1. Apparatus / Maintenance
Apparatus Purchasing: a Series of Choices, Compromises, and Trade-Offs. W. Peters (Apparatus Supplement). June, p4
Autism and first responders video (News in Brief). October, p49
Driver-Engineers Debate: This One or That One? M. Rossi. February, p61
Emergency Power Units. D. Peluso. February, p89
Engineer’s Bag of Tricks, The. M. Rossi (Training Notebook). February, p20
FDIC 2014: Exhibits Exceed Expectations (Apparatus Supplement). June, p30
Fire Apparatus Drunk Driving. C. Daly. February, p45
Safe Aerial Operations. S. Rutledge. February, p79
Tradition: Wetdowns and Push-Ins. G. Corbett (Volunteers Corner). December, p12
2. Budget and Finance
Apparatus Purchasing: a Series of Choices, Compromises, and Trade-Offs. W. Peters (Apparatus Supplement). June, p4
Budget proposes cuts to key fire service programs (News in Brief). May, p30
Coming Soon: Volunteer and Combination Dire Department Studies. M. Dallessandro (Volunteers Corner). March, p14
Congress approves spending bill (News in Brief). March, p53
FDIC 2014: Exhibits Exceed Expectations (Apparatus Supplement). June, p30
IAFC’s Metcalf: “major problems” with grant proposal (News in Brief). July, p40
State College of Florida establishes scholarship (News in Brief). August, p 43
U. of Arizona receives $1.4 million for safety research (News in Brief). December, p32
Volunteer Fire Department Consolidation in Pennsylvania. V. Mikulan (Volunteers Corner). July, p14
Westmoreland vs. Sutherland. D. Comstock (Fire Service Court). March, p159
3. Building Construction
Abandoned Building Policy: Five Years Later. A. Graves. June, p65
Fire in a Fully Sprinklered Building. G. Corbett (The Professor). April, p169
FPRF studies safety challenges of tall wood buildings in fires (News in Brief). May, p30
From the Shipyard to Our Backyard. P.J. Norwood and J. McCarthy. November, p61
How Elevated Homes Alter Firefighting Tactics. M. Baldanza. September, p79
Leveraging Building Intelligence for an Initial Response and Beyond. J. Murphy. January, p83
Lightweight Apartment Building Fires: Heavyweight Realities. D. Miller. June, p49
Microturbines and the Fire Service. R. Spadafora. May, p57
Modern Wood-Frame Construction: Firefighting Problems and Tactics. S. Joerger. January, p71
Polyesthylene Wall: “Gasoline Construction” for Houses. J. Todd Soong. July, p73
Rapid Damage Assessment for Large-Scale Emergencies. S. Newby. April, p147
Sustainable Green Design and the Fire Service: The Saw-Tooth Roof. R. Spadafora (FDIC Preview). March, p139
Tactical Considerations for Vehicle Fires in Aboveground Parking Garages. T. O’ Connell. June, p73
Taxpayers and Strip Malls: Construction and Tactics. D. Topczynski. May, p83
Winter Roof Collapses. G. Corbett (The Professor). July, p103
WPI researchers examine green building fire concerns (News in Brief). May, p32
4. Communications
“Can You Read Me?” Standard Radio Signatures and Terms. G. Hughes. May, p79
End Overdispatching: Add Specialists to Curb Costs and Manage Resources. B. Burgett (Fire Service EMS). December, p26
FCC votes to improve location accuracy of wireless 911 callers (News in Brief). April, p62
iCert issues policy on emergency alerts and warnings (News in Brief). September, p46
Practice Empathetic Listening for a Better Firehouse. David Martyn Conley (Training Notebook). July, p24
Support for FCC rule to find wireless 911 callers (News in Brief). September, p45
Using Social Network Analysis to Explore Emergency Services Networks. R. Wodicka and S. Trull (Volunteers Corner). January, p14
5. Disaster Management
9/11 first responders found to have higher prevalence of kidney damage (News in Brief). January, p42
Active-Shooter Incidents: Planning Your Response. S. Hamilton. September, p55
Administrator expands list of WTC-related health conditions (News in Brief). April, p62
Approach for post-disaster reunification of children (News in Brief). March, p53
Ebola, Spanish Flu, and Us. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). December, p8
Fire Engineering wins Jesse Neal editorial excellence award (News in Brief). June, p38
Guns to Gauze: Limiting Casualties at Mass Shootings. T. Frazzano and G.M. Snyder (Fire Service EMS). May, p24
iCert issues policy on emergency alerts and warnings (News in Brief). September, p46
Mobilization Exercises: Long Island USAR Training. B. Martinez. October, p87
One Year Later: Lessons from the Boston Marathon Bombings. J. Fleming. May, p43
Rapid Damage Assessment for Large-Scale Emergencies. S. Newby. April, p147
Responding to the East Haven (CT) Plane Crash. PJ Norwood. January, p63
Studies link 9/11 dust exposure to sleep apnea, PTSD (News in Brief). July, p40
ASTM standard covers mounting pipe in furnace (News in Brief). July, p40
Tularemia potential major bioterror threat (News in Brief). April, p64
6. Emergency Medical Services
Anthrax remedy for first responders (News in Brief). March, p53
Are You an EMS Detective? T. Perkins (Fire Service EMS). November, p36
CDC lab director resigns (News in Brief). October, p47
CDC posts Ebola guidelines (News in Brief). November, p40
Dallas (TX) Fire Department responds to Ebola patient (News in Brief). December, p30
Diagnosing Brugada Syndrome. C. Pignataro (Fire Service EMS). July, p34
Dublin City reviews privatization of ambulance service (News in Brief). May, p33
EMS Aspects of Extrication. R. Duckworth (Fire Service EMS). March, p40
End Overdispatching: Add Specialists to Curb Costs and Manage Resources. B. Burgett (Fire Service EMS). December, p26
Enterovirus D68 outbreak (News in Brief). November, p40
Fire/EMS at Active Shooter Incidents. D. Krebs (Fire Service EMS). August, p32
Guns to Gauze: Limiting Casualties at Mass Shootings. T. Frazzano and G.M. Snyder (Fire Service EMS). May, p24
Implementing a ToxMedic Program in Your Department. F. Haas (Fire Service EMS). April, p46
New organization for public safety infection control officers (News in Brief). August, p43
Pediatric Seizures. K. Owens (Fire Service EMS). February, p26
Questioning Spinal Stabilization. R. Duckworth (Fire Service EMS). June, p24
Responding to Opioid Overdoses. K. Owens (Fire Service EMS). October, p40
Safety testing of Ebola vaccine candidates underway (News in Brief). November, p40
Self-Defense for Fire and EMS. D. Mills (Fire Service EMS). September, p34
Simulation-Based Training for Successful Operations. R. Burton. May, p99
Training EMTs for “Real-Life” Responses. M. McLelland (Technology Today). June, p91
When Molly Comes Calling. F. Califano (Fire Service EMS). January, p34
7. Fire Incident Reports
Buffalo Dwelling Fire. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). December, p24
FDNY Rescue 3 Ops at Train Derailment. J. Ellson. September, p73
Firefighters Escape Close Call in Wind-Driven Fire. A. Hummel and R. Christensen. July, p57
One Year Later: Lessons from the Boston Marathon Bombings. J. Fleming. May, p43
Oxygen Cylinders Explode During “Routine” Vehicle Fire. S. Kalman. April, p167
Responding to the East Haven (CT) Plane Crash. PJ Norwood. January, p63
Response to a Health Care Facility Power Outage. K. Platt (What We Learned). November, p87
Wind-Driven Fire Challenges Atlanta Firefighters. S. Woodworth. September, p67
8. Fire Investigation
Oxygen Cylinders Explode During “Routine” Vehicle Fire. S. Kalman. April, p167
9. Fire Prevention
ASTM standard covers mounting pipe in furnace (News in Brief). July, p40
Campaign aimed at curbing bulk container fire risks (News in Brief). July, p42
Emergency Action Plans and New York City Fire Code: A Lesson from the World Trade Center. M. Strum. April, p163
Evacuating a Senior Living Center: What Does it Really Take? B. Farlow. January, p87
Fire in a Fully Sprinklered Building. G. Corbett (The Professor). April, p169
Fires in Hospitals and Nursing Homes: Be Prepared for the Unexpected. D. Sheridan. February, p71
Grants for community wildfire safety projects (News in Brief). April, p64
NFPA: Cost of fire up 34 percent from 1980 (News in Brief). September, p45
NFPA: Firefighter fatalities increased in 2013 (News in Brief). September, p44
NFPA: in 2013, a fire every 25 seconds (News in Brief). November, p42
NFPA announces these for Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 5-11 (News in Brief). September, p44
NFPA has Community Risk Reduction standard (News in Brief). December, p32
NFPA offers revised safety program for older adults (News in Brief). January, p40
NFPA updates smoke alarm installation guide (News in Brief). October, p47
Standpipe Operations: Preparation. B. Gustin. April, p91
Three Vs of Preincident Intelligence, The. E. Bachman. November, p81
10. Fire Protection
ASTM standard addresses fire conditions in WUI areas (News in Brief). February, p35
ASTM standard covers mounting pipe in furnace (News in Brief). July, p40
Campaign aimed at curbing bulk container fire risks (News in Brief). July, p42
Emergency Action Plans and New York City Fire Code: A Lesson from the World Trade Center. M. Strum. April, p163
Evacuating a Senior Living Center: What Does it Really Take? B. Farlow. January, p87
Fire in a Fully Sprinklered Building. G. Corbett (The Professor). April, p169
Fire Protection Engineers in the Fire Service. T. Platt. January, p99
Fires in Hospitals and Nursing Homes: Be Prepared for the Unexpected. D. Sheridan. February, p71
FPRF studies safety challenges of tall wood buildings in fires (News in Brief). May, p30
Grants for community wildfire safety projects (News in Brief). April, p64
Microturbines and the Fire Service. R. Spadafora. May, p57
NFPA: Cost of fire up 34 percent from 1980 (News in Brief). September, p45
NFPA: Firefighter fatalities increased in 2013 (News in Brief). September, p44
NFPA: in 2013, a fire every 25 seconds (News in Brief). November, p42
NFPA announces these for Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 5-11 (News in Brief). September, p44
NFPA has Community Risk Reduction standard (News in Brief). December, p32
NFPA offers revised safety program for older adults (News in Brief). January, p40
NFPA updates smoke alarm installation guide (News in Brief). October, p47
Preincident Planning for Agricultural Occupancies. J. Keller. July, p85
Satellite designed to spot fires while still small (News in Brief). January, p40
Standpipe Operations: Preparation. B. Gustin. April, p91
Standpipe Operations: Stretching and Advancing Hose. B. Gustin. May, p65
Steel Glazing Systems Protect from Fires and Evacuations. J. Embury. January, p105
Testing Pressure-Reducing Valves. B. Gustin. January, p51
Three Vs of Preincident Intelligence, The. E. Bachman. November, p81
WPI researchers examine green building fire concerns (News in Brief). May, p32
11. Firefighting Basics
Abandoned Building Policy: Five Years Later. A. Graves. June, p65
Above the Fire Floor: Hazards and Precautions. D. Stratton. March, p77
Actions Speak Louder Than Words. M. Ciampo (On Fire). September, 104
Are You Ground Ladder Savvy? Part 1. D. Stratton (Urban Firefighter). October, p32
Are You Ground Ladder Savvy? Part 2. D. Stratton (Urban Firefighter). November, p30
Attic Flashover: What’s Behind the Hidden Blast. S. Gray. March, p99
Baltimore Taxpayer Fire. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). February, p30
Can I “Ax” You a Question? M. Ciampo (On Fire). June, p100
Clearing the Air: Common Ventilation Misconceptions. K. Lewis. May, p96
Combined Fire Attack. A. Arnalich. October, p83
Common STAIRSense. T. Tulipano and M. Lopina. February, p53
Controlling the Openings: Is This the Future of Ventilation? S. Gray. October, p67
Converted Cubicles. M. Ciampo (On Fire). March, p196
Electrical Oddities. J. Majhess Jr. (What We Learned). March, p165
Electricity in the Air. M. Ciampo (On Fire), December, p128
Estimating the Stretch. D. Moran. October, p71
Fire Attack-Ventilation Connection, The: Street Considerations. A. Avillo. August, p71
Firefighting in Big Box Stores (FDIC Preview). A. Heller. March, p127
From the Shipyard to Our Backyard. P.J. Norwood and J. McCarthy. November, p61
Happy New Procedures! M. Ciampo (On Fire). January, p160
Hey, We’re Going Above. M. Ciampo (On Fire). February, p104
Initial Search and Interior Isolation at Dwelling Fires. S. Kleinschmidt (Training Notebook). January, p18
Lightweight Apartment Building Fires: Heavyweight Realities. D. Miller. June, p49
Outside Vent Firefighters: A Critical Role. T. Jackson. March, p105
Preplanning Pays Off. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). April, p38
Private Dwelling Built on a Hillside. E. Roden (Fire Focus). March, p32
Q&A. M. Ciampo (On Fire). April, p188
Responding to Operating Room Fires. M Dugan and T. Burns (Training Notebook). March, p26
Sand and Shovels. M. Ciampo (On Fire). August, p108
Storefront Saga (On Fire). M. Ciampo. October, p116
Summer Situations. M. Ciampo (On Fire). July, p120
Tactical Considerations for Vehicle Fires in Aboveground Parking Garages. T. O’ Connell. June, p73
Tips for Cutting Metal Skin Doors. M. Ciampo. March, p93
Tips for Laying the First Line Efficiently. M. Salzano (Training Notebook). June, p16
Transitional Attack: When to Use It. S. Joerger. October, p59
Understanding and Preparing for Structural Firefighting Phases. D. Bailey. March, p121
Vacancy/No Vacancy. M. Ciampo (On Fire). May, p152
Wind-Driven Fire Challenges Atlanta Firefighters. S. Woodworth. September, p67
Wye? M. Ciampo (On Fire). November, p96
12. Hazardous Materials
Ammonia Release: The ONE PLAN Integrated Response Strategy. G. Smith. November, p73
Dangers of Hydrogen-Based Experimental Fuels, The. R. Stilp and A. Bevelacqua. November, p53
Implementing a ToxMedic Program in Your Department. F. Haas (Fire Service EMS). April, p46
Improving safety in crude oil transportation (News in Brief). October, p46
Liquefied Natural Gas Now a Viable Alternative. P. Armstrong (Training Notebook). November, p18
NIOSH halts testing of CBRN respirators (News in Brief). February, p34
NTSB report cites Conrail in New Jersey derailment (News in Brief). October, p44
PHMSA issues safety alert for Bakken crude oil (News in Brief). March, p52
PlumeSIM Offers the Right Response to CBRN. S. Pike (Technology Today). March, p169
Preplanning Dust Explosion Hazards. M. Chibbaro. June, p77
Safer rail transport of crude oil and ethanol (News in Brief). July, p43
Tularemia potential major bioterror threat (News in Brief). April, p64
Water contamination in West Virginia raises concerns (News in Brief). April, p62
13. Incident Command/Fireground Management
10 Foundation Stones of Fireground Knowledge for Company Officers. J. Nedder (Volunteers Corner). April, p12
2014 Company Officer, The: Are You Up for the Challenge. S. Prziborowski (FDIC Preview). March, p145
American Fire Service Leadership Pandemic, The. A. Kastros. April, p129
And the Band Played On. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). March, p8
Bad Apples and Bad Barrels. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). June, p8
Big Data in the Fire Service. W. Linger. May, p93
Doing More with Less: A Sign of the Times. R. Bliven. August, p95
Expanding the Fire Department’s Service Model. S. Scarpa. February, p83
FSF releases ICS training program (News in Brief). March, p53
General Orders for the Company Officer. C. Gustafson. July, p51
Getting it Just Right: Don’t Micromanage. C. French Jr. November, p67
How to Ensure That Your Department Fulfills Its Vision. A. Heller (FDIC Preview). March, p133
How to Measure Management. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). October, p56
Kudzu Principles, The: Six Essentials to Grow Your Career. T. Jones. July, p97
Mentoring for Success. F. Viscuso. July, p83
More on the Hierarchy. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). November, p48
No-Brainer Management. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). January, p48
No-Brainer Management, Part 2. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). February, p40
No-Brainer Management, Part 3: He’s a “Handler.” A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). March, p64
No-Brainer Management, Part 4: Tell Me What You Want. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). April, p76
No-Brainer Management, Part 5: The Basic Management Model. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). May, p38
No-Brainer Management, Part 6: Behavior Management. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). June, p44
No-Brainer Management, Part 7: Organizational Alignment. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). July, p46
No-Brainer Management, Part 8: Organizational Alignment, Continued. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). August, p48
No-Brainer Management, Part 9: Creating a Positive Organizational Environment. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). September, p50
Officer Development: Leaders Teach. F. Viscuso. March, p117
Preparing for the Role of Company Officer. R. Turner. July, p69
Risk Management: It’s Not Just a Catchphrase. J. Chadwick. August, p53
Sizing Up the Fireground Leader: How Do You Measure Up? S. Mills. July, p79
Succession Planning in Volunteer and Combination Departments. G. H. Blythe (Volunteers Corner). August, p12
Surprise Problems. R. Marinucci (The Chief Problem Solver). March, p36
Twenty Miles from Home with a Briefcase. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). November, p8
Walking the Point in Incident Command, The. G. Seidel. November, p85
Who Are Your Role Models? P. Stein and E. Berardinelli. July, p101
Women in the Fire Service: A Diverse Culture Leads to a Successful Culture. D. Hollenbach III. April, p153
“You Want Me to Do WHAT, Chief?” S. Scarpa. July, p65
14. Laws and Legislation / Codes and Standards
ASTM standard addresses fire conditions in WUI areas (News in Brief). February, p35
ASTM standard covers mounting pipe in furnace (News in Brief). July, p40
Caught on Camera. R. Marinucci (The Chief Problem Solver). August, p28
Emergency Action Plans and New York City Fire Code: A Lesson from the World Trade Center. M. Strum. April, p163
Fire chiefs endorse position papers (News in Brief). November, p43
Firefighter Tattoos and First Amendment Protection. J. Murphy and B. Murphy (Fire Service Court). April, p171
Formal interpretation issued for NFPA 1851 (News in Brief). October, p49
IRS: Employers do not have to provide health insurance for volunteer firefighters (News in Brief). March, p52
NFPA has Community Risk Reduction standard (News in Brief). December, p32
NVFC adopts position on freelancing, self-dispatching (News in Brief). December, p35
Sen. Mikulski CFSI Legislator of the Year (News in Brief). November, p41
Social Media: The Rules Are Already on the Books. J. Schorr. October, p77
Standard for exterior vents in wildfire-prone areas approved (News in Brief). October, p46
Structural Firefighting: Rapid Intervention and NFPA 1407. M. Mason (Real-World RIT). April, p54
Support for FCC rule to find wireless 911 callers (News in Brief). September, p45
Westmoreland vs. Sutherland. D. Comstock (Fire Service Court). March, p159
15. Leadership/Management
10 Foundation Stones of Fireground Knowledge for Company Officers. J. Nedder (Volunteers Corner). April, p12
2014 Company Officer, The: Are You Up for the Challenge. S. Prziborowski (FDIC Preview). March, p145
American Fire Service Leadership Pandemic, The. A. Kastros. April, p129
And the Band Played On. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). March, p8
Bad Apples and Bad Barrels. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). June, p8
Big Data in the Fire Service. W. Linger. May, p93
Caught on Camera. R. Marinucci (The Chief Problem Solver). August, p28
Courage, Bullies, and Us. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). October, p8
Doing More with Less: A Sign of the Times. R. Bliven. August, p95
Ethical Decision Making: It’s Everyone’s Job. T. Hyden. August, p91
Expanding the Fire Department’s Service Model. S. Scarpa. February, p83
Firefighter Suicide: It Can Happen Anywhere. E. Madison. December, p77
Foundation of Leadership, The. R. Burns. August, p79
General Orders for the Company Officer. C. Gustafson. July, p51
Getting it Just Right: Don’t Micromanage. C. French Jr. November, p67
Hiring and Promoting for the Metaphoric Bus. R. Sullivan. August, p83
How Politics and Ethics Can Affect Change Management. P. Antonellis Jr. June, p81
How to Ensure That Your Department Fulfills Its Vision. A. Heller (FDIC Preview). March, p133
How to Measure Management. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). October, p56
Keep Your Department’s Leadership Fire Burning. K. Parker. January, p95
Kudzu Principles, The: Six Essentials to Grow Your Career. T. Jones. July, p97
Maltese Cross, The: Virtues for Today’s Fire Service. E. Enright and K. Glosser (One-Minute Motivator). April, p175
Managing Appearance. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unlpugged”). December, p40
Mentoring for Success. F. Viscuso. July, p83
More on the Hierarchy. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). November, p48
No-Brainer Management. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). January, p48
No-Brainer Management, Part 2. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). February, p40
No-Brainer Management, Part 3: He’s a “Handler.” A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). March, p64
No-Brainer Management, Part 4: Tell Me What You Want. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). April, p76
No-Brainer Management, Part 5: The Basic Management Model. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). May, p38
No-Brainer Management, Part 6: Behavior Management. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). June, p44
No-Brainer Management, Part 7: Organizational Alignment. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). July, p46
No-Brainer Management, Part 8: Organizational Alignment, Continued. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). August, p48
No-Brainer Management, Part 9: Creating a Positive Organizational Environment. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). September, p50
Officer Development: Leaders Teach. F. Viscuso. March, p117
One Man’s Opinion a Right We Must Defend. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). May, p8
Preparing for the Role of Company Officer. R. Turner. July, p69
Resolving Conflict in the Combination Fire Department. M. Piper (Volunteers Corner). September, p14
Saving Staff Hours with SafetyPAD. S. Kennedy (Technology Today). November, p89
Sizing Up the Fireground Leader: How Do You Measure Up? S. Mills. July, p79
Speaking Well for the Fire Service. C. Schwinge. April, p159
Succession Planning in Volunteer and Combination Departments. G. H. Blythe (Volunteers Corner). August, p12
Surprise Problems. R. Marinucci (The Chief Problem Solver). March, p36
Volunteer Fire Department Consolidation in Pennsylvania. V. Mikulan (Volunteers Corner). Jul, p14
Who Are Your Role Models? P. Stein and E. Berardinelli. July, p101
Women in the Fire Service: A Diverse Culture Leads to a Successful Culture. D. Hollenbach III. April, p153
“You Want Me to Do WHAT, Chief?” S. Scarpa. July, p65
16. Miscellaneous
Fire Engineering wins Jesse Neal editorial excellence award (News in Brief). June, p38
Respect the Uniform. M. Capoziello (Volunteers Corner). May, p14
Rhythm, The. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). July, p8
Ronny J. Coleman receives Tom Brennan Lifetime Achievement Award (News in Brief). June, p36
Susan R. Shepherd receives FDIC 2014 Service Award (News in Brief). June, p38
17. Public Education/Relations
Approach for post-disaster reunification of children (News in Brief). March, p53
Battling the Brain Drain. B. Peetz (Volunteers Corner). February, p12
Campaign aimed at curbing bulk container fire risks (News in Brief). July, p42
CDC lab director resigns (News in Brief). October, p47
Charlottesville (VA) FD catalyst for city’s technology award (News in Brief). November, p41
Coming Soon: Volunteer and Combination Dire Department Studies. M. Dallessandro (Volunteers Corner). March, p14
Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend: October 11-12, 2014 (News in Brief). December, p30
Fire Engineering wins Jesse Neal editorial excellence award (News in Brief). June, p38
Fires in Hospitals and Nursing Homes: Be Prepared for the Unexpected. D. Sheridan. February, p71
Grants for community wildfire safety projects (News in Brief). April, p64
Homeland Security’s Johnson keynotes at CFSI dinner (News in Brief). August, p40
I Knew You’d Come. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). April, p8
In Memoriam of the Deadliest Day in the Houston Fire Department. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). Aug, p8
Lt. Gregory Pickard’s widow accepts Ray Downey Courage and Valor Award at FDIC (News in Brief). June, p34
Maltese Cross, The: Virtues for Today’s Fire Service. E. Enright and K. Glosser (One-Minute Motivator). April, p175
Managing Appearance. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unlpugged”). December, p40
NFPA: Cost of fire up 34 percent from 1980 (News in Brief). September, p45
NFPA: Firefighter fatalities increased in 2013 (News in Brief). September, p44
NFPA: in 2013, a fire every 25 seconds (News in Brief). November, p42
NFPA announces these for Fire Prevention Week, Oct. 5-11 (News in Brief). September, p44
NFPA National Wildfire Community Preparedness Day (News in Brief). December, p35
NFPA updates smoke alarm installation guide (News in Brief). October, p47
One Man’s Opinion a Right We Must Defend. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). May, p8
Our Problem. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). January, p8
Respect the Uniform. M. Capoziello (Volunteers Corner). May, p14
Rhythm, The. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). July, p8
Ronny J. Coleman receives Tom Brennan Lifetime Achievement Award (News in Brief). June, p36
Sen. Mikulski CFSI Legislator of the Year (News in Brief). November, p41
Social Media: The Rules Are Already on the Books. J. Schorr. October, p77
Speaking Well for the Fire Service. C. Schwinge. April, p159
Stephen Kerber named FE/ISFSI George D. Post Instructor of the Year (News in Brief). June, p36
Susan R. Shepherd receives FDIC 2014 Service Award (News in Brief). June, p38
Tradition: Wetdowns and Push-Ins. G. Corbett (Volunteers Corner). December, p12
When Heroes Fail: a Story of One Rescuer. I. Bland. December, p57
Winners named in 2014 gear giveaway (News in Brief). October, p45
Women in the Fire Service: A Diverse Culture Leads to a Successful Culture. D. Hollenbach III. April, p153
WTC Museum opens; family members voice concerns (News in Brief). August, p40
18. Rescue
All Door Side-Out Technique Revisited, The. D. Sweet (Extrication Tactics). January, p26
Bridge Crash Extrication in Florida. M. Bloomberg and J. Tuttle (Extrication Tactics). September, p42
Cutting Torch Operations. T. Kenney (FDIC Preview). March, p153
EMS Aspects of Extrication. R. Duckworth (Fire Service EMS). March, p40
Extrication for the Short-Staffed Crew. A. Heller (Extrication Tactics). July, p38
FDNY Rescue 3 Ops at Train Derailment. J. Ellson. September, p73
Fence Strainer Rescue Training. C. Greathouse. September, p91
I Knew You’d Come. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). April, p8
Large Animal Rescue: Are You Prepared? C. Davis (FDIC Preview). March, p157
Lt. Gregory Pickard’s widow accepts Ray Downey Courage and Valor Award at FDIC (News in Brief). June, p34
Mobilization Exercises: Long Island USAR Training. B. Martinez. October, p87
Nine Tire Drill, The. L. Baker (Training Notebook). August, p18
Rapid Damage Assessment for Large-Scale Emergencies. S. Newby. April, p147
Removing a Ring: a Systematic Approach. M. Gregory (The Rescue Company). September, p26
Rescue Resiliency: Training for the Mental Assault of Acute Stress. M. Brokaw (Training Notebook). December, p16
Structural Firefighting: Rapid Intervention and NFPA 1407. M. Mason (Real-World RIT). April, p54
Tipton Twister Exercise, The: Large-Scale, Multicasualty Event Tests Responders. M. Barakey and K. Shea. September, p82
Training Options for Your Drive Team. T. Helmkamp (Training Notebook). September, p18
When Heroes Fail: a Story of One Rescuer. I. Bland. December, p57
19. Safety and Health
9/11 first responders found to have higher prevalence of kidney damage (News in Brief). January, p42
Abandoned Building Policy: Five Years Later. A. Graves. June, p65
Above the Fire Floor: Hazards and Precautions. D. Stratton. March, p77
Active-Shooter Incidents: Planning Your Response. S. Hamilton. September, p55
Administrator expands list of WTC-related health conditions (News in Brief). April, p62
Anthrax remedy for first responders (News in Brief). March, p53
Attic Flashover: What’s Behind the Hidden Blast. S. Gray. March, p99
Autism and first responders video (News in Brief). October, p49
Batman Suit, The. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). February, p8
CDC lab director resigns (News in Brief). October, p47
CDC posts Ebola guidelines (News in Brief). November, p40
Dallas (TX) Fire Department responds to Ebola patient (News in Brief). December, p30
Ebola, Spanish Flu, and Us. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). December, p8
Electrical Oddities. J. Majhess Jr. (What We Learned). March, p165
Enterovirus D68 outbreak (News in Brief). November, p40
Fire/EMS at Active Shooter Incidents. D. Krebs (Fire Service EMS). August, p32
Fire Apparatus Drunk Driving. C. Daly. February, p45
Firefighter Safety and Health Week, June 15-21 (News in Brief). March, p52
Firefighter Suicide: It Can Happen Anywhere. E. Madison. December, p77
Firefighters Escape Close Call in Wind-Driven Fire. A. Hummel and R. Christensen. July, p57
FIREpower by Nautilus®. R. West (Technology Today). July, p105
Fire service, Congress studying impact of PPACA on volunteers (News in Brief). February, p35
FPRF studies safety challenges of tall wood buildings in fires (News in Brief). May, p30
Guns to Gauze: Limiting Casualties at Mass Shootings. T. Frazzano and G.M. Snyder (Fire Service EMS). May, p24
I Knew You’d Come. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). April, p8
In Memoriam of the Deadliest Day in the Houston Fire Department. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). Aug, p8
IRS: Employers do not have to provide health insurance for volunteer firefighters (News in Brief). March, p52
Manage Your Air, Manage Your Survival. C. French Jr. April, p115
Nearly 70K U.S. firefighters injured in the line of duty in 2012 (News in Brief). January, p42
New organization for public safety infection control officers (News in Brief). August, p43
NVFC program focuses on behavioral health (News in Brief). August, p42
Our Problem. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). January, p8
Oxygen Cylinders Explode During “Routine” Vehicle Fire. S. Kalman. April, p167
Perceptions of PTSD and Alcoholism in One of Our Own. P. Antonellis Jr. and C. Staben-Burroughs. December, p45
PHMSA issues safety alert for Bakken crude oil (News in Brief). March, p52
Polyesthylene Wall: “Gasoline Construction” for Houses. J. Todd Soong. July, p73
Power Saw Operations: How Proficient Are You? F. Ricci and P.J. Norwood. March, p69
Preformed Scrubber Reduces Smoke Emissions. L. Babcock (Technology Today). April, p177
Preplanning Dust Explosion Hazards. M. Chibbaro. June, p77
PTSD respiratory illness: problems of 9/11 responders (News in Brief). December, p34
Reducing Firefighter Injuries and LODDs. M. Waters. December, p83
Reducing the Incidence of Cancer Among Firefighters: Jacksonville’s Best Practices. T. Nelson. December, p63
Resource page for those who served at Ground Zero (News in Brief). October, p49
Risk Management: It’s Not Just a Catchphrase. J. Chadwick. August, p53
Safer rail transport of crude oil and ethanol (News in Brief). July, p43
Safety testing of Ebola vaccine candidates underway (News in Brief). November, p40
Self-Defense for Fire and EMS. D. Mills (Fire Service EMS). September, p34
Simulated Smoke, Real Health Effects. T.M. Jackson, K. Fent, K. Musolin, and M. Methner. December, p79
Studies link 9/11 dust exposure to sleep apnea, PTSD (News in Brief). July, p40
Tactical Checklist for Firefighter Safety. R. Klein (Training Notebook). May, p20
Train Like the Tactical Athlete You Are! P.J. Norwood and J. Newman. December, p71
U. of Arizona receives $1.4 million for safety research (News in Brief). December, p32
When Heroes Fail: a Story of One Rescuer. I. Bland. December, p57
WPI researchers examine green building fire concerns (News in Brief). May, p32
WTC Health Program marks third anniversary (News in Brief). September, p44
20. Strategy and Tactics
Actions Speak Louder Than Words. M. Ciampo (On Fire). September, 104
Active-Shooter Incidents: Planning Your Response. S. Hamilton. September, p55
All Door Side-Out Technique Revisited, The. D. Sweet (Extrication Tactics). January, p26
Attic Flashover: What’s Behind the Hidden Blast. S. Gray. March, p99
Baltimore Taxpayer Fire. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). February, p30
Bridge Crash Extrication in Florida. M. Bloomberg and J. Tuttle (Extrication Tactics). September, p42
Buffalo Dwelling Fire. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). December, p24
Can I “Ax” You a Question? M. Ciampo (On Fire). June, p100
Clearing the Air: Common Ventilation Misconceptions. K. Lewis. May, p96
Combined Fire Attack. A. Arnalich. October, p83
Common STAIRSense. T. Tulipano and M. Lopina. February, p53
Controlling the Openings: Is This the Future of Ventilation? S. Gray. October, p67
Converted Cubicles. M. Ciampo (On Fire). March, p196
Electricity in the Air. M. Ciampo (On Fire), December, p128
Estimating the Stretch. D. Moran. October, p71
Extrication for the Short-Staffed Crew. A. Heller (Extrication Tactics). July, p38
Fallen Firefighters Memorial Weekend: October 11-12, 2014 (News in Brief). December, p30
Fire/EMS at Active Shooter Incidents. D. Krebs (Fire Service EMS). August, p32
Fire Attack-Ventilation Connection, The: Street Considerations. A. Avillo. August, p71
Firefighters Escape Close Call in Wind-Driven Fire. A. Hummel and R. Christensen. July, p57
Firefighting in Big Box Stores (FDIC Preview). A. Heller. March, p127
From the Shipyard to Our Backyard. P.J. Norwood and J. McCarthy. November, p61
Get the Roof! M. Dugan (Fire Focus). October, p24
Happy New Procedures! M. Ciampo (On Fire). January, p160
How Elevated Homes Alter Firefighting Tactics. M. Baldanza. September, p79
Initial Search and Interior Isolation at Dwelling Fires. S. Kleinschmidt (Training Notebook). January, p18
Lightweight Apartment Building Fires: Heavyweight Realities. D. Miller. June, p49
Microturbines and the Fire Service. R. Spadafora. May, p57
Modern Wood-Frame Construction: Firefighting Problems and Tactics. S. Joerger. January, p71
One Year Later: Lessons from the Boston Marathon Bombings. J. Fleming. May, p43
Outside Vent Firefighters: A Critical Role. T. Jackson. March, p105
Polyesthylene Wall: “Gasoline Construction” for Houses. J. Todd Soong. July, p73
Preincident Planning for Agricultural Occupancies. J. Keller. July, p85
Preplanning Dust Explosion Hazards. M. Chibbaro. June, p77
Preplanning Pays Off. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). April, p38
Private Dwelling Built on a Hillside. E. Roden (Fire Focus). March, p32
Q&A. M. Ciampo (On Fire). April, p188
Removing a Ring: a Systematic Approach. M. Gregory (The Rescue Company). September, p26
Responding to Operating Room Fires. M Dugan and T. Burns (Training Notebook). March, p26
Response to a Health Care Facility Power Outage. K. Platt (What We Learned). November, p87
Sand and Shovels. M. Ciampo (On Fire). August, p108
Simple Solutions to Responses in Flooded Basements. D. Jetter (Innovations: Homegrown). March, p167
Simplifying Hoseline Election for the First-In Officer. R. Magee (Volunteers Corner). October, p12
Standpipe Operations: Stretching and Advancing Hose. B. Gustin. May, p65
Storefront Saga (On Fire). M. Ciampo. October, p116
Stretching the Advancing the Initial Handline. A. Rowett Jr. (The Engine Company). October, p30
Summer Situations. M. Ciampo (On Fire). July, p120
Sustainable Green Design and the Fire Service: The Saw-Tooth Roof. R. Spadafora ( FDIC Preview). March, p139
Tactical Checklist for Firefighter Safety. R. Klein (Training Notebook). May, p20
Tactical Considerations for Vehicle Fires in Aboveground Parking Garages. T. O’ Connell. June, p73
Taxpayers and Strip Malls: Construction and Tactics. D. Topczynski. May, p83
Tips for Cutting Metal Skin Doors. M. Ciampo. March, p93
Transitional Attack: When to Use It. S. Joerger. October, p59
Understanding and Preparing for Structural Firefighting Phases. D. Bailey. March, p121
USFA and NVFC study volunteers’ health and safety (News in Brief). October, p46
Vacancy/No Vacancy. M. Ciampo (On Fire). May, p152
Vacant Brooklyn Factory Fire. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). November, p24
Wind-Driven Fire Challenges Atlanta Firefighters. S. Woodworth. September, p67
Wye? M. Ciampo (On Fire). November, p96
21. Training
All Door Side-Out Technique Revisited, The. D. Sweet (Extrication Tactics). January, p26
Apparatus Purchasing: a Series of Choices, Compromises, and Trade-Offs. W. Peters (Apparatus Supplement). June, p4
Are You Ground Ladder Savvy? Part 1. D. Stratton (Urban Firefighter). October, p32
Are You Ground Ladder Savvy? Part 2. D. Stratton (Urban Firefighter). November, p30
Batman Suit, The. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). February, p8
Big Data in the Fire Service. W. Linger. May, p93
BullEx Attack, The. R. O’Donnell (Technology Today). February, p93
“Can You Read Me?” Standard Radio Signatures and Terms. G. Hughes. May, p79
Clearing the Air: Common Ventilation Misconceptions. K. Lewis. May, p96
Command and Accident with MVA Boards (Technology Today). J. Pugh. May, p144
Cutting Torch Operations. T. Kenney (FDIC Preview). March, p153
Driver-Engineers Debate: This One or That One? M. Rossi. February, p61
Emergency Power Units. D. Peluso. February, p89
Engineer’s Bag of Tricks, The. M. Rossi (Training Notebook). February, p20
FDIC 2014: Exhibits Exceed Expectations (Apparatus Supplement). Jun, p30
FIREpower by Nautilus®. R. West (Technology Today). July, p105
Formal interpretation issued for NFPA 1851 (News in Brief). October, p49
Freeze Protection of Piping. J. Certuse (Technology Today). August, p99
Leveraging Building Intelligence for an Initial Response and Beyond. J. Murphy. January, p83
Manage Your Air, Manage Your Survival. C. French Jr. April, p115
Monitor Your Air Supply with FARS. J. Rush III (Technology Today). September, p95
NFPA wins FEMA grant for online vehicle training (News in Brief). November, p43
NIOSH halts testing of CBRN respirators (News in Brief). February, p34
PlumeSIM Offers the Right Response to CBRN. S. Pike (Technology Today). March, p169
Power Saw Operations: How Proficient Are You? F. Ricci and P.J. Norwood. March, p69
Preformed Scrubber Reduces Smoke Emissions. L. Babcock (Technology Today). April, p177
Removing a Ring: a Systematic Approach. M. Gregory (The Rescue Company). September, p26
Safe Aerial Operations. S. Rutledge. February, p79
Satellite designed to spot fires while still small (News in Brief). January, p40
Saving Staff Hours with SafetyPAD. S. Kennedy (Technology Today). November, p89
Simple Solutions to Responses in Flooded Basements. D. Jetter (Innovations: Homegrown). March, p167
Simplifying Hoseline Election for the First-In Officer. R. Magee (Volunteers Corner). October, p12
Simulated Smoke, Real Health Effects. T.M. Jackson, K. Fent, K. Musolin, and M. Methner. December, p79
Single and Double Diamond Door Chocks. A. Crawford (Technology Today). December, p120
Standpipe Operations: Preparation. B. Gustin. April, p91
Standpipe Operations: Stretching and Advancing Hose. B. Gustin. May, p65
Steel Glazing Systems Protect from Fires and Evacuations. J. Embury. January, p105
Stretching the Advancing the Initial Handline. A. Rowett Jr. (The Engine Company). October, p30
Testing Pressure-Reducing Valves. B. Gustin. January, p51
Those Who Work the Hardest Break the Most Tools. J. Goodlet. January, p103
Tips for Cutting Metal Skin Doors. M. Ciampo. March, p93
Tips for Laying the First Line Efficiently. M. Salzano (Training Notebook). June, p16
Tradition: Wetdowns and Push-Ins. G. Corbett (Volunteers Corner). December, p12
Training EMTs for “Real-Life” Responses. M. McLelland (Technology Today). June, p91
Using Social Network Analysis to Explore Emergency Services Networks. R. Wodicka and S. Trull (Volunteers Corner). January, p14
Winners named in 2014 gear giveaway (News in Brief). October, p45
22. Training
Accreditation organizations join DHS S&T compliance assessment program (News in Brief). January, p42
Actions Speak Louder Than Words. M. Ciampo (On Fire). September, 104
Baltimore Taxpayer Fire. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). February, p30
Battling the Brain Drain. B. Peetz (Volunteers Corner). February, p12
Can I “Ax” You a Question? M. Ciampo (On Fire). June, p100
Challenges for Today’s National Fire Academy. R. Neale. October, p92
Constructing and Implementing the Complete Training Program. S. Kraut (Training Notebook). April, p30
Converted Cubicles. M. Ciampo (On Fire). March, p196
Creating Dynamic, Real-World Multicompany Training Drills. C. Jelinek. April, p81
Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bathwater. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). September, p8
Effective Teaching Strategies. S. Wilkinson (Volunteers Corner). June, p12
Electrical Oddities. J. Majhess Jr. (What We Learned). March, p165
Electricity in the Air. M. Ciampo (On Fire), December, p128
Fence Strainer Rescue Training. C. Greathouse. September, p91
Fire Protection Engineers in the Fire Service. T. Platt. January, p99
Five Steps to a Successful Annual Training Plan. J. Knapp (Training Notebook). October, p16
Free Neural-Based Learning for Fire Fighters video (News in Brief).September, p44
FSF releases ICS training program (News in Brief). March, p53
Get the Roof! M. Dugan (Fire Focus). October, p24
Happy New Procedures! M. Ciampo (On Fire). January, p160
Ethical Decision Making: It’s Everyone’s Job. T. Hyden. August, p91
Mobilization Exercises: Long Island USAR Training. B. Martinez. October, p87
NAFTD releases Rules of Engagement for safe training (News in Brief). October, p46
Nine Tire Drill, The. L. Baker (Training Notebook). August, p18
NFPA wins FEMA grant for online vehicle training (News in Brief). November, p43
NIOSH introduces new Web page (News in Brief). November, p43
NWCG offers WUI Wildfire Mitigation Desk Reference Guide (News in Brief). November, p42
Preincident Planning for Agricultural Occupancies. J. Keller. July, p85
Preplanning Pays Off. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). April, p38
Private Dwelling Built on a Hillside. E. Roden (Fire Focus). March, p32
Q&A. M. Ciampo (On Fire). April, p188
Rescue Resiliency: Training for the Mental Assault of Acute Stress. M. Brokaw (Training Notebook). December, p16
Responding to Operating Room Fires. M Dugan and T. Burns (Training Notebook). March, p26
Response to a Health Care Facility Power Outage. K. Platt (What We Learned). November, p87
Risk Management: It’s Not Just a Catchphrase. J. Chadwick. August, p53
Sand and Shovels. M. Ciampo (On Fire). August, p108
Simulation-Based Training for Successful Operations. R. Burton. May, p99
Simulated Smoke, Real Health Effects. T.M. Jackson, K. Fent, K. Musolin, and M. Methner. December, p79
Speaking Well for the Fire Service. C. Schwinge. April, p159
Stephen Kerber named FE/ISFSI George D. Post Instructor of the Year (News in Brief). June, p36
Storefront Saga (On Fire). M. Ciampo. October, p116
Successful Training Depends on Practice and Trust. M. vonAppen. April, p139
Summer Situations. M. Ciampo (On Fire). July, p120
TEAM Training for Volunteers. P. Armstrong (Volunteers Corner). November, p14
Three Vs of Preincident Intelligence, The. E. Bachman. November, p81
Tipton Twister Exercise, The: Large-Scale, Multicasualty Event Tests Responders. M. Barakey and K. Shea. September, p82
Training: We Can’t Do Our Job Without It. K. Wilson. April, p123
Training Basics and Essentials for the Fire Service. J. Scott Thompson. April, p107
Training Options for Your Drive Team. T. Helmkamp (Training Notebook). September, p18
Train Like the Tactical Athlete You Are! P.J. Norwood and J. Newman. December, p71
Vacancy/No Vacancy. M. Ciampo (On Fire). May, p152
Vacant Brooklyn Factory Fire. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). November, p24
Winter Roof Collapses. G. Corbett (The Professor). July, p103
Wye? M. Ciampo (On Fire). November, p96