Answers to Correspondents.

Answers to Correspondents.

Our department of “Answers to Correspondents,” promises to be an interesting one. The circulation of the JOURNAL prospectuses brought us quite a number of questions to answer. We shall take great pleasure in responding to the best of our information to all questions on fire topics.

A P.—Noah L. Farnum resigned assistant engineer-ship April 1st, 1857.

B.—“ Big Six ” returned home from Canada Sept. 10th, 1857.

WEST Side.—When Harry Howard was made Chief thero were only four regular candiates in tho field to fill the vacancy of assistant-engnieer Isaac S. Seixas Hose 2, C. K. Lyons Hose 10, Eugene Ward, Eng. 29, and Daniel Duninan Eng. 18. The election was held on the 10th of March, 1857.

Jersey.—The Volunteer departmnet of Newark was permanently organziod in 1854.

Rex’.—Tho first vacancy that occurred in the Board of Assistant-Engineer (now Chief of Batallion) was made by tho resignation of Joe Costa—Joe remained hut a few months in the department.

^ Wooster.—Eloven Engine lay down in Old Slip before she came up into Wooster street.

K.—Harry Howard is still alive, and looks good for many years to come.

In the early part of October a very pleasant ro-union took place at the house of Engine Co. No 0 in Philadelphia in the shape of a presentation to Foreman William McKinley, by the club that bears his name, of a handsome diamond pin, and a photograph of Foreman McKinley to Assistant Engineer Baxter and the members of 21 Engine Company. Councilmanelect Faunce, of the Eighteenth Ward, received the trophy on behalf of the above gentleman in a neat speech, and then all hands sat down to a fine table prepared for the occasion. During the evening there was singing by Ed. Faunce, Val. Mohden, Rice McGonigal and McKinley’s band, clog dancing bv Charley Clark and song and daiico by Master McKinley. The invited guests were dames Baxter, Foreman Hollworth, George Cost, Johnny, the Rabbit, from Engine 21; Dave Bisk from Truck C, Bum Hager from Truc k B, Bill Defoney, David Rothsohell, and many others.

The total amount to he raised hv taxation this year for the support of the goverment. of this city is $28,821,885,64. Of this sum the Fire Department costs £1,226.070; the Police Department, $3,805,175; the Board of Education $8,5551,000; and the Board of Charities $1,190,000. It is impossible to ascertain tho amount of the city debt, but the amount required to pay interest on it is $9,176,501. Considering the vast amount of property to which it affords protection. the cost of the Fire Department cannot be considered extravagant.

—A boy undertook to torture a wasp by touching a lighted match to its body. The wasp applied its warm side to the boy’s hand, and as it flew away it gave the boy these words of w’isdom : “ Never try to beat a man at his own game-”

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