Allen, J. Defeating a Swing Arm Security Latch (Training Notebook). Mar, p24
Babrauskas, V. Will Firefighters Be Any safer Under the New Hazardous Materials Code? Nov, p66
Bachman, E. Use Open Sources of Intelligence as a Preplanning Aid. Jan, p83; Hidden in Plain Sight. Jul, p73
Baker, L. Give-and-Take Drill (Training Notebook). Jul, p18
Barakey, M. et al. Near Miss Stresses the Need for Chain Saw Safety Training, A. (What We Learned). Mar, p175; Two-Alarm Condo Fire Challenges Virginia Beach Firefighters. Aug, p59
Bassett, A. Today’s Fireground: Revisiting the 13-Point Size-Up. Jul, p61
Batista, F. E-Learning: Choosing the Right Learning Management System. May, p73
Blythe, G.H. Aerial Placement for Maximum Effectiveness (Training Notebook). Dec, p16
Brunacini, A. The Power of Checklists (Bruno “Unplugged”). Jan, p38; I Know it When I See It (Bruno “Unplugged”). Feb, p38; POSDCORB (Bruno “Unplugged”). Mar, p54; Reciprocal Rescue (Bruno “Unplugged”). Apr, p64; Power Goofs (Bruno “Unplugged”). May, p36; More Power Goofs (Bruno “Unplugged”). Jun, p48; Positive Power (Bruno “Unplugged”). Jul, p32; Boundary Management (Bruno “Unplugged”). Aug, p44; More Boundary Management (Bruno “Unplugged”). Sept, p42; Expectations and Boundaries (Bruno “Unplugged”). Oct, p40; Idea Management (Bruno “Unplugged”). Nov, p38; The Human Condition and the Hierarchy (Bruno “Unplugged”). Dec, p36
Bryan, P. Are Your Critical Decision-Making Skills Evolving? Aug, p71
Burnett, B. Simplifying the Hose Stretch with Strategically Placed Loops. Oct, p53
Caceres, P. From Failure to Smoke Diver: A Four-Year Journey of Perseverance. Jul, p95
Califano, F. EMS Respiratory Protection Made Easy (Fire Service EMS). Jan, p24; Flakka: a New EMS Challenge (FireEMS). Sept, p28
Callahan, R. Large Vehicle Fire Operations (FDIC Preview). Mar, p147
Capoziello, M. The Smartphone Photo Hunt (Training Notebook). Jan, p20; Achieving Radio Discipline (Volunteers Corner). Jun, p12; Thoughts on Mutual Aid (Volunteers Corner). Nov, p14
Carman, D. Rapid Intervention Drill: Finding the PASS Device (Training Notebook). Sept, p20
Carman, K. Improving Outcomes for a High-Frequency, Low-Risk Patient Group (FireEMS). May, p26
Carr, K. A Duty to Respond: Translating Your Fire Safety Message to a Multicultural Community. May, p88
Ciampo, M. Red Light, Green Light (On Fire). Jan, p152; Hat Trick, The (On Fire).Feb, p96; See-Saw Technique: Rescue Maneuver with a Portable Ladder. Mar, p57; Just Another Brick in the Wall (On Fire). Mar, p204; March Madness Recap (On Fire). May, p136; I-O-U My Life (On Fire). Jun, p92; Opening Up (On Fire). Jul, p112; And I’m Climbing a Stairway to…. (On Fire). Sept, p96; “Can” I Help You? (On Fire). Oct, p112; Avenue of Egress (On Fire). Nov, p88; A Few Gifts for You (On Fire). Dec, p116
Cline, D. Developing Leaders for the Next Generation. Jul, p82
Comstock, D. Engineering & Manufacturing Services, LLC v. Ashton, et al. (Fire Service Court). Mar, p171; Willis v. Charter Township of Emmett (Fire Service Court). Sept, p83
Corbett, G. It’s Greek to Me: the Language of Modern Fire Protection. Feb, p76
Crawford, B. Explosion in West, Texas: Lessons Learned from Multiple Deaths (FDIC Preview). Mar, p137
Crimmins, B. How to Mitigate Human and Mechanical Errors Using Gas Detectors. Nov, p54
Daly, C. Drive to Survive: It Starts at the Top. Feb, p61; Is Your Personal Vehicle Covered in a Crash During a Response? (Volunteers Corner). Dec, p14
Davies, N. Post-Traumatic Growth in Fire and Rescue Service Personnel. Dec, p75
Dean, A. EMS: Employing Modern Science (FireEMS). Jul, p22
DeMaree, N. Overcoming Panic: Stress-Induced Training and Education. (Training Notebook). May, p18
Donohue, D. Fuel Spill Response in the Marine Environment. Nov, p78
Donovan, S. Boston’s Ladder Culture (FDIC Preview). Mar, p157
Doyle, D. Shipboard Firefighting Training from Scratch. Nov, p63
Duczyminski, P. First Responder Defensive Tactics: Animal Threats. Jun, p75
Dugan, M. Brooklyn Dwelling Fire (Fire Focus). Feb, p20; Brick Warehouse Fire (Fire Focus). Mar, p28; Fires Involving Means of Egress (Fire Focus). Apr, p24; Fire Involving Roofs (Fire Focus). Jun, p28; Fire in a Detroit Vacant Building (Fire Focus). Sept, p26; Fracking and the Fire Service. Nov, p43; Bailout in Staten Island (Fire Focus). Dec, p24
Falconer, J. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Technology Today). Jan, p97
Fent, K. and G. Horn, K. Kirk, et al. Off-Gassing Contaminants from Firefighters’ Personal Protective Equipment. Sept, p55
Fernandez, F. Tilt-Up Wall Construction. Jan, p42
Fishel, D. Fires in Pole Building Construction: Avoiding the Pitfalls. Mar, p109
Fisher, G. Conducting NFPA 1403-Compliant Live Burn Training in Acquired Structures. Mar, p75
Fleming J. and V. Babrauskas. Investigating Smoke Alarm Effectiveness in Fatal Fires. Jul, p45
Foster, C. The Single Firefighter Double-Horseshoe Below-Grade Rescue (Real-World RIT). Sept, p32
French, B. The “Ins” and “Outs” of Fire Department Connections. Oct, p87
Geis, E. Rethinking Recruitment and Retention for the Volunteer Fire Department (Volunteers Corner). Apr, p12
Gallagher, D. The Art of the Third Due: Being Prepared to Turn the Tide. Apr, p107
Gorman, G. Tile Roof: Vertical Ventilation. Jan, p65
Grant, S. Luxury Apartments: Is Your Department Ready? (FDIC Preview). Mar, p160
Graziani, J. Patient Extrication: the “Linear” Approach (Extrication Tactics). Apr, p32
Guns, T. and D. Rubin. Regional Response Facilitates Complex Tractor Extrication. Sept, p61
Gustin, B. “Big Box” Store Fire: Lesson Learned. Jan, 41; Structure Fires: Beware of the Danger Above Your Head. Apr, p69
Haigh, C. Climbing the Ladder of Success: Demystifying the Hiring Process. Aug, p47; Incident Scene Rehabilitation: a Leadership Challenge (w/D. Smith). Dec, p49
Hale, D. Protecting Against the Hazards of Tunnel Vision. Feb, p85
Hallinan, B. Damage Control Extrication: An Approach to Critical Trauma Patients (fireEMS). Mar, p36
Halton, B. The Content of Your Character (Editor’s Opinion). Jan, p8; Protests, Violence, Terrorism, and Firefighter (Editor’s Opinion). Feb, p8; Those Worthless Kids (Editor’s Opinion). Mar, p8; Duty, Honor, Country (Editor’s Opinion). Apr, p8; Ideologues and Their Bad Behavior (Editor’s Opinion). May, p8; Art, Reality, and Influence (Editor’s Opinion). Jun, p8; Transgressions and Forgiveness (Editor’s Opinion). Jul, p8; The Heroic Dream, The (Editor’s Opinion). Aug, p8; Sacred Obligation, Failure Is Unacceptable (Editor’s Opinion). Sept, p8; A Fall from Grace (Editor’s Opinion). Oct, p8; The Character of Stirring Symbols (Editor’s Opinion). Nov, p8; Ben Franklin, Opinions, and Maturing (Editor’s Opinion). Dec, p8
Hamilton, S. Selection and Use of Ballistic Protection for Fire and EMS Personnel. Jun, p53
Handy, R. D. Newell, et al. Four-Gas Air Monitors: A Survey of First Responders’ Competencies. Nov, p53
Harwell, J. Fighting Fires in Motels of Modular Construction. Apr, p97
Havel, G. Structural Insulated Panels and Fire Endurance. Jan, p93
Henderson, S. and T. LeDuc, et al. Firefighter Suicide: the Need to Examine Cultural Change. Dec, p71
Iverson, A. Properly Loading and Deploying the Flat Load (Training Notebook). Oct, p20
Jewett, M. Training with EVALS (Technology Today). Feb, p88
Joerger, S. Propane Gas Barbeque Grill Fire: Expect a BLEVE. Nov, p48
Johnson, J. Knowledge and Experience: Becoming the Senior Firefighter. Apr, p130
Kajitani, H. Strive to be a “Type I” Officer. Jul, p90
Kanterman, R. Sprinklers Made Simple. Jan, p69
Kastros, A. The Tactical Gap. Apr, p87
Kennedy, M. Responding to “Routine” Incidents at Large-Event Venues. May, p39
Kenny, P. There is No Such Thing as an Ex-Firefighter! Reaching Out to Retirees. Aug, p81
Keyes, J. Shift Day: a 24-Hour Extended Training Day. Apr, p135
Knapp, J. Modern House Fires Warrant Tactical Agility. Oct, p67
Kuehnert, T. Tulsa Fire Department’s Bowstring Truss ID System. May, p81
Kreutzer, K. Hazmat: Initial Actions and Chemical Assessment. Mar, p117
Lapolla, T. Fire at High-Rise Building Undergoing Major Alterations, 510 Madison Avenue, Manhattan. Jan, p60
Leduc, T and S. Jahnke. Florida Firefighters Lower Health Risks Through Weight Loss Program. Apr, p119
Lewis, W. Developing and Implementing a Field Training Officer Program. Apr, p115
Lorenz, R. One Firefighter’s Path Back to the Job After a Cardiac Injury. Dec, p57
Lukas, B. Denver’s Legalized Marijuana Industry and the Fire Code. Feb, p53
Maltbie, C. Evolving Volunteer Management for the Emergency Services (Volunteers Corner). Jul, p14
Maples, A. The GORE® PARALLON Liner System (Technology Today). Sept, p87
Marietta, M. Taking the Promotion: How Becoming an Officer Changes Us. Jul, p69
Marinucci, R. Are Liability Concerns Real? (The Chief-Problem Solver). Apr, p28; Solving the Unsolvable (The Chief Problem Solver). Aug, p32
Martin, N. “Walking” for Safety in Fire Structures (What We Learned). Apr, p151
Mason, M. Strategy and Tactics: Changing Our Center of Gravity. Mar, p127
Massey, C. High-Rise Firefighting: Reassessing Our Methods. Apr, p141
McAfee, J. Basic Aircraft Firefighting Hazards (Training Notebook). Nov, p26
McCaslin, C. Organizational Plan Increases Efficiency on All EMS Calls. June, p32; Officer’s Role in EMS, The (FireEMS). Dec, p28
McDonald, C. Fire Service Leadership in a World of Technology and Social Media (Volunteers Corner). May, p14
McEvoy, M and D. Rhodes. Hydration and Firefighter Performance (fireEMS). Apr, p48
McQuerry, M. and R. Barker, et al. The Cost of a Pocket: the Impact of Reinforcements on the TPP and THL. Dec, p78
Monaghan, J. Flow Paths and Fire Behavior (The Engine Company). Oct, p26
Montagna, F. Utility Response: What You Can Expect from Your Utility and What You Should Expect. May, p55; Water Main Breaks: Preplan for Safety. Oct, p61
Mullikin, L. Documenting Performance and Evaluations. Jul, p37
Mulray, V. Amtrak Derailment Operations: the First 24 Minutes. Oct, p45
Murphy, J. Alteration Projects in Occupied High-Rise Buildings. Jan, p59
Mutzabaugh, B. Structure Fires Involving Hoarders. Jun, p67
Nelson, R. Pump Operations: Six-Step Troubleshoot. Oct, p83
Nemick, B. The Constant-Pressure, Variable-Gallonage Combination Nozzle. Oct, p77
Norwood, P.J. and S. Gray. Tactical Considerations for Spray Polyurethane. Jan, p49; Searching in the Flow Path. Jun, p59
Oldenburg, M. Mission Command, Fire Command, and Synchronization. Aug, p53
Owens, K. Sports Injuries in Children and Young Adults: Concussions (FireEMS). Oct, p28
Padfield, R. and G. Stapleton. Truck Crashes into MRI Facility. Sept, p45
Peters, W. Understanding Air Brakes on Fire Apparatus (Apparatus Supplement). Jun, p4; NFPA Updates the Apparatus Standards (Apparatus Supplement). Jun, p16; Another Spectacular FDIC! (Apparatus Supplement). Jun, p31
Pignataro, C. Intraosseous Access: What’s Out There? (Fire Service EMS). Feb, p24
Pillsworth, T. Mapping Out Your Leadership Journey (Volunteers Corner). Oct, p14
Phelan, D. Easy Steps for Aerial Maintenance. Feb, p41
Polenzani, J. The “12-20-25” Rule of Thumb for Quick Water. Oct, p90
Pronesti, J. Are You Prepared for a Fire on Your Town’s Main Street? Mar, p101
Prunansky, C. Downside of Overusing Dispatching Technology. May, p51
Prziborowski, S. The Fire Officer’s Role in Reducing Firefighter Line-of-Duty Deaths. Jul,p55
Pulvermacher, J. Regional RIT: the Suburban Response to Rapid Intervention (Real-World RIT). Apr, p38
Raffel, L. Targeted Recruitment Strategy Yields a Strong, Stable Membership (Volunteers Corner). Aug, p14
Ray, R. Prioritizing Tasks on the Fireground (Volunteers Corner). Mar, p14
Rhodes, J. Training Programs Matter for Today’s Changing Fire Service (Training Notebook). Apr, p16
Ricci, F. and S. Villani III. Size-Up: Why Can’t Johnny Read the Building? Jul, p86
Riehl, A. Residential Frame Dwelling Fire Injures Firefighter and Yields Important Lessons. Feb, p63
Rifflard, J. Simple Technique for Constructing Shores for Sloped Floors. Sept, p71
Rogers, P. Responses to Energy Storage Systems. Jun, p79
Roseberry, S. Prepare for a Terrorist Attack: It Happened to Us! Dec, p67
Rossi, M. Positioning Apparatus for Maximum Efficiency and Safety. Feb, p69
Rowett, A. Are You Using the Hydrant Kit to Maximum Advantage? Oct, p94
Rufer, A. Volunteer Recruit Training Programs: a Recipe for Success (Volunteers Corner). Sept, p14
Savacool, C. The Exposure Tracker Helps Prevent Chronic Firefighter Illnesses (Technology Today). Dec, p83
Sawyer, T. Regulatory Collaboration: Hazardous Materials. Jan, p95
Scandariato, K. Fireground Accountability: Where Are We Failing? (Volunteers Corner). Jan, p14
Scarpa, S. Turnaround: You Can Get There from Here. Sept, p77
Schmidt, E. Is There Any Benefit to the Traditional Timed Donning Drill? (Training Notebook). Aug, p20
Selman, S. High-Rise Fires: Incident Command for Volunteer Firefighters (FDIC Preview). Mar, p166
Sergi, J. Tunnel Vision: Responding to Road Tunnel Fires. Nov, p76
Sheridan, D. New System Helps to Prevent Gas Leaks (Technology Today). Jul, p97; Water Supply: Preplanning Alternatives. Sept, p67
Shouldis, W. Core Command Competencies. May, p67
Shovald, B. Preplanning Your Preconnects (Training Notebook). Jun, p18
Silvernail, J. and F Viscuso. Leading Today’s Fire Service Youth: Using History to Understand Motivation. Jul, p79
Sirianni, J. Fire Education K-12: Lowering Fire Deaths. Dec, p80
Smith, D. and J. Haller, et al. PPE, Heat Stress, and Cardiac Strain: a Study. Dec, p41
Spadafora, R. Firefighting and Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems. Jan, p77
Sponholtz, J. At the Intersection of EMS and Hospice Care (FireEMS). Aug, p34
Spurgeon, P. You’re an Engineer: Now What? Feb, p80
Steedman, T. SCBA Boot Camp: A Firefighter’s Survival School. Mar, p65
Stefani, D. One-Firefighter Operation: Gaining Entry with a Rotary Saw (The Truck Company). Mar, p32
Stratton, D. Outside In: Wearing Portable Radios. May, p63
Svensson, S. There Is No Such Thing as Extreme Fire Behavior (FDIC Preview). Mar, p169
VanCleve, J. Recovering from Adversity (Volunteers Corner). Feb, p12
Vancuso, F. and M. Terpak. Responding to Dumpster and Trash Fires (Training Notebook). Feb, p14
Wallace, M. Managing Your Strengths. May, p84
Welling III, J. Industrial/Mutual Aid Emergency Response: Mutual Aid, Mutual Benefit. Nov, p71
White, W. Effective Training: Making the Challenging Routine. Apr, p149; The Leverage of Leadership. Aug, p75
Wiklanski, D. PTSD: Calling the Psychological Mayday. Dec, p62
Williams Jr., M. Effective Leadership: Finding the Common Ground Between Leader and Members. M. Williams Jr. Aug, p65