2017 Fire Engineering Subjects Index

1.               Apparatus / Maintenance

2.               Budget and Finance

3.               Building Construction

4.               Communications

5.               Disaster Management

6.               Emergency Medical Services

7.               Fire / Incident Reports

8.               Fire Investigation

9.               Fire Prevention

10.           Fire Protection

11.           Firefighting Basics

12.           Hazardous Materials

13.           Incident Command / Fireground Management

14.           Laws and Legislation / Codes and Standards

15.           Leadership / Management

16.           Miscellaneous

17.           Public Education / Relations

18.           Rescue

19.           Safety and Health

20.           Strategy and Tactics

21.           Tools and Equipment

22.           Training

1.  Apparatus / Maintenance

Apparatus Inspection and Maintenance: Everyone’s Responsibility. W. Peters. February, p.39

Apparatus Siren Limitations and Intersection Crashes. C. Daly. February, p.54

Beyond 1901: Exceeding the NFPA Standards. W.C. Peters (Apparatus Supplement). June, p.4

Cab Size, Strength, and Seat Belt Use. W. Peters (Apparatus Supplement). June, p.4

Developing a Driver Training Program. E. Hankins. February, p.74

Engine Firefighter: Mastering the Basics, The. T. Merrill (Volunteers Corner). October, p.14

FDIC 2017: Bigger is Better! W.C. Peters (Apparatus Supplement). June, p.32

“It’s Big, It’s Red, and It Has Our Name on It…Now What?” Apparatus Factory Inspection Trips. W.C. Peters. July, p.57

Making the Front Bumper Connect Work for You. T. Bradley (Training Notebook). October, p.18

Overcoming Relay Pumping Flow Problems. G. Naylis (Training Notebook). February, p.22

Quint Positioning for Current and Future Needs. R. Fisher. February, p.71

Rural Water Movement Operations. B. Adkins. February, p.64

Street Smarts from a Driver’s Perspective: Positioning Apparatus for Safety. C. Daly. February, p.60

2.  Budget and Finance

AFG and SAFER legislation introduced in U.S. Senate (News in Brief). June, p.34

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Grant Writing. D. Hesselmeyer. August, p.67

Firefighters, Support H.R. 973/S. 1651 or H.R. 711 Now! B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). January, p.8

FY 2017 budget spending package signed into law (News in Brief). July, p.28

Government Funding: It’s Not Yours! T. Pillsworth (Volunteers Corner). August, p.14

ICMA-RC awards scholarships to survivors of firefighters (News in Brief). October, p.35

3. Building Construction

Beware the Structural Carcass: Building Collapse After the Fire Is Out. A. Avillo. January, p.83

Changing Skyline, The: Super- and Mega-Tall Buildings. J.M. Murphy. January, p.67

Collaborative Approach to Electrical Vault Fires, A. C. Greene, R. Morris Jr., McGeever, et al. November, p.53

Detroit “Street Experience” Contains Warehouse Fire. M. Nevin. November, p.33

Fire Walls in Multiple Dwellings and Townhouses of Wood-Frame Construction. G. Corbett. April, p.132

Green Energy: Fuel-Cell Technology. R. Spadafora. May, p.77

Interior Exposure Protection: a Neglected Tactic. J. Hoevelmann. October, p.69

Killer in the Attic: Fire Operations in Half-Stories. F. Ricci and C. Tobin. December, p.39

New Fire Station Designs, 1955. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). June, p.40

Preplanning, 1948: Dealing with the Situation as It Exists. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). May, p.48

Preventing fires in new construction (News in Brief). December, p.28

Response Considerations: Super- and Mega-Tall Buildings Under Construction. T. Lapolla. January, p.70

Royale at City Place Conflagration. S. Finazzo. October, p.49

Situational Awareness and “Reading a House” Revisited. C. Rice. January, p.75

Using Building Design and Codes to Bolster Firefighter Safety and Efficiency. M. Chibarro. January, p.90

4. Communications

9/11/2001: “You Had to Be Strong for Them and for the Job.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). November, p.30

Check, Treat, and Clean Your Portable Radio Like Your SCBA. S. Villani. May, p.67

Fire Communications, 1924—“Resistance to the Scourge of Fire”: Boston’s New Central Alarm Building (Fireman’s Journal). March, p.58

FirstNet and AT&T to build network for first responders (News in Brief). June, p.34

NGA issues paper on emergency communications (News in Brief). July, p.31

s.Quad Voice Pager, The. P. Zimmermann (Technology Today). July, p.77

5. Disaster Management

9/11/2001: “You Had to Be Strong for Them and for the Job.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). November, p.30

Brock Long named FEMA administrator (News in Brief). September, p.26

Wildland assessment training free (News in Brief). December, p.28

WRAITH Tactical’s C.A.R.R. Pack. A. Madrigal (Technology Today). April, p.138

6. Emergency Medical Services

App would summon aid for cardiac arrest patients (News in Brief). October, p.34

CMS bolsters preparedness in Medicare and Medicaid (News in Brief). January, p.40

Compact: EMS Providers Can Respond Across State Lines in Specific Scenarios. S. Prentiss (FireEMS). December, p.22

Coordinating Care for Crush Injuries and Crush Syndrome. R.L. Duckworth (FireEMS). March, p.40

Counterfeit meds with fentanyl in 40 states (News in Brief). December, p.28

Creating an information-driven future for EMS (News in Brief). May, p.36

EMS Agenda 2050 issues meeting schedule (News in Brief). October, p.34

EMS Agenda 2050 Panel named; ideas welcome (News in Brief). July, p.28

EMS Agenda 2050 sets meeting schedule (News in Brief). November, p.22

EMS data shed light on response opiod overdose crisis (News in Brief). August, p.34

Fentanyl Epidemic, The. P. Leary (FireEMS). October, p.26

Fentanyl: Not Just Another White Powder. J. Knapp and S. Maile (FireEMS). June, p.28

Firefighter Down: Cardiac Arrest Drill. G. Beasley (FireEMS). May, p.30

Hepatitis C: a serious health threat in the United States (News in Brief). August, p.34

HHS: EMS should be in Health Information Exchange (News in Brief). July, pg. 31

Knock, Knock, “Is Anyone Home?” F. Califano (FireEMS). February, p.42

Look, Listen, and Feel: A Fresh Approach to the Scene Survey. R. Delagi (FireEMS). July, p.24

National EMS Advisory Council recommendations (News in Brief). April, p.48

Needle Drop-Off and Disposal: A Plan for Community Risk Reduction. J. Burke (FireEMS). November, p.20

NFFF release paper on cardiac enlargement in firefighters (News in Brief). October, p.34

NIH: Emergency departments could help reduce suicide attempts (News in Brief). P.30

NIH: Follow-up effective in suicide prevention (News in Brief). November, p.22

Panel members needed for “EMS Agenda 2050” initiative (News in Brief). April, p.48

Patient Care Reports and NEMSIS. K. Owens (FireEMS). April, p.44

Prehospital Management of Bariatric Patients. J. Kaplan (FireEMS). August, p.28

Protecting Against Back Injuries. B. Fass (FireEMS). January, p.32

Pulmonary Edema Following Opioid Overdose. C. Pignataro (FireEMS). September, p.22

Synthetic urine masks drug test use (News in Brief). May, p.38

Web tool for cancer patients (News in Brief). April, p.51

WRAITH Tactical’s C.A.R.R. Pack. A. Madrigal (Technology Today). April, p.138

7. Fire Incident Reports

Detroit “Street Experience” Contains Warehouse Fire. M. Nevin. November, p.33

Flashover! A Near Miss During a Vent-Enter-Search. J.A. Rigolo. March, p.61

Lessons Learned After a Line-of-Duty Death. G. Burns (What We Learned). August, p.71

Lessons Learned at FDIC Help Save Strip Mall. S. Naylis (What We Learned). April, p.135

Lessons Learned from the Hoboken Train Derailment. B. Crimmins. February, p.77

Lessons Learned from the Raleigh (NC) Metropolitan Apartment Fire. S. Corker. September, p.39

Warwick (RI) Garden Apartment Response. T. Bradley (What We Learned). March, p.158

8. Fire Investigation

Royale at City Place Conflagration. S. Finazzo. October, p.49

9. Fire Prevention

Are We Truly Concerned About the Victim? S. Gray, P.J. Norwood, and J. Ceriello (FDIC Preview). March, p.133

Beverly Hills Supper Club, 1977, The: “This Isn’t a Fire; It’s a Catastrophe. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). August, p.42

Campus fire prevention education program proposed (News in Brief). April, p.51

Changing Skyline, The: Super- and Mega-Tall Buildings. J.M. Murphy. January, p.67

Company Officer: Life Safety Education Is Your Job, Too! J.M. Sergi. July, p.75

Fire Prevention, 1912: Protecting Employees and Property. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). February, p.52

Fire Walls in Multiple Dwellings and Townhouses of Wood-Frame Construction. G. Corbett. April, p.132

Introduction. R. Bruegman (CPSE Supplement). August, p.2

Minimizing Evacuation Response Times in Fires. H. Shalabi. January, p.87

New York Fire Patrol School, 1934, The: Throwing Covers. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). April, p.60

NFPA releases fire service needs assessment report (News in Brief). April, p.50

Preventing fires in new construction (News in Brief). December, p.28

Protect Firefighters Through Aggressive Fire Inspections. V.M. Knott (Fire Prevention Bureau). January, p.93

Response Considerations: Super- and Mega-Tall Buildings Under Construction. T. Lapolla. January, p.70

Sprinkler Support Crucial at Large Warehouse Fires. J. Burnham. November, p.68

What Building and Fire Codes Tell Us. G. Havel (FDIC Preview). March, p.151

10. Fire Protection

Are We Truly Concerned About the Victim? S. Gray, P.J. Norwood, and J. Ceriello (FDIC Preview). March, p.133

Beverly Hills Supper Club, 1977, The: “This Isn’t a Fire; It’s a Catastrophe. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). August, p.42

Beware the Structural Carcass: Building Collapse After the Fire Is Out. A. Avillo. January, p.83

BlastMask®, The. J. Dickstein (Technology Today). December, p.70

Campus fire prevention education program proposed (News in Brief). April, p.51

Changing Skyline, The: Super- and Mega-Tall Buildings. J.M. Murphy. January, p.67

Company Officer: Life Safety Education Is Your Job, Too! J.M. Sergi. July, p.75

Fire Prevention, 1912: Protecting Employees and Property. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). February, p.52

Fire Walls in Multiple Dwellings and Townhouses of Wood-Frame Construction. G. Corbett. April, p.132

Green Energy: Fuel-Cell Technology. R. Spadafora. May, p.77

HFSC’s FEMA grant to promote home sprinklers (News in Brief). November, p.22

Introduction. R. Bruegman (CPSE Supplement). August, p.2

Interior Exposure Protection: a Neglected Tactic. J. Hoevelmann. October, p.69

Killer in the Attic: Fire Operations in Half-Stories. F. Ricci and C. Tobin. December, p.39

Minimizing Evacuation Response Times in Fires. H. Shalabi. January, p.87

New York Fire Patrol School, 1934, The: Throwing Covers. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). April, p.60

NFPA issues report on female firefighter injuries (News in Brief). November, p.22

NFPA releases fire service needs assessment report (News in Brief). April, p.50

Preventing fires in new construction (News in Brief). December, p.28

Protect Firefighters Through Aggressive Fire Inspections. V.M. Knott (Fire Prevention Bureau). January, p.93

Response Considerations: Super- and Mega-Tall Buildings Under Construction. T. Lapolla. January, p.70

Royale at City Place Conflagration. S. Finazzo. October, p.49

Situational Awareness and “Reading a House” Revisited. C. Rice. January, p.75

Sprinkler Support Crucial at Large Warehouse Fires. J. Burnham. November, p.68

Using Building Design and Codes to Bolster Firefighter Safety and Efficiency. M. Chibarro. January, p.90

What Building and Fire Codes Tell Us. G. Havel (FDIC Preview). March, p.151

11. Firefighting Basics

ABCs of Starting a Junior Firefighter Program, The. D. Kernan (Volunteers Corner). January, p.14

Are You Ready to Perform Vent-Enter-Isolate-Search? D. Moran. March, p.113

Assistance Accepted. M. Ciampo (On Fire). March, p.172

Belowgrade Fires: Firefighter Traps. J. Norman. June, p.42

Best Tools for Breaching Bullet-Resistive Glass, The. J. Rifflard. March, p.79

Breaking Blocks from the Ground and from Above. M. Ciampo. April, p.117

Centennial. M. Ciampo (On Fire). October, p.92

Confined Space Recovery. E. Tracy and G. Borden. November, p.45

Deploying the Leader Line or Courtyard Lay. M. Clark and J. Scaglione (The Engine Company). February, p.34

Derailed. M. Ciampo (On Fire). January, p.100

Emergency Roll Calls. F. Leeb August, p.52

Engine Firefighter: Mastering the Basics, The. T. Merrill (Volunteers Corner). October, p.14

Essentials of a High-Performing Engine Company. R. Ray. October, p.73

Fighting in Small and Medium-Sized Box Store Fires with Limited Personnel. R. Callahan. June, p.51

Fires in 2½-Story Wood-Frame Dwellings. B. Gustin (Fire Focus). June, p.22 

Forcible Entry: Sizing Up the Cylinder Is a Critical Step. A.J. Hansen (The Truck Company). March, p.32

Forcible Entry Technique for Blocked Doors, A. R.E. Andersen (Training Notebook). March, p.20

Forcible Entry: The Frame Spreader (Innovations: Homegrown). A. Hansen. September, p.79

Gas Emergencies: 10 Life-Safety Tactics. B. Crimmins and A. Pratts. November, p.71

Gas Years, The. M. Ciampo (On Fire). June, p.80

“Getting on the Job”: Before the Testing Starts. N. Cabral (Volunteers Corner). November, p.12

Improvised 2-to-1 Hauling System for a Down Firefighter Removal. T. Sitz. December, p.53

Killer in the Attic: Fire Operations in Half-Stories. F. Ricci and C. Tobin. December, p.39

Making the Front Bumper Connect Work for You. T. Bradley (Training Notebook). October, p.18

Making the Most of Your Post Incident Analysis. B. Angier. August, p.55

Maximizing Circular Saw Effectiveness in Forcible Entry Operations. S. Hittle. March, p.101

My Turn Under the Microscope. M. Ciampo (On Fire). May, p.128

New Haven Condo Fire. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). October, p.22

Operational Miscue. M. Ciampo (On Fire). February, p.92

Operational Tactics and Tips. M. Ciampo (On Fire). December, p.100

Piercing Nozzle Tactic for Attic Fires. B. Nemick. October, p.57

Preparing for the “Main Street” Mayday. J. Pronesti (Training Notebook). August, p.18

Proper Breathing for the Proper Response. R Jorge (Training Notebook). November, p.14

Proven Truck Tactics That Might Surprise You. J. Joannides. March, p.85

Psycho-Education: A Vital Part of Operational Firefighter Training. T. Lorensen. December, p.68

Raise, Rotate, Extend. M. Ciampo (On Fire). September, p.88

Reactivity vs. Proactivity: Risk-Driven Performance. H. Durre (CPSE Supplement). August, p.4

Residential Search: Applying the Principles. M. Mason. September, p.65

RV, The: Baby’ Boomer’s Ride, Firefighter’s Nightmare. M. Watters. June, p.71

Situational Awareness and “Reading a House” Revisited. C. Rice. January, p.75

Situational Leadership. P. Luizzi. August, p.65

Support in Both Directions: From the Top Down and from the Bottom Up. W. Lewis. August, p.63

Tactical Ventilation: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Reality. N. Papa. March, p.129

Training—Outside the Lines. M. Ciampo (On Fire). April, p.144

Transitioning Leadership. J. Buckman. August, p.69

When Electricity Takes an Unexpected Path, Part 1. B. Gustin. April, p.63

When Electricity Takes an Unexpected Path, Part 2. B. Gustin. May, p.59

12. Hazardous Materials

Common Sense. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). October, p.8

FRA proposes rail safety standard updates (News in Brief). February, p.47

FRA urges railroads to implement PTC safety system (News in Brief). March, p.46

Free hazmat training available through ALERT grant (News in Brief). November, p.22

Gray Area, The: Firefighter Rescue and Hazmat. P. Ambrose. November, p.75

High-Pressure Steam Incidents: What You Need to Know. F. Montagna. June, p.66

Improving Response Procedures to Natural Gas Emergencies. J. Knapp and D. Moran. March, p.69

Natural Gas Emergency Strategy and Tactics. J. Knapp and Moran. April, p.81

Needle Drop-Off and Disposal: A Plan for Community Risk Reduction. J. Burke (FireEMS). November, p.20

Planning and Response Considerations for Homemade Explosives. D. Parker (Training Notebook). May, p.18

Training for Natural Gas Emergencies. J. Knapp and D. Moran. May, p.71

Urban Drafting Operations at a Chemical Warehouse Fire. M. Rossi. November, p.63

13. Incident Command/Fireground Management

9/11/2001: “You Had to Be Strong for Them and for the Job.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). November, p.30

Applying ICS: Wildland vs. Structure Fires. A. Kastros. April, p.105

Assessing the Impact of Technology on Fire Departments. S. Finazzo. May, p.51

Beyond the 360° Size-Up. W. Murray (Training Notebook). July, p.16

Centennial. M. Ciampo (On Fire). October, p.92

Common Sense. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). October, p.8

Context, Hindsight, and Zero Defect. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). June, p.8

Critiques, Crittacks, and Travelogues: Learning from Experience. T.E. Poulin. July, p.72

Decision Making with Limited Staffing: Lessons Learned. G. Thigpen and B. Ward. July, p.69

Detroit “Street Experience” Contains Warehouse Fire. M. Nevin. November, p.33

Doctrine. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). May, p.8

Emergency Roll Calls. F. Leeb August, p.52

From Dispatch to Strategy. D. Sheridan. May, p.83

Full Contact Leadership: Righting a Wrong Morning. E. Flood and A. Avillo. March, p.93

Getting an Immobilized Patient to the Ground: The Ladder Pivot Rescue. J.Rifflard. September, p.76

Going from a Young Volunteer to an Officer. T. Huber (Volunteers Corner). June, p.14

Gray Area, The: Firefighter Rescue and Hazmat. P. Ambrose. November, p.75

Hallway Walls. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). November, p.26

Honoring a Living Legend, With Our Deepest Gratitude. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). March, p.8

IC Scream Prevention Program (Bruno “Unplugged”). October, p.40

Interior Exposure Protection: a Neglected Tactic. J. Hoevelmann. October, p.69

Killer in the Attic: Fire Operations in Half-Stories. F. Ricci and C. Tobin. December, p.39

Leadership from a Four-Star General, a Famous Frenchman, and “Drama.” B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). February, p.8

Leadership in the Real World: The Power of the Pause. R. Burns (Training Notebook). April, p.22

Lessons Learned After a Line-of-Duty Death. G. Burns (What We Learned). August, p.71

Lessons Learned from the Raleigh (NC) Metropolitan Apartment Fire. S. Corker. September, p.39

Lessons, Models, and Stories. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). January, p.44

Lost in the Fog of the Fireground. J. Pronesti (FDIC Preview). March, p.137

Mean and Mad. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). July, p.34

Need for Realistic, Continuous Officer Development Training, The. W. Shouldis. July, p.67

“Nothing Showing” Does Not Always Mean No Fire Inside. M. Aloan. July, p.39

Of Duty and Bullfighting. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). April, p.8

Operational Tactics and Tips. M. Ciampo (On Fire). December, p.100

Piercing Nozzle Tactic for Attic Fires. B. Nemick. October, p.57

Polished Brass and Spring Training. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). May, p.44

Preparing for the “Main Street” Mayday. J. Pronesti (Training Notebook). August, p.18

Raise, Rotate, Extend. M. Ciampo (On Fire). September, p.88

Residential Search: Applying the Principles. M. Mason. September, p.65

Rocking Chair Firefighter, the Tough Guys, and the Green Ears, The: Blending Generations. M.W. Herendeen and B. Ward. April, p.121 

Royale at City Place Conflagration. S. Finazzo. October, p.49

 “Small” Incident That Needed a Major Response, A. J. Manfredonia (Volunteers Corner). September, p.14

Sometimes Quirky Wins. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). February, p.50

Support in Both Directions: From the Top Down and from the Bottom Up. W. Lewis. August, p.63

Thinking Like an Incident Commander. T. Dunne. October, p.71

Tuna Talk. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). March, p.52

Urban Drafting Operations at a Chemical Warehouse Fire. M. Rossi. November, p.63

US&R Teams, 1992: “An Almost Impossible Dream Realized.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). October, p.46

Warm, Pink, and Sweet. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). April, p.56

What Day? (Bruno “Unplugged”). August, p.38

Why Are You Screaming? A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). September, p.32

14. Laws and Legislation / Codes and Standards

ASTM Intl. Upgrades Online LMS (News in Brief). October, p.34

Beyond 1901: Exceeding the NFPA Standards. W.C. Peters (Apparatus Supplement). June, p.4

Coalition promotes strong building codes (News in Brief). September, p.26

Compact: EMS Providers Can Respond Across State Lines in Specific Scenarios. S. Prentiss (FireEMS). December, p.22

FDA approves qualified health claim for macadamia nuts (News in Brief). October, p.35

FireCatt: Computer-Controlled Hose Testing Technology. M. Radecky (Technology Today). October, p.83

Firefighter Cancer Registry Act introduced in the House (News in Brief). April, p.51

Firefighters, Support H.R. 973/S. 1651 or H.R. 711 Now! B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). January, p.8

HFSC’s FEMA grant to promote home sprinklers (News in Brief). November, p.22

IAFF Formalizes Support for CFAI Accreditation Process. L. Moore-Merrell (CPSE Supplement). August, p.14

National 911 Program releases updated standards (News in Brief). August, p.34

NVFC issues Code of Conduct (News in Brief). August, p.34

Pascrell Jr. CFSI 2016 Legislator of the Year (News in Brief). February, p.46

Preventing fires in new construction (News in Brief). December, p.28

What Building and Fire Codes Tell Us. G. Havel (FDIC Preview). March, p.151

15. Leadership/Management

9/11/2001: “You Had to Be Strong for Them and for the Job.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). November, p.30

AFG and SAFER legislation introduced in U.S. Senate (News in Brief). June, p.34

Assessing Continuous Improvement: Self-Assessment and Outcomes. T. Jenkins (CPSE Supplement). August, p10

Assessing the Impact of Technology on Fire Departments. S. Finazzo. May, p.51

Brock Long named FEMA administrator (News in Brief). September, p.26

Centennial. M. Ciampo (On Fire). October, p.92

Company Officer: Life Safety Education Is Your Job, Too! J.M. Sergi. July, p.75

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Grant Writing. D. Hesselmeyer. August, p.67

Context, Hindsight, and Zero Defect. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). June, p.8

Critiques, Crittacks, and Travelogues: Learning from Experience. T.E. Poulin. July, p.72

Decision Making and Managing Disruptive Technology. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). September, p.8

Decision Making with Limited Staffing: Lessons Learned. G. Thigpen and B. Ward. July, p.69

Doctrine. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). May, p.8

Emergency Roll Calls. F. Leeb August, p.52

Fire Department Assessment Center Is Here to Stay, The. M.J. Barakey. July, p.53

Fire Service’s Happy Warrior, The. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). December, p.8

From Dispatch to Strategy. D. Sheridan. May, p.83

Full Contact Leadership: Righting a Wrong Morning. E. Flood and A. Avillo. March, p.93

Going from a Young Volunteer to an Officer. T. Huber (Volunteers Corner). June, p.14

Hallway Walls. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). November, p.26

Honoring a Living Legend, With Our Deepest Gratitude. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). March, p.8

IC Scream Prevention Program (Bruno “Unplugged”). October, p.40

Introduction. R. Bruegman (CPSE Supplement). August, p.2

Leadership from a Four-Star General, a Famous Frenchman, and “Drama.” B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). February, p.8

Leadership in the Real World: The Power of the Pause. R. Burns (Training Notebook). April, p.22

Leadership, Tradition, and Evolution in the Fire Service. J. Hustoles. August, p.59

Lessons, Models, and Stories. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). January, p.44

Lost in the Fog of the Fireground. J. Pronesti (FDIC Preview). March, p.137

Make it a Fire-HOUSE. T. Merrill (Volunteers Corner). April, p.14

Making the Most of Your Post Incident Analysis. B. Angier. August, p.55

Managing Officer Program for Company Officers, The. S. Marsar (Training Notebook). December, p.16

Maximizing Problem-Solving Success. R. Marinucci (The Chief Problem Solver). August, p.26

Mean and Mad. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). July, p.34

Need for Realistic, Continuous Officer Development Training, The. W. Shouldis. July, p.67

Of Duty and Bullfighting. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). April, p.8

Planning for Success. R. Kanterman. August, p.45

Polished Brass and Spring Training. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). May, p.44

Preparing to Face Public Criticism. A. Rice (Training Notebook). September, p.18

Reactivity vs. Proactivity: Risk-Driven Performance. H. Durre (CPSE Supplement). August, p.4

Rocking Chair Firefighter, the Tough Guys, and the Green Ears, The: Blending Generations. M.W. Herendeen and B. Ward. April, p.121 

Self-Assessment and Data: Moving Your Agency Forward. K. Haines (CPSE Supplement). August, p.9

Situational Leadership. P. Luizzi. August, p.65

Sometimes Quirky Wins. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). February, p.50

Strategic Planning: Improving Service and Planning for the Future. J. White (CPSE Supplement). August, p.8

Support in Both Directions: From the Top Down and from the Bottom Up. W. Lewis. August, p.63

Thinking Like an Incident Commander. T. Dunne. October, p.71

Transitioning Leadership. J. Buckman. August, p.69

Tuna Talk. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). March, p.52

US&R Teams, 1992: “An Almost Impossible Dream Realized.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). October, p.46

Warm, Pink, and Sweet. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). April, p.56

What Day? (Bruno “Unplugged”). August, p.38

What is the Best Promotional System? D.L. Rubin. March, p.123

What Type of Attitude Are You Nurturing? M. Furci. October, p.78

Who We Are, Have Been, and Always Will Be. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). August, p.8

Why Are You Screaming? A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). September, p.32

16. Miscellaneous

App would summon aid for cardiac arrest patients (News in Brief). October, p.34

ASTM Intl. Upgrades Online LMS (News in Brief). October, p.34

Check, Treat, and Clean Your Portable Radio Like Your SCBA. S. Villani. May, p.67

Collaborative Approach to Electrical Vault Fires, A. C. Greene, R. Morris Jr., McGeever, et al. November, p.53

Computer-Aided Dispatch, 1980: “By No Means the End of the Story.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). September, p.36

FDA approves qualified health claim for macadamia nuts (News in Brief). October, p.35

FireCatt: Computer-Controlled Hose Testing Technology. M. Radecky (Technology Today). October, p.83

Fire Communications, 1924—“Resistance to the Scourge of Fire”: Boston’s New Central Alarm Building (Fireman’s Journal). March, p.58

Firefighter as Passenger in an In-Flight Fire Emergency, The. J. McLoughlin. September, p.74

Fire Service’s Happy Warrior, The. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). December, p.8

Needle Drop-Off and Disposal: A Plan for Community Risk Reduction. J. Burke (FireEMS). November, p.20

New Fire Station Designs, 1955. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). June, p.40

NFPA issues report on female firefighter injuries (News in Brief). November, p.22

NIH: Follow-up effective in suicide prevention (News in Brief). November, p.22

Preplanning, 1948: Dealing with the Situation as It Exists. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). May, p.48

Rescue Squad and the Rock Band, The: Responding to Large Venue Show Incidents. K. Simok. September, p.59

Responding to Our Nation’s Aging Electrical Infrastructure. C. Greene and T. Frank. October, p.61

Retirement from the Fire Service: Five Needs for Success. J. Hudson. December, p.47

Science, Truth, and Practice. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). July, p.8

Shoes and Socks. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). November, p.8

Staffing, 1969: One Man Cannot Be Called a Fire Company.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). July, p.36

Training Firefighters, 1903: “Give Me a Chap of Ordinary Intelligence With Muscles of Steel.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). January, p.48

Urban Drafting Operations at a Chemical Warehouse Fire. M. Rossi. November, p.63

17. Public Education/Relations

ABCs of Starting a Junior Firefighter Program, The. D. Kernan (Volunteers Corner). January, p.14

App would summon aid for cardiac arrest patients (News in Brief). October, p.34

Assessing Continuous Improvement: Self-Assessment and Outcomes. T. Jenkins (CPSE Supplement). August, p10

Campus fire prevention education program proposed (News in Brief). April, p.51

CFSI symposium and dinner set for April 5-6 (News in Brief). March, p.46

Creating Positive Public Relations. M. Capoziello (Volunteers Corner). February, p.12

Fentanyl: Not Just Another White Powder. J. Knapp and S. Maile (FireEMS). June, p.28

Firefighter Family Tragedy and Loss. J. Hurd (FDIC Preview). March, p.143

Highs and Lows. M. Ciampo (On Fire). November, p.92

IAFC-TransCanada extend training accord to 2020 (News in Brief). August, p.34

IAFF Formalizes Support for CFAI Accreditation Process. L. Moore-Merrell (CPSE Supplement). August, p.14

Introduction. R. Bruegman (CPSE Supplement). August, p.2

Leadership, Tradition, and Evolution in the Fire Service. J. Hustoles. August, p.59

Lessons, Models, and Stories. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). January, p.44

Minimizing Evacuation Response Times in Fires. H. Shalabi. January, p.87

Needle Drop-Off and Disposal: A Plan for Community Risk Reduction. J. Burke (FireEMS). November, p.20

NVFC issues Code of Conduct (News in Brief). August, p.34

Pascrell Jr. CFSI 2016 Legislator of the Year (News in Brief). February, p.46

Planning for Success. R. Kanterman. August, p.45

Preparing to Face Public Criticism. A. Rice (Training Notebook). September, p.18

Psycho-Education: A Vital Part of Operational Firefighter Training. T. Lorensen. December, p.68

Public safety broadband Web site launched (News in Brief). September, p.26

Self-Assessment and Data: Moving Your Agency Forward. K. Haines (CPSE Supplement). August, p.9

Shoes and Socks. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). November, p.8

Sister Cities for Fire Departments. C. Haigh and J.M. Hein (Volunteers Corner). May, p14

Sometimes Quirky Wins. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). February, p.50

Staffing, 1969: One Man Cannot Be Called a Fire Company.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). July, p.36

Strategic Planning: Improving Service and Planning for the Future. J. White (CPSE Supplement). August, p.8

Tuna Talk. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). March, p.52

Warm, Pink, and Sweet. A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). April, p.56

Who We Are, Have Been, and Always Will Be. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). August, p.8

Why Are You Screaming? A. Brunacini (Bruno “Unplugged”). September, p.32

Wildland assessment training free (News in Brief). December, p.28

18. Rescue

Are We Truly Concerned About the Victim? S. Gray, P.J. Norwood, and J. Ceriello (FDIC Preview). March, p.133

Auto Extrication: When Hydraulics Go Down. K. Fowler (Extrication Tactics). April, p.36

Cell Tower Rescue: First-In Operations and the Incident Action Plan. N. Paulsberg. September, p.53

Confined Space Recovery. E. Tracy and G. Borden. November, p.45

Coordinating Care for Crush Injuries and Crush Syndrome. R.L. Duckworth (FireEMS). March, p.40

FAST Board, The. W. Holton (Technology Today). March, p.163

FDNY Rope Rescue. R. Morris Jr. and M. Dugan (Fire Focus). April, p.30

Forcible Entry: The Frame Spreader (Innovations: Homegrown). A. Hansen. September, p.79

Getting an Immobilized Patient to the Ground: The Ladder Pivot Rescue. J.Rifflard. September, p.76

Gray Area, The: Firefighter Rescue and Hazmat. P. Ambrose. November, p.75

Hallway Help. M. Ciampo (On Fire). August, p.88

Hasty Harness for Extrication, The. C. Lorenz (Extrication Tactics). May, p.24

Highs and Lows. M. Ciampo (On Fire). November, p.92

How to Expedite a Confined Space Rescue. J. McCarthy and G. Boivin. April, p.125

Improvised 2-to-1 Hauling System for a Down Firefighter Removal. T. Sitz. December, p.53

New Haven Condo Fire. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). October, p.22

Operational Tactics and Tips. M. Ciampo (On Fire). December, p.100

Preparing for the “Main Street” Mayday. J. Pronesti (Training Notebook). August, p.18

Psycho-Education: A Vital Part of Operational Firefighter Training. T. Lorensen. December, p.68

Raise, Rotate, Extend. M. Ciampo (On Fire). September, p.88

Rescue Squad and the Rock Band, The: Responding to Large Venue Show Incidents. K. Simok. September, p.59

Rescue Tools: Extricating Demonstrators and Protestors. T.J. Kenney (FDIC Preview). March, p.147

Residential Search: Applying the Principles. M. Mason. September, p.65

Responding to Suspended Scaffold Emergencies. J. Rifflard. September, p.47

Royale at City Place Conflagration. S. Finazzo. October, p.49

Search and Rescue Above the Fire. D. Stratton (FDIC Preview). March, p.155

“Small” Incident That Needed a Major Response, A. J. Manfredonia (Volunteers Corner). September, p.14

Three Essentials for Trench Rescue Success. J. Rifflard (Training Notebook). January, p.26

US&R Teams, 1992: “An Almost Impossible Dream Realized.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). October, p.46

Vehicle Rescue Training. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). January, p.30

19. Safety and Health

Apparatus Siren Limitations and Intersection Crashes. C. Daly. February, p.54

App would summon aid for cardiac arrest patients (News in Brief). October, p.34

Are FL Superfund sites associated with cancer? (News in Brief). May, p.36

Belowgrade Fires: Firefighter Traps. J. Norman. June, p.42

Beware the Structural Carcass: Building Collapse After the Fire Is Out. A. Avillo. January, p.83

BlastMask®, The. J. Dickstein (Technology Today). December, p.70

CMS bolsters preparedness in Medicare and Medicaid (News in Brief). January, p.40

Common Sense. B. Halton (Editor’s Opinion). October, p.8

CPAT-like program study underway at USF (News in Brief). July, p.28

FDA approves qualified health claim for macadamia nuts (News in Brief). October, p.35

Fentanyl Epidemic, The. P. Leary (FireEMS). October, p.26

Fentanyl: Not Just Another White Powder. J. Knapp and S. Maile (FireEMS). June, p.28

Fighting Structural Fires During Lightning Storms. M.J. Barakey (Fire Focus). February, p.28

Firefighter Cancer Registry Act introduced in the House (News in Brief). April, p.51

Firefighter Down: Cardiac Arrest Drill. G. Beasley (FireEMS). May, p.30

Firefighter Family Tragedy and Loss. J. Hurd (FDIC Preview). March, p.143

Fire Service Cancer Drives Regionwide Collaboration in Florida. T. LeDuc and S. Eaton. June, p.61

Flashover! A Near Miss During a Vent-Enter-Search. J.A. Rigolo. March, p.61

FRA proposes rail safety standard updates (News in Brief). February, p.47

FRA urges railroads to implement PTC safety system (News in Brief). March, p.46

Gas Emergencies: 10 Life-Safety Tactics. B. Crimmins and A. Pratts. November, p.71

Gray Area, The: Firefighter Rescue and Hazmat. P. Ambrose. November, p.75

Health update: prostate cancer (News in Brief). March, p.46

HFSC’s FEMA grant to promote home sprinklers (News in Brief). November, p.22

High-Pressure Steam Incidents: What You Need to Know. F. Montagna. June, p.66

How Sleep Affects Long-Term Health. T.L. Thaden. April, p.71

IAFC guide addresses gap in physicals (News in Brief). January, p.40

IAFF opens behavioral health treatment center (News in Brief). May, p.36

Impact of Mental Health Stigma in the Fire Service, The. C. McKenna. December, p.59

Improving Response Procedures to Natural Gas Emergencies. J. Knapp and D. Moran. March, p.69

Introduction. R. Bruegman (CPSE Supplement). August, p.2

Is Courage in Conflict with Safety? G. Tracy. February, p.67

Knock, Knock, “Is Anyone Home?” F. Califano (FireEMS). February, p.42

Needle Drop-Off and Disposal: A Plan for Community Risk Reduction. J. Burke (FireEMS). November, p.20

NFPA issues report on female firefighter injuries (News in Brief). November, p.22

NFPA releases Fire Service 2015 Needs Assessment Report (News in Brief). February, p.46

NIEHA report lists seven new carcinogens (News in Brief). January, p.40

NVFC expands members’ health insurance options (News in Brief). February, p.46

Physical and Wellness Program. D. Schramm (Volunteers Corner). December, p.12

Planning and Response Considerations for Homemade Explosives. D. Parker (Training Notebook). May, p.18

Proper Breathing for the Proper Response. R Jorge (Training Notebook). November, p.14

Protect Firefighters Through Aggressive Fire Inspections. V.M. Knott (Fire Prevention Bureau). January, p.93

Protecting Against Back Injuries. B. Fass (FireEMS). January, p.32

Public safety broadband Web site launched (News in Brief). September, p.26

Pulmonary Edema Following Opioid Overdose. C. Pignataro (FireEMS). September, p.22

Researchers find gene tied to alcohol consumption (News in Brief). February, p.47

Speeding up cancer immunotherapy (News in Brief). December, p.28

Sprinkler Support Crucial at Large Warehouse Fires. J. Burnham. November, p.68

Street Smarts from a Driver’s Perspective: Positioning Apparatus for Safety. C. Daly. February, p.60

Synthetic urine masks drug test use (News in Brief). May, p.38

Thinking About the Unthinkable. S. Marsar. July, p.43

USFA-NVFC issues report on volunteer fire service health and safety (News in Brief). February, p.47

Using Building Design and Codes to Bolster Firefighter Safety and Efficiency. M. Chibarro. January, p.90

Warrior’s Mentality, The. C. Sargent. July, p.47

Web tool for cancer patients (News in Brief). April, p.51

When Electricity Takes an Unexpected Path, Part 1. B. Gustin. April, p.63

When Electricity Takes an Unexpected Path, Part 2. B. Gustin. May, p.59

Work ‘N Leisure recalls air valves used in CPR training (News in Brief). February, p.47

20. Strategy and Tactics

Applying ICS: Wildland vs. Structure Fires. A. Kastros. April, p.105

Are You Ready to Perform Vent-Enter-Isolate-Search? D. Moran. March, p.113

Assistance Accepted. M. Ciampo (On Fire). March, p.172

Auto Extrication: When Hydraulics Go Down. K. Fowler (Extrication Tactics). April, p.36

Belowgrade Fires: Firefighter Traps. J. Norman. June, p.42

Best Tools for Breaching Bullet-Resistive Glass, The. J. Rifflard. March, p.79

Beyond the 360° Size-Up. W. Murray (Training Notebook). July, p.16

Breaking Blocks from the Ground and from Above. M. Ciampo. April, p.117

Cell Tower Rescue: First-In Operations and the Incident Action Plan. N. Paulsberg. September, p.53

Centennial. M. Ciampo (On Fire). October, p.92

Collaborative Approach to Electrical Vault Fires, A. C. Greene, R. Morris Jr., McGeever, et al. November, p.53

Confined Space Recovery. E. Tracy and G. Borden. November, p.45

Derailed. M. Ciampo (On Fire). January, p.100

Deploying the Leader Line or Courtyard Lay. M. Clark and J. Scaglione (The Engine Company). February, p.34

Detroit “Street Experience” Contains Warehouse Fire. M. Nevin. November, p.33

Essentials of a High-Performing Engine Company. R. Ray. October, p.73

Emergency Roll Calls. F. Leeb August, p.52

FDNY Rope Rescue. R. Morris Jr. and M. Dugan (Fire Focus). April, p.30

Fighting in Small and Medium-Sized Box Store Fires with Limited Personnel. R. Callahan. June, p.51

Fighting Structural Fires During Lightning Storms. M.J. Barakey (Fire Focus). February, p.28

Firefighter as Passenger in an In-Flight Fire Emergency, The. J. McLoughlin. September, p.74

Fires in 2½-Story Wood-Frame Dwellings. B. Gustin (Fire Focus). June, p.22

Flashover! A Near Miss During a Vent-Enter-Search. J.A. Rigolo. March, p.61

Forcible Entry: Sizing Up the Cylinder Is a Critical Step. A.J. Hansen (The Truck Company). March, p.32

Forcible Entry Technique for Blocked Doors, A. R.E. Andersen (Training Notebook). March, p.20

Forcible Entry: The Frame Spreader (Innovations: Homegrown). A. Hansen. September, p.79

From Dispatch to Strategy. D. Sheridan. May, p.83

Gas Emergencies: 10 Life-Safety Tactics. B. Crimmins and A. Pratts. November, p.71

Gas Years, The. M. Ciampo (On Fire). June, p.80

Getting an Immobilized Patient to the Ground: The Ladder Pivot Rescue. J.Rifflard. September, p.76

Gray Area, The: Firefighter Rescue and Hazmat. P. Ambrose. November, p.75

Hallway Help. M. Ciampo (On Fire). August, p.88

High-Pressure Steam Incidents: What You Need to Know. F. Montagna. June, p.66

IC Scream Prevention Program (Bruno “Unplugged”). October, p.40

Improving Response Procedures to Natural Gas Emergencies. J. Knapp and D. Moran. March, p.69

Improvised 2-to-1 Hauling System for a Down Firefighter Removal. T. Sitz. December, p.53

Interior Exposure Protection: a Neglected Tactic. J. Hoevelmann. October, p.69

Killer in the Attic: Fire Operations in Half-Stories. F. Ricci and C. Tobin. December, p.39

Leadership in the Real World: The Power of the Pause. R. Burns (Training Notebook). April, p.22

Lessons Learned After a Line-of-Duty Death. G. Burns (What We Learned). August, p.71

Lessons Learned from the Hoboken Train Derailment. B. Crimmins. February, p.77

Lessons Learned from the Raleigh (NC) Metropolitan Apartment Fire. S. Corker. September, p.39

Making the Front Bumper Connect Work for You. T. Bradley (Training Notebook). October, p.18

Making the Most of Your Post Incident Analysis. B. Angier. August, p.55

Maximizing Circular Saw Effectiveness in Forcible Entry Operations. S. Hittle. March, p.101

My Turn Under the Microscope. M. Ciampo (On Fire). May, p.128

Natural Gas Emergency Strategy and Tactics. J. Knapp and Moran. April, p.81

New Haven Condo Fire. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). October, p.22

Operational Miscue. M. Ciampo (On Fire). February, p.92

Operational Tactics and Tips. M. Ciampo (On Fire). December, p.100

Overcoming Relay Pumping Flow Problems. G. Naylis (Training Notebook). February, p.22

Piercing Nozzle Tactic for Attic Fires. B. Nemick. October, p.57

Planning and Response Considerations for Homemade Explosives. D. Parker (Training Notebook). May, p.18

Planning for Success. R. Kanterman. August, p.45

Preparing for the “Main Street” Mayday. J. Pronesti (Training Notebook). August, p.18

Proper Breathing for the Proper Response. R Jorge (Training Notebook). November, p.14

Proven Truck Tactics That Might Surprise You. J. Joannides. March, p.85

Psycho-Education: A Vital Part of Operational Firefighter Training. T. Lorensen. December, p.68

Quint Positioning for Current and Future Needs. R. Fisher. February, p.71

Raise, Rotate, Extend. M. Ciampo (On Fire). September, p.88

Reactivity vs. Proactivity: Risk-Driven Performance. H. Durre (CPSE Supplement). August, p.4

Rescue Squad and the Rock Band, The: Responding to Large Venue Show Incidents. K. Simok. September, p.59

Responding to Our Nation’s Aging Electrical Infrastructure. C. Greene and T. Frank. October, p.61

Responding to Suspended Scaffold Emergencies. J. Rifflard. September, p.47

Royale at City Place Conflagration. S. Finazzo. October, p.49

Rural Water Movement Operations. B. Adkins. February, p.64

RV, The: Baby’ Boomer’s Ride, Firefighter’s Nightmare. M. Watters. June, p.71

Search and Rescue Above the Fire. D. Stratton (FDIC Preview). March, p.155

Securing Portable Ladders’ Streams: the Hose Strap. J. Hueston. October, p.65

 “Small” Incident That Needed a Major Response, A. J. Manfredonia (Volunteers Corner). September, p.14

Strategic Planning: Improving Service and Planning for the Future. J. White (CPSE Supplement). August, p.8

Tactical Ventilation: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Reality. N. Papa. March, p.129

Thinking Like an Incident Commander. T. Dunne. October, p.71

Training for Natural Gas Emergencies. J. Knapp and D. Moran. May, p.71

Urban Drafting Operations at a Chemical Warehouse Fire. M. Rossi. November, p.63

US&R Teams, 1992: “An Almost Impossible Dream Realized.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). October, p.46

When Electricity Takes an Unexpected Path, Part 1. B. Gustin. April, p.63

When Electricity Takes an Unexpected Path, Part 2. B. Gustin. May, p.59

21. Tools and Equipment

Apparatus Siren Limitations and Intersection Crashes. C. Daly. February, p.54

Are You Ready to Perform Vent-Enter-Isolate-Search? D. Moran. March, p.113

Assessing the Impact of Technology on Fire Departments. S. Finazzo. May, p.51

Authoring Your Drone Program. J. Larson. May, p.86

Auto Extrication: When Hydraulics Go Down. K. Fowler (Extrication Tactics). April, p.36

Best Tools for Breaching Bullet-Resistive Glass, The. J. Rifflard. March, p.79

Beyond 1901: Exceeding the NFPA Standards. W.C. Peters (Apparatus Supplement). June, p.4

BlastMask®, The. J. Dickstein (Technology Today). December, p.70

Breaking Blocks from the Ground and from Above. M. Ciampo. April, p.117

Centennial. M. Ciampo (On Fire). October, p.92

Deploying the Leader Line or Courtyard Lay. M. Clark and J. Scaglione (The Engine Company). February, p.34

Developing a Driver Training Program. E. Hankins. February, p.74

Engine Firefighter: Mastering the Basics, The. T. Merrill (Volunteers Corner). October, p.14

Essentials of a High-Performing Engine Company. R. Ray. October, p.73

FAST Board, The. W. Holton (Technology Today). March, p.163

FDIC 2017: Bigger is Better! W.C. Peters (Apparatus Supplement). June, p.32

FDNY Rope Rescue. R. Morris Jr. and M. Dugan (Fire Focus). April, p.30

FireCatt: Computer-Controlled Hose Testing Technology. M. Radecky (Technology Today). October, p.83

Forcible Entry: Sizing Up the Cylinder Is a Critical Step. A.J. Hansen (The Truck Company). March, p.32

Forcible Entry Technique for Blocked Doors, A. R.E. Andersen (Training Notebook). March, p.20

Forcible Entry: The Frame Spreader (Innovations: Homegrown). A. Hansen. September, p.79

Gas Emergencies: 10 Life-Safety Tactics. B. Crimmins and A. Pratts. November, p.71

Hallway Help. M. Ciampo (On Fire). August, p.88

Hasty Harness for Extrication, The. C. Lorenz (Extrication Tactics). May, p.24

Getting an Immobilized Patient to the Ground: The Ladder Pivot Rescue. J.Rifflard. September, p.76

Improve On-Scene Accountability and Tracking with TaskForceTracker. J. Larson (Technology Today). May, p.89

Improvised 2-to-1 Hauling System for a Down Firefighter Removal. T. Sitz. December, p.53

 “It’s Big, It’s Red, and It Has Our Name on It…Now What?” Apparatus Factory Inspection Trips. W.C. Peters. July, p.57

Maximizing Circular Saw Effectiveness in Forcible Entry Operations. S. Hittle. March, p.101

NFPA releases Fire Service 2015 Needs Assessment Report (News in Brief). February, p.46

Operational Tactics and Tips. M. Ciampo (On Fire). December, p.100

Overcoming Relay Pumping Flow Problems. G. Naylis (Training Notebook). February, p.22

Piercing Nozzle Tactic for Attic Fires. B. Nemick. October, p.57

Prehospital Management of Bariatric Patients. J. Kaplan (FireEMS). August, p.28

Quint Positioning for Current and Future Needs. R. Fisher. February, p.71

Raise, Rotate, Extend. M. Ciampo (On Fire). September, p.88

Rescue Tools: Extricating Demonstrators and Protestors. T.J. Kenney (FDIC Preview). March, p.147

Residential Search: Applying the Principles. M. Mason. September, p.65

Rural Water Movement Operations. B. Adkins. February, p.64

Securing Portable Ladders’ Streams: the Hose Strap. J. Hueston. October, p.65

 “Small” Incident That Needed a Major Response, A. J. Manfredonia (Volunteers Corner). September, p.14

s.Quad Voice Pager, The. P. Zimmermann (Technology Today). July, p.77

Street Smarts from a Driver’s Perspective: Positioning Apparatus for Safety. C. Daly. February, p.60

Synthetic urine masks drug test use (News in Brief). May, p.38

Tactical Ventilation: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Reality. N. Papa. March, p.129

Thermal Failure of Hoselines: An Analysis of the Data. L.A. Herb and A. St. John. April, p.97

Three Essentials for Trench Rescue Success. J. Rifflard (Training Notebook). January, p.26

Training—Outside the Lines. M. Ciampo (On Fire). April, p.144

Work ‘N Leisure recalls air valves used in CPR training (News in Brief). February, p.47

WRAITH Tactical’s C.A.R.R. Pack. A. Madrigal (Technology Today). April, p.138

22. Training

Are We Prepared to Slide the Floor? A.J. Heller. April, p.129

Assistance Accepted. M. Ciampo (On Fire). March, p.172

ASTM Intl. Upgrades Online LMS (News in Brief). October, p.34

Beyond the 360° Size-Up. W. Murray (Training Notebook). July, p.16

Cell Tower Rescue: First-In Operations and the Incident Action Plan. N. Paulsberg. September, p.53

Centennial. M. Ciampo (On Fire). October, p.92

Critiques, Crittacks, and Travelogues: Learning from Experience. T.E. Poulin. July, p.72

Derailed. M. Ciampo (On Fire). January, p.100

Developing a Driver Training Program. E. Hankins. February, p.74

Essentials of a High-Performing Engine Company. R. Ray. October, p.73

FDIC 2017: Bigger is Better! W.C. Peters (Apparatus Supplement). June, p.32

Fighting Structural Fires During Lightning Storms. M.J. Barakey (Fire Focus). February, p.28

Fire Communications, 1924—“Resistance to the Scourge of Fire”: Boston’s New Central Alarm Building (Fireman’s Journal). March, p.58

Firefighter Down: Cardiac Arrest Drill. G. Beasley (FireEMS). May, p.30

Fire Prevention, 1912: Protecting Employees and Property. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). February, p.52

Fires in 2½-Story Wood-Frame Dwellings. B. Gustin (Fire Focus). June, p.22

Forcible Entry: The Frame Spreader (Innovations: Homegrown). A. Hansen. September, p.79

Free hazmat training available through ALERT grant (News in Brief). November, p.22

Gas Years, The. M. Ciampo (On Fire). June, p.80

Getting an Immobilized Patient to the Ground: The Ladder Pivot Rescue. J.Rifflard. September, p.76

“Getting on the Job”: Before the Testing Starts. N. Cabral (Volunteers Corner). November, p.12Going “Back to School”: An Inexpensive Way to Train. R. House (Training Notebook). June, p.18

Government Funding: It’s Not Yours! T. Pillsworth (Volunteers Corner). August, p.14

IAFC, AT&T to continue educating first responders (News in Brief). July, p.30

IAFC-TransCanada extend training accord to 2020 (News in Brief). August, p.34

Improvised 2-to-1 Hauling System for a Down Firefighter Removal. T. Sitz. December, p.53

Lessons Learned After a Line-of-Duty Death. G. Burns (What We Learned). August, p.71

Lessons Learned at FDIC Help Save Strip Mall. S. Naylis (What We Learned). April, p.135

Lessons Learned from the Hoboken Train Derailment. B. Crimmins. February, p.77

Lessons Learned from the Raleigh (NC) Metropolitan Apartment Fire. S. Corker. September, p.39

Managing Officer Program for Company Officers, The. S. Marsar (Training Notebook). December, p.16

My Turn Under the Microscope. M. Ciampo (On Fire). May, p.128

Natural Gas Emergency Strategy and Tactics. J. Knapp and Moran. April, p.81

Need for Realistic, Continuous Officer Development Training, The. W. Shouldis. July, p.67

New Fire Station Designs, 1955. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). June, p.40

New York Fire Patrol School, 1934, The: Throwing Covers. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). April, p.60

NFPA releases Fire Service 2015 Needs Assessment Report (News in Brief). February, p.46

Operational Miscue. M. Ciampo (On Fire). February, p.92

Operational Tactics and Tips. M. Ciampo (On Fire). December, p.100

Physical and Wellness Program. D. Schramm (Volunteers Corner). December, p.12

Piercing Nozzle Tactic for Attic Fires. B. Nemick. October, p.57

Planning for Success. R. Kanterman. August, p.45

Preparing for the “Main Street” Mayday. J. Pronesti (Training Notebook). August, p.18

Preplanning, 1948: Dealing with the Situation as It Exists. G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). May, p.48

Proper Breathing for the Proper Response. R Jorge (Training Notebook). November, p.14

Proven Truck Tactics That Might Surprise You. J. Joannides. March, p.85

Psycho-Education: A Vital Part of Operational Firefighter Training. T. Lorensen. December, p.68

Raise, Rotate, Extend. M. Ciampo (On Fire). September, p.88

Reaching Students’ Affective Domain of Learning. P. Duczyminksi. April, p.113

Residential Search: Applying the Principles. M. Mason. September, p.65

Responding to Suspended Scaffold Emergencies. J. Rifflard. September, p.47

Rocking Chair Firefighter, the Tough Guys, and the Green Ears, The: Blending Generations. M.W. Herendeen and B. Ward. April, p.121 

Securing Portable Ladders’ Streams: the Hose Strap. J. Hueston. October, p.65

Sister Cities for Fire Departments. C. Haigh and J.M. Hein (Volunteers Corner). May, p14

Training Firefighters, 1903: “Give Me a Chap of Ordinary Intelligence With Muscles of Steel.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). January, p.48

Training for Natural Gas Emergencies. J. Knapp and D. Moran. May, p.71

Training—Outside the Lines. M. Ciampo (On Fire). April, p.144

US&R Teams, 1992: “An Almost Impossible Dream Realized.” G. Corbett (Fireman’s Journal). October, p.46

Vehicle Rescue Training. M. Dugan (Fire Focus). January, p.30

Warwick (RI) Garden Apartment Response. T. Bradley (What We Learned). March, p.158

“What If” Drill, The. T. Merrill (Volunteers Corner). July, p.12

Wildland assessment training free (News in Brief). December, p.28

Your FDIC International 2017 “Backstage Pass.” January, p.50

Large House in Fort Worth (TX) Partially Collapses During Fire

Fort Worth firefighters battled a fire at a large house in the affluent Crestline neighborhood, near the River Crest Country Club, early Wednesday.
Hutchinson Kansas fire

Man Arrested After KS Fire That Killed Two

A man was arrested on Monday in connection with a deadly Hutchinson house fire on Saturday where a woman and girl died.