Allies Where They Count
The Editor’s Opinion Page
Fire service leaders who seek to improve public fire safety know from experience that as time increases from the last large life loss fire, so does legislative resistance to passing corrective legislation. The nationwide clamor for improved fire safety codes for hotels and places of public assembly that was ignited by the heat of the MGM Grand Hotel fire has already cooled off.
Therefore, it’s encouraging to learn that the Conference of Insurance Legislators, a national organization of state legislators, has established a task force on hotel and public accommodation standards. State Senator John R. Dunne of New York, the conference president, says the work of this task force will be his organization’s first priority this year. The task force goal is the drafting of model legislation on arson prevention and the improvement of fire and structural safety in hotels and other places of public accommodation. We in the fire service welcome this help.
Senator Dunne can be reached at Room 711, Legislative Office Building, Albany, N.Y. 12247.