By William Perritt
I work in a small career fire department in southern Westchester County, New York, a 15-minute drive north of the Bronx. Our response area contains numerous larger multiple dwellings that are characteristically found in larger cities. Our daily staffing level is seven to nine members; we rely heavily on automatic-aid agreements to achieve the required staffing for structural fires. We are a small suburban department responding to urban-style buildings.
- Know Your Hose Stretches
- Hose Stretches
- Extending the Hoseline: Overcoming a Short Stretch, Part 1 | Part 2
The cities that surround us will dispatch an assignment consisting of 30 to 60 members, depending on the municipality, for a fire in a multiple dwelling. Even using automatic-aid units, around 20 members will be dispatched for a working fire. Because of the difference in staffing, the larger departments operate in “parallel,” with engine companies stretching while truck companies are searching. This is not possible for us because of the reduced staffing; the challenge is exacerbated when we respond to a multiple dwelling.
For success, our operations must occur in “series,” where the incident commander (IC) selects the most effective tactic for the fire and directs the members to complete the tasks that support it. All available members are assigned to assist with the tactic that the IC selects. Because of reduced staffing, we recognize that placing the first hoseline in operation will almost always have the greatest impact on the fire. Hence, most of our operations center around assigning the initial-arriving members to stretch the first hoseline (photo 1).
(1) Photos by author.
Stretching the first hoseline in a multiple dwelling may require stretching longer than the typical 200- to 250-foot preconnected hoseline. We have numerous garden apartment complexes with long distances from the street; some large older Type 3 multistory apartment houses are not equipped with standpipes (photo 2). Such structures present a great challenge, and we drill on these scenarios regularly. As a department, we reviewed our procedures on placing the first hoseline into operation at these “extended stretches” and we found some issues. (In this article, an extended stretch is one that is longer than the normally used preconnected hoselines.)
After a systematic review, we devised the simplest, most effective manner to place the first hoseline into operation when we need to stretch to a distance away. We redesigned our system and gave the members a new option for placing the first hoseline in operation. Below are the benefits of the two-inch static hosebed and the steps we took to design the system, train the members, and implement the new fire attack system.
Old Option: The Gated Wye
Our department determined that we had a significant number of garden apartments and large multiple dwellings that required, in some cases, 500 feet of attack hose to reach the seat of the fire. For years, our answer to this problem was to “fly the wye.” We would use a 2½-inch gated wye as a trunk line and then operated our apartment pack (three lengths of 1¾-inch hose with a 15⁄16-inch smooth bore nozzle) from the appliance to create a portable standpipe. This allowed for us to keep the pump discharge pressure (PDP) low since we used the larger trunk line that had lower friction loss. Additionally, this system allowed for us to rapidly stretch a second hoseline from the wye if one was required. Although the lower PDP with a rapid second-line stretch has its benefits, the system was cumbersome and slow to assemble.
In an assessment, we found the following failure points:
- The larger 2½- or three-inch hose is large, with 2½-inch couplings and increased weight from a smaller attack hose, which slowed the stretch of the first hoseline.
- The 2½-inch couplings are larger and more prone to get wedged on friction points such as car tires, walls, curbs, and bannisters.
- In many cases, it took numerous members to stretch the wye to the drop point in a safe area to connect the attack hose for the advance. As a result, the second units had to bring the attack hose to attach to the wye.
- Once the attack hose was attached, a member had to operate the wye and charge the attack hose. This member was then delayed in joining the attack group as they made the advance on the fire.
- The gate on the wye needed to be placed in a safe area where it would not be accidentally closed and then secured in the open position. This was becoming an issue when the system was stretched in the vertical environment. It was difficult to locate an area inside a building where the wye would be out of the smoke and in an area where it would not be kicked closed by fleeing occupants or advancing firefighters.
- Once both the trunk line and the attack line were supplied with water, the motor pump operator (MPO) had to contend with determining the PDP for a complex blended attack package consisting of two different diameters of hose, an appliance, a nozzle, and elevation issues. This is a challenge for even the most experienced MPO.
- If the gate valve is kicked closed during the advance of the first hoseline from the gated wye, the members can experience a rapid/catastrophic loss of water. Imagine if you are just about to make the turn into the last room of fire and you lose all your water and protection in a second.
- The second hoseline was often not needed, and when it was placed into operation it was almost impossible to coordinate both hoselines to ensure that each hoseline had enough pressure. Both lines would need to be open and flowing so the MPO can adjust to the correct residual pressure. This almost never happens; it is rare that both hoses can be flowed and adjusted simultaneously. As a result, the second hoseline can either “steal” water from the first hoseline when it is opened or it will receive a pressure surge when it is operating and the first attack hoseline is closed.
Using the gated wye and the apartment pack was complex and allowed for many failure points. Because of the issues with the gated wye, we decided to remove the gated wye from any future systems we would use (photo 3).
New Option: The Static Bed
We began researching various hose and nozzle configurations that will keep the friction loss low, make the hose system manageable, and be able to flow the required flow [gallons per minute (gpm)] to extinguish a fire. Many of our members and I also work as fire instructors at the Westchester County (NY) Fire Training Center. This association provides us with a large network of experienced firefighters and fire officers from throughout the county, such as the New Rochelle Fire Department, which was one of the fire departments to use two-inch hose in our area, and the Fire Department of New York (FDNY), which routinely performs extended stretches. To make the best decision, we worked with our contacts in various departments and learned how they completed an extended stretch. We reviewed different options and drilled with configurations used by other departments to evaluate the option that met all our department’s needs. We wanted an agile system that was sleek and simple and would deliver more than 185 gpm (the same as the previously used system) at more than 500 feet.
After working with various configurations, we decided that two-inch hose with a smooth bore nozzle would provide our members with the best weapon to extinguish fire and protect themselves. We reviewed our response area and determined that the longest stretch in our area was 10 lengths or 500 feet. As a result of this distance, a bed of 1¾-inch hose could not be used, as the friction loss to achieve the needed flow would create a higher PDP. A high PDP made the 1¾-inch static bed prohibitive.
We then investigated using a blended hosebed, such as the “6-10” bed used in the FDNY. In this bed, the lead six lengths of hose are 1¾-inch and the rest of the bed is filled out with 2½-inch hose for the travel distance. This system worked well and we did not have to use an appliance. Some issues with this system were that it locked us into the 185-gpm target flow and used the heavy 2½-inch hose as part of the system. We then demonstrated two-inch hose and found that it combined low friction loss with light weight compared to the 2½-inch hose.
The final design was for 500 feet of two-inch in a static bed on the engines. The use of two-inch hose kept the system light but also did not require excessive PDPs for a 500-foot stretch. It also allowed for high flows from the nozzle, which will be discussed in the following section.
Fire Attack System Design
After we determined the required amount of hose, we began testing hose and nozzle configurations to achieve the best flow (gpm) at the lowest PDP [in pounds per square inch (psi)]. Our team selected premium hose with superior handling and low friction loss and reduced potential for kinks.
After selecting the hose, we tested various nozzles that would provide a quality stream with reach and penetration that also met our target flows. After extensive research and flowing thousands of gallons of water, we designed a nozzle that would achieve our goals. We worked with our nozzle manufacturer and created a custom specified nozzle with two tip diameters. This nozzle had an exterior one-inch tip, which allowed for approximately 190 gpm @ 40 psi and 210 gpm @ 50 psi at the tip. This gave the attack group dominant flow at a manageable nozzle reaction.
Our group also discussed the possibility of rapid fire growth because of new furnishings and heavy fire loads in some of the apartments. The problem is exacerbated by the increased reflex time associated with stretching numerous lengths of hose with a few members. As a result of these concerns, we wanted the ability to flow more than our traditionally accepted target flow of 185 gpm if fire conditions required. As a result, the nozzle was designed with a 1 1⁄16-inch integral tip. This tip allows for the two-inch hose to flow approximately 235 gpm @ 50 psi at the tip. If the attack group needs more volume of water for fire attack, the nozzle firefighter can remove the one-inch tip and use the integral 1 1⁄16-inch tip. When the larger tip size is used, the nozzle firefighter communicates with the pump operator, who will increase the PDP to flow the increased gpm. Having the ability to flow higher volumes of water allows for the attack group to have the needed flow to suppress a heavy volume of fire on arrival. Additionally, this system allows for the attack group to flow more water on a fire that has grown exponentially during the reflex time from when the stretch was called for to when there was water flowing on the fire (photo 4).
The Hose Pack
In our old system with the gated wye, we packed the hose in a tradition flat pack. It was basic and the members gained proficiency in packing and stretching because of its simplicity. It was adequate for operations when the hose was stretched outside and the drop points were outside, as in a garden apartment complex. It did not work well when the system was stretched into a vertical situation—e.g., at a nonstandpipe-equipped multiple dwelling or a parking structure. After reflecting on our difficulties with this type of stretch, we realized that the flat load on an engine’s static bed can make for a hose bundle of eight to 11 feet, depending on apparatus design. When this hose bundle is brought to its drop point to be flaked out, it is often not very manageable.
After looking at different hose packing options, we selected the “Double Horseshoe” for the first two lengths and the traditional flat pack for the remaining lengths. The two horseshoes were approximately four feet long and allowed the nozzle firefighter and the backup firefighter to each take one length of hose in a controlled fashion. The horseshoe works well since it allows the member to control his assigned hose bundle. This hose pack also was versatile and worked well in both the horizontal and vertical extended stretch. Because the horseshoes were around four feet, they could be placed in a smaller area such as the hallway of the floor below or the stairwell to be deployed. Once we decided on the smaller hose pack system, it was time to get out and drill on the new system (photo 5).
Drilling with the New Fire Attack Package
Whenever you changed a piece of equipment on an apparatus, additional training must occur to ensure that the members are proficient. This change affected numerous aspects of the operation, and the members needed to be trained on packing and stretching the hose, operating the nozzle at various flows, and properly pumping the hose. All our members are pump operators, so the entire department had to undergo pump training, hose packing, and stretching drills.
We used a progressive approach to training the members on the new fire attack system to ensure success. We initially reviewed videos showing rapid fire growth to demonstrate the need for the change, which would enable us to rapidly stretch a hoseline and put water on fire. Modern fuel packages mean fire has a more explosive rate of growth than in years past. Since increased time to stretch a hoseline a distance exacerbates rapid fire growth, the members can expect to encounter heavy fire conditions. We emphasized that when operating at fires that are beyond the reach of the preconnect, the fire that you arrive at may not be the fire you fight, as it will grow in intensity while the stretch is underway. Because of this reality, we must use a system that allows for rapidly stretching the hose and a sufficient amount of water flow to suppress the fire.
We reviewed the hose pack and ensured that all members could pack the hose in the prescribed manner so that it would deploy smoothly from the engine. Next, we reviewed the friction loss and pumping considerations for the hose and nozzle combination. We performed the hydraulic calculations in the classroom and then stretched hose and verified the friction loss using flowmeters. Once the pump operators developed proficiency in supplying the fire attack system with the correct PDP to achieve the desired flow based on length and nozzle tip diameter, we began drilling on advancing and flowing.
The two-inch fire attack system operates at a lower pressure and can generate higher volumes of water based on the tip size and PDP. As a result, we needed to train the members on factors to use the different tip sizes and the operational considerations when flowing larger amounts of water. We reviewed different techniques, focusing on proper body mechanics to ensure that the members could advance and operate the two-inch hose at various flows.
We spent a considerable amount of time reviewing estimating the stretch and communicating the stretch over the fireground radio. We reinforced that the successful static stretch is based on apparatus positioning, sizing the stretch from the engine to the structure, and then determining the amount of hose needed inside of the structure to operate in the fire room. Working on estimating the stretch and communicating it over the radio in a brief and meaningful manner was essential for the success of this fire attack system.
For the members to truly understand the benefit of the new static bed, we scheduled a training day for all groups at the Westchester County (NY) Fire Training Center. We conducted numerous evolutions with the old gated wye system and new two-inch static bed to compare and contrast the advantages/disadvantages of each system. This training was critical to achieve the needed buy-in from the members.
After numerous evolutions over multiple days, the members made the following observations:
- The two-inch hose was lighter and had a smaller profile than the previously used 2½-inch hose with a gated wye. This increased the speed of the stretch and reduced firefighter fatigue.
- The 1½-inch couplings were less prone to get caught on friction points.
- The horseshoe hose pack allowed firefighters to know how much hose they had and made it manageable to move around obstacles such as car tires or railings.
- On stretching to the entry point, the attack group had a nozzle ready to flow water on the fire rather than a gated wye that still required attaching lengths of smaller-diameter attack hose to initiate the attack.
- The nozzle design allows for a wide flow range from 190 to 235 gpm that the MPO controlled by adjusting the PDP.
- The smooth bore nozzle with 1.38-inch ball valve allowed the maximum amount of water with the least amount of turbulence or nozzle reaction.
- The two-inch hose diameter allowed for a maneuverable hoseline that resisted kinks.
These training days gave the members confidence in the new system; they must have complete confidence in the fire attack system that they will be operating when their lives and civilians’ lives are on the line.
Stretching in the Response Area
After the training days were completed, we scheduled drills with local building managers and stretched the new system at buildings in our response area. This system was designed to operate in the horizontal and vertical stretch, so we stretched in both large vertical multiple dwellings and garden apartments with long horizontal stretches. These drills allowed members to learn the target hazards in their response area as well as see the benefits of the new static bed. Members began to identify drop points for the hose and areas to flake out the line in the various buildings. Additionally, members noted friction points and where the hose would get caught while stretching. We noticed the time to stretch a hoseline decrease and proficiency increase as the drills progressed. After drilling for a month, times were reduced by more than 50% compared to the old gated wye system (photos 6-7).
Operations at Fires
Once we equipped all of our engines with the new two-inch static bed, we continued to drill and refine our techniques. After some time, we got the chance to use this system at fires, and it worked very well. Our members rapidly stretched and operated the fire attack system, extinguishing fires before they grew to larger levels. Some mutual-aid partners also adopted the same two-inch static bed design and they too experienced success in the field. These positive experiences galvanized the members‘ belief in the system. It also fueled a drive to standardize the static stretch among many departments that operate together, which was an additional benefit.
The primary mission of the fire department is to protect life and property. There is no more effective way, with minimal staffing, to fulfill that mission than by rapidly locating, confining, and extinguishing the fire. Although it is ideal to have the staffing to search and stretch simultaneously, this is simply not a reality for many departments. All members will need to be focused and coordinated to ensure the first line is stretched and operating. This advancing hoseline will save lives by extinguishing fire while additional units arrive to search and perform other critical fireground functions. If you have target hazards in your response area that require extended hoseline stretches, your department must provide the members with a reliable system to place the first hoseline in operation with speed and success.
Seconds matter at a fire, and rapidly flowing water on the fire will make everything better. Our department is committed to having a plan to stretch and operate a hoseline in every structure in our district. Being able to arrive and rapidly stretch a hoseline is an essential skill and at the core of our mission. The two-inch static bed is a valuable tool in our arsenal that will allow us to protect the civilians in our response area when seconds count.
William Perritt is a 25-year veteran of the fire service with more than 20 years in the career fire service. He is a deputy chief and municipal training officer with the Hartsdale (NY) Fire District. Perritt is a New York State and Westchester County fire instructor and has a bachelor’s degree from the College of the Holy Cross and a master’s degree in fire protection management from John Jay College of Criminal Justice.