This week is International Fire/EMS Safety and Health Week, and all personnel and departments are encouraged to use this opportunity to focus on critical safety, health, and survival training and education. The theme this year is “Train Like You Fight,” with an emphasis on safety on the training ground and reduction of training-related injuries and death as well as the importance of adequate training to prepare for safe fireground operations.
Safety and Health Week is sponsored each year by the National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC) and the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), with coordination by the NVFC’s Health, Safety, and Training Committee and the IAFC’s Safety, Health, and Survival Section. The week is supported by over two dozen national fire and emergency service organizations.
Take time this week to focus on how you and your department can improve safety, health, and training initiatives and achieve your safety and health goals. Resources to help you focus on safety, health, and training this week and throughout the year are available on the Safety and Health Week web site at
By joining together, we can make safety, health, and training top priorities in the fire service and prevent line-of-duty injuries and deaths.