NFPA: Intense heat may degrade SCBA face piece lenses. (News in Brief). September, p.46

NVFC offers equipment management training. (News in Brief). August, p.46

One-Firefighter Ladder Carry. J. Jarvis and R. Gilbert. May, p.77

Pickup Truck Extrication Evolutions. D. Dalrymple. (Extrication Tactics). April, p.36

Pierce recalling vehicles. (News in Brief). May, p.32

Positioning Portable Ladders for Work on Fire Escapes. M. Ciampo. March, p.51

Quality Hoseline Management for a Better Forward Advance. R. McCormack. October, p.75

Remember One Piece of Equipment, Part 1. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). October, p.120

Remember One Piece of Equipment, Part 2. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). November, p.112

Rescue Ventilation Tactic Tests. C. Emrich. April, p.166

Roles of a Proactive Driver, The. T. Hancock and W. Jensen. February, p.55

Safety in the Medevac Landing Zone. C. Divver. (Fire Service EMS). October, p.30

Smartphone: A Versatile Tool for Incident Operations, The. P. Mahoney. May, p.85

Spartan Recalls select rescue transport vehicles with ESC. (News in Brief). January, p.36

Stop the Bleeding: Basic Hemorrhage Control. F. Califano. (Fire Service EMS). March, p.28

Testing and New Performance Requirement for Strucutral PPE. W. Gorak. (Technology Today). March, p.149

Timber Cribbing Use. Billy, Leach, Jr. (Training Notebook). September, p.18

Ultra High Pressure Firefighting Technology. G. Noll. November, p.83

Using Aircraft on Wildland Fires. D. Reese. May, p.89

Wireless Gas Detection Systems. B. Sheikhan. (Technology Today). December, p.103

22.        Training

$500 Training Makeover, The. J. Creamer and D. Mueller. (Volunteers Corner). December, p.12

2012 Award Recipients. (News in Brief). July, p.30

25 Tips for Probationary Firefighters. F. Viscuso and M. Terpak. April, p.155

Advice to Young Firefighters, Part 5. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged). January, p.46

Advice to Young Firefighters, Part 6. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged). February, p.36

Advice to Young Firefighters, Part 7. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged). March, p.48

Always Be Prepared for the Unexpected. B. Ward. (What We Learned). July, p.97

Benefits of Assessment Centers, The. J. Vanlandingham and M. Holmes.  July, p.87

Command and Mayday Training. K. Scandariato. April, p.129

DHS announces PS-Prep certification. (News in Brief). May, p.34Evolution of Federal Emergency FDIC Dive Tender’s Roles in Public Safety Diving, The. W. Hendrick and A. Zaferes. September, p.71

Don’t Touch the Roof: Aerial Drill. J. Hoevelmann. (Training Notebook). November, p.18

Fire Department Training Liabilities. J. Murphy. (FDIC Preview). March, p.137

Firefighting 2.0. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). March, p.6

Five-Minute Drill, The. M. Sauer. (Training Notebook). December, p.18

Foundation Basic Skills of Public Safety Diving. A. Zaferes. September, p.64

Get Upstairs and Open Up! M. Ciampo. (On Fire). June, p.112

Grab a Donut. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). May, p.152

Greatest Gifts of All. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). December, p.152

How Accreditation Benefits Your Department and the Fire Service. M. Barakey. April, p.163

How Universities Can Help Solve Critical Fire Service Issues. R. Wodicka. (Volunteers Corner). September, p.12

IAFC introduces online learning tool. (News in Brief). August, p.50

IFSI appoints regional representatives. (News in Brief). February, p.31

Lessons Learned at a Home Depot Fire. B. Snow. (What We Learned). December, p.100

Live Fire Training: Lessons Learned in New Jersey. T. Coletta, April, p.111

Long Accepted Tactics. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). March, p.180

Long Island Training Consortium. J. McDermott. (Volunteers Corner). February, p.10

Maximizing Simulation Driver Training. M. Cleveland. February, p.61

Maximizing the Efficiency of a Three-Member Truck Company. G. Sellers. (The Truck Company). March, p.36

Member Down at House Fire. M. Dugan. (Fire Focus). November, p.24

Minimum training standards for public safety diving. (News in Brief). July, p.32

Monday Morning Quarterback. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). April, p.188

Multiple Rescues in Multiple-Dwelling Fire. M. Dugan. (Fire Focus). August, p.26

Mutual Submission for the Greater Good of Society, Really…. B. Halton. (Editor’s Opinion). May, p.6

NFA announces that new ACE rules will affect students. (News in Brief). January, p.38

NFA implements new identification process. (News in Brief). March, p.40

NIH to coordinate training in emergency setting. (News in Brief). October, p.38

NVFC offers equipment management training. (News in Brief). August, p.46

Offering Some Support. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). September, p.116

People, Pets, Pictures, and Pills. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). April, p.50

People, Pets, Pictures, and Pills, Part 2. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). May, p.46

Planning Effective Training Drills. P. Champagne. April, p.91

Planning for ARFF and Mutual Aid. M. Lopina. December, p.96

Public Safety Diving and Firefighting: The Parallels of Self-Rescue. B. Brush. September, p.61

Pulling Electric Manhole Covers. F. Montagna. (Training Notebook). March, p.20

Putting Your Best Foot Forward. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). January, p.156

Quick Drill: Standpipe Training. B. Ward. (Training Notebook). January, p.18

Remember One Piece of Equipment, Part 1. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). October, p.120

Remember One Piece of Equipment, Part 2. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). November, p.112

Response Since Hurricane Andrew, The. T. Hughes. February, p.90

SCUBA Dive Rescue Operations: A Familiarization Curse. P. Blaich. (Training Notebook). February, p.16

Some Are Grilling. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). August, p.116

Steps to Paramedic Class Success. S. Kanarian. (Fire Service EMS). April, p.30

Summer Essentials Program. T. Garrity. (Volunteers Corner). March, p.12

Summer Olympic Drills. S. Joerger. (Volunteers Corner). August, p.12

To Train or Not to Train? G. Lane. April, p.75

Tractor Rollover Rescue. M. Rose and M. Baker. September, p.77

Training Probationary Firefighters. J. Swanick. (Volunteers Corner). November, p.10

Turn on the Pump. M. Ciampo. (On Fire). July, p.120

Urban Education and Mitigation. E. Roden. (Urban Firefighter). September, p.10

USFA, FHA manual resource for fire and EMS providers. (News in Brief). July, p.32

Using Educational Incentives to Retain Volunteer Firefighters. T. Garrity. (Volunteers Corner). October, p.12

Saegertown explosion

Firefighters Among More Than a Dozen Injured in PA Explosion

A major explosion Sunday injured more than a dozen people, including several firefighters, in Saegertown, Pennsylvania.
Trailer Fire Metairie (LA)

Trailer Catches Fire, Explodes on I-10, Damaging Nearby Metairie (LA) Homes

A trailer carrying motorcycles and nitrous oxide cannisters caught fire on Interstate 10 and exploded Saturday, damaging two nearby Metairie homes and possibly a passing car, according to Jefferson Parish and…