The Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) International announced the launch of the Next Generation of Project RETAINS (Responsive Effort To Address Integral Needs in Staffing).
In 2004, as a part of Project RETAINS, APCO International conducted the first nationwide study of staffing and retention in public safety communications centers. The results of this research determined that the national turnover rate for public safety communications personnel was 17 percent, greater than the turnover rate for teachers and nurses. Today, staffing and retention continue to be issues of concern within the public safety communications industry.
“Project RETAINS is the of the most extensive, in-depth research ever conducted of the issues impacting the recruitment, hiring, processing, training and retention of personnel in 911 public safety communications centers,” APCO International President Willis Carter said. “The tools are designed to assist communications center managers, human resource and management and budget department personnel, police chiefs, sheriffs, fire chiefs and elected officials, in addressing the challenges associated with hiring and retaining qualified personnel for this vitally important position.”
In the Next Generation of the RETAINS study, APCO International, in partnership with George Mason University’s Center for Social Science Research (GMU), will be looking at the current state of employee retention nationally and will study the role of the radio dispatcher and how to estimate appropriate staffing levels for this position.
“Next Generation Project RETAINS will take the information collected and tools created a step further by not only assessing any changes in the staffing trends of our industry, but providing the public safety community with updated tools and practices to address these issues,” Carter said.
For more information on Project RETAINS visit