Angemi, G., Glassman, E., and Stratton, D. 14-Alarm Warehouse Fire Strikes Urban Neighborhood. Feb, p51
Angulo, R. and Lozier, J. Stairway to Heaven: Tower Rescue. Sept, p45
Atkinson, N. and Wildermuth, C. The Volunteer and the Spouse: A Study in
Cooperation. (Volunteers Corner). Apr, p12
Avillo, A. Preparing for the Hard Environment: Where Does It Start. Mar, p83; Fireground Strategies: Roc Harbor Complex, Rounds 1 and 2. Aug, p49;
Barakey, M. NIMS vs. Agency Command. (Fire Commentary). Aug, p91
Bachman, E. New Tier II, The: An Expanded Preplanning Tool. Nov, p83
Biggart, J. Are You Ready for EMS Challenges? (Fire Service EMS). Mar, p40
Bisson, S. and C. Martin. CT Train Derailment and Mass Casualty Response. Nov, p49
Bland, C. Protect You Hearing. (Fire Service EMS). Oct, p36
Bloomer, A. Superstorm Sandy: New Jersey’s US&R Response. Jun, p37
Booth, B. and Milan, K. Find Success with Online Training and Education. (Training
Notebook). Apr, p22
Bowker, G. Fighting Fires in Disposable Structures. Mar, p99
Brennan, C. How to Avoid Training Scars. Apr, p161
Brown, J. and Schnepp, R. Dangers of Fire Smoke Exposure. Mar, p147
Brunacini, A. Fluffy the Cat. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Jan, p40;
Texas Bull’s Eye. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Feb, p38; Fit for Duty: The Biological Component. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Mar, p60; Fit for Duty: the Cognitive Component. (Bruno “Unplugged). Apr, p68; Fit for Duty: the Emotional Component. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Jul, p52; Fit for Duty: the Social Component. (Bruno “Unplugged). Aug, p 46; Added Value. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Sept, p40; Eat an Elephant, Choke on a Gnat. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Oct, p48; Shirt Pocket Notes. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Nov, p44; “Let the Big Dog Eat.” (Bruno “Unplugged”). Dec, p48
Buckman, J. Structural Firefighting with Limited Staffing. (Volunteers Corner). Dec, p12
Burns, R. Leadership in the Real World. Aug, p79
Bryan, P. Three-Step Method to Reduce Unnecessary Alarms. Jan, p87; Family Member Medical Crisis: How Would You Respond? Dec, p75
Califano, F. EMS and Hazmat: When Your Ambulance Becomes the Hot Zone. (Fire Service EMS). Aug, p28
Capoziello, M. You’re an ex-Chief; Now What? (Volunteers Corner). Mar, p12
Carley, D. Pursuing Proactive Fire Service Solutions. Jul, p79
Ciampo, M. Protecting and Preventing 24/7, 365. (On Fire). Jan, p160; Grab the
What? (On Fire). Feb, p104; Learning Something New. Mar, p192; Pull Back Methods of Rock Cutting. Apr, p127 A Different Sea of Blue. Apr, p188;
Working the Streets: Rapid Response Vehicle Operations. May, p83; Like Clockwork. Jul, p112; The Circle of Danger. (On Fire). Aug, p104; Working in Unison. (On Fire). Sept, p104; The Curveball. (On Fire). Oct, p120; Holiday Hardship. (On Fire). Nov, p104; Gasping for Information. (On Fire). Dec, p124
Coffman, B. Code Enforcement: Critical for a Successful Fire Prevention Program. Jan,
Collins, L. FEMA Urban Search & Rescue Operations. Jun, p9
Comstock, D. Preston v. City of Pleasant Hill. (Fire Service Court). Jan, p101
Conley, L. Growing Leaders Using E.M.P.O.W.E.R.ment. Mar, p153
Dalrymple, D. Educating Today’s Extricators. Apr, p54
Dicus, C., Korman, T., Grant C., et al. Compressed Air Foam and Structural Firefighting Research. Jul, p65
Dittmar, M. Sandy “Toughest Test” for New York and New Jersey Responders. May, p6
Tracking Recovery Progress. Jun, p95
Downey, J. FDNY Swift Water Rescue Operations. May, p70; FDNY Assists with Odd Job in the PATH Tubes. May, p97
Duckworth, R. Pediatric Scene Management. (Fire Service EMS). Nov, p28
Duffy, R. The Quick Step Anchor. (Technology Today). Nov, p96
Dugan, M. Factory Building Fire. (Fire Focus). Jul, p28
Dunne, T. Evaluating the Human Factor on the Fireground. Jan, p45; Perception and Reality on the Fireground. Aug, p75; Trenching Strategy: Drawing a Line in the Sand. Dec, p61
Ellson, J. Working the Streets: FDNY Swift Water Team 2. May, p94
Fee, T. The RAP. Mar, p161
Fenton, N. The Safety Spot. (Technology Today). Oct, p98
Fernandez, F. and Johns, D. Promotional Assessment Center Preparation. Mar, p141
Fields, A. Overcome Line Staffing Issues with the “Clamp.” (Training Notebook). Oct, p18
French, C. Training for Change: Saving Lives on the Front End. Apr, p135
Gaggin, A. and Pruden, G. Optimizing the Use of Live Fire Training Structures. Apr,
Gallagher, K. Modular Construction: Hidden Hazards Within. Oct, p73
Gerber, Alfred. Northern New Jersey: Flood Rescue. Jun, p43
Gray, S. Lessons Learned from a Civilian Rescue. Sept, p93
Greer, J. Fireground Survival: Upgrade Your Profile. Dec, p69
Gregory, M. Man vs. Machinery. (Training Notebook). Mar, p20
Griffin, D. From Tragedy to Triumph: Lessons Learned in Charleston. Sept, p77
Gustin, B. Miami Warehouse Fire. (Fire Focus). Mar, p28; Changes in High-Rise Buildings: Is It Time to Change Your Procedures? Apr, p101; Hoarder House Fire. (Fire Focus). Oct, p28
Halton, B. Common Sense for Uncommon Events. (Editor’s Opinion). Jan, p6; The Company You Keep. (Editor’s Opinion). Jan, p6; The Majority Opinion. (Editor’s Opinion). Mar, p6; Honor Enough. (Editor’s Opinion). April, p6; Culture Wars. (Editor’s Opinion). Jul, p6; Blood, Sweat, and Tears. (Editor’s Opinion). Aug, p6; Exceptional Service. (Editor’s Opinion). Sept, p6; Fire Service, The: 250 Years of Driving Progress. (Editor’s Opinion). Oct, p6; Old and in the Way. (Editor’s Opinion). Nov, p6; Science on the Fireground for a Better Firefight. (Editor’s Opinion). Dec, p6
Hellard, W. Hazardous Materials “Sand Traps.” Mar, p123
Hittle, S. How to Build a Cheap Hose Dummy. Oct, p53; Entering Windows. (The Truck Company). Dec, p32
Hopson, B. Jersey Shore Ops. Jun, p52
Imbarlina, S. Developing Response Guidelines for Fires in Vacant Buildings. Jan, p63
Jefferies, J. Selecting Wire Cutters. (Training Notebook). Jan, p16
Johnson, S.Notes from the Public Information Officer. May, p42
Kanterman, E. Leadership Excellence: Communicate Your Vision. Apr, p.139
Kastros, A. How to Inspire and Motivate Firefighters. April, p. 73
Kennedy, M. Fire Department Response to Select-Agent Facilities. Nov, p93
Knapp, J. House Fires: New Threats, New Tactics. Apr, p149; Big Storms, Big Emergencies. Sept, p59; Rapid Fire Spread at Private Dwelling Fires. Oct, p59
Kreis, T. The Economic Impact of Firefighting: A New Way to View Firefighter Service. Aug, p.83
Lambert, K. Configuring Power Blowers. Jul, p83
Lasky, R. Firehouse Survival: Dealing with “Him.” Apr, p167
Leidig, T. Fire Safety Education for Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Jan, p81
Lentsch, S. One Department’s Journey from Volunteer to Paid. (Volunteers Corner). Oct, p12
Lichtenstein, I. Why and How to Prepare for a Search in the Wilderness. Sept, p83
Luizzi, P. Performance Management: A Balanced Approach. Feb, p87
Marinucci, R. “Good” Problems. (The Chief Problem Solver). Jan, p24; Quality Is the Problem!. (The Chief Problem Solver). Apr, p50; Hiring Problems. (The Chief Problem Solver). Aug, p26
Martinez, B. Suffolk County US&R Task Force 1 Response. Jun, p31
Mason, M. Surviving the Fireground. Mar, p131
Massey, C. The Impact of Air Movement on High-Rise Commercial Fires. Dec, p51
Maynes, R. FDNY IMT: Putting the Plan in Action. May, p41
McCormack, R. Working the Streets: Stabilization and Recovery One House at a Time.
May, p90; Understanding a Culture of Extinguishment. (The Engine Company). Oct, p34;
Melby, N. The Future of Leadership in the Volunteer Fire Service. (Volunteers Corner).
Jan, p10
Mitchell, J. Pump Panel Leadership. Jul, p92
Moore, K. Blood Pressure in Firefighters: A Silent Killer? (Fire Service EMS). Dec, p26
Morris, R. Crane Collapse: Rescue 1 Operations. May, p80
Mueller, K. How Many Personal Computers Do We Need in the Stations? Jul, p75
Murphy, J. Statewide Mutual-Aid Deployment to Toms River. Jun, p75
Nelson, C. Crew Resource Management: The Elephant in the Fire Station. Jul, p89
Newby, S. Drilling for Tactical Command and Control. (Training Notebook). Sept, p16
Nemick, B. A 2½-inch Alternative? Oct, p93
Niebling, C. Jersey Shore: Mantoloking OEM. Jun, p61
Paskett, C. Memory Aids, Mnemonics, and Acronyms: A Company Officer’s Perspective. Jul, p71
Peetz, B. Manufacturing and Industrial Fires: Do You Know What You’re Getting Into? Nov, p69
Peluso, D. Prep Your Apparatus as You Prep Your Firefighters. (Training Notebook).
Jan, p14
Peters, W. NFPA 1901 Silently Improving Firefighter Safety. Apparatus Supplement. p5;
FDIC 2013: What’s News. Apparatus Supplement. p. 28; Proposed Apparatus Changes by the EPA and the ISO. p. 36
Pfeifer, J. Conflagration in Breezy Point, Queens. May, p61
Pignataro, C. Interacting with Alzheimer’s Patients. (Fire Service EMS). Jan, p26; Helping Mentally Distressed Firefighters Help Themselves. (Fire Service EMS). Apr, p38; Automatic Crash Notification: A Promising Resource for Fire EMS. (Fire Service EMS). September, p.26
Pillsworth, T. Starting Over— Again. (Volunteers Corner). Jul, p12
Pinsky, B. Developing a Fire Service Training Program. Apr, p93
Pronesti, S. Oriented Vent-Enter-Search for Small Departments. Mar, p93
Prziborowski, S. Succession Planning 101: Are We Doing the Best We Can for Our
Personnel? Mar, p109
Quinalty, J. The Six Ts of Fire Service Learning. (Training Notebook). Jul, p18
Rickenbach, E. What Is Really Our Biggest Challenge in Vehicle Rescue.
(Extrication Tactics). Jan, p32;
Robinson, T. Wayfinding in Zero Visibility. (Training Notebook). Dec, p18
Roden, E. Detroit Multiple-Dwelling Fire. (Fire Focus). Jan, p28; Chicago’s “Ice Palace”
Fire. (Fire Focus). Apr, p30; Ventilation-Limited Fires in Residential Buildings. Jul, p57;
Rose, M. Grain Bin Rescue. Nov, p61
Rossi, M. The First-Due Engineer. Feb, p91
Rounds, S. Firefighter Safety: Fire Leaders’ Perspectives. Dec, p77
Rubin, D. Continuous Improvement: The True Culture of the American Fire Service.
Mar, p136; You’re the New Chief; Now What? Aug, p61
Ruff, B. Fire Accountability App. (Technology Today). Aug, p95
Scarpa, S. Where Have All the Good Officers Gone? Mar, p127
Schmitt Williams, S. Customer Service: A View from the Other Side. Jan, p91
Schwalbe, G. B.L.A.S.T. the Fire. Jan, p95
Sheridan, D. FDNY Incident Management Team. May, p52
Shouldis, W. Radio Communications Discipline Through C.A.R.D.S. Mar, p119
Shupe, J. It’s Gallons Per Minute that Put the Fire Out! Oct, p79
Silvernail, J. Second-Arriving Company: The Facilitator. Oct, p89
Sitz, T. What to Do When Things Go Wrong at the Pump. Feb, p73
Smith, J. Fire Without Water: Toady’s Truck Company. Mar, p65
Smith, K. What the Fire Protection Engineer Didn’t Tell You. Jan, p77
Spadafora, R. Calm Before the Storm: FDNY Preplanning and Preparation. May, p24
Spurgeon, P. Friction Loss Rules of Thumb. Feb, p83
Steed, J. Live-in Firefighter Program. (Volunteers Corner). Nov, p12
Steger, R. Hand Tool Security Bar and Gate Removal. (Training Notebook). Nov, p22
Story, K. Two-Man Pike Poles. Mar, p159
Strong, P. RIT for Real. (Real-World RIT). Mar, p48
Sudnik, J. W. 57th Street Crane Incident: A Command-Level Critique. May, p77
Sutkus, T. Using Aerial Ladder Tip Lights to Maximum Advantage. (Training Notebook). Aug, p18
Teague, M. Implementing a Firefighter LODD/Injury/Near Miss Investigation Program.
Jan, p69
Tinagero, G. Stucco Wall Fires: Check All Electrical Sources. Jan, p73
Vandale, K. Sleep Deprivation in EMS. (Fire Service EMS). Jan, p18
Vernon, A. Response to “One-Pot” Meth Labs. Nov, p79
vonAppen, M. Is What We Are Teaching Our New Firefighters Contradictory? Aug, p.88
Waters, M. Responding to “Unknown” Emergencies. Feb, p67
Winborne, W. Vehicular LODDs: A Reassessment. Feb, p77
Weigle, W. Overcoming Financial Obstacles to Improve Life Safety. (Volunteers Corner). Aug, p12
West, K. The Vaccination “Disconnect.” (Fire Service EMS). Jul, p34
Wodicka, R. Measuring Department Performance. (Volunteers Corner). Jan, p12; Understanding Public Policy and Its Role in the Fire Service. (Volunteers Corner). Aug, p12;