APCO Releases Unintended Acceleration Guide Card

In response to the recent safety issues concerning unintended vehicle acceleration, the APCO Institute recently released an Unintended Acceleration Guidecard to assist calltakers and dispatchers in responding to 911 calls related to unintended vehicle acceleration.
“Like all APCO Institute Guidecards, including Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Dispatch and Fire Service, the Unintended Acceleration Guidecard provides the telecommunicator with quick, fingertip access to life-saving information,” APCO International Executive Director George S. Rice, Jr. said.
The Unintended Acceleration Guidecard is based on the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration’s consumer advisory and information from Toyota. Agencies interested in obtaining the Unintended Acceleration Guidecard should email hinesd@apcointl.org.

APCO Institute, a subsidiary of the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials International, is the premier organization addressing educational and certification needs of public safety communications agencies. The Institute offers a selection of affordable training and educational resources for public safety communicators throughout the United States and in the international arena. Instructional offerings range from first-line basic training to supervisory, and communication center management courses, technical testing, agency and agent certification, and Web Seminars addressing current public safety communications issues. APCO Institute offers several training options including certification programs through traditional classroom instruction and APCO Institute Online internet-based training. APCO Virtual College, a cooperative effort between APCO Institute and the Institute for Emergency Preparedness (IEP) offers a degree program in Public Safety Communications. APCO Virtual College is an internet-based distance learning academic program designed for, and directed specifically toward individuals in the public safety communication. For more information, visit www.apcoinstitute.org.
The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International is the world’s oldest and largest professional organization dedicated to the enhancement of public safety communications. APCO International serves the professional needs of its 15,000 members worldwide by creating a platform for setting professional standards, addressing professional issues and providing education, products and services for people who manage, operate, maintain and supply the communications systems used by police, fire, and emergency medical services (EMS) dispatch agencies throughout the world. For more information, visit www.apcointl.org.  

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